# Copyright 2016 Google Inc. # # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. declare_args() { } angle_root = "../externals/angle2" import("$angle_root/src/compiler.gni") import("$angle_root/src/libGLESv2.gni") import("../third_party.gni") third_party("angle2") { public_include_dirs = [ "$angle_root/include" ] deps = [ ":libEGL", ":libGLESv2", ] } config("common") { defines = [ "ANGLE_ENABLE_ESSL", "ANGLE_ENABLE_GLSL", "ANGLE_ENABLE_HLSL", "ANGLE_ENABLE_OPENGL", "EGL_EGLEXT_PROTOTYPES", "GL_GLEXT_PROTOTYPES", ] include_dirs = [ "$root_gen_dir/angle2", "$angle_root/include", "$angle_root/src", "$angle_root/src/common/third_party/base", "$angle_root/src/third_party/khronos", ] cflags_cc = [] assert(is_linux || is_win) # TODO: is_mac? if (is_linux) { defines += [ "ANGLE_USE_X11", "GL_APICALL=__attribute__((visibility(\"default\")))", "GL_API=__attribute__((visibility(\"default\")))", "EGLAPI=__attribute__((visibility(\"default\")))", ] cflags_cc += [ "-std=c++14" ] } else if (is_win) { defines += [ "ANGLE_ENABLE_D3D11", "ANGLE_ENABLE_D3D9", "GL_APICALL=", "GL_API=", "EGLAPI=", ] # Allow noexcept, even though we build without exceptions cflags_cc += [ "/wd4577" ] if (is_clang) { cflags_cc += [ # utilities.cpp includes an 'unsigned long' <= UINT_MAX check "-Wno-tautological-constant-compare", # With distributed Windows builds, files may lose their case during copy, causing # case-sensitivity mismatch on remote machines. "-Wno-nonportable-include-path", ] } } } copy("commit_id") { sources = [ "$angle_root/src/commit.h", ] outputs = [ "$root_gen_dir/angle2/id/commit.h", ] } shared_library("libGLESv2") { configs += [ ":common" ] configs -= [ "//gn:warnings" ] defines = [ "LIBANGLE_IMPLEMENTATION", "LIBGLESV2_IMPLEMENTATION", ] deps = [ ":commit_id", ] libs = [] sources = rebase_path( angle_preprocessor_sources + angle_translator_sources + angle_translator_essl_sources + angle_translator_glsl_sources + angle_translator_hlsl_sources + libangle_sources + libangle_headers + libangle_common_sources + libangle_image_util_sources + libglesv2_sources + libangle_gl_sources + angle_system_utils_sources + xxhash_sources, ".", angle_root) + [ "$angle_root/src/libANGLE/FrameCapture_mock.cpp" ] if (is_win) { sources += [ "$angle_root/src/libGLESv2/libGLESv2_autogen.def" ] } if (is_linux) { libs += [ "X11", "Xi", "Xext", ] sources += rebase_path(libangle_gl_glx_sources, ".", angle_root) + [ "$angle_root/src/third_party/libXNVCtrl/NVCtrl.c" ] } else if (is_win) { defines += [ # TODO: ANGLE_PRELOADED_D3DCOMPILER_MODULE_NAMES ] sources += rebase_path(libangle_gl_wgl_sources + libangle_d3d_shared_sources + libangle_d3d9_sources + libangle_d3d11_sources + libangle_d3d11_win32_sources, ".", angle_root) libs += [ "d3d9.lib", "dxgi.lib", "dxguid.lib", "gdi32.lib", "user32.lib", ] deps += [ # TODO: copy_compiler_dll? ] } } shared_library("libEGL") { configs += [ ":common" ] configs -= [ "//gn:warnings" ] defines = [ "LIBEGL_IMPLEMENTATION" ] deps = [ ":libGLESv2", ] sources = rebase_path(libegl_sources, ".", angle_root) if (is_win) { sources += [ "$angle_root/src/libEGL/libEGL.def" ] } }