Windows ======= Prerequisites ------------- Make sure the following have been installed: * Visual C++ 2013 Express or later, available for free * * Chromium depot_tools * * git * Either use the mysygit installed by depot_tools * Or install msys git: yourself * Python 2.7.x (if you're not planning to use cygwin) * available for free download at * make sure the installer changes your %PATH% environment variable to include the directory with the "python.exe" binary * Cygwin (optional, but useful if you want to use git) * Download from * use any mirror you like; works well * Cygwin installs a minimum of options. Add these packages if they aren't already selected: * Devel git * Devel subversion * Editors vim * to fix arrows in insert, copy /usr/share/vim/vim73/vimrc_example.vim to ~/.vimrc * Net ca-certificates * Python python * Utils patch * Utils util-linux * set the windows envionment variable CYGWIN to nodosfilewarning Check out the source code ------------------------- see Generate Visual Studio projects ------------------------------- We use the open-source gyp tool to generate Visual Studio projects (and analogous build scripts on other platforms) from our multi-platform "gyp" files. You can generate the Visual Studio projects by running gyp_skia, as follows: cd %SKIA_CHECKOUT_DIR% python gyp_skia This will produce Visual Studio projects in the `%SKIA_CHECKOUT_DIR%\out` directory. Build and run tests from the command line ----------------------------------------- ninja -C out\Debug dm out\Debug\dm Normally you should run tests in Debug mode (SK_DEBUG is defined, and debug symbols are included in the binary). If you would like to build the Release version instead: ninja -C out\Release dm out\Release\dm Build and run tests in the Visual Studio IDE -------------------------------------------- * Generate the Visual Studio project files by running gyp_skia as described above * Open a File Explorer window pointing at the %SKIA_CHECKOUT_DIR%\out\gyp directory * Double-click on dm.sln to start Visual Studio and load the project * When Visual Studio starts, you may see an error dialog stating that "One or more projects in the solution were not loaded correctly"... but there's probably nothing to worry about. * In the "Solution Explorer" window, right-click on the "dm" project and select "Set as StartUp Project". * In the "Debug" menu, click on "Start Debugging" (or just press F5). If you get a dialog saying that the project is out of date, click on "Yes" to rebuild it. * Once the build is complete, you should see console output from the tests in the "Output" window at lower right. Build and run SampleApp in Visual Studio ---------------------------------------- * Generate the Visual Studio project files by running gyp_skia as described above * Open a File Explorer window pointing at the %SKIA_INSTALLDIR%\trunk\out\gyp directory * Double-click on SampleApp.sln * When Visual Studio starts, you may see an error dialog stating that "One or more projects in the solution were not loaded correctly"... but there's probably nothing to worry about. * In the "Debug" menu, click on "Start Debugging" (or just press F5). If you get a dialog saying that the project is out of date, click on "Yes" to rebuild it. * Once the build is complete, you should see a window with various example graphics. To move through the sample app, use the following keypresses: * right-arrow key: cycle through different test pages * left-arrow key: cycle through rendering methods for each test page * other keys are defined in SampleApp.cpp’s SampleWindow::onHandleKey() and SampleWindow::onHandleChar() methods Build and run nanobench (performance testbench) from the command line --------------------------------------------------------------------- Since nanobench tests performance, it usually makes more sense to run it in Release mode. ninja -C out\Release nanobench out\Release\nanobench