#!/bin/bash # Copyright 2014 Google Inc. # # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. # Syncs //depot/google3/third_party/skia/HEAD to the last known good revision of # Skia. If this script is not run from a Piper client, creates a new CitC # client. Also updates README.google. # # Usage: # ./tools/sync_google3.sh prodcertstatus -q || (echo "Please run prodaccess." 1>&2; exit 1) source gbash.sh || exit 2 set -e MY_DIR="$(gbash::get_absolute_caller_dir)" LKGR="$(${MY_DIR}/get_skia_lkgr.sh)" gbash::get_google3_dir && GOOGLE3="$(gbash::get_google3_dir)" if [ -z "${GOOGLE3}" ]; then CLIENT_NAME="sync_skia_$(date '+%F-%H-%M-%S')" ${MY_DIR}/create_skia_google3_client.sh "${CLIENT_NAME}" GOOGLE3="/google/src/cloud/${USER}/${CLIENT_NAME}/google3" fi cd "${GOOGLE3}/third_party/skia/HEAD" ${MY_DIR}/git_clone_to_google3.sh --skia_rev "${LKGR}" echo "Synced client ${CLIENT_NAME} to ${LKGR}" # Update README.google. sed --in-place "s/^Version: .*/Version: ${LKGR}/" README.google sed --in-place "s/URL: http:\/\/skia.googlesource.com\/skia\/+archive\/.*\.tar\.gz/URL: http:\/\/skia.googlesource.com\/skia\/+archive\/${LKGR}.tar.gz/" README.google CURRENT_DATE=`date '+%d %B %Y'` echo "Updated using sync_google3.sh on $CURRENT_DATE by $USER@google.com" >> README.google # Add README.google to the default change. g4 reopen # Create a new CL. CHANGE="$(g4 change --desc "Update skia HEAD to ${LKGR}.")" CL="$(echo "${CHANGE}" | sed "s/Change \([0-9]\+\) created.*/\1/")" echo "Created CL ${CL} (http://cl/${CL})" # Run presubmit (will run TAP tests). if g4 presubmit -c "${CL}"; then echo "CL is ready for review and submit at http://cl/${CL}" else echo "Presubmit failed for CL ${CL} in client ${CLIENT_NAME}" 1>&2 exit 3 fi