#!/usr/bin/env python # # Copyright 2016 Google Inc. # # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. # Generate Android.bp for Skia from GN configuration. import json import os import pprint import string import subprocess import tempfile # First we start off with a template for Android.bp, # with holes for source lists and include directories. bp = string.Template('''// This file is autogenerated by gn_to_bp.py. cc_library { name: "libskia", cflags: [ "-fexceptions", "-Wno-unused-parameter", "-U_FORTIFY_SOURCE", "-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=1", "-DSKIA_IMPLEMENTATION=1", ], export_include_dirs: [ $export_includes ], local_include_dirs: [ $local_includes ], srcs: [ $srcs ], arch: { arm: { srcs: [ $arm_srcs ], armv7_a_neon: { srcs: [ $arm_neon_srcs ], }, }, arm64: { srcs: [ $arm64_srcs ], }, mips: { srcs: [ $none_srcs ], }, mips64: { srcs: [ $none_srcs ], }, x86: { srcs: [ $x86_srcs ], }, x86_64: { srcs: [ $x86_srcs ], }, }, shared_libs: [ "libEGL", "libGLESv2", "libdng_sdk", "libexpat", "libft2", "libicui18n", "libicuuc", "libjpeg", "liblog", "libpiex", "libpng", "libvulkan", "libz", ], static_libs: [ "libsfntly", "libwebp-decode", "libwebp-encode", ], }''') # We'll run GN to get the main source lists and include directories for Skia. gn_args = { 'skia_enable_vulkan_debug_layers': 'false', 'skia_use_system_expat': 'true', 'skia_use_vulkan': 'true', 'target_cpu': '"none"', 'target_os': '"android"', } gn_args = ' '.join(sorted('%s=%s' % (k,v) for (k,v) in gn_args.iteritems())) tmp = tempfile.mkdtemp() subprocess.check_call(['gn', 'gen', tmp, '--args=%s' % gn_args, '--ide=json']) js = json.load(open(os.path.join(tmp, 'project.json'))) def strip_slashes(lst): return [str(p.lstrip('/')) for p in lst] srcs = strip_slashes(js['targets']['//:skia']['sources']) local_includes = strip_slashes(js['targets']['//:skia']['include_dirs']) export_includes = strip_slashes(js['targets']['//:public']['include_dirs']) # Grab the sources from targets :skia depends on (optional Skia components). for dep in js['targets']['//:skia']['deps']: if 'third_party' in dep: continue # We've handled all third-party DEPS as static or shared_libs. if 'none' in dep: continue # We'll handle all cpu-specific sources manually later. srcs.extend(strip_slashes(js['targets'][dep].get('sources', []))) # No need to list headers. srcs = [s for s in srcs if not s.endswith('.h')] # Most defines go into SkUserConfig.h, where they're seen by Skia and its users. # Start with the defines :skia uses, minus a couple. We'll add more in a bit. defines = [str(d) for d in js['targets']['//:skia']['defines']] defines.remove('SKIA_IMPLEMENTATION=1') # Only libskia should have this define. # For architecture specific files, it's easier to just read the same source # that GN does (opts.gni) rather than re-run GN once for each architecture. # This .gni file we want to read is close enough to Python syntax # that we can use execfile() if we supply definitions for GN builtins. # While we're at it, grab defines specific to Android Framework the same way. def get_path_info(path, kind): assert kind == "abspath" # While we want absolute paths in GN, relative paths work best here. return path builtins = { 'get_path_info': get_path_info } defs = {} here = os.path.dirname(__file__) execfile(os.path.join(here, 'opts.gni'), builtins, defs) execfile(os.path.join(here, 'android_framework_defines.gni'), builtins, defs) # This should finish off the defines. defines += defs['android_framework_defines'] defines.extend([ 'GR_GL_CUSTOM_SETUP_HEADER "gl/GrGLConfig_chrome.h"', 'SKIA_DLL', 'SK_BUILD_FOR_ANDROID_FRAMEWORK', 'SK_DEFAULT_FONT_CACHE_LIMIT (768 * 1024)', 'SK_DEFAULT_GLOBAL_DISCARDABLE_MEMORY_POOL_SIZE (512 * 1024)', 'SK_IGNORE_ETC1_SUPPORT', 'SK_USE_FREETYPE_EMBOLDEN', ]) # TODO: move these all to android_framework_defines.gni? # Turn paths from opts.gni into paths relative to external/skia. def scrub(lst): # Perform any string substitutions. for var in defs: if type(defs[var]) is str: lst = [ p.replace('$'+var, defs[var]) for p in lst ] # Relativize paths to top-level skia/ directory. return [os.path.relpath(p, '..') for p in lst] # Turn a list of strings into the style bpfmt outputs. def bpfmt(indent, lst): return ('\n' + ' '*indent).join('"%s",' % v for v in sorted(lst)) # OK! We have everything to fill in Android.bp... with open('Android.bp', 'w') as f: print >>f, bp.substitute({ 'export_includes': bpfmt(8, export_includes), 'local_includes': bpfmt(8, local_includes), 'srcs': bpfmt(8, srcs), 'arm_srcs': bpfmt(16, scrub(defs['armv7'])), 'arm_neon_srcs': bpfmt(20, scrub(defs['neon'])), 'arm64_srcs': bpfmt(16, scrub(defs['arm64'] + defs['crc32'])), 'none_srcs': bpfmt(16, scrub(defs['none'])), 'x86_srcs': bpfmt(16, scrub(defs['sse2'] + defs['ssse3'] + defs['sse41'] + defs['sse42'] + defs['avx' ] + defs['hsw' ])) }) #... and all the #defines we want to put in SkUserConfig.h. with open('include/config/SkUserConfig.h', 'w') as f: print >>f, '// This file is autogenerated by gn_to_bp.py.' print >>f, '#ifndef SkUserConfig_DEFINED' print >>f, '#define SkUserConfig_DEFINED' for define in sorted(defines): print >>f, ' #define', define.replace('=', ' ') print >>f, '#endif//SkUserConfig_DEFINED'