a able abort aborted aborts about above abruptly absolute abstract abut access accessed accessible accompanying account accounted achieved acronym across active actual actually add added adding additional additionally address addressable adds adjacent adjusted adjusting adjustment adjustments adjusts advance advances advantage advantages affect affected affecting affects after again agree agrees algorithm algorithms align aligned alignment aligns alike all allocate allocated allocates allocating allocation allocations allow allowed allowing allows along also alter altered altering alternating alternative alters although altogether always among amount an anchor and angle angles animating animation annotate annotation annotations another answer anticipating any anywhere appear appears append appended appending appends applied applies apply applying approach approximate approximated approximately approximates approximation are area argument arguments arithmetic arms arrangement arranges array arrays arrow artifacts as ascending ascent aspect assert asserts assigned assigning assignment associate associated associates associating assumed asynchronous asynchronously at attach attached attempt attribute attributes auxiliary available average averaged averages avoid avoiding away axes axis axis-aligned back back-end backed background backing balance balancing banding bare base based baseline be bearing because become becomes been before begin beginning begins behaves behavior being below beneath best better between bevel beveled beyond binary bit bit-field bits black bleed bleeding bleeds blend blended blending blends blob blobs blue blur blurred blurs bold bone bordered both bottom bottom-left bottom-right boundaries bounded bounding bounds box brace-delimited breaking brightened brighter brightness brush buffer bug bugs build builder building builds built but butt by byte bytes cache cached caches caching calculation call callback called caller calling calls can cannot canonical cap capabilities capacity caps captured captures capturing care case cases cast casts cause causes center centered centers change changed changes changing channel channels char character characteristics characters check checked checkerboard checkerboards checking checks choice choose chooses choosing chosen circular clamped class classifies clean cleans clear cleared clearing clears client clip clipped clipping clips clock clockwise close closed closely closes closest clusters code codec codes collapse collects colored colors column columns combination combinations combine combined combines combining comma command commands commas common commonly communicates compact compare compared compares comparison compatibility compatible compile compiled compiler complete completely completes complex complexity complicated component components composed composite compositing composition compressed computation computations compute computed computes computing concatenated concatenates concatenation concave concert condensed condition configuration conical connect connected connecting connects consecutive conservative conservatively consider consideration considered considers consistent consists const constant constants constrained constraint construct constructed constructing construction constructions constructor constructs consumption contain contained container containers containing containment contains content contents context contexts contextual contiguous continue continues continuing continuous contrast contribute contributing contribution control controls convenience conveniences conversion convert converted converting converts convex convexity coordinate coordinates copied copies copy copying corner corners correct correctly correspond corresponding corresponds corrupt corrupting cosine could count counterclockwise counts coverage covered covering covers crash create created creates creating creator criteria critical cross cull culled culling cumulatively current curvature curving custom cyan dark darken darkening darker dashed dashes dashing debug decimal decimated declaring decode decoded decoders decodes decoding decomposed decomposes decomposing decrease decreased decreases decreasing decrements default defaults defer deferred defers define defined defines defining definition deform deformations degenerate degree degrees delete deleted deletes deleting dependent depending depends deprecated depth descent describe described describes describing description descriptions descriptor designate desired destination destinations destruct destructed details detected determine determined determines devices diagonal diagonally diameter did differ difference different differently differing differs digits dilates dimension dimensional dimensionless dimensions direct direction directly directory disable disabled disabling discard discarded discarding discards discrete display displayed displays distance distinct distribute distributed dither dithering divide divided divides dividing division divisions divisor do document-based documentation documenting does done dot dotted double down downgrading downscale downward draw drawing drawn draws due duplicate duplicates duplicating during dynamically each early easier edge edges edited editing effect effectively effects efficient efficiently eight either element elements eliminate ellipse ellipses elliptical else embedded empty enabled enables encapsulating enclose enclosed enclosing encode encoded encoder encoders encodes encoding encompasses end ending ends engine engines enlarge enough ensure ensuring entire entries entry enumeration environment equal equaling equality equally equals equivalent equivalents erases erroneously error evaluated even even-numbered even-odd evenly eventually ever every exact exactly exaggerates examined example exceed exceeds exceptions excess exchanged exchanges exchanging exclude excluded exclusive executing execution exhausted existing expanded expansion expected expecting explicit explicitly exponent exposed expression extend extended extends extension extensive extent extra extract eye face faces factor factored factors fail failing fails failure fake fall false far fast faster fastest favor feature features fewer fidelity field fields figure file fill filled filling fills filter filtered filtering filters final finalized finally find fine finite first fit fits fitted five fix fixed flag flags flattening flexibility float floating floats flow flush flushed flushes followed following follows fonts for force forced form format formats formed former forming forms formula found four fourth fractional fragment frame frames framework free freed freedom frees fringing from front full fully function functionality functions further future fuzzy gamma gamut gap gaps general generate generated generates generator generic geometric geometrically geometries geometry get gets gigabyte gigabytes given gives global globally go goes good gradient gradients graphics gray gray-level greater greatest green grid grows guarantee guaranteed guard had hairline hairlines half half-precision halved hand handle handling hands happens hard hardware has hash hashes have heap height help helper helpers helpful here hexadecimal hidden hierarchical high higher highest hint hinted hinting hints hit hitting hold holding holds hole holes horizontal horizontally host hosts hour how however hue hyperbola hyperbolic idea identical identically identifier identifies identify identifying identity if ignore ignored ignores ignoring illegal image-generator images immediate immediately immutable imperceptible implement implementation implementations implemented implementing implements implicitly improve improves improving in inaccessible include included includes including incompatible incomplete inconsistent incorrect incorrectly increase increased increases increasing increment incremented increments indefinitely independent independently index indicated indicates indicating indices indistinguishable individual individually inefficient infinite infinities infinity influence info inform information initial initialize initialized initializes initializing initially inline inner input insert inserts inset insets inside inspected installed instance instantaneous instantiated instantiation instantiations instead instruct instructs integer integers integral intensity intercepted intercepts interchangeably interest interface interior interleaved interleaving intermediate internal internally interpolate interpolated interpolates interpolation interpret interpreted interrupted interruption intersect intersected intersecting intersection intersections intersects interval into introduces introducing invalid invalidate inverse inversely inverted investigated invoked irregular is issues issuing it italic items iterate iterated iterates iterating iteration iterator its itself join joins just keep keeping key-value known large largely larger largest last late later layout lazily leading least leave leaves leaving left left-aligned left-bottom left-top leftmost legacy legal length lengthens lengths less lessens lesser lets letters level levels lifetime light lighten lighter lightness lightweight like likes limit limitation limited limits linear linearity list loaded local locally located locates location locations logical longer look looks lookup loop loops lose loss lost low lower lower-case lower-left lowest luminosity made magenta magnified magnitude magnitudes main maintained maintains major make makes making manage managed manager manages managing mandrill manipulating many map mapped mapping mappings maps mark marked marking marks mashup mask masked masks match matches matching mathematically maximum may maybe mean meaning meaningful means measurable measure measured measures measuring mechanism meet member members memory mesh met method methods metric metrics middle midpoint might mimics minimally minimum minor minus minute mirrors mismatched misnamed missing miter mode modes modification modifications modified modifier modifies modify modifying modulate modulated modulo monitor monitors more most mostly move moved moves moving multiple multiple-pass multiplied multiplier multipliers multiplies multiply multiplying must muted name named names narrower narrowing narrows native near nearby nearly necessarily necessary need needed needs negative nested never new newly next nibble nine no non-homogeneous non-monochrome non-rectangular non-square non-volatile non-zero none nor normal normalize normalized normally not note nothing noticeable notifies now null null-terminated number numbers numeric numerically object objects oblique obtain occupies odd of off offers offset offsets often on on-demand once one only onto opacity opaque opaqueness open opened operand operate operates operating operation operations operator operators opposite optimal optimally optimizations optimize optimized option optional optionally options or order ordered organization organizes orient orientation origin original origins other others otherwise out outcome outer outline outlines output outset outsets outside outstanding over overall overdraw overflow overflows overhead overlap overlapping overlaps overlaying overlays overridden override overrides overriding overwrite overwriting overwritten own owned owner owners ownership owning pack packed packing padding painted paints pair paired pairs parabola parabolic parallel parameter parameters parsed parsing part partial partially parts pass passed passes passing past pattern patterns peek peeked peeking pen penalty pending per perception perform performance performed performing performs permit permits permitted permitting perpendicular perspective perspective-scale perspective-x perspective-y physical piece pieces pin pinned pins pipeline pivot pixel-based pixels place placeholder placement places plane planes platform platform-specific platforms play playback played plus pointer pointers pointing polygon polygonal polynomial pop port portion position positioned positioning positions positive positives possible possibly potentially power practice preceded preceding precise precision predefined predictable predicted prepare present preserve preserved preserves preserving pressure prevent prevents previous previously primarily primitives printed prior private process processed processes processing processors produce produces product progressively promoted promoting properties proportion proportional proportionally proportionately provide provided provides providing pt public pulled punches purposes put quadratic quality quantity quarter quick quickly race radii radius range ranges ranging rarely raster rather ratio raw read read-only readable reader reading reads really reassign receive receiver receives receiving reciprocal recognized recommended recompute recomputed reconstruct reconstruction reconstructs recorded recording records recreates rectangle rectangles rectangular red reduce reduced reducing reference referenced references referred referring refers reflect reflection regardless related relative relaxed release released releases releasing relies rely remain remainder remaining remains remove removed removes removing render rendered rendering repeated repeatedly replace replaced replacement replaces replacing replays replicate replicated replicates report reports represent representation representations representative represented representing represents request requested requests require required requirements requires requiring resemble reserve reserved reset resets reside residing resolution resolves resource resources respect respects responsible restore restored restores restoring restrict restricted restriction restrictive restricts result resulting results retain retained retains retrieve retrieved retrieves retroactive return returned returning returns reused reveals reverse reversed reverses revert rewinds right right-bottom right-top rightmost root rotate rotate-x rotate-y rotated rotates rotating rotation roughly round rounded rounding rounds route routes routines row rows rule rules run runs safe safely safer same sample sampled samples sampling sanitized satisfies satisfy satisfying saturation savable save saved saves scale scale-x scale-y scaled scales scaling scan scene scope screen second second-order section sections see seek seeks segment segments select selecting selectively selector selects semaphore semaphores sensitive sent separate separately sequence serial serialized series service set sets setting settings shadow shadows shallow shape shapes shaping share shareable shared shares sharing sharp shear shift shifts short shorter shorthand should show shows shrink shrinks side sides sign signal signaled signed signs similar similarity simple simplifies simplify simply since single single-pass singly six sized sizes skew skewing skews skip skipped skips slant slightly slow slower slowest small smaller smallest smart smooth smoother snapshot so soft sole solely solid solution some sometimes soon sort sorted sorts source space spaced spacing span spanned spans special specialization specializations specialized specializes specific specification specifics specified specifies specify specifying speed speeds spirit square squared squares stack stage stages standard standards stands start started starting starts state states stationary stay stays std step steps still stock stop stops storage store stored stores storing straight straight-line streams strength stretched strictly strikeout strings stripe stripes striping stroke stroked strokes stroking struct studio style stylistic sub-pixel subclass submitting subsequent subsequently subset substitution subtle subtract subtracted subtracts succeed succeeded succeeds success successful successfully successive such sufficient suggests sum summing supplied supplies supply supplying support supported supports suppress surrogate swapped swaps sweep sweeping sweeps switches symbol symmetrically synchronous system tables take taken takes taking taller tangent tangents target targets techniques television temporary ten terminate terminated test tested tests textual textures than that the their them then there therefore these they thick thickness thin thinner thinnest third third-order this those though thought thread threads three three-dimensional through thus tight tile tiles tiling time times to together toggled too top top-left top-right total totaling touches towards tracked tracks trades trading traditional transferred transferring transfers transform transformation transformations transformed transforming transforms transition transitions translate translated translates translating translation translucent transparency transparent travel traveled treat treated treating treats triangle trigger triggered triggers trimmed trivial true try turned turns twice two two-dimensional type types typically typographic unaffected unaltered unchanged unchanging uncompressed undefined under underline underlines underlying unequal unfilled uniform uniformly uninitialized union unions unique unit unknown unless unlike unlikely unmodified unrelated unsigned unsorted unsuccessful until untouched unused up update updates upload uploaded upper upper-case upper-left upright upward usage use used useful user uses using utility valid validate validated validity value values variable variant variants variation varies various vary varying verb verify version vertical vertically very via video views virtual visible visibly visual visually volatile wait waited waiting warning warnings was way ways wedge weight weighted well well-defined were whatever wheel when where whether which whichever while white whole whose wide wide-open widens wider width widths will wind winding windows winds with within without word words work works world would wrap wrapped wraps writable write writes writing written wrong x-axis x-coordinate x-radii y-axis y-coordinate y-radii yellow z-axis zero zeroed zeroes zoom