/* * Copyright 2010 Google Inc. * * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. */ #ifndef GrColor_DEFINED #define GrColor_DEFINED #include "GrTypes.h" #include "SkColor.h" #include "SkColorPriv.h" #include "SkUnPreMultiply.h" /** * GrColor is 4 bytes for R, G, B, A, in a specific order defined below. Whether the color is * premultiplied or not depends on the context in which it is being used. */ typedef uint32_t GrColor; // shift amount to assign a component to a GrColor int // These shift values are chosen for compatibility with GL attrib arrays // ES doesn't allow BGRA vertex attrib order so if they were not in this order // we'd have to swizzle in shaders. #ifdef SK_CPU_BENDIAN #define GrColor_SHIFT_R 24 #define GrColor_SHIFT_G 16 #define GrColor_SHIFT_B 8 #define GrColor_SHIFT_A 0 #else #define GrColor_SHIFT_R 0 #define GrColor_SHIFT_G 8 #define GrColor_SHIFT_B 16 #define GrColor_SHIFT_A 24 #endif /** * Pack 4 components (RGBA) into a GrColor int */ static inline GrColor GrColorPackRGBA(unsigned r, unsigned g, unsigned b, unsigned a) { SkASSERT((uint8_t)r == r); SkASSERT((uint8_t)g == g); SkASSERT((uint8_t)b == b); SkASSERT((uint8_t)a == a); return (r << GrColor_SHIFT_R) | (g << GrColor_SHIFT_G) | (b << GrColor_SHIFT_B) | (a << GrColor_SHIFT_A); } /** * Packs a color with an alpha channel replicated across all four channels. */ static inline GrColor GrColorPackA4(unsigned a) { SkASSERT((uint8_t)a == a); return (a << GrColor_SHIFT_R) | (a << GrColor_SHIFT_G) | (a << GrColor_SHIFT_B) | (a << GrColor_SHIFT_A); } // extract a component (byte) from a GrColor int #define GrColorUnpackR(color) (((color) >> GrColor_SHIFT_R) & 0xFF) #define GrColorUnpackG(color) (((color) >> GrColor_SHIFT_G) & 0xFF) #define GrColorUnpackB(color) (((color) >> GrColor_SHIFT_B) & 0xFF) #define GrColorUnpackA(color) (((color) >> GrColor_SHIFT_A) & 0xFF) /** * Since premultiplied means that alpha >= color, we construct a color with * each component==255 and alpha == 0 to be "illegal" */ #define GrColor_ILLEGAL (~(0xFF << GrColor_SHIFT_A)) #define GrColor_WHITE 0xFFFFFFFF #define GrColor_TRANSPARENT_BLACK 0x0 /** * Assert in debug builds that a GrColor is premultiplied. */ static inline void GrColorIsPMAssert(GrColor SkDEBUGCODE(c)) { #ifdef SK_DEBUG unsigned a = GrColorUnpackA(c); unsigned r = GrColorUnpackR(c); unsigned g = GrColorUnpackG(c); unsigned b = GrColorUnpackB(c); SkASSERT(r <= a); SkASSERT(g <= a); SkASSERT(b <= a); #endif } static inline GrColor GrColorMul(GrColor c0, GrColor c1) { U8CPU r = SkMulDiv255Round(GrColorUnpackR(c0), GrColorUnpackR(c1)); U8CPU g = SkMulDiv255Round(GrColorUnpackG(c0), GrColorUnpackG(c1)); U8CPU b = SkMulDiv255Round(GrColorUnpackB(c0), GrColorUnpackB(c1)); U8CPU a = SkMulDiv255Round(GrColorUnpackA(c0), GrColorUnpackA(c1)); return GrColorPackRGBA(r, g, b, a); } /** Converts a GrColor to an rgba array of GrGLfloat */ static inline void GrColorToRGBAFloat(GrColor color, float rgba[4]) { static const float ONE_OVER_255 = 1.f / 255.f; rgba[0] = GrColorUnpackR(color) * ONE_OVER_255; rgba[1] = GrColorUnpackG(color) * ONE_OVER_255; rgba[2] = GrColorUnpackB(color) * ONE_OVER_255; rgba[3] = GrColorUnpackA(color) * ONE_OVER_255; } /** Normalizes and coverts an uint8_t to a float. [0, 255] -> [0.0, 1.0] */ static inline float GrNormalizeByteToFloat(uint8_t value) { static const float ONE_OVER_255 = 1.f / 255.f; return value * ONE_OVER_255; } /** Determines whether the color is opaque or not. */ static inline bool GrColorIsOpaque(GrColor color) { return (color & (0xFFU << GrColor_SHIFT_A)) == (0xFFU << GrColor_SHIFT_A); } static inline GrColor GrPremulColor(GrColor color) { unsigned r = GrColorUnpackR(color); unsigned g = GrColorUnpackG(color); unsigned b = GrColorUnpackB(color); unsigned a = GrColorUnpackA(color); return GrColorPackRGBA(SkMulDiv255Round(r, a), SkMulDiv255Round(g, a), SkMulDiv255Round(b, a), a); } /** Returns an unpremuled version of the GrColor. */ static inline GrColor GrUnpremulColor(GrColor color) { GrColorIsPMAssert(color); unsigned r = GrColorUnpackR(color); unsigned g = GrColorUnpackG(color); unsigned b = GrColorUnpackB(color); unsigned a = GrColorUnpackA(color); SkPMColor colorPM = SkPackARGB32(a, r, g, b); SkColor colorUPM = SkUnPreMultiply::PMColorToColor(colorPM); r = SkColorGetR(colorUPM); g = SkColorGetG(colorUPM); b = SkColorGetB(colorUPM); a = SkColorGetA(colorUPM); return GrColorPackRGBA(r, g, b, a); } /** * Similarly, GrColor4f is 4 floats for R, G, B, A, in that order. And like GrColor, whether * the color is premultiplied or not depends on the context. */ struct GrColor4f { float fRGBA[4]; GrColor4f() {} GrColor4f(float r, float g, float b, float a) { fRGBA[0] = r; fRGBA[1] = g; fRGBA[2] = b; fRGBA[3] = a; } enum Illegal_Constructor { kIllegalConstructor }; GrColor4f(Illegal_Constructor) { fRGBA[0] = SK_FloatNaN; fRGBA[1] = SK_FloatNaN; fRGBA[2] = SK_FloatNaN; fRGBA[3] = SK_FloatNaN; } static GrColor4f OpaqueWhite() { return GrColor4f(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); } static GrColor4f TransparentBlack() { return GrColor4f(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); } static GrColor4f FromGrColor(GrColor color) { GrColor4f result; GrColorToRGBAFloat(color, result.fRGBA); return result; } template static GrColor4f FromRGBA4f(const SkRGBA4f& color) { return GrColor4f(color.fR, color.fG, color.fB, color.fA); } bool operator==(const GrColor4f& other) const { return fRGBA[0] == other.fRGBA[0] && fRGBA[1] == other.fRGBA[1] && fRGBA[2] == other.fRGBA[2] && fRGBA[3] == other.fRGBA[3]; } bool operator!=(const GrColor4f& other) const { return !(*this == other); } GrColor toGrColor() const { return GrColorPackRGBA( static_cast(SkTPin(fRGBA[0], 0.0f,1.0f) * 255 + 0.5f), static_cast(SkTPin(fRGBA[1], 0.0f,1.0f) * 255 + 0.5f), static_cast(SkTPin(fRGBA[2], 0.0f,1.0f) * 255 + 0.5f), static_cast(SkTPin(fRGBA[3], 0.0f,1.0f) * 255 + 0.5f)); } template SkRGBA4f asRGBA4f() const { return SkRGBA4f { fRGBA[0], fRGBA[1], fRGBA[2], fRGBA[3] }; } GrColor4f opaque() const { return GrColor4f(fRGBA[0], fRGBA[1], fRGBA[2], 1.0f); } bool isOpaque() const { return fRGBA[3] >= 1.f; // just in case precision causes a superopaque value. } GrColor4f premul() const { float a = fRGBA[3]; return GrColor4f(fRGBA[0] * a, fRGBA[1] * a, fRGBA[2] * a, a); } GrColor4f unpremul() const { float a = fRGBA[3]; if (a <= 0.0f) { return GrColor4f(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); } float invAlpha = 1.0f / a; return GrColor4f(fRGBA[0] * invAlpha, fRGBA[1] * invAlpha, fRGBA[2] * invAlpha, a); } }; #endif