/* * Copyright 2019 Google LLC * * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. */ #include "tools/viewer/ParticlesSlide.h" #include "modules/particles/include/SkParticleEffect.h" #include "modules/particles/include/SkParticleSerialization.h" #include "modules/particles/include/SkReflected.h" #include "modules/skresources/include/SkResources.h" #include "src/core/SkOSFile.h" #include "src/sksl/SkSLByteCode.h" #include "src/utils/SkOSPath.h" #include "tools/Resources.h" #include "tools/viewer/ImGuiLayer.h" #include "imgui.h" using namespace sk_app; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static int InputTextCallback(ImGuiInputTextCallbackData* data) { if (data->EventFlag == ImGuiInputTextFlags_CallbackResize) { SkString* s = (SkString*)data->UserData; SkASSERT(data->Buf == s->writable_str()); SkString tmp(data->Buf, data->BufTextLen); s->swap(tmp); data->Buf = s->writable_str(); } return 0; } static int count_lines(const SkString& s) { int lines = 1; for (size_t i = 0; i < s.size(); ++i) { if (s[i] == '\n') { ++lines; } } return lines; } class SkGuiVisitor : public SkFieldVisitor { public: SkGuiVisitor() { fTreeStack.push_back(true); } void visit(const char* name, float& f) override { fDirty = (fTreeStack.back() && ImGui::DragFloat(item(name), &f)) || fDirty; } void visit(const char* name, int& i) override { fDirty = (fTreeStack.back() && ImGui::DragInt(item(name), &i)) || fDirty; } void visit(const char* name, bool& b) override { fDirty = (fTreeStack.back() && ImGui::Checkbox(item(name), &b)) || fDirty; } void visit(const char* name, SkString& s) override { if (fTreeStack.back()) { int lines = count_lines(s); ImGuiInputTextFlags flags = ImGuiInputTextFlags_CallbackResize; if (lines > 1) { ImGui::LabelText("##Label", "%s", name); ImVec2 boxSize(-1.0f, ImGui::GetTextLineHeight() * (lines + 1)); fDirty = ImGui::InputTextMultiline(item(name), s.writable_str(), s.size() + 1, boxSize, flags, InputTextCallback, &s) || fDirty; } else { fDirty = ImGui::InputText(item(name), s.writable_str(), s.size() + 1, flags, InputTextCallback, &s) || fDirty; } } } void visit(sk_sp& e, const SkReflected::Type* baseType) override { if (fTreeStack.back()) { const SkReflected::Type* curType = e ? e->getType() : nullptr; if (ImGui::BeginCombo("Type", curType ? curType->fName : "Null")) { auto visitType = [baseType, curType, &e, this](const SkReflected::Type* t) { if (t->fFactory && (t == baseType || t->isDerivedFrom(baseType)) && ImGui::Selectable(t->fName, curType == t)) { e = t->fFactory(); fDirty = true; } }; SkReflected::VisitTypes(visitType); ImGui::EndCombo(); } } } void enterObject(const char* name) override { if (fTreeStack.back()) { fTreeStack.push_back(ImGui::TreeNodeEx(item(name), ImGuiTreeNodeFlags_AllowItemOverlap)); } else { fTreeStack.push_back(false); } } void exitObject() override { if (fTreeStack.back()) { ImGui::TreePop(); } fTreeStack.pop_back(); } int enterArray(const char* name, int oldCount) override { this->enterObject(item(name)); fArrayCounterStack.push_back(0); fArrayEditStack.push_back(); int count = oldCount; if (fTreeStack.back()) { ImGui::SameLine(); if (ImGui::Button("+")) { ++count; fDirty = true; } } return count; } ArrayEdit exitArray() override { fArrayCounterStack.pop_back(); auto edit = fArrayEditStack.back(); fArrayEditStack.pop_back(); this->exitObject(); return edit; } bool fDirty = false; private: const char* item(const char* name) { if (name) { return name; } // We're in an array. Add extra controls and a dynamic label. int index = fArrayCounterStack.back()++; ArrayEdit& edit(fArrayEditStack.back()); fScratchLabel = SkStringPrintf("[%d]", index); ImGui::PushID(index); if (ImGui::Button("X")) { edit.fVerb = ArrayEdit::Verb::kRemove; edit.fIndex = index; fDirty = true; } ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::PopID(); return fScratchLabel.c_str(); } SkSTArray<16, bool, true> fTreeStack; SkSTArray<16, int, true> fArrayCounterStack; SkSTArray<16, ArrayEdit, true> fArrayEditStack; SkString fScratchLabel; }; ParticlesSlide::ParticlesSlide() { // Register types for serialization SkParticleEffect::RegisterParticleTypes(); fName = "Particles"; fResourceProvider = skresources::FileResourceProvider::Make(GetResourcePath()); } void ParticlesSlide::loadEffects(const char* dirname) { fLoaded.reset(); fRunning.reset(); SkOSFile::Iter iter(dirname, ".json"); for (SkString file; iter.next(&file); ) { LoadedEffect effect; effect.fName = SkOSPath::Join(dirname, file.c_str()); effect.fParams.reset(new SkParticleEffectParams()); if (auto fileData = SkData::MakeFromFileName(effect.fName.c_str())) { skjson::DOM dom(static_cast(fileData->data()), fileData->size()); SkFromJsonVisitor fromJson(dom.root()); effect.fParams->visitFields(&fromJson); effect.fParams->prepare(fResourceProvider.get()); fLoaded.push_back(effect); } } } void ParticlesSlide::load(SkScalar winWidth, SkScalar winHeight) { this->loadEffects(GetResourcePath("particles").c_str()); } void ParticlesSlide::draw(SkCanvas* canvas) { canvas->clear(SK_ColorGRAY); // Window to show all loaded effects, and allow playing them if (ImGui::Begin("Library", nullptr, ImGuiWindowFlags_AlwaysVerticalScrollbar)) { static bool looped = true; ImGui::Checkbox("Looped", &looped); static SkString dirname = GetResourcePath("particles"); ImGuiInputTextFlags textFlags = ImGuiInputTextFlags_CallbackResize; ImGui::InputText("Directory", dirname.writable_str(), dirname.size() + 1, textFlags, InputTextCallback, &dirname); if (ImGui::Button("New")) { LoadedEffect effect; effect.fName = SkOSPath::Join(dirname.c_str(), "new.json"); effect.fParams.reset(new SkParticleEffectParams()); fLoaded.push_back(effect); } ImGui::SameLine(); if (ImGui::Button("Load")) { this->loadEffects(dirname.c_str()); } ImGui::SameLine(); if (ImGui::Button("Save")) { for (const auto& effect : fLoaded) { SkFILEWStream fileStream(effect.fName.c_str()); if (fileStream.isValid()) { SkJSONWriter writer(&fileStream, SkJSONWriter::Mode::kPretty); SkToJsonVisitor toJson(writer); writer.beginObject(); effect.fParams->visitFields(&toJson); writer.endObject(); writer.flush(); fileStream.flush(); } else { SkDebugf("Failed to open %s\n", effect.fName.c_str()); } } } SkGuiVisitor gui; for (int i = 0; i < fLoaded.count(); ++i) { ImGui::PushID(i); if (fAnimated && ImGui::Button("Play")) { sk_sp effect(new SkParticleEffect(fLoaded[i].fParams, fRandom)); effect->start(fAnimationTime, looped); fRunning.push_back({ fLoaded[i].fName, effect, false }); fRandom.nextU(); } ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::InputText("##Name", fLoaded[i].fName.writable_str(), fLoaded[i].fName.size() + 1, textFlags, InputTextCallback, &fLoaded[i].fName); if (ImGui::TreeNode("##Details")) { fLoaded[i].fParams->visitFields(&gui); ImGui::TreePop(); if (gui.fDirty) { fLoaded[i].fParams->prepare(fResourceProvider.get()); gui.fDirty = false; } } ImGui::PopID(); } } ImGui::End(); // Most effects are centered around the origin, so we shift the canvas... constexpr SkVector kTranslation = { 250.0f, 250.0f }; const SkPoint mousePos = fMousePos - kTranslation; // Another window to show all the running effects if (ImGui::Begin("Running")) { for (int i = 0; i < fRunning.count(); ++i) { SkParticleEffect* effect = fRunning[i].fEffect.get(); ImGui::PushID(effect); ImGui::Checkbox("##Track", &fRunning[i].fTrackMouse); ImGui::SameLine(); bool remove = ImGui::Button("X") || !effect->isAlive(); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::Text("%5d %s", effect->getCount(), fRunning[i].fName.c_str()); if (fRunning[i].fTrackMouse) { effect->setPosition(mousePos); } auto uniformsGui = [mousePos](const SkSL::ByteCode* code, float* data) { if (!code || !data) { return; } for (int i = 0; i < code->getUniformCount(); ++i) { const auto& uni = code->getUniform(i); float* vals = data + uni.fSlot; // Skip over builtin uniforms, to reduce clutter if (uni.fName == "dt" || uni.fName.startsWith("effect.")) { continue; } // Special case for 'uniform float2 mouse_pos' - an example of likely app logic if (uni.fName == "mouse_pos" && uni.fType == SkSL::TypeCategory::kFloat && uni.fRows == 2 && uni.fColumns == 1) { vals[0] = mousePos.fX; vals[1] = mousePos.fY; continue; } if (uni.fType == SkSL::TypeCategory::kBool) { for (int c = 0; c < uni.fColumns; ++c, vals += uni.fRows) { for (int r = 0; r < uni.fRows; ++r, ++vals) { ImGui::PushID(c*uni.fRows + r); if (r > 0) { ImGui::SameLine(); } ImGui::CheckboxFlags(r == uni.fRows - 1 ? uni.fName.c_str() : "##Hidden", (unsigned int*)vals, ~0); ImGui::PopID(); } } continue; } ImGuiDataType dataType = ImGuiDataType_COUNT; switch (uni.fType) { case SkSL::TypeCategory::kSigned: dataType = ImGuiDataType_S32; break; case SkSL::TypeCategory::kUnsigned: dataType = ImGuiDataType_U32; break; case SkSL::TypeCategory::kFloat: dataType = ImGuiDataType_Float; break; default: break; } SkASSERT(dataType != ImGuiDataType_COUNT); for (int c = 0; c < uni.fColumns; ++c, vals += uni.fRows) { ImGui::PushID(c); ImGui::DragScalarN(uni.fName.c_str(), dataType, vals, uni.fRows, 1.0f); ImGui::PopID(); } } }; uniformsGui(effect->effectCode(), effect->effectUniforms()); uniformsGui(effect->particleCode(), effect->particleUniforms()); auto showDisassembly = [](const SkSL::ByteCode* code) { if (!code) { return; } SkSL::String result; for (int i = 0; i < code->getFunctionCount(); ++i) { if (i != 0) { result.append("\n"); } const SkSL::ByteCodeFunction* f = code->getFunction(i); result.appendf("%s\n%s", f->name().c_str(), code->disassembleFunction(f).c_str()); } ImGui::TextUnformatted(result.c_str()); }; if (ImGui::TreeNode("Disassembly")) { showDisassembly(effect->effectCode()); showDisassembly(effect->particleCode()); ImGui::TreePop(); } if (remove) { fRunning.removeShuffle(i); } ImGui::PopID(); } } ImGui::End(); canvas->save(); canvas->translate(kTranslation.fX, kTranslation.fY); for (const auto& effect : fRunning) { effect.fEffect->draw(canvas); } canvas->restore(); } bool ParticlesSlide::animate(double nanos) { fAnimated = true; fAnimationTime = 1e-9 * nanos; for (const auto& effect : fRunning) { effect.fEffect->update(fAnimationTime); } return true; } bool ParticlesSlide::onMouse(SkScalar x, SkScalar y, skui::InputState state, skui::ModifierKey modifiers) { fMousePos.set(x, y); return false; }