/* * This externs file prevents the Closure JS compiler from minifying away * names of objects created by Emscripten. * Basically, by defining empty objects and functions here, Closure will * know not to rename them. This is needed because of our pre-js files, * that is, the JS we hand-write to bundle into the output. That JS will be * hit by the closure compiler and thus needs to know about what functions * have special names and should not be minified. * * Emscripten does not support automatically generating an externs file, so we * do it by hand. The general process is to write some JS code, and then put any * calls to CanvasKit or related things in here. Running ./compile.sh and then * looking at the minified results or running the Release trybot should * verify nothing was missed. Optionally, looking directly at the minified * pathkit.js can be useful when developing locally. * * Docs: * https://github.com/cljsjs/packages/wiki/Creating-Externs * https://github.com/google/closure-compiler/wiki/Types-in-the-Closure-Type-System * * Example externs: * https://github.com/google/closure-compiler/tree/master/externs */ var CanvasKit = { // public API (i.e. things we declare in the pre-js file or in the cpp bindings) Color: function() {}, Color4f: function() {}, ColorAsInt: function() {}, LTRBRect: function() {}, XYWHRect: function() {}, LTRBiRect: function() {}, XYWHiRect: function() {}, RRectXY: function() {}, /** @return {ImageData} */ ImageData: function() {}, GetWebGLContext: function() {}, MakeCanvas: function() {}, MakeCanvasSurface: function() {}, MakeGrContext: function() {}, /** @return {CanvasKit.AnimatedImage} */ MakeAnimatedImageFromEncoded: function() {}, /** @return {CanvasKit.Image} */ MakeImage: function() {}, /** @return {CanvasKit.Image} */ MakeImageFromEncoded: function() {}, MakeImageFromCanvasImageSource: function() {}, MakeOnScreenGLSurface: function() {}, MakeRenderTarget: function() {}, MakePicture: function() {}, MakeSWCanvasSurface: function() {}, MakeManagedAnimation: function() {}, MakeParticles: function() {}, MakeVertices: function() {}, MakeSurface: function() {}, MakeRasterDirectSurface: function() {}, MakeWebGLCanvasSurface: function() {}, Malloc: function() {}, MallocGlyphIDs: function() {}, Free: function() {}, computeTonalColors: function() {}, currentContext: function() {}, deleteContext: function() {}, getColorComponents: function() {}, getDecodeCacheLimitBytes: function() {}, getDecodeCacheUsageBytes: function() {}, getDataBytes: function() {}, multiplyByAlpha: function() {}, parseColorString: function() {}, setCurrentContext: function() {}, setDecodeCacheLimitBytes: function() {}, getShadowLocalBounds: function() {}, // Defined by emscripten. createContext: function() {}, // private API (i.e. things declared in the bindings that we use // in the pre-js file) _computeTonalColors: function() {}, _MakeImage: function() {}, _MakeManagedAnimation: function() {}, _MakeParticles: function() {}, _MakePicture: function() {}, _decodeAnimatedImage: function() {}, _decodeImage: function() {}, _drawShapedText: function() {}, _getShadowLocalBounds: function() {}, // The testing object is meant to expose internal functions // for more fine-grained testing, e.g. parseColor _testing: {}, // Objects and properties on CanvasKit Animation: { prototype: { render: function() {}, size: function() {}, }, _render: function() {}, _size: function() {}, }, GrContext: { // public API (from C++ bindings) getResourceCacheLimitBytes: function() {}, getResourceCacheUsageBytes: function() {}, releaseResourcesAndAbandonContext: function() {}, setResourceCacheLimitBytes: function() {}, }, ManagedAnimation: { prototype: { render: function() {}, seek: function() {}, seekFrame: function() {}, setColor: function() {}, size: function() {}, }, _render: function() {}, _seek: function() {}, _seekFrame: function() {}, _size: function() {}, }, Paragraph: { // public API (from C++ bindings) didExceedMaxLines: function() {}, getAlphabeticBaseline: function() {}, getGlyphPositionAtCoordinate: function() {}, getHeight: function() {}, getIdeographicBaseline: function() {}, getLineMetrics: function() {}, getLongestLine: function() {}, getMaxIntrinsicWidth: function() {}, getMaxWidth: function() {}, getMinIntrinsicWidth: function() {}, getWordBoundary: function() {}, layout: function() {}, // private API /** @return {Float32Array} */ _getRectsForRange: function() {}, _getRectsForPlaceholders: function() {}, }, ParagraphBuilder: { Make: function() {}, MakeFromFontProvider: function() {}, addText: function() {}, build: function() {}, pop: function() {}, prototype: { pushStyle: function() {}, pushPaintStyle: function() {}, addPlaceholder: function() {}, }, // private API _Make: function() {}, _MakeFromFontProvider: function() {}, _pushStyle: function() {}, _pushPaintStyle: function() {}, _addPlaceholder: function() {}, }, RuntimeEffect: { // public API (from JS bindings) Make: function() {}, getUniform: function() {}, getUniformCount: function() {}, getUniformFloatCount: function() {}, getUniformName: function() {}, prototype: { makeShader: function() {}, makeShaderWithChildren: function() {}, }, // private API (from C++ bindings) _Make: function() {}, _makeShader: function() {}, _makeShaderWithChildren: function() {}, }, ParagraphStyle: function() {}, RSXFormBuilder: function() {}, ColorBuilder: function() {}, RectBuilder: function() {}, ShapedText: { prototype: { getBounds: function() {}, }, // private API (from C++ bindings) _getBounds: function() {}, }, AnimatedImage: { // public API (from C++ bindings) decodeNextFrame: function() {}, getFrameCount: function() {}, getRepetitionCount: function() {}, height: function() {}, reset: function() {}, width: function() {}, }, Canvas: { // public API (from C++ bindings) clipPath: function() {}, drawCircle: function() {}, drawColorInt: function() {}, drawImage: function() {}, drawImageCubic: function() {}, drawImageOptions: function() {}, drawImageAtCurrentFrame: function() {}, drawLine: function() {}, drawPaint: function() {}, drawParagraph: function() {}, drawPath: function() {}, drawPicture: function() {}, drawRect4f: function() {}, drawText: function() {}, drawTextBlob: function() {}, drawVertices: function() {}, flush: function() {}, getSaveCount: function() {}, makeSurface: function() {}, markCTM: function() {}, findMarkedCTM: function() {}, restore: function() {}, restoreToCount: function() {}, rotate: function() {}, save: function() {}, saveLayerPaint: function() {}, scale: function() {}, skew: function() {}, translate: function() {}, prototype: { clear: function() {}, clipRRect: function() {}, clipRect: function() {}, concat: function() {}, drawArc: function() {}, drawAtlas: function() {}, drawColor: function() {}, drawColorComponents: function() {}, drawDRRect: function() {}, drawImageNine: function() {}, drawImageRect: function() {}, drawImageRectCubic: function() {}, drawImageRectOptions: function() {}, drawOval: function() {}, drawPoints: function() {}, drawRect: function() {}, drawRRect: function() {}, drawShadow: function() {}, drawText: function() {}, findMarkedCTM: function() {}, getLocalToDevice: function() {}, getTotalMatrix: function() {}, readPixels: function() {}, saveLayer: function() {}, writePixels : function() {}, }, // private API _clear: function() {}, _clipRRect: function() {}, _clipRect: function() {}, _concat: function() {}, _drawArc: function() {}, _drawAtlas: function() {}, _drawColor: function() {}, _drawDRRect: function() {}, _drawImageNine: function() {}, _drawImageRect: function() {}, _drawImageRectCubic: function() {}, _drawImageRectOptions: function() {}, _drawOval: function() {}, _drawPoints: function() {}, _drawRect: function() {}, _drawRRect: function() {}, _drawShadow: function() {}, _drawSimpleText: function() {}, _findMarkedCTM: function() {}, _getLocalToDevice: function() {}, _getTotalMatrix: function() {}, _readPixels: function() {}, _saveLayer: function() {}, _writePixels: function() {}, delete: function() {}, }, ColorFilter: { // public API (from C++ bindings and JS interface) MakeBlend: function() {}, MakeCompose: function() {}, MakeLerp: function() {}, MakeLinearToSRGBGamma: function() {}, MakeMatrix: function() {}, MakeSRGBToLinearGamma: function() {}, // private API (from C++ bindings) _MakeBlend: function() {}, _makeMatrix: function() {}, }, ColorMatrix: { concat: function() {}, identity: function() {}, postTranslate: function() {}, rotated: function() {}, scaled: function() {}, }, ColorSpace: { Equals: function() {}, SRGB: {}, DISPLAY_P3: {}, ADOBE_RGB: {}, // private API (from C++ bindings) _MakeSRGB: function() {}, _MakeDisplayP3: function() {}, _MakeAdobeRGB: function() {}, }, ContourMeasureIter: { next: function() {}, }, ContourMeasure: { getSegment: function() {}, isClosed: function() {}, length: function() {}, prototype: { getPosTan: function() {}, }, _getPosTan: function() {}, }, Font: { // public API (from C++ bindings) getScaleX: function() {}, getSize: function() {}, getSkewX: function() {}, getTypeface: function() {}, measureText: function() {}, setHinting: function() {}, setLinearMetrics: function() {}, setScaleX: function() {}, setSize: function() {}, setSkewX: function() {}, setSubpixel: function() {}, setTypeface: function() {}, prototype: { getGlyphBounds: function() {}, getGlyphIDs: function() {}, getGlyphWidths: function() {}, getWidths: function() {}, }, // private API (from C++ bindings) _getGlyphIDs: function() {}, _getGlyphWidthBounds: function() {}, _getWidths: function() {}, }, FontMgr: { // public API (from C++ and JS bindings) FromData: function() {}, RefDefault: function() {}, countFamilies: function() {}, getFamilyName: function() {}, // private API _makeTypefaceFromData: function() {}, _fromData: function() {}, }, TypefaceFontProvider: { // public API (from C++ and JS bindings) Make: function() {}, registerFont: function() {}, // private API _registerFont: function() {}, }, Image: { // public API (from C++ bindings) getColorSpace: function() {}, getImageInfo: function() {}, makeCopyWithDefaultMipmaps: function() {}, height: function() {}, width: function() {}, prototype: { encodeToData: function() {}, makeShaderCubic: function() {}, makeShaderOptions: function() {}, }, // private API _encodeToData: function() {}, _encodeToDataWithFormat: function() {}, _makeShaderCubic: function() {}, _makeShaderOptions: function() {}, }, ImageFilter: { MakeBlur: function() {}, MakeColorFilter: function() {}, MakeCompose: function() {}, MakeMatrixTransform: function() {}, // private API _MakeMatrixTransform: function() {}, }, // These are defined in interface.js M44: { identity: function() {}, invert: function() {}, mustInvert: function() {}, multiply: function() {}, rotatedUnitSinCos: function() {}, rotated: function() {}, scaled: function() {}, translated: function() {}, lookat: function() {}, perspective: function() {}, rc: function() {}, transpose: function() {}, setupCamera: function() {}, }, Matrix: { identity: function() {}, invert: function() {}, mapPoints: function() {}, multiply: function() {}, rotated: function() {}, scaled: function() {}, skewed: function() {}, translated: function() {}, }, MaskFilter: { MakeBlur: function() {}, }, Paint: { // public API (from C++ bindings) /** @return {CanvasKit.Paint} */ copy: function() {}, getBlendMode: function() {}, getFilterQuality: function() {}, getStrokeCap: function() {}, getStrokeJoin: function() {}, getStrokeMiter: function() {}, getStrokeWidth: function() {}, setAntiAlias: function() {}, setBlendMode: function() {}, setColorInt: function() {}, setFilterQuality: function() {}, setImageFilter: function() {}, setMaskFilter: function() {}, setPathEffect: function() {}, setShader: function() {}, setStrokeCap: function() {}, setStrokeJoin: function() {}, setStrokeMiter: function() {}, setStrokeWidth: function() {}, setStyle: function() {}, prototype: { getColor: function() {}, setColor: function() {}, setColorComponents: function() {}, setColorInt: function() {}, }, // Private API delete: function() {}, _getColor: function() {}, _setColor: function() {}, }, PathEffect: { MakeCorner: function() {}, MakeDash: function() {}, MakeDiscrete: function() {}, // Private C++ API _MakeDash: function() {}, }, ParticleEffect: { // public API (from C++ bindings) draw: function() {}, getUniform: function() {}, getUniformCount: function() {}, getUniformFloatCount: function() {}, getUniformName: function() {}, setRate: function() {}, start: function() {}, update: function() {}, prototype: { setPosition: function() {}, uniforms: function() {}, }, // private API (from C++ bindings) _uniformPtr: function() {}, _setPosition: function() {}, }, Path: { // public API (from C++ and JS bindings) MakeFromCmds: function() {}, MakeFromSVGString: function() {}, MakeFromOp: function() {}, MakeFromVerbsPointsWeights: function() {}, contains: function() {}, /** @return {CanvasKit.Path} */ copy: function() {}, countPoints: function() {}, equals: function() {}, getBounds: function() {}, getFillType: function() {}, isEmpty: function() {}, isVolatile: function() {}, reset: function() {}, rewind: function() {}, setFillType: function() {}, setIsVolatile: function() {}, toCmds: function() {}, toSVGString: function() {}, prototype: { addArc: function() {}, addOval: function() {}, addPath: function() {}, addPoly: function() {}, addRect: function() {}, addRRect: function() {}, addVerbsPointsWeights: function() {}, arc: function() {}, arcToOval: function() {}, arcToRotated: function() {}, arcToTangent: function() {}, close: function() {}, conicTo: function() {}, computeTightBounds: function() {}, cubicTo: function() {}, dash: function() {}, getPoint: function() {}, lineTo: function() {}, moveTo: function() {}, offset: function() {}, op: function() {}, quadTo: function() {}, rArcTo: function() {}, rConicTo: function() {}, rCubicTo: function() {}, rLineTo: function() {}, rMoveTo: function() {}, rQuadTo: function() {}, simplify: function() {}, stroke: function() {}, transform: function() {}, trim: function() {}, }, // private API _MakeFromCmds: function() {}, _MakeFromVerbsPointsWeights: function() {}, _addArc: function() {}, _addOval: function() {}, _addPath: function() {}, _addPoly: function() {}, _addRect: function() {}, _addRRect: function() {}, _addVerbsPointsWeights: function() {}, _arcToOval: function() {}, _arcToRotated: function() {}, _arcToTangent: function() {}, _close: function() {}, _conicTo: function() {}, _computeTightBounds: function() {}, _cubicTo: function() {}, _dash: function() {}, _getPoint: function() {}, _lineTo: function() {}, _moveTo: function() {}, _op: function() {}, _quadTo: function() {}, _rArcTo: function() {}, _rConicTo: function() {}, _rCubicTo: function() {}, _rect: function() {}, _rLineTo: function() {}, _rMoveTo: function() {}, _rQuadTo: function() {}, _simplify: function() {}, _stroke: function() {}, _transform: function() {}, _trim: function() {}, delete: function() {}, dump: function() {}, dumpHex: function() {}, }, Picture: { serialize: function() {}, }, PictureRecorder: { finishRecordingAsPicture: function() {}, prototype: { beginRecording: function() {}, }, _beginRecording: function() {}, }, Shader: { // Deprecated names Blend: function() {}, Color: function() {}, Lerp: function() {}, // public API (from JS / C++ bindings) MakeBlend: function() {}, MakeColor: function() {}, MakeFractalNoise: function() {}, MakeLerp: function() {}, MakeLinearGradient: function() {}, MakeRadialGradient: function() {}, MakeSweepGradient: function() {}, MakeTurbulence: function() {}, MakeTwoPointConicalGradient: function() {}, // private API (from C++ bindings) _MakeColor: function() {}, _MakeLinearGradient: function() {}, _MakeRadialGradient: function() {}, _MakeSweepGradient: function() {}, _MakeTwoPointConicalGradient: function() {}, }, Surface: { // public API (from C++ bindings) /** @return {CanvasKit.Canvas} */ getCanvas: function() {}, imageInfo: function() {}, makeSurface: function() {}, sampleCnt: function() {}, reportBackendTypeIsGPU: function() {}, grContext: {}, openGLversion: {}, prototype: { /** @return {CanvasKit.Image} */ makeImageSnapshot: function() {}, }, // private API _flush: function() {}, _makeImageSnapshot: function() {}, _makeRasterDirect: function() {}, delete: function() {}, }, TextBlob: { // public API (both C++ and JS bindings) MakeFromGlyphs: function() {}, MakeFromRSXform: function() {}, MakeFromRSXformGlyphs: function() {}, MakeFromText: function() {}, MakeOnPath: function() {}, // private API (from C++ bindings) _MakeFromGlyphs: function() {}, _MakeFromRSXform: function() {}, _MakeFromRSXformGlyphs: function() {}, _MakeFromText: function() {}, }, // These are defined in interface.js Vector: { add: function() {}, sub: function() {}, dot: function() {}, cross: function() {}, normalize: function() {}, mulScalar: function() {}, length: function() {}, lengthSquared: function() {}, dist: function() {}, }, Vertices: { // public API (from C++ bindings) uniqueID: function() {}, prototype: { bounds: function() {}, }, // private API (from C++ bindings) _bounds: function() {}, }, _VerticesBuilder: { colors: function() {}, detach: function() {}, indices: function() {}, positions: function() {}, texCoords: function() {}, }, TextStyle: function() {}, // Constants and Enums gpu: {}, skottie: {}, TRANSPARENT: {}, BLACK: {}, WHITE: {}, RED: {}, GREEN: {}, BLUE: {}, YELLOW: {}, CYAN: {}, MAGENTA: {}, MOVE_VERB: {}, LINE_VERB: {}, QUAD_VERB: {}, CONIC_VERB: {}, CUBIC_VERB: {}, CLOSE_VERB: {}, NoDecoration: {}, UnderlineDecoration: {}, OverlineDecoration: {}, LineThroughDecoration: {}, SaveLayerInitWithPrevious: {}, SaveLayerF16ColorType: {}, Affinity: { Upstream: {}, Downstream: {}, }, AlphaType: { Opaque: {}, Premul: {}, Unpremul: {}, }, BlendMode: { Clear: {}, Src: {}, Dst: {}, SrcOver: {}, DstOver: {}, SrcIn: {}, DstIn: {}, SrcOut: {}, DstOut: {}, SrcATop: {}, DstATop: {}, Xor: {}, Plus: {}, Modulate: {}, Screen: {}, Overlay: {}, Darken: {}, Lighten: {}, ColorDodge: {}, ColorBurn: {}, HardLight: {}, SoftLight: {}, Difference: {}, Exclusion: {}, Multiply: {}, Hue: {}, Saturation: {}, Color: {}, Luminosity: {}, }, BlurStyle: { Normal: {}, Solid: {}, Outer: {}, Inner: {}, }, ClipOp: { Difference: {}, Intersect: {}, }, ColorType: { Alpha_8: {}, RGB_565: {}, ARGB_4444: {}, RGBA_8888: {}, RGB_888x: {}, BGRA_8888: {}, RGBA_1010102: {}, RGB_101010x: {}, Gray_8: {}, RGBA_F16: {}, RGBA_F32: {}, }, FillType: { Winding: {}, EvenOdd: {}, }, FilterMode: { Linear: {}, Nearest: {}, }, FilterQuality: { None: {}, Low: {}, Medium: {}, High: {}, }, FontSlant: { Upright: {}, Italic: {}, Oblique: {}, }, FontHinting: { None: {}, Slight: {}, Normal: {}, Full: {}, }, FontWeight: { Invisible: {}, Thin: {}, ExtraLight: {}, Light: {}, Normal: {}, Medium: {}, SemiBold: {}, Bold: {}, ExtraBold: {}, Black: {}, ExtraBlack: {}, }, FontWidth: { UltraCondensed: {}, ExtraCondensed: {}, Condensed: {}, SemiCondensed: {}, Normal: {}, SemiExpanded: {}, Expanded: {}, ExtraExpanded: {}, UltraExpanded: {}, }, ImageFormat: { PNG: {}, JPEG: {}, }, PaintStyle: { Fill: {}, Stroke: {}, }, PathOp: { Difference: {}, Intersect: {}, Union: {}, XOR: {}, ReverseDifference: {}, }, PointMode: { Points: {}, Lines: {}, Polygon: {}, }, RectHeightStyle: { Tight: {}, Max: {}, IncludeLineSpacingMiddle: {}, IncludeLineSpacingTop: {}, IncludeLineSpacingBottom: {}, }, RectWidthStyle: { Tight: {}, Max: {}, }, StrokeCap: { Butt: {}, Round: {}, Square: {}, }, StrokeJoin: { Miter: {}, Round: {}, Bevel: {}, }, TextAlign: { Left: {}, Right: {}, Center: {}, Justify: {}, Start: {}, End: {}, }, TextDirection: { LTR: {}, RTL: {}, }, DecorationStyle: { Solid: {}, Double: {}, Dotted: {}, Dashed: {}, Wavy: {}, }, PlaceholderAlignment: { Baseline: {}, AboveBaseline: {}, BelowBaseline: {}, Top: {}, Bottom: {}, Middle: {}, }, TextBaseline: { Alphabetic: {}, Ideographic: {}, }, TileMode: { Clamp: {}, Repeat: {}, Mirror: {}, Decal: {}, }, VertexMode: { Triangles: {}, TrianglesStrip: {}, TriangleFan: {}, }, // Things Enscriptem adds for us /** * @type {Float32Array} */ HEAPF32: {}, /** * @type {Float64Array} */ HEAPF64: {}, /** * @type {Uint8Array} */ HEAPU8: {}, /** * @type {Uint16Array} */ HEAPU16: {}, /** * @type {Uint32Array} */ HEAPU32: {}, /** * @type {Int8Array} */ HEAP8: {}, /** * @type {Int16Array} */ HEAP16: {}, /** * @type {Int32Array} */ HEAP32: {}, _malloc: function() {}, _free: function() {}, onRuntimeInitialized: function() {}, }; // Public API things that are newly declared in the JS should go here. // It's not enough to declare them above, because closure can still erase them // unless they go on the prototype. CanvasKit.Paragraph.prototype.getRectsForRange = function() {}; CanvasKit.Paragraph.prototype.getRectsForPlaceholders = function() {}; CanvasKit.Picture.prototype.saveAsFile = function() {}; CanvasKit.Surface.prototype.dispose = function() {}; CanvasKit.Surface.prototype.flush = function() {}; CanvasKit.Surface.prototype.requestAnimationFrame = function() {}; CanvasKit.Surface.prototype.drawOnce = function() {}; CanvasKit.FontMgr.prototype.MakeTypefaceFromData = function() {}; CanvasKit.RSXFormBuilder.prototype.build = function() {}; CanvasKit.RSXFormBuilder.prototype.delete = function() {}; CanvasKit.RSXFormBuilder.prototype.push = function() {}; CanvasKit.RSXFormBuilder.prototype.set = function() {}; CanvasKit.ColorBuilder.prototype.build = function() {}; CanvasKit.ColorBuilder.prototype.delete = function() {}; CanvasKit.ColorBuilder.prototype.push = function() {}; CanvasKit.ColorBuilder.prototype.set = function() {}; CanvasKit.RuntimeEffect.prototype.makeShader = function() {}; CanvasKit.RuntimeEffect.prototype.makeShaderWithChildren = function() {}; // Define StrokeOpts object var StrokeOpts = {}; StrokeOpts.prototype.width; StrokeOpts.prototype.miter_limit; StrokeOpts.prototype.cap; StrokeOpts.prototype.join; StrokeOpts.prototype.precision; // Define everything created in the canvas2d spec here var HTMLCanvas = {}; HTMLCanvas.prototype.decodeImage = function() {}; HTMLCanvas.prototype.dispose = function() {}; HTMLCanvas.prototype.getContext = function() {}; HTMLCanvas.prototype.loadFont = function() {}; HTMLCanvas.prototype.makePath2D = function() {}; HTMLCanvas.prototype.toDataURL = function() {}; var ImageBitmapRenderingContext = {}; ImageBitmapRenderingContext.prototype.transferFromImageBitmap = function() {}; var CanvasRenderingContext2D = {}; CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.addHitRegion = function() {}; CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.arc = function() {}; CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.arcTo = function() {}; CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.beginPath = function() {}; CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.bezierCurveTo = function() {}; CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.clearHitRegions = function() {}; CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.clearRect = function() {}; CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.clip = function() {}; CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.closePath = function() {}; CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.createImageData = function() {}; CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.createLinearGradient = function() {}; CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.createPattern = function() {}; CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.createRadialGradient = function() {}; CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.drawFocusIfNeeded = function() {}; CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.drawImage = function() {}; CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.ellipse = function() {}; CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.fill = function() {}; CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.fillRect = function() {}; CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.fillText = function() {}; CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.getImageData = function() {}; CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.getLineDash = function() {}; CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.isPointInPath = function() {}; CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.isPointInStroke = function() {}; CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.lineTo = function() {}; CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.measureText = function() {}; CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.moveTo = function() {}; CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.putImageData = function() {}; CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.quadraticCurveTo = function() {}; CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.rect = function() {}; CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.removeHitRegion = function() {}; CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.resetTransform = function() {}; CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.restore = function() {}; CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.rotate = function() {}; CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.save = function() {}; CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.scale = function() {}; CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.scrollPathIntoView = function() {}; CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.setLineDash = function() {}; CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.setTransform = function() {}; CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.stroke = function() {}; CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.strokeRect = function() {}; CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.strokeText = function() {}; CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.transform = function() {}; CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.translate = function() {}; var Path2D = {}; Path2D.prototype.addPath = function() {}; Path2D.prototype.arc = function() {}; Path2D.prototype.arcTo = function() {}; Path2D.prototype.bezierCurveTo = function() {}; Path2D.prototype.closePath = function() {}; Path2D.prototype.ellipse = function() {}; Path2D.prototype.lineTo = function() {}; Path2D.prototype.moveTo = function() {}; Path2D.prototype.quadraticCurveTo = function() {}; Path2D.prototype.rect = function() {}; var LinearCanvasGradient = {}; LinearCanvasGradient.prototype.addColorStop = function() {}; var RadialCanvasGradient = {}; RadialCanvasGradient.prototype.addColorStop = function() {}; var CanvasPattern = {}; CanvasPattern.prototype.setTransform = function() {}; var ImageData = { /** * @type {Uint8ClampedArray} */ data: {}, height: {}, width: {}, }; var DOMMatrix = { a: {}, b: {}, c: {}, d: {}, e: {}, f: {}, }; // Not sure why this is needed - might be a bug in emsdk that this isn't properly declared. function loadWebAssemblyModule() {}; // This is a part of emscripten's webgl glue code. Preserving this attribute is necessary // to override it in the puppeteer tests var LibraryEGL = { contextAttributes: { majorVersion: {} } }