// Adds compile-time JS functions to augment the CanvasKit interface. // Specifically, anything that should only be on the GPU version of canvaskit. // Functions in this file are supplemented by cpu.js. (function(CanvasKit){ CanvasKit._extraInitializations = CanvasKit._extraInitializations || []; CanvasKit._extraInitializations.push(function() { function get(obj, attr, defaultValue) { if (obj && obj.hasOwnProperty(attr)) { return obj[attr]; } return defaultValue; } CanvasKit.makeWebGLContextAsCurrent = function(canvas, attrs) { if (!canvas) { throw 'null canvas passed into makeWebGLContext'; } var contextAttributes = { 'alpha': get(attrs, 'alpha', 1), 'depth': get(attrs, 'depth', 1), 'stencil': get(attrs, 'stencil', 8), 'antialias': get(attrs, 'antialias', 0), 'premultipliedAlpha': get(attrs, 'premultipliedAlpha', 1), 'preserveDrawingBuffer': get(attrs, 'preserveDrawingBuffer', 0), 'preferLowPowerToHighPerformance': get(attrs, 'preferLowPowerToHighPerformance', 0), 'failIfMajorPerformanceCaveat': get(attrs, 'failIfMajorPerformanceCaveat', 0), 'enableExtensionsByDefault': get(attrs, 'enableExtensionsByDefault', 1), 'explicitSwapControl': get(attrs, 'explicitSwapControl', 0), 'renderViaOffscreenBackBuffer': get(attrs, 'renderViaOffscreenBackBuffer', 0), }; // This check is from the emscripten version if (contextAttributes['explicitSwapControl']) { throw 'explicitSwapControl is not supported'; } // Creates a WebGL context and sets it to be the current context. this.createContext(canvas, true, true, contextAttributes); } CanvasKit.GetWebGLContext = function(canvas, attrs) { this.makeWebGLContextAsCurrent(canvas, attrs); return CanvasKit.currentContext() || 0; }; // idOrElement can be of types: // - String - in which case it is interpreted as an id of a // canvas element. // - HTMLCanvasElement - in which the provided canvas element will // be used directly. // colorSpace - sk_sp - one of the supported color spaces: // CanvasKit.SkColorSpace.SRGB // CanvasKit.SkColorSpace.DISPLAY_P3 // CanvasKit.SkColorSpace.ADOBE_RGB CanvasKit.MakeWebGLCanvasSurface = function(idOrElement, colorSpace) { colorSpace = colorSpace || null; var canvas = idOrElement; if (canvas.tagName !== 'CANVAS') { canvas = document.getElementById(idOrElement); if (!canvas) { throw 'Canvas with id ' + idOrElement + ' was not found'; } } // we are ok with all the other defaults. var ctx = this.GetWebGLContext(canvas); if (!ctx || ctx < 0) { throw 'failed to create webgl context: err ' + ctx; } var grcontext = this.MakeGrContext(ctx); // Note that canvas.width/height here is used because it gives the size of the buffer we're // rendering into. This may not be the same size the element is displayed on the page, which // constrolled by css, and available in canvas.clientWidth/height. var surface = this.MakeOnScreenGLSurface(grcontext, canvas.width, canvas.height, colorSpace); if (!surface) { SkDebug('falling back from GPU implementation to a SW based one'); // we need to throw away the old canvas (which was locked to // a webGL context) and create a new one so we can var newCanvas = canvas.cloneNode(true); var parent = canvas.parentNode; parent.replaceChild(newCanvas, canvas); // add a class so the user can detect that it was replaced. newCanvas.classList.add('ck-replaced'); return CanvasKit.MakeSWCanvasSurface(newCanvas); } surface._context = ctx; surface.grContext = grcontext; return surface; }; // Default to trying WebGL first. CanvasKit.MakeCanvasSurface = CanvasKit.MakeWebGLCanvasSurface; }); }(Module)); // When this file is loaded in, the high level object is "Module";