/* * Copyright 2017 Google Inc. * * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. */ #include "bookmaker.h" // could make this more elaborate and look up the example definition in the bmh file; // see if a simpler hint provided is sufficient static bool report_error(const char* blockName, const char* errorMessage) { SkDebugf("%s: %s\n", blockName, errorMessage); return false; } bool FiddleBase::parseFiddles() { if (fStack.empty()) { return false; } JsonStatus* status = &fStack.back(); while (status->fIter != status->fObject.end()) { const char* blockName = status->fIter.memberName(); Definition* example = nullptr; string textString; if (!status->fObject.isObject()) { return report_error(blockName, "expected object"); } for (auto iter = status->fIter->begin(); status->fIter->end() != iter; ++iter) { const char* memberName = iter.memberName(); if (!strcmp("compile_errors", memberName)) { if (!iter->isArray()) { return report_error(blockName, "expected array"); } if (iter->size()) { return report_error(blockName, "fiddle compiler error"); } continue; } if (!strcmp("runtime_error", memberName)) { if (!iter->isString()) { return report_error(blockName, "expected string 1"); } if (iter->asString().length()) { return report_error(blockName, "fiddle runtime error"); } continue; } if (!strcmp("fiddleHash", memberName)) { if (!iter->isString()) { return report_error(blockName, "expected string 2"); } example = this->findExample(blockName); if (!example) { return report_error(blockName, "missing example"); } if (example->fHash.length() && example->fHash != iter->asString()) { return example->reportError("mismatched hash"); } example->fHash = iter->asString(); continue; } if (!strcmp("text", memberName)) { if (!iter->isString()) { return report_error(blockName, "expected string 3"); } textString = iter->asString(); continue; } return report_error(blockName, "unexpected key"); } if (!example) { return report_error(blockName, "missing fiddleHash"); } size_t strLen = textString.length(); if (strLen) { if (fTextOut && !this->textOut(example, textString.c_str(), textString.c_str() + strLen)) { return false; } } else if (fPngOut && !this->pngOut(example)) { return false; } status->fIter++; } return true; } bool FiddleParser::textOut(Definition* example, const char* stdOutStart, const char* stdOutEnd) { bool foundStdOut = false; for (auto& textOut : example->fChildren) { if (MarkType::kStdOut != textOut->fMarkType) { continue; } foundStdOut = true; bool foundVolatile = false; for (auto& stdOutChild : textOut->fChildren) { if (MarkType::kVolatile == stdOutChild->fMarkType) { foundVolatile = true; break; } } TextParser bmh(textOut); EscapeParser fiddle(stdOutStart, stdOutEnd); do { bmh.skipWhiteSpace(); fiddle.skipWhiteSpace(); const char* bmhEnd = bmh.trimmedLineEnd(); const char* fiddleEnd = fiddle.trimmedLineEnd(); ptrdiff_t bmhLen = bmhEnd - bmh.fChar; SkASSERT(bmhLen > 0); ptrdiff_t fiddleLen = fiddleEnd - fiddle.fChar; SkASSERT(fiddleLen > 0); if (bmhLen != fiddleLen) { if (!foundVolatile) { bmh.reportError("mismatched stdout len\n"); } } else if (strncmp(bmh.fChar, fiddle.fChar, fiddleLen)) { if (!foundVolatile) { SkDebugf("%.*s\n", fiddleLen, fiddle.fChar); bmh.reportError("mismatched stdout text\n"); } } bmh.skipToLineStart(); fiddle.skipToLineStart(); } while (!bmh.eof() && !fiddle.eof()); if (!foundStdOut) { bmh.reportError("bmh %s missing stdout\n"); } else if (!bmh.eof() || !fiddle.eof()) { if (!foundVolatile) { bmh.reportError("%s mismatched stdout eof\n"); } } } return true; }