describe('Core canvas behavior', function() { let container = document.createElement('div'); document.body.appendChild(container); const CANVAS_WIDTH = 600; const CANVAS_HEIGHT = 600; beforeEach(function() { container.innerHTML = ` `; }); afterEach(function() { container.innerHTML = ''; }); it('can draw an SkPicture', function(done) { LoadCanvasKit.then(catchException(done, () => { // This is taken from example.html const surface = CanvasKit.MakeCanvasSurface('test'); expect(surface).toBeTruthy('Could not make surface'); if (!surface) { done(); return; } const spr = new CanvasKit.SkPictureRecorder(); const rcanvas = spr.beginRecording( CanvasKit.LTRBRect(0, 0, surface.width(), surface.height())); const paint = new CanvasKit.SkPaint(); paint.setStrokeWidth(2.0); paint.setAntiAlias(true); paint.setColor(CanvasKit.Color(0, 0, 0, 1.0)); paint.setStyle(CanvasKit.PaintStyle.Stroke); rcanvas.drawRoundRect(CanvasKit.LTRBRect(5, 35, 45, 80), 15, 10, paint); const font = new CanvasKit.SkFont(null, 20); rcanvas.drawText('this picture has a round rect', 5, 100, paint, font); const pic = spr.finishRecordingAsPicture(); spr.delete(); const canvas = surface.getCanvas(); canvas.drawPicture(pic); reportSurface(surface, 'picture_test', done); })); }); it('can compute tonal colors', function(done) { LoadCanvasKit.then(catchException(done, () => { const input = { ambient: CanvasKit.BLUE, spot: CanvasKit.RED, }; const out = CanvasKit.computeTonalColors(input); expect(out.ambient).toEqual(CanvasKit.Color(0,0,0,1)); const [r,g,b,a] = CanvasKit.getColorComponents(; expect(r).toEqual(44); expect(g).toEqual(0); expect(b).toEqual(0); expect(a).toBeCloseTo(0.969, 2); done(); })); }); it('can decode and draw a png', function(done) { const imgPromise = fetch('/assets/mandrill_512.png') .then((response) => response.arrayBuffer()); Promise.all([imgPromise, LoadCanvasKit]).then((values) => { const pngData = values[0]; expect(pngData).toBeTruthy(); catchException(done, () => { let img = CanvasKit.MakeImageFromEncoded(pngData); expect(img).toBeTruthy(); const surface = CanvasKit.MakeCanvasSurface('test'); expect(surface).toBeTruthy('Could not make surface') if (!surface) { done(); return; } const canvas = surface.getCanvas(); let paint = new CanvasKit.SkPaint(); canvas.drawImage(img, 0, 0, paint); paint.delete(); img.delete(); reportSurface(surface, 'drawImage_png', done); })(); }); }); it('can decode and draw a jpg', function(done) { const imgPromise = fetch('/assets/mandrill_h1v1.jpg') .then((response) => response.arrayBuffer()); Promise.all([imgPromise, LoadCanvasKit]).then((values) => { const jpgData = values[0]; expect(jpgData).toBeTruthy(); catchException(done, () => { let img = CanvasKit.MakeImageFromEncoded(jpgData); expect(img).toBeTruthy(); const surface = CanvasKit.MakeCanvasSurface('test'); expect(surface).toBeTruthy('Could not make surface') if (!surface) { done(); return; } const canvas = surface.getCanvas(); let paint = new CanvasKit.SkPaint(); canvas.drawImage(img, 0, 0, paint); paint.delete(); img.delete(); reportSurface(surface, 'drawImage_jpg', done); })(); }); }); it('can decode and draw a (still) gif', function(done) { const imgPromise = fetch('/assets/flightAnim.gif') .then((response) => response.arrayBuffer()); Promise.all([imgPromise, LoadCanvasKit]).then((values) => { const gifData = values[0]; expect(gifData).toBeTruthy(); catchException(done, () => { let img = CanvasKit.MakeImageFromEncoded(gifData); expect(img).toBeTruthy(); const surface = CanvasKit.MakeCanvasSurface('test'); expect(surface).toBeTruthy('Could not make surface') if (!surface) { done(); return; } const canvas = surface.getCanvas(); let paint = new CanvasKit.SkPaint(); canvas.drawImage(img, 0, 0, paint); paint.delete(); img.delete(); reportSurface(surface, 'drawImage_gif', done); })(); }); }); it('can decode and draw an animated gif', function(done) { const imgPromise = fetch('/assets/flightAnim.gif') .then((response) => response.arrayBuffer()); Promise.all([imgPromise, LoadCanvasKit]).then((values) => { const gifData = values[0]; expect(gifData).toBeTruthy(); catchException(done, () => { let aImg = CanvasKit.MakeAnimatedImageFromEncoded(gifData); expect(aImg).toBeTruthy(); expect(aImg.getRepetitionCount()).toEqual(-1); // infinite loop const surface = CanvasKit.MakeCanvasSurface('test'); expect(surface).toBeTruthy('Could not make surface') if (!surface) { done(); return; } const canvas = surface.getCanvas(); canvas.drawAnimatedImage(aImg, 0, 0); let c = aImg.decodeNextFrame(); expect(c).not.toEqual(-1); canvas.drawAnimatedImage(aImg, 300, 0); for(let i = 0; i < 10; i++) { c = aImg.decodeNextFrame(); expect(c).not.toEqual(-1); } canvas.drawAnimatedImage(aImg, 0, 300); for(let i = 0; i < 10; i++) { c = aImg.decodeNextFrame(); expect(c).not.toEqual(-1); } canvas.drawAnimatedImage(aImg, 300, 300); aImg.delete(); reportSurface(surface, 'drawDrawable_animated_gif', done); })(); }); }); });