/* * Copyright 2017 Google Inc. * * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. */ #ifndef ChromeTracingTracer_DEFINED #define ChromeTracingTracer_DEFINED #include "EventTracingPriv.h" #include "SkEventTracer.h" #include "SkSpinlock.h" #include "SkString.h" #include "SkTHash.h" class SkJSONWriter; /** * A SkEventTracer implementation that logs events to JSON for viewing with chrome://tracing. */ class ChromeTracingTracer : public SkEventTracer { public: ChromeTracingTracer(const char* filename); ~ChromeTracingTracer() override; SkEventTracer::Handle addTraceEvent(char phase, const uint8_t* categoryEnabledFlag, const char* name, uint64_t id, int numArgs, const char** argNames, const uint8_t* argTypes, const uint64_t* argValues, uint8_t flags) override; void updateTraceEventDuration(const uint8_t* categoryEnabledFlag, const char* name, SkEventTracer::Handle handle) override; const uint8_t* getCategoryGroupEnabled(const char* name) override { return fCategories.getCategoryGroupEnabled(name); } const char* getCategoryGroupName(const uint8_t* categoryEnabledFlag) override { return fCategories.getCategoryGroupName(categoryEnabledFlag); } private: void flush(); enum { // Events are variable size, but most commonly 48 bytes, assuming 64-bit pointers and // reasonable packing. This is a first guess at a number that balances memory usage vs. // time overhead of allocating blocks. kBlockSize = 512 * 1024, }; typedef std::unique_ptr BlockPtr; struct TraceEventBlock { BlockPtr fBlock; int fEventsInBlock; }; void createBlock(); Handle appendEvent(const void* data, size_t size); SkString fFilename; SkSpinlock fMutex; SkEventTracingCategories fCategories; TraceEventBlock fCurBlock; size_t fCurBlockUsed; SkTArray fBlocks; }; #endif