/* * Copyright 2014 Google Inc. * * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. */ #include "include/core/SkBitmap.h" #include "include/core/SkCanvas.h" #include "include/core/SkFont.h" #include "include/core/SkFontMgr.h" #include "include/core/SkTypeface.h" #include "include/ports/SkFontMgr_FontConfigInterface.h" #include "include/ports/SkFontMgr_fontconfig.h" #include "src/ports/SkFontConfigInterface_direct.h" #include "tests/Test.h" #include "tools/Resources.h" #include namespace { bool bitmap_compare(const SkBitmap& ref, const SkBitmap& test) { for (int y = 0; y < test.height(); ++y) { for (int x = 0; x < test.width(); ++x) { SkColor testColor = test.getColor(x, y); SkColor refColor = ref.getColor(x, y); if (refColor != testColor) { return false; } } } return true; } FcConfig* build_fontconfig_with_fontfile(const char* fontFilename) { FcConfig* config = FcConfigCreate(); // FontConfig may modify the passed path (make absolute or other). FcConfigSetSysRoot(config, reinterpret_cast(GetResourcePath("").c_str())); // FontConfig will lexically compare paths against its version of the sysroot. SkString fontFilePath(reinterpret_cast(FcConfigGetSysRoot(config))); fontFilePath += fontFilename; FcConfigAppFontAddFile(config, reinterpret_cast(fontFilePath.c_str())); FcConfigBuildFonts(config); return config; } bool fontmgr_understands_ft_named_instance_bits() { std::unique_ptr distortable(GetResourceAsStream("fonts/Distortable.ttf")); if (!distortable) { return false; } sk_sp fm = SkFontMgr::RefDefault(); SkFontArguments params; // The first named variation position in Distortable is 'Thin'. params.setCollectionIndex(0x00010000); sk_sp typeface = fm->makeFromStream(std::move(distortable), params); return !!typeface; } } // namespace DEF_TEST(FontMgrFontConfig, reporter) { FcConfig* config = build_fontconfig_with_fontfile("/fonts/Distortable.ttf"); sk_sp fontMgr(SkFontMgr_New_FontConfig(config)); sk_sp typeface(fontMgr->legacyMakeTypeface("Distortable", SkFontStyle())); if (!typeface) { ERRORF(reporter, "Could not find typeface. FcVersion: %d", FcGetVersion()); return; } SkBitmap bitmapStream; bitmapStream.allocN32Pixels(64, 64); SkCanvas canvasStream(bitmapStream); canvasStream.drawColor(SK_ColorWHITE); SkBitmap bitmapClone; bitmapClone.allocN32Pixels(64, 64); SkCanvas canvasClone(bitmapClone); canvasStream.drawColor(SK_ColorWHITE); SkPaint paint; paint.setColor(SK_ColorGRAY); constexpr float kTextSize = 20; std::unique_ptr distortableStream( GetResourceAsStream("fonts/Distortable.ttf")); if (!distortableStream) { return; } SkPoint point = SkPoint::Make(20.0f, 20.0f); SkFourByteTag tag = SkSetFourByteTag('w', 'g', 'h', 't'); for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { SkScalar styleValue = SkDoubleToScalar(0.5 + i * ((2.0 - 0.5) / 10)); SkFontArguments::VariationPosition::Coordinate coordinates[] = {{tag, styleValue}}; SkFontArguments::VariationPosition position = {coordinates, SK_ARRAY_COUNT(coordinates)}; SkFont fontStream( fontMgr->makeFromStream(distortableStream->duplicate(), SkFontArguments().setVariationDesignPosition(position)), kTextSize); fontStream.setEdging(SkFont::Edging::kSubpixelAntiAlias); SkFont fontClone( typeface->makeClone(SkFontArguments().setVariationDesignPosition(position)), kTextSize); fontClone.setEdging(SkFont::Edging::kSubpixelAntiAlias); constexpr char text[] = "abc"; canvasStream.drawColor(SK_ColorWHITE); canvasStream.drawString(text, point.fX, point.fY, fontStream, paint); canvasClone.drawColor(SK_ColorWHITE); canvasClone.drawString(text, point.fX, point.fY, fontClone, paint); bool success = bitmap_compare(bitmapStream, bitmapClone); REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, success); } } DEF_TEST(FontConfigInterface_MatchStyleNamedInstance, reporter) { if (!fontmgr_understands_ft_named_instance_bits()) { return; } FcConfig* config = build_fontconfig_with_fontfile("/fonts/NotoSansCJK-VF-subset.otf.ttc"); sk_sp fciDirect(new SkFontConfigInterfaceDirect(config)); static constexpr const char* family_names[]{"Noto Sans CJK JP", "Noto Sans CJK HK", "Noto Sans CJK SC", "Noto Sans CJK TC", "Noto Sans CJK KR"}; static constexpr const struct Test { int weight; bool highBitsExpectation; } tests[] { {100, false}, {300, true }, {350, true }, {400, true }, {500, true }, {700, true }, {900, true }, }; for (auto&& font_name : family_names) { for (auto&& [weight, highBitsExpectation] : tests) { SkFontStyle fontStyle(weight, SkFontStyle::kNormal_Width, SkFontStyle::kUpright_Slant); SkFontConfigInterface::FontIdentity resultIdentity; SkFontStyle resultStyle; SkString resultFamily; const bool r = fciDirect->matchFamilyName( font_name, fontStyle, &resultIdentity, &resultFamily, &resultStyle); REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, r, "Expecting to find a match result."); REPORTER_ASSERT( reporter, (resultIdentity.fTTCIndex >> 16 > 0) == highBitsExpectation, "Expected to have the ttcIndex' upper 16 bits refer to a named instance."); // Intentionally go through manually creating the typeface so that SkFontStyle is // derived from data inside the font, not from the FcPattern that is the FontConfig // match result, see https://crbug.com/skia/12881 sk_sp typeface(fciDirect->makeTypeface(resultIdentity).release()); if (!typeface) { ERRORF(reporter, "Could not instantiate typeface, FcVersion: %d", FcGetVersion()); return; } SkString family_from_typeface; typeface->getFamilyName(&family_from_typeface); REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, family_from_typeface == SkString(font_name), "Matched font's family name should match the request."); SkFontStyle intrinsic_style = typeface->fontStyle(); REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, intrinsic_style.weight() == weight, "Matched font's weight should match request."); if (intrinsic_style.weight() != weight) { ERRORF(reporter, "Matched font had weight: %d, expected %d, family: %s", intrinsic_style.weight(), weight, family_from_typeface.c_str()); } int numAxes = typeface->getVariationDesignPosition(nullptr, 0); std::vector coords; coords.resize(numAxes); typeface->getVariationDesignPosition(coords.data(), numAxes); REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, coords.size() == 1, "The font must only have one axis, the weight axis."); REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, coords[0].axis == SkSetFourByteTag('w', 'g', 'h', 't'), "The weight axis must be present and configured."); REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, static_cast(coords[0].value) == weight, "The weight axis must match the weight from the request."); } } }