/* * Copyright 2020 Google LLC * * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. */ #include "include/private/SkSLIRNode.h" #include "include/sksl/DSL.h" #include "include/sksl/DSLRuntimeEffects.h" #include "src/gpu/GrDirectContextPriv.h" #include "src/gpu/GrGpu.h" #include "src/sksl/SkSLCompiler.h" #include "src/sksl/SkSLThreadContext.h" #include "src/sksl/dsl/priv/DSLWriter.h" #include "src/sksl/ir/SkSLBlock.h" #include "src/sksl/ir/SkSLVariable.h" #include "tests/Test.h" #include using namespace SkSL::dsl; SkSL::ProgramSettings default_settings() { SkSL::ProgramSettings result; result.fDSLMarkVarsDeclared = true; result.fDSLMangling = false; return result; } SkSL::ProgramSettings no_mark_vars_declared() { SkSL::ProgramSettings result = default_settings(); result.fDSLMarkVarsDeclared = false; return result; } /** * In addition to issuing an automatic Start() and End(), disables mangling and optionally * auto-declares variables during its lifetime. Variable auto-declaration simplifies testing so we * don't have to sprinkle all the tests with a bunch of Declare(foo).release() calls just to avoid * errors, especially given that some of the variables have options that make them an error to * actually declare. */ class AutoDSLContext { public: AutoDSLContext(GrGpu* gpu, SkSL::ProgramSettings settings = default_settings(), SkSL::ProgramKind kind = SkSL::ProgramKind::kFragment) { Start(gpu->shaderCompiler(), kind, settings); } ~AutoDSLContext() { End(); } }; class ExpectError : public SkSL::ErrorReporter { public: ExpectError(skiatest::Reporter* reporter, const char* msg) : fMsg(msg) , fReporter(reporter) , fOldReporter(&GetErrorReporter()) { SetErrorReporter(this); } ~ExpectError() override { REPORTER_ASSERT(fReporter, !fMsg, "Error mismatch: expected:\n%s\nbut no error occurred\n", fMsg); SetErrorReporter(fOldReporter); } void handleError(std::string_view msg, SkSL::PositionInfo pos) override { REPORTER_ASSERT(fReporter, fMsg, "Received unexpected extra error: %.*s\n", (int)msg.length(), msg.data()); REPORTER_ASSERT(fReporter, !fMsg || msg == fMsg, "Error mismatch: expected:\n%s\nbut received:\n%.*s", fMsg, (int)msg.length(), msg.data()); fMsg = nullptr; } private: const char* fMsg; skiatest::Reporter* fReporter; ErrorReporter* fOldReporter; }; static bool whitespace_insensitive_compare(const char* a, const char* b) { for (;;) { while (isspace(*a)) { ++a; } while (isspace(*b)) { ++b; } if (*a != *b) { return false; } if (*a == 0) { return true; } ++a; ++b; } } // for use from SkSLDSLOnlyTest.cpp void StartDSL(const sk_gpu_test::ContextInfo ctxInfo) { Start(ctxInfo.directContext()->priv().getGpu()->shaderCompiler()); } DEF_GPUTEST_FOR_MOCK_CONTEXT(DSLStartup, r, ctxInfo) { AutoDSLContext context(ctxInfo.directContext()->priv().getGpu()); Expression e1 = 1; REPORTER_ASSERT(r, e1.release()->description() == "1"); Expression e2 = 1.0; REPORTER_ASSERT(r, e2.release()->description() == "1.0"); Expression e3 = true; REPORTER_ASSERT(r, e3.release()->description() == "true"); Var a(kInt_Type, "a"); Expression e4 = a; REPORTER_ASSERT(r, e4.release()->description() == "a"); REPORTER_ASSERT(r, whitespace_insensitive_compare("", "")); REPORTER_ASSERT(r, !whitespace_insensitive_compare("", "a")); REPORTER_ASSERT(r, !whitespace_insensitive_compare("a", "")); REPORTER_ASSERT(r, whitespace_insensitive_compare("a", "a")); REPORTER_ASSERT(r, whitespace_insensitive_compare("abc", "abc")); REPORTER_ASSERT(r, whitespace_insensitive_compare("abc", " abc ")); REPORTER_ASSERT(r, whitespace_insensitive_compare("a b c ", "\n\n\nabc")); REPORTER_ASSERT(r, !whitespace_insensitive_compare("a b c d", "\n\n\nabc")); } static std::string stringize(DSLStatement& stmt) { return stmt.release()->description(); } static std::string stringize(DSLPossibleStatement& stmt) { return stmt.release()->description(); } static std::string stringize(DSLExpression& expr) { return expr.release()->description(); } static std::string stringize(DSLPossibleExpression& expr) { return expr.release()->description(); } static std::string stringize(DSLBlock& blck) { return blck.release()->description(); } static std::string stringize(SkSL::IRNode& node) { return node.description(); } static std::string stringize(SkSL::Program& program) { return program.description(); } template static void expect_equal(skiatest::Reporter* r, int lineNumber, T& input, const char* expected) { std::string actual = stringize(input); if (!whitespace_insensitive_compare(expected, actual.c_str())) { ERRORF(r, "(Failed on line %d)\nExpected: %s\n Actual: %s\n", lineNumber, expected, actual.c_str()); } } template static void expect_equal(skiatest::Reporter* r, int lineNumber, T&& dsl, const char* expected) { // This overload allows temporary values to be passed to expect_equal. return expect_equal(r, lineNumber, dsl, expected); } #define EXPECT_EQUAL(a, b) expect_equal(r, __LINE__, (a), (b)) DEF_GPUTEST_FOR_MOCK_CONTEXT(DSLFlags, r, ctxInfo) { { AutoDSLContext context(ctxInfo.directContext()->priv().getGpu(), no_mark_vars_declared()); EXPECT_EQUAL(All(GreaterThan(Float4(1), Float4(0))), "true"); Var x(kInt_Type, "x"); EXPECT_EQUAL(Declare(x), "int x;"); } { SkSL::ProgramSettings settings = default_settings(); settings.fAllowNarrowingConversions = true; AutoDSLContext context(ctxInfo.directContext()->priv().getGpu(), settings, SkSL::ProgramKind::kFragment); Var x(kHalf_Type, "x"); Var y(kFloat_Type, "y"); EXPECT_EQUAL(x = y, "(x = half(y))"); } { AutoDSLContext context(ctxInfo.directContext()->priv().getGpu(), SkSL::ProgramSettings()); Var x(kInt_Type, "x"); EXPECT_EQUAL(Declare(x), "int _0_x;"); } } DEF_GPUTEST_FOR_MOCK_CONTEXT(DSLFloat, r, ctxInfo) { AutoDSLContext context(ctxInfo.directContext()->priv().getGpu()); Expression e1 = Float(std::numeric_limits::max()); REPORTER_ASSERT(r, atof(e1.release()->description().c_str()) == std::numeric_limits::max()); Expression e2 = Float(std::numeric_limits::min()); REPORTER_ASSERT(r, atof(e2.release()->description().c_str()) == std::numeric_limits::min()); EXPECT_EQUAL(Float2(0), "float2(0.0)"); EXPECT_EQUAL(Float2(-0.5, 1), "float2(-0.5, 1.0)"); EXPECT_EQUAL(Float3(0.75), "float3(0.75)"); EXPECT_EQUAL(Float3(Float2(0, 1), -2), "float3(0.0, 1.0, -2.0)"); EXPECT_EQUAL(Float3(0, 1, 2), "float3(0.0, 1.0, 2.0)"); EXPECT_EQUAL(Float4(0), "float4(0.0)"); EXPECT_EQUAL(Float4(Float2(0, 1), Float2(2, 3)), "float4(0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0)"); EXPECT_EQUAL(Float4(0, 1, Float2(2, 3)), "float4(0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0)"); EXPECT_EQUAL(Float4(0, 1, 2, 3), "float4(0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0)"); DSLVar x(kFloat_Type, "x"); EXPECT_EQUAL(x = 1.0, "(x = 1.0)"); EXPECT_EQUAL(x = 1.0f, "(x = 1.0)"); DSLVar y(kFloat2_Type, "y"); EXPECT_EQUAL(y.x() = 1.0, "(y.x = 1.0)"); EXPECT_EQUAL(y.x() = 1.0f, "(y.x = 1.0)"); { ExpectError error(r, "floating point value is infinite"); Float(std::numeric_limits::infinity()).release(); } { ExpectError error(r, "floating point value is NaN"); Float(std::numeric_limits::quiet_NaN()).release(); } { ExpectError error(r, "'float4' is not a valid parameter to 'float2' constructor; use '.xy' " "instead"); Float2(Float4(1)).release(); } { ExpectError error(r, "invalid arguments to 'float4' constructor (expected 4 scalars, but " "found 3)"); Float4(Float3(1)).release(); } } DEF_GPUTEST_FOR_MOCK_CONTEXT(DSLHalf, r, ctxInfo) { AutoDSLContext context(ctxInfo.directContext()->priv().getGpu()); Expression e1 = Half(std::numeric_limits::max()); REPORTER_ASSERT(r, atof(e1.release()->description().c_str()) == std::numeric_limits::max()); Expression e2 = Half(std::numeric_limits::min()); REPORTER_ASSERT(r, atof(e2.release()->description().c_str()) == std::numeric_limits::min()); EXPECT_EQUAL(Half2(0), "half2(0.0)"); EXPECT_EQUAL(Half2(-0.5, 1), "half2(-0.5, 1.0)"); EXPECT_EQUAL(Half3(0.75), "half3(0.75)"); EXPECT_EQUAL(Half3(Half2(0, 1), -2), "half3(0.0, 1.0, -2.0)"); EXPECT_EQUAL(Half3(0, 1, 2), "half3(0.0, 1.0, 2.0)"); EXPECT_EQUAL(Half4(0), "half4(0.0)"); EXPECT_EQUAL(Half4(Half2(0, 1), Half2(2, 3)), "half4(0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0)"); EXPECT_EQUAL(Half4(0, 1, Half2(2, 3)), "half4(0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0)"); EXPECT_EQUAL(Half4(0, 1, 2, 3), "half4(0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0)"); { ExpectError error(r, "floating point value is infinite"); Half(std::numeric_limits::infinity()).release(); } { ExpectError error(r, "floating point value is NaN"); Half(std::numeric_limits::quiet_NaN()).release(); } { ExpectError error(r, "'half4' is not a valid parameter to 'half2' constructor; use '.xy' " "instead"); Half2(Half4(1)).release(); } { ExpectError error(r, "invalid arguments to 'half4' constructor (expected 4 scalars, but " "found 3)"); Half4(Half3(1)).release(); } } DEF_GPUTEST_FOR_MOCK_CONTEXT(DSLInt, r, ctxInfo) { AutoDSLContext context(ctxInfo.directContext()->priv().getGpu()); EXPECT_EQUAL(Int(std::numeric_limits::max()), "2147483647"); EXPECT_EQUAL(Int2(std::numeric_limits::min()), "int2(-2147483648)"); EXPECT_EQUAL(Int2(0, 1), "int2(0, 1)"); EXPECT_EQUAL(Int3(0), "int3(0)"); EXPECT_EQUAL(Int3(Int2(0, 1), -2), "int3(0, 1, -2)"); EXPECT_EQUAL(Int3(0, 1, 2), "int3(0, 1, 2)"); EXPECT_EQUAL(Int4(0), "int4(0)"); EXPECT_EQUAL(Int4(Int2(0, 1), Int2(2, 3)), "int4(0, 1, 2, 3)"); EXPECT_EQUAL(Int4(0, 1, Int2(2, 3)), "int4(0, 1, 2, 3)"); EXPECT_EQUAL(Int4(0, 1, 2, 3), "int4(0, 1, 2, 3)"); { ExpectError error(r, "'int4' is not a valid parameter to 'int2' constructor; use '.xy' " "instead"); Int2(Int4(1)).release(); } { ExpectError error(r, "invalid arguments to 'int4' constructor (expected 4 scalars, but " "found 3)"); Int4(Int3(1)).release(); } } DEF_GPUTEST_FOR_MOCK_CONTEXT(DSLUInt, r, ctxInfo) { AutoDSLContext context(ctxInfo.directContext()->priv().getGpu()); EXPECT_EQUAL(UInt(std::numeric_limits::max()), "4294967295"); EXPECT_EQUAL(UInt2(std::numeric_limits::min()), "uint2(0)"); EXPECT_EQUAL(UInt2(0, 1), "uint2(0, 1)"); EXPECT_EQUAL(UInt3(0), "uint3(0)"); EXPECT_EQUAL(UInt3(0, 1, 2), "uint3(0, 1, 2)"); EXPECT_EQUAL(UInt4(0), "uint4(0)"); EXPECT_EQUAL(UInt4(UInt2(0, 1), UInt2(2, 3)), "uint4(0, 1, 2, 3)"); EXPECT_EQUAL(UInt4(0, 1, UInt2(2, 3)), "uint4(0, 1, 2, 3)"); EXPECT_EQUAL(UInt4(0, 1, 2, 3), "uint4(0, 1, 2, 3)"); { ExpectError error(r, "integer is out of range for type 'uint': -2"); UInt3(UInt2(0, 1), -2).release(); } { ExpectError error(r, "'uint4' is not a valid parameter to 'uint2' constructor; use '.xy' " "instead"); UInt2(UInt4(1)).release(); } { ExpectError error(r, "invalid arguments to 'uint4' constructor (expected 4 scalars, but " "found 3)"); UInt4(UInt3(1)).release(); } } DEF_GPUTEST_FOR_MOCK_CONTEXT(DSLShort, r, ctxInfo) { AutoDSLContext context(ctxInfo.directContext()->priv().getGpu()); EXPECT_EQUAL(Short(std::numeric_limits::max()), "32767"); EXPECT_EQUAL(Short2(std::numeric_limits::min()), "short2(-32768)"); EXPECT_EQUAL(Short2(0, 1), "short2(0, 1)"); EXPECT_EQUAL(Short3(0), "short3(0)"); EXPECT_EQUAL(Short3(Short2(0, 1), -2), "short3(0, 1, -2)"); EXPECT_EQUAL(Short3(0, 1, 2), "short3(0, 1, 2)"); EXPECT_EQUAL(Short4(0), "short4(0)"); EXPECT_EQUAL(Short4(Short2(0, 1), Short2(2, 3)), "short4(0, 1, 2, 3)"); EXPECT_EQUAL(Short4(0, 1, Short2(2, 3)), "short4(0, 1, 2, 3)"); EXPECT_EQUAL(Short4(0, 1, 2, 3), "short4(0, 1, 2, 3)"); { ExpectError error(r, "'short4' is not a valid parameter to 'short2' constructor; use '.xy' " "instead"); Short2(Short4(1)).release(); } { ExpectError error(r, "invalid arguments to 'short4' constructor (expected 4 scalars, but " "found 3)"); Short4(Short3(1)).release(); } } DEF_GPUTEST_FOR_MOCK_CONTEXT(DSLUShort, r, ctxInfo) { AutoDSLContext context(ctxInfo.directContext()->priv().getGpu()); EXPECT_EQUAL(UShort(std::numeric_limits::max()), "65535"); EXPECT_EQUAL(UShort2(std::numeric_limits::min()), "ushort2(0)"); EXPECT_EQUAL(UShort2(0, 1), "ushort2(0, 1)"); EXPECT_EQUAL(UShort3(0), "ushort3(0)"); EXPECT_EQUAL(UShort3(0, 1, 2), "ushort3(0, 1, 2)"); EXPECT_EQUAL(UShort4(0), "ushort4(0)"); EXPECT_EQUAL(UShort4(UShort2(0, 1), UShort2(2, 3)), "ushort4(0, 1, 2, 3)"); EXPECT_EQUAL(UShort4(0, 1, UShort2(2, 3)), "ushort4(0, 1, 2, 3)"); EXPECT_EQUAL(UShort4(0, 1, 2, 3), "ushort4(0, 1, 2, 3)"); { ExpectError error(r, "integer is out of range for type 'ushort': -2"); UShort3(UShort2(0, 1), -2).release(); } { ExpectError error(r, "'ushort4' is not a valid parameter to 'ushort2' constructor; use " "'.xy' instead"); UShort2(UShort4(1)).release(); } { ExpectError error(r, "invalid arguments to 'ushort4' constructor (expected 4 scalars, but " "found 3)"); UShort4(UShort3(1)).release(); } } DEF_GPUTEST_FOR_MOCK_CONTEXT(DSLBool, r, ctxInfo) { AutoDSLContext context(ctxInfo.directContext()->priv().getGpu()); EXPECT_EQUAL(Bool2(false), "bool2(false)"); EXPECT_EQUAL(Bool2(false, true), "bool2(false, true)"); EXPECT_EQUAL(Bool3(false), "bool3(false)"); EXPECT_EQUAL(Bool3(Bool2(false, true), false), "bool3(false, true, false)"); EXPECT_EQUAL(Bool3(false, true, false), "bool3(false, true, false)"); EXPECT_EQUAL(Bool4(false), "bool4(false)"); EXPECT_EQUAL(Bool4(Bool2(false, true), Bool2(false, true)), "bool4(false, true, false, true)"); EXPECT_EQUAL(Bool4(false, true, Bool2(false, true)), "bool4(false, true, false, true)"); EXPECT_EQUAL(Bool4(false, true, false, true), "bool4(false, true, false, true)"); { ExpectError error(r, "'bool4' is not a valid parameter to 'bool2' constructor; use '.xy' " "instead"); Bool2(Bool4(true)).release(); } { ExpectError error(r, "invalid arguments to 'bool4' constructor (expected 4 scalars, but " "found 3)"); Bool4(Bool3(true)).release(); } } DEF_GPUTEST_FOR_MOCK_CONTEXT(DSLType, r, ctxInfo) { AutoDSLContext context(ctxInfo.directContext()->priv().getGpu()); REPORTER_ASSERT(r, DSLType(kBool_Type).isBoolean()); REPORTER_ASSERT(r, !DSLType(kBool_Type).isNumber()); REPORTER_ASSERT(r, !DSLType(kBool_Type).isFloat()); REPORTER_ASSERT(r, !DSLType(kBool_Type).isSigned()); REPORTER_ASSERT(r, !DSLType(kBool_Type).isUnsigned()); REPORTER_ASSERT(r, !DSLType(kBool_Type).isInteger()); REPORTER_ASSERT(r, DSLType(kBool_Type).isScalar()); REPORTER_ASSERT(r, !DSLType(kBool_Type).isVector()); REPORTER_ASSERT(r, !DSLType(kBool_Type).isMatrix()); REPORTER_ASSERT(r, !DSLType(kBool_Type).isArray()); REPORTER_ASSERT(r, !DSLType(kBool_Type).isStruct()); REPORTER_ASSERT(r, !DSLType(kInt_Type).isBoolean()); REPORTER_ASSERT(r, DSLType(kInt_Type).isNumber()); REPORTER_ASSERT(r, !DSLType(kInt_Type).isFloat()); REPORTER_ASSERT(r, DSLType(kInt_Type).isSigned()); REPORTER_ASSERT(r, !DSLType(kInt_Type).isUnsigned()); REPORTER_ASSERT(r, DSLType(kInt_Type).isInteger()); REPORTER_ASSERT(r, DSLType(kInt_Type).isScalar()); REPORTER_ASSERT(r, !DSLType(kInt_Type).isVector()); REPORTER_ASSERT(r, !DSLType(kInt_Type).isMatrix()); REPORTER_ASSERT(r, !DSLType(kInt_Type).isArray()); REPORTER_ASSERT(r, !DSLType(kInt_Type).isStruct()); REPORTER_ASSERT(r, !DSLType(kUInt_Type).isBoolean()); REPORTER_ASSERT(r, DSLType(kUInt_Type).isNumber()); REPORTER_ASSERT(r, !DSLType(kUInt_Type).isFloat()); REPORTER_ASSERT(r, !DSLType(kUInt_Type).isSigned()); REPORTER_ASSERT(r, DSLType(kUInt_Type).isUnsigned()); REPORTER_ASSERT(r, DSLType(kUInt_Type).isInteger()); REPORTER_ASSERT(r, DSLType(kUInt_Type).isScalar()); REPORTER_ASSERT(r, !DSLType(kUInt_Type).isVector()); REPORTER_ASSERT(r, !DSLType(kUInt_Type).isMatrix()); REPORTER_ASSERT(r, !DSLType(kUInt_Type).isArray()); REPORTER_ASSERT(r, !DSLType(kUInt_Type).isStruct()); REPORTER_ASSERT(r, !DSLType(kFloat_Type).isBoolean()); REPORTER_ASSERT(r, DSLType(kFloat_Type).isNumber()); REPORTER_ASSERT(r, DSLType(kFloat_Type).isFloat()); REPORTER_ASSERT(r, !DSLType(kFloat_Type).isSigned()); REPORTER_ASSERT(r, !DSLType(kFloat_Type).isUnsigned()); REPORTER_ASSERT(r, !DSLType(kFloat_Type).isInteger()); REPORTER_ASSERT(r, DSLType(kFloat_Type).isScalar()); REPORTER_ASSERT(r, !DSLType(kFloat_Type).isVector()); REPORTER_ASSERT(r, !DSLType(kFloat_Type).isMatrix()); REPORTER_ASSERT(r, !DSLType(kFloat_Type).isArray()); REPORTER_ASSERT(r, !DSLType(kFloat_Type).isStruct()); REPORTER_ASSERT(r, !DSLType(kFloat2_Type).isBoolean()); REPORTER_ASSERT(r, !DSLType(kFloat2_Type).isNumber()); REPORTER_ASSERT(r, !DSLType(kFloat2_Type).isFloat()); REPORTER_ASSERT(r, !DSLType(kFloat2_Type).isSigned()); REPORTER_ASSERT(r, !DSLType(kFloat2_Type).isUnsigned()); REPORTER_ASSERT(r, !DSLType(kFloat2_Type).isInteger()); REPORTER_ASSERT(r, !DSLType(kFloat2_Type).isScalar()); REPORTER_ASSERT(r, DSLType(kFloat2_Type).isVector()); REPORTER_ASSERT(r, !DSLType(kFloat2_Type).isMatrix()); REPORTER_ASSERT(r, !DSLType(kFloat2_Type).isArray()); REPORTER_ASSERT(r, !DSLType(kFloat2_Type).isStruct()); REPORTER_ASSERT(r, !DSLType(kHalf2x2_Type).isBoolean()); REPORTER_ASSERT(r, !DSLType(kHalf2x2_Type).isNumber()); REPORTER_ASSERT(r, !DSLType(kHalf2x2_Type).isFloat()); REPORTER_ASSERT(r, !DSLType(kHalf2x2_Type).isSigned()); REPORTER_ASSERT(r, !DSLType(kHalf2x2_Type).isUnsigned()); REPORTER_ASSERT(r, !DSLType(kHalf2x2_Type).isInteger()); REPORTER_ASSERT(r, !DSLType(kHalf2x2_Type).isScalar()); REPORTER_ASSERT(r, !DSLType(kHalf2x2_Type).isVector()); REPORTER_ASSERT(r, DSLType(kHalf2x2_Type).isMatrix()); REPORTER_ASSERT(r, !DSLType(kHalf2x2_Type).isArray()); REPORTER_ASSERT(r, !DSLType(kHalf2x2_Type).isStruct()); REPORTER_ASSERT(r, !DSLType(Array(kFloat_Type, 2)).isBoolean()); REPORTER_ASSERT(r, !DSLType(Array(kFloat_Type, 2)).isNumber()); REPORTER_ASSERT(r, !DSLType(Array(kFloat_Type, 2)).isFloat()); REPORTER_ASSERT(r, !DSLType(Array(kFloat_Type, 2)).isSigned()); REPORTER_ASSERT(r, !DSLType(Array(kFloat_Type, 2)).isUnsigned()); REPORTER_ASSERT(r, !DSLType(Array(kFloat_Type, 2)).isInteger()); REPORTER_ASSERT(r, !DSLType(Array(kFloat_Type, 2)).isScalar()); REPORTER_ASSERT(r, !DSLType(Array(kFloat_Type, 2)).isVector()); REPORTER_ASSERT(r, !DSLType(Array(kFloat_Type, 2)).isMatrix()); REPORTER_ASSERT(r, DSLType(Array(kFloat_Type, 2)).isArray()); REPORTER_ASSERT(r, !DSLType(Array(kFloat_Type, 2)).isStruct()); Var x(kFloat_Type); DSLExpression e = x + 1; REPORTER_ASSERT(r, e.type().isFloat()); e.release(); { ExpectError error(r, "array size must be positive"); Array(kFloat_Type, -1); } { ExpectError error(r, "multi-dimensional arrays are not supported"); Array(Array(kFloat_Type, 2), 2); } } DEF_GPUTEST_FOR_MOCK_CONTEXT(DSLMatrices, r, ctxInfo) { AutoDSLContext context(ctxInfo.directContext()->priv().getGpu()); Var f22(kFloat2x2_Type, "f22"); EXPECT_EQUAL(f22 = Float2x2(1), "(f22 = float2x2(1.0))"); Var f32(kFloat3x2_Type, "f32"); EXPECT_EQUAL(f32 = Float3x2(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6), "(f32 = float3x2(1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0))"); Var f42(kFloat4x2_Type, "f42"); EXPECT_EQUAL(f42 = Float4x2(Float4(1, 2, 3, 4), 5, 6, 7, 8), "(f42 = float4x2(1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0))"); Var f23(kFloat2x3_Type, "f23"); EXPECT_EQUAL(f23 = Float2x3(1, Float2(2, 3), 4, Float2(5, 6)), "(f23 = float2x3(1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0))"); Var f33(kFloat3x3_Type, "f33"); EXPECT_EQUAL(f33 = Float3x3(Float3(1, 2, 3), 4, Float2(5, 6), 7, 8, 9), "(f33 = float3x3(1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0))"); Var f43(kFloat4x3_Type, "f43"); EXPECT_EQUAL(f43 = Float4x3(Float4(1, 2, 3, 4), Float4(5, 6, 7, 8), Float4(9, 10, 11, 12)), "(f43 = float4x3(1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0, 10.0, 11.0, 12.0))"); Var f24(kFloat2x4_Type, "f24"); EXPECT_EQUAL(f24 = Float2x4(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8), "(f24 = float2x4(1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0))"); Var f34(kFloat3x4_Type, "f34"); EXPECT_EQUAL(f34 = Float3x4(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, Float3(10, 11, 12)), "(f34 = float3x4(1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0, 10.0, 11.0, 12.0))"); Var f44(kFloat4x4_Type, "f44"); EXPECT_EQUAL(f44 = Float4x4(1), "(f44 = float4x4(1.0))"); Var h22(kHalf2x2_Type, "h22"); EXPECT_EQUAL(h22 = Half2x2(1), "(h22 = half2x2(1.0))"); Var h32(kHalf3x2_Type, "h32"); EXPECT_EQUAL(h32 = Half3x2(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6), "(h32 = half3x2(1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0))"); Var h42(kHalf4x2_Type, "h42"); EXPECT_EQUAL(h42 = Half4x2(Half4(1, 2, 3, 4), 5, 6, 7, 8), "(h42 = half4x2(1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0))"); Var h23(kHalf2x3_Type, "h23"); EXPECT_EQUAL(h23 = Half2x3(1, Half2(2, 3), 4, Half2(5, 6)), "(h23 = half2x3(1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0))"); Var h33(kHalf3x3_Type, "h33"); EXPECT_EQUAL(h33 = Half3x3(Half3(1, 2, 3), 4, Half2(5, 6), 7, 8, 9), "(h33 = half3x3(1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0))"); Var h43(kHalf4x3_Type, "h43"); EXPECT_EQUAL(h43 = Half4x3(Half4(1, 2, 3, 4), Half4(5, 6, 7, 8), Half4(9, 10, 11, 12)), "(h43 = half4x3(1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0, 10.0, 11.0, 12.0))"); Var h24(kHalf2x4_Type, "h24"); EXPECT_EQUAL(h24 = Half2x4(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8), "(h24 = half2x4(1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0))"); Var h34(kHalf3x4_Type, "h34"); EXPECT_EQUAL(h34 = Half3x4(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, Half3(10, 11, 12)), "(h34 = half3x4(1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0, 10.0, 11.0, 12.0))"); Var h44(kHalf4x4_Type, "h44"); EXPECT_EQUAL(h44 = Half4x4(1), "(h44 = half4x4(1.0))"); EXPECT_EQUAL(f22 * 2, "(f22 * 2.0)"); EXPECT_EQUAL(f22 == Float2x2(1), "(f22 == float2x2(1.0))"); EXPECT_EQUAL(h42[0][1], "h42[0].y"); EXPECT_EQUAL(f43 * Float4(0), "(f43 * float4(0.0))"); EXPECT_EQUAL(h23 * 2, "(h23 * 2.0)"); EXPECT_EQUAL(Inverse(f44), "inverse(f44)"); { ExpectError error(r, "invalid arguments to 'float3x3' constructor (expected 9 scalars, but " "found 2)"); DSLExpression(Float3x3(Float2(1))).release(); } { ExpectError error(r, "invalid arguments to 'half2x2' constructor (expected 4 scalars, but " "found 5)"); DSLExpression(Half2x2(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)).release(); } { ExpectError error(r, "type mismatch: '*' cannot operate on 'float4x3', 'float3'"); DSLExpression(f43 * Float3(1)).release(); } { ExpectError error(r, "type mismatch: '=' cannot operate on 'float4x3', 'float3x3'"); DSLExpression(f43 = f33).release(); } { ExpectError error(r, "type mismatch: '=' cannot operate on 'half2x2', 'float2x2'"); DSLExpression(h22 = f22).release(); } { ExpectError error(r, "no match for inverse(float4x3)"); DSLExpression(Inverse(f43)).release(); } } DEF_GPUTEST_FOR_MOCK_CONTEXT(DSLPlus, r, ctxInfo) { AutoDSLContext context(ctxInfo.directContext()->priv().getGpu()); Var a(kFloat_Type, "a"), b(kFloat_Type, "b"); EXPECT_EQUAL(a + b, "(a + b)"); EXPECT_EQUAL(a + 1, "(a + 1.0)"); EXPECT_EQUAL(0.5 + a + -99, "((0.5 + a) + -99.0)"); EXPECT_EQUAL(a += b + 1, "(a += (b + 1.0))"); EXPECT_EQUAL(+a, "a"); EXPECT_EQUAL(+(a + b), "(a + b)"); { ExpectError error(r, "type mismatch: '+' cannot operate on 'bool2', 'float'"); DSLExpression((Bool2(true) + a)).release(); } { ExpectError error(r, "type mismatch: '+=' cannot operate on 'float', 'bool2'"); DSLExpression((a += Bool2(true))).release(); } { ExpectError error(r, "cannot assign to this expression"); DSLExpression((1.0 += a)).release(); } { ExpectError error(r, "'+' cannot operate on 'bool'"); Var c(kBool_Type); DSLExpression(+c).release(); } } DEF_GPUTEST_FOR_MOCK_CONTEXT(DSLMinus, r, ctxInfo) { AutoDSLContext context(ctxInfo.directContext()->priv().getGpu()); Var a(kInt_Type, "a"), b(kInt_Type, "b"); EXPECT_EQUAL(a - b, "(a - b)"); EXPECT_EQUAL(a - 1, "(a - 1)"); EXPECT_EQUAL(2 - a - b, "((2 - a) - b)"); EXPECT_EQUAL(a -= b + 1, "(a -= (b + 1))"); EXPECT_EQUAL(-a, "-a"); EXPECT_EQUAL(-(a - b), "-(a - b)"); { ExpectError error(r, "type mismatch: '-' cannot operate on 'bool2', 'int'"); DSLExpression(Bool2(true) - a).release(); } { ExpectError error(r, "type mismatch: '-=' cannot operate on 'int', 'bool2'"); DSLExpression(a -= Bool2(true)).release(); } { ExpectError error(r, "cannot assign to this expression"); DSLExpression(1.0 -= a).release(); } { ExpectError error(r, "'-' cannot operate on 'bool'"); Var c(kBool_Type); DSLExpression(-c).release(); } } DEF_GPUTEST_FOR_MOCK_CONTEXT(DSLMultiply, r, ctxInfo) { AutoDSLContext context(ctxInfo.directContext()->priv().getGpu()); Var a(kFloat_Type, "a"), b(kFloat_Type, "b"); EXPECT_EQUAL(a * b, "(a * b)"); EXPECT_EQUAL(a * 2, "(a * 2.0)"); EXPECT_EQUAL(0.5 * a * -99, "((0.5 * a) * -99.0)"); EXPECT_EQUAL(a *= b + 1, "(a *= (b + 1.0))"); { ExpectError error(r, "type mismatch: '*' cannot operate on 'bool2', 'float'"); DSLExpression(Bool2(true) * a).release(); } { ExpectError error(r, "type mismatch: '*=' cannot operate on 'float', 'bool2'"); DSLExpression(a *= Bool2(true)).release(); } { ExpectError error(r, "cannot assign to this expression"); DSLExpression(1.0 *= a).release(); } } DEF_GPUTEST_FOR_MOCK_CONTEXT(DSLDivide, r, ctxInfo) { AutoDSLContext context(ctxInfo.directContext()->priv().getGpu()); Var a(kFloat_Type, "a"), b(kFloat_Type, "b"); EXPECT_EQUAL(a / b, "(a / b)"); EXPECT_EQUAL(a / 2, "(a / 2.0)"); EXPECT_EQUAL(0.5 / a / -99, "((0.5 / a) / -99.0)"); EXPECT_EQUAL(b / (a - 1), "(b / (a - 1.0))"); EXPECT_EQUAL(a /= b + 1, "(a /= (b + 1.0))"); { ExpectError error(r, "type mismatch: '/' cannot operate on 'bool2', 'float'"); DSLExpression(Bool2(true) / a).release(); } { ExpectError error(r, "type mismatch: '/=' cannot operate on 'float', 'bool2'"); DSLExpression(a /= Bool2(true)).release(); } { ExpectError error(r, "cannot assign to this expression"); DSLExpression(1.0 /= a).release(); } { ExpectError error(r, "division by zero"); DSLExpression(a /= 0).release(); } { Var c(kFloat2_Type, "c"); ExpectError error(r, "division by zero"); DSLExpression(c /= Float2(Float(0), 1)).release(); } } DEF_GPUTEST_FOR_MOCK_CONTEXT(DSLMod, r, ctxInfo) { AutoDSLContext context(ctxInfo.directContext()->priv().getGpu()); Var a(kInt_Type, "a"), b(kInt_Type, "b"); Expression e1 = a % b; EXPECT_EQUAL(e1, "(a % b)"); Expression e2 = a % 2; EXPECT_EQUAL(e2, "(a % 2)"); Expression e3 = 10 % a % -99; EXPECT_EQUAL(e3, "((10 % a) % -99)"); Expression e4 = a %= b + 1; EXPECT_EQUAL(e4, "(a %= (b + 1))"); { ExpectError error(r, "type mismatch: '%' cannot operate on 'bool2', 'int'"); DSLExpression(Bool2(true) % a).release(); } { ExpectError error(r, "type mismatch: '%=' cannot operate on 'int', 'bool2'"); DSLExpression(a %= Bool2(true)).release(); } { ExpectError error(r, "cannot assign to this expression"); DSLExpression(1 %= a).release(); } { ExpectError error(r, "division by zero"); DSLExpression(a %= 0).release(); } { Var c(kInt2_Type, "c"); ExpectError error(r, "division by zero"); DSLExpression(c %= Int2(Int(0), 1)).release(); } } DEF_GPUTEST_FOR_MOCK_CONTEXT(DSLShl, r, ctxInfo) { AutoDSLContext context(ctxInfo.directContext()->priv().getGpu()); Var a(kInt_Type, "a"), b(kInt_Type, "b"); Expression e1 = a << b; EXPECT_EQUAL(e1, "(a << b)"); Expression e2 = a << 1; EXPECT_EQUAL(e2, "(a << 1)"); Expression e3 = 1 << a << 2; EXPECT_EQUAL(e3, "((1 << a) << 2)"); Expression e4 = a <<= b + 1; EXPECT_EQUAL(e4, "(a <<= (b + 1))"); { ExpectError error(r, "type mismatch: '<<' cannot operate on 'bool2', 'int'"); DSLExpression(Bool2(true) << a).release(); } { ExpectError error(r, "type mismatch: '<<=' cannot operate on 'int', 'bool2'"); DSLExpression(a <<= Bool2(true)).release(); } { ExpectError error(r, "cannot assign to this expression"); DSLExpression(1 <<= a).release(); } } DEF_GPUTEST_FOR_MOCK_CONTEXT(DSLShr, r, ctxInfo) { AutoDSLContext context(ctxInfo.directContext()->priv().getGpu()); Var a(kInt_Type, "a"), b(kInt_Type, "b"); Expression e1 = a >> b; EXPECT_EQUAL(e1, "(a >> b)"); Expression e2 = a >> 1; EXPECT_EQUAL(e2, "(a >> 1)"); Expression e3 = 1 >> a >> 2; EXPECT_EQUAL(e3, "((1 >> a) >> 2)"); Expression e4 = a >>= b + 1; EXPECT_EQUAL(e4, "(a >>= (b + 1))"); { ExpectError error(r, "type mismatch: '>>' cannot operate on 'bool2', 'int'"); DSLExpression(Bool2(true) >> a).release(); } { ExpectError error(r, "type mismatch: '>>=' cannot operate on 'int', 'bool2'"); DSLExpression(a >>= Bool2(true)).release(); } { ExpectError error(r, "cannot assign to this expression"); DSLExpression(1 >>= a).release(); } } DEF_GPUTEST_FOR_MOCK_CONTEXT(DSLBitwiseAnd, r, ctxInfo) { AutoDSLContext context(ctxInfo.directContext()->priv().getGpu()); Var a(kInt_Type, "a"), b(kInt_Type, "b"); Expression e1 = a & b; EXPECT_EQUAL(e1, "(a & b)"); Expression e2 = a & 1; EXPECT_EQUAL(e2, "(a & 1)"); Expression e3 = 1 & a & 2; EXPECT_EQUAL(e3, "((1 & a) & 2)"); Expression e4 = a &= b + 1; EXPECT_EQUAL(e4, "(a &= (b + 1))"); { ExpectError error(r, "type mismatch: '&' cannot operate on 'bool2', 'int'"); DSLExpression(Bool2(true) & a).release(); } { ExpectError error(r, "type mismatch: '&=' cannot operate on 'int', 'bool2'"); DSLExpression(a &= Bool2(true)).release(); } { ExpectError error(r, "cannot assign to this expression"); DSLExpression(1 &= a).release(); } } DEF_GPUTEST_FOR_MOCK_CONTEXT(DSLBitwiseOr, r, ctxInfo) { AutoDSLContext context(ctxInfo.directContext()->priv().getGpu()); Var a(kInt_Type, "a"), b(kInt_Type, "b"); Expression e1 = a | b; EXPECT_EQUAL(e1, "(a | b)"); Expression e2 = a | 1; EXPECT_EQUAL(e2, "(a | 1)"); Expression e3 = 1 | a | 2; EXPECT_EQUAL(e3, "((1 | a) | 2)"); Expression e4 = a |= b + 1; EXPECT_EQUAL(e4, "(a |= (b + 1))"); { ExpectError error(r, "type mismatch: '|' cannot operate on 'bool2', 'int'"); DSLExpression(Bool2(true) | a).release(); } { ExpectError error(r, "type mismatch: '|=' cannot operate on 'int', 'bool2'"); DSLExpression(a |= Bool2(true)).release(); } { ExpectError error(r, "cannot assign to this expression"); DSLExpression(1 |= a).release(); } } DEF_GPUTEST_FOR_MOCK_CONTEXT(DSLBitwiseXor, r, ctxInfo) { AutoDSLContext context(ctxInfo.directContext()->priv().getGpu()); Var a(kInt_Type, "a"), b(kInt_Type, "b"); Expression e1 = a ^ b; EXPECT_EQUAL(e1, "(a ^ b)"); Expression e2 = a ^ 1; EXPECT_EQUAL(e2, "(a ^ 1)"); Expression e3 = 1 ^ a ^ 2; EXPECT_EQUAL(e3, "((1 ^ a) ^ 2)"); Expression e4 = a ^= b + 1; EXPECT_EQUAL(e4, "(a ^= (b + 1))"); { ExpectError error(r, "type mismatch: '^' cannot operate on 'bool2', 'int'"); DSLExpression(Bool2(true) ^ a).release(); } { ExpectError error(r, "type mismatch: '^=' cannot operate on 'int', 'bool2'"); DSLExpression(a ^= Bool2(true)).release(); } { ExpectError error(r, "cannot assign to this expression"); DSLExpression(1 ^= a).release(); } } DEF_GPUTEST_FOR_MOCK_CONTEXT(DSLLogicalAnd, r, ctxInfo) { AutoDSLContext context(ctxInfo.directContext()->priv().getGpu()); Var a(kBool_Type, "a"), b(kBool_Type, "b"); Expression e1 = a && b; EXPECT_EQUAL(e1, "(a && b)"); Expression e2 = a && true && b; EXPECT_EQUAL(e2, "(a && b)"); Expression e3 = a && false && b; EXPECT_EQUAL(e3, "false"); { ExpectError error(r, "type mismatch: '&&' cannot operate on 'bool', 'int'"); DSLExpression(a && 5).release(); } } DEF_GPUTEST_FOR_MOCK_CONTEXT(DSLLogicalOr, r, ctxInfo) { AutoDSLContext context(ctxInfo.directContext()->priv().getGpu()); Var a(kBool_Type, "a"), b(kBool_Type, "b"); Expression e1 = a || b; EXPECT_EQUAL(e1, "(a || b)"); Expression e2 = a || true || b; EXPECT_EQUAL(e2, "true"); Expression e3 = a || false || b; EXPECT_EQUAL(e3, "(a || b)"); { ExpectError error(r, "type mismatch: '||' cannot operate on 'bool', 'int'"); DSLExpression(a || 5).release(); } } DEF_GPUTEST_FOR_MOCK_CONTEXT(DSLLogicalXor, r, ctxInfo) { AutoDSLContext context(ctxInfo.directContext()->priv().getGpu()); Var a(kBool_Type, "a"), b(kBool_Type, "b"); Expression e1 = LogicalXor(a, b); EXPECT_EQUAL(e1, "(a ^^ b)"); { ExpectError error(r, "type mismatch: '^^' cannot operate on 'bool', 'int'"); DSLExpression(LogicalXor(a, 5)).release(); } } DEF_GPUTEST_FOR_MOCK_CONTEXT(DSLComma, r, ctxInfo) { AutoDSLContext context(ctxInfo.directContext()->priv().getGpu()); Var a(kInt_Type, "a"), b(kInt_Type, "b"); Expression e1 = (a += b, b); EXPECT_EQUAL(e1, "((a += b) , b)"); Expression e2 = (a += b, b += b, Int2(a)); EXPECT_EQUAL(e2, "(((a += b) , (b += b)) , int2(a))"); } DEF_GPUTEST_FOR_MOCK_CONTEXT(DSLEqual, r, ctxInfo) { AutoDSLContext context(ctxInfo.directContext()->priv().getGpu()); Var a(kInt_Type, "a"), b(kInt_Type, "b"); Expression e1 = a == b; EXPECT_EQUAL(e1, "(a == b)"); Expression e2 = a == 5; EXPECT_EQUAL(e2, "(a == 5)"); { ExpectError error(r, "type mismatch: '==' cannot operate on 'int', 'bool2'"); DSLExpression(a == Bool2(true)).release(); } } DEF_GPUTEST_FOR_MOCK_CONTEXT(DSLNotEqual, r, ctxInfo) { AutoDSLContext context(ctxInfo.directContext()->priv().getGpu()); Var a(kInt_Type, "a"), b(kInt_Type, "b"); Expression e1 = a != b; EXPECT_EQUAL(e1, "(a != b)"); Expression e2 = a != 5; EXPECT_EQUAL(e2, "(a != 5)"); { ExpectError error(r, "type mismatch: '!=' cannot operate on 'int', 'bool2'"); DSLExpression(a != Bool2(true)).release(); } } DEF_GPUTEST_FOR_MOCK_CONTEXT(DSLGreaterThan, r, ctxInfo) { AutoDSLContext context(ctxInfo.directContext()->priv().getGpu()); Var a(kInt_Type, "a"), b(kInt_Type, "b"); Expression e1 = a > b; EXPECT_EQUAL(e1, "(a > b)"); Expression e2 = a > 5; EXPECT_EQUAL(e2, "(a > 5)"); { ExpectError error(r, "type mismatch: '>' cannot operate on 'int', 'bool2'"); DSLExpression(a > Bool2(true)).release(); } } DEF_GPUTEST_FOR_MOCK_CONTEXT(DSLGreaterThanOrEqual, r, ctxInfo) { AutoDSLContext context(ctxInfo.directContext()->priv().getGpu()); Var a(kInt_Type, "a"), b(kInt_Type, "b"); Expression e1 = a >= b; EXPECT_EQUAL(e1, "(a >= b)"); Expression e2 = a >= 5; EXPECT_EQUAL(e2, "(a >= 5)"); { ExpectError error(r, "type mismatch: '>=' cannot operate on 'int', 'bool2'"); DSLExpression(a >= Bool2(true)).release(); } } DEF_GPUTEST_FOR_MOCK_CONTEXT(DSLLessThan, r, ctxInfo) { AutoDSLContext context(ctxInfo.directContext()->priv().getGpu()); Var a(kInt_Type, "a"), b(kInt_Type, "b"); Expression e1 = a < b; EXPECT_EQUAL(e1, "(a < b)"); Expression e2 = a < 5; EXPECT_EQUAL(e2, "(a < 5)"); { ExpectError error(r, "type mismatch: '<' cannot operate on 'int', 'bool2'"); DSLExpression(a < Bool2(true)).release(); } } DEF_GPUTEST_FOR_MOCK_CONTEXT(DSLLessThanOrEqual, r, ctxInfo) { AutoDSLContext context(ctxInfo.directContext()->priv().getGpu()); Var a(kInt_Type, "a"), b(kInt_Type, "b"); Expression e1 = a <= b; EXPECT_EQUAL(e1, "(a <= b)"); Expression e2 = a <= 5; EXPECT_EQUAL(e2, "(a <= 5)"); { ExpectError error(r, "type mismatch: '<=' cannot operate on 'int', 'bool2'"); DSLExpression(a <= Bool2(true)).release(); } } DEF_GPUTEST_FOR_MOCK_CONTEXT(DSLLogicalNot, r, ctxInfo) { AutoDSLContext context(ctxInfo.directContext()->priv().getGpu()); Var a(kInt_Type, "a"), b(kInt_Type, "b"); Expression e1 = !(a <= b); EXPECT_EQUAL(e1, "!(a <= b)"); { ExpectError error(r, "'!' cannot operate on 'int'"); DSLExpression(!a).release(); } } DEF_GPUTEST_FOR_MOCK_CONTEXT(DSLBitwiseNot, r, ctxInfo) { AutoDSLContext context(ctxInfo.directContext()->priv().getGpu()); Var a(kInt_Type, "a"), b(kBool_Type, "b"); Expression e1 = ~a; EXPECT_EQUAL(e1, "~a"); { ExpectError error(r, "'~' cannot operate on 'bool'"); DSLExpression(~b).release(); } } DEF_GPUTEST_FOR_MOCK_CONTEXT(DSLIncrement, r, ctxInfo) { AutoDSLContext context(ctxInfo.directContext()->priv().getGpu()); Var a(kInt_Type, "a"), b(kBool_Type, "b"); Expression e1 = ++a; EXPECT_EQUAL(e1, "++a"); Expression e2 = a++; EXPECT_EQUAL(e2, "a++"); { ExpectError error(r, "'++' cannot operate on 'bool'"); DSLExpression(++b).release(); } { ExpectError error(r, "'++' cannot operate on 'bool'"); DSLExpression(b++).release(); } { ExpectError error(r, "cannot assign to this expression"); DSLExpression(++(a + 1)).release(); } { ExpectError error(r, "cannot assign to this expression"); DSLExpression((a + 1)++).release(); } } DEF_GPUTEST_FOR_MOCK_CONTEXT(DSLDecrement, r, ctxInfo) { AutoDSLContext context(ctxInfo.directContext()->priv().getGpu()); Var a(kInt_Type, "a"), b(kBool_Type, "b"); Expression e1 = --a; EXPECT_EQUAL(e1, "--a"); Expression e2 = a--; EXPECT_EQUAL(e2, "a--"); { ExpectError error(r, "'--' cannot operate on 'bool'"); DSLExpression(--b).release(); } { ExpectError error(r, "'--' cannot operate on 'bool'"); DSLExpression(b--).release(); } { ExpectError error(r, "cannot assign to this expression"); DSLExpression(--(a + 1)).release(); } { ExpectError error(r, "cannot assign to this expression"); DSLExpression((a + 1)--).release(); } } DEF_GPUTEST_FOR_MOCK_CONTEXT(DSLCall, r, ctxInfo) { AutoDSLContext context(ctxInfo.directContext()->priv().getGpu()); { DSLExpression sqrt(SkSL::ThreadContext::Compiler().convertIdentifier(/*line=*/-1, "sqrt")); SkTArray> args; args.emplace_back(16); EXPECT_EQUAL(sqrt(std::move(args)), "4.0"); // sqrt(16) gets optimized to 4 } { DSLExpression pow(SkSL::ThreadContext::Compiler().convertIdentifier(/*line=*/-1, "pow")); DSLVar a(kFloat_Type, "a"); DSLVar b(kFloat_Type, "b"); SkTArray> args; args.emplace_back(a); args.emplace_back(b); EXPECT_EQUAL(pow(std::move(args)), "pow(a, b)"); } } DEF_GPUTEST_FOR_MOCK_CONTEXT(DSLBlock, r, ctxInfo) { AutoDSLContext context(ctxInfo.directContext()->priv().getGpu(), no_mark_vars_declared()); EXPECT_EQUAL(Block(), "{ }"); Var a(kInt_Type, "a", 1), b(kInt_Type, "b", 2); EXPECT_EQUAL(Block(Declare(a), Declare(b), a = b), "{ int a = 1; int b = 2; (a = b); }"); EXPECT_EQUAL((If(a > 0, --a), ++b), "if ((a > 0)) --a; ++b;"); SkTArray statements; statements.push_back(a = 0); statements.push_back(++a); EXPECT_EQUAL(Block(std::move(statements)), "{ (a = 0); ++a; }"); } DEF_GPUTEST_FOR_MOCK_CONTEXT(DSLBreak, r, ctxInfo) { AutoDSLContext context(ctxInfo.directContext()->priv().getGpu(), no_mark_vars_declared()); Var i(kInt_Type, "i", 0); DSLFunction(kVoid_Type, "success").define( For(Declare(i), i < 10, ++i, Block( If(i > 5, Break()) )) ); REPORTER_ASSERT(r, SkSL::ThreadContext::ProgramElements().size() == 1); EXPECT_EQUAL(*SkSL::ThreadContext::ProgramElements()[0], "void success() { for (int i = 0; (i < 10); ++i) { if ((i > 5)) break; } }"); { ExpectError error(r, "break statement must be inside a loop or switch"); DSLFunction(kVoid_Type, "fail").define( Break() ); } } DEF_GPUTEST_FOR_MOCK_CONTEXT(DSLContinue, r, ctxInfo) { AutoDSLContext context(ctxInfo.directContext()->priv().getGpu(), no_mark_vars_declared()); Var i(kInt_Type, "i", 0); DSLFunction(kVoid_Type, "success").define( For(Declare(i), i < 10, ++i, Block( If(i < 5, Continue()) )) ); REPORTER_ASSERT(r, SkSL::ThreadContext::ProgramElements().size() == 1); EXPECT_EQUAL(*SkSL::ThreadContext::ProgramElements()[0], "void success() { for (int i = 0; (i < 10); ++i) { if ((i < 5)) continue; } }"); { ExpectError error(r, "continue statement must be inside a loop"); DSLFunction(kVoid_Type, "fail").define( Continue() ); } } DEF_GPUTEST_FOR_MOCK_CONTEXT(DSLDeclare, r, ctxInfo) { AutoDSLContext context(ctxInfo.directContext()->priv().getGpu(), no_mark_vars_declared()); { Var a(kHalf4_Type, "a"), b(kHalf4_Type, "b", Half4(1)); EXPECT_EQUAL(Declare(a), "half4 a;"); EXPECT_EQUAL(Declare(b), "half4 b = half4(1.0);"); } { DSLWriter::Reset(); SkTArray vars; vars.push_back(Var(kBool_Type, "a", true)); vars.push_back(Var(kFloat_Type, "b")); EXPECT_EQUAL(Declare(vars), "bool a = true; float b;"); } { DSLWriter::Reset(); REPORTER_ASSERT(r, SkSL::ThreadContext::ProgramElements().empty()); GlobalVar a(kHalf4_Type, "a"), b(kHalf4_Type, "b", Half4(1)); Declare(a); Declare(b); REPORTER_ASSERT(r, SkSL::ThreadContext::ProgramElements().size() == 2); EXPECT_EQUAL(*SkSL::ThreadContext::ProgramElements()[0], "half4 a;"); EXPECT_EQUAL(*SkSL::ThreadContext::ProgramElements()[1], "half4 b = half4(1.0);"); } { DSLWriter::Reset(); REPORTER_ASSERT(r, SkSL::ThreadContext::ProgramElements().empty()); SkTArray vars; vars.push_back(GlobalVar(kHalf4_Type, "a")); vars.push_back(GlobalVar(kHalf4_Type, "b", Half4(1))); Declare(vars); REPORTER_ASSERT(r, SkSL::ThreadContext::ProgramElements().size() == 2); EXPECT_EQUAL(*SkSL::ThreadContext::ProgramElements()[0], "half4 a;"); EXPECT_EQUAL(*SkSL::ThreadContext::ProgramElements()[1], "half4 b = half4(1.0);"); } { DSLWriter::Reset(); Var a(kHalf4_Type, "a", 1); ExpectError error(r, "expected 'half4', but found 'int'"); Declare(a).release(); } { DSLWriter::Reset(); Var a(kInt_Type, "a"); Declare(a).release(); ExpectError error(r, "variable has already been declared"); Declare(a).release(); } { DSLWriter::Reset(); Var a(kUniform_Modifier, kInt_Type, "a"); ExpectError error(r, "'uniform' is not permitted here"); Declare(a).release(); } } DEF_GPUTEST_FOR_MOCK_CONTEXT(DSLDeclareGlobal, r, ctxInfo) { AutoDSLContext context(ctxInfo.directContext()->priv().getGpu(), no_mark_vars_declared()); DSLGlobalVar x(kInt_Type, "x", 0); Declare(x); DSLGlobalVar y(kUniform_Modifier, kFloat2_Type, "y"); Declare(y); REPORTER_ASSERT(r, SkSL::ThreadContext::ProgramElements().size() == 2); EXPECT_EQUAL(*SkSL::ThreadContext::ProgramElements()[0], "int x = 0;"); EXPECT_EQUAL(*SkSL::ThreadContext::ProgramElements()[1], "uniform float2 y;"); } DEF_GPUTEST_FOR_MOCK_CONTEXT(DSLDiscard, r, ctxInfo) { AutoDSLContext context(ctxInfo.directContext()->priv().getGpu()); Var x(kFloat_Type, "x", 1); EXPECT_EQUAL(If(Sqrt(x) > 0, Discard()), "if ((sqrt(x) > 0.0)) discard;"); } DEF_GPUTEST_FOR_MOCK_CONTEXT(DSLDo, r, ctxInfo) { AutoDSLContext context(ctxInfo.directContext()->priv().getGpu()); Statement x = Do(Block(), true); EXPECT_EQUAL(x, "do {} while (true);"); Var a(kFloat_Type, "a"), b(kFloat_Type, "b"); Statement y = Do(Block(a++, --b), a != b); EXPECT_EQUAL(y, "do { a++; --b; } while ((a != b));"); { ExpectError error(r, "expected 'bool', but found 'int'"); Do(Block(), 7).release(); } } DEF_GPUTEST_FOR_MOCK_CONTEXT(DSLFor, r, ctxInfo) { AutoDSLContext context(ctxInfo.directContext()->priv().getGpu(), no_mark_vars_declared()); EXPECT_EQUAL(For(Statement(), Expression(), Expression(), Block()), "for (;;) {}"); Var i(kInt_Type, "i", 0); EXPECT_EQUAL(For(Declare(i), i < 10, ++i, i += 5), "for (int i = 0; (i < 10); ++i) (i += 5);"); Var j(kInt_Type, "j", 0); Var k(kInt_Type, "k", 10); EXPECT_EQUAL(For((Declare(j), Declare(k)), j < k, ++j, Block()), R"( { int j = 0; int k = 10; for (; (j < k); ++j) {} } )"); { ExpectError error(r, "expected 'bool', but found 'int'"); For(i = 0, i + 10, ++i, i += 5).release(); } { ExpectError error(r, "invalid for loop initializer"); For(If(i == 0, i = 1), i < 10, ++i, i += 5).release(); } } DEF_GPUTEST_FOR_MOCK_CONTEXT(DSLFunction, r, ctxInfo) { AutoDSLContext context(ctxInfo.directContext()->priv().getGpu(), no_mark_vars_declared()); Parameter coords(kFloat2_Type, "coords"); DSLFunction(kVoid_Type, "main", coords).define( sk_FragColor() = Half4(coords, 0, 1) ); REPORTER_ASSERT(r, SkSL::ThreadContext::ProgramElements().size() == 1); EXPECT_EQUAL(*SkSL::ThreadContext::ProgramElements()[0], "void main(float2 coords) { (sk_FragColor = half4(half2(coords), 0.0, 1.0)); }"); { DSLWriter::Reset(); DSLParameter x(kFloat_Type, "x"); DSLFunction sqr(kFloat_Type, "sqr", x); sqr.define( Return(x * x) ); EXPECT_EQUAL(sqr(sk_FragCoord().x()), "sqr(sk_FragCoord.x)"); REPORTER_ASSERT(r, SkSL::ThreadContext::ProgramElements().size() == 1); EXPECT_EQUAL(*SkSL::ThreadContext::ProgramElements()[0], "float sqr(float x) { return (x * x); }"); } { DSLWriter::Reset(); DSLParameter x(kFloat2_Type, "x"); DSLParameter y(kFloat2_Type, "y"); DSLFunction dot(kFloat2_Type, "dot", x, y); dot.define( Return(x * x + y * y) ); EXPECT_EQUAL(dot(Float2(1.0f, 2.0f), Float2(3.0f, 4.0f)), "dot(float2(1.0, 2.0), float2(3.0, 4.0))"); REPORTER_ASSERT(r, SkSL::ThreadContext::ProgramElements().size() == 1); EXPECT_EQUAL(*SkSL::ThreadContext::ProgramElements()[0], "float2 dot(float2 x, float2 y) { return ((x * x) + (y * y)); }"); } { DSLWriter::Reset(); DSLParameter x(kFloat_Type, "x"); DSLParameter y(kFloat_Type, "y"); DSLFunction pair(kFloat2_Type, "pair", x, y); pair.define( Return(Float2(x, y)) ); Var varArg1(kFloat_Type, "varArg1"); Var varArg2(kFloat_Type, "varArg2"); DSLWriter::MarkDeclared(varArg1); DSLWriter::MarkDeclared(varArg2); EXPECT_EQUAL(pair(varArg1, varArg2), "pair(varArg1, varArg2)"); } { ExpectError error(r, "expected 'float', but found 'bool'"); DSLWriter::Reset(); DSLFunction(kFloat_Type, "broken").define( Return(true) ); } { ExpectError error(r, "expected function to return 'float'"); DSLWriter::Reset(); DSLFunction(kFloat_Type, "broken").define( Return() ); } { ExpectError error(r, "function 'broken' can exit without returning a value"); DSLWriter::Reset(); Var x(kFloat_Type, "x", 0); DSLFunction(kFloat_Type, "broken").define( Declare(x), If(x == 1, Return(x)) ); } { ExpectError error(r, "may not return a value from a void function"); DSLWriter::Reset(); DSLFunction(kVoid_Type, "broken").define( Return(0) ); } { ExpectError error(r, "function 'broken' can exit without returning a value"); DSLWriter::Reset(); DSLFunction(kFloat_Type, "broken").define( ); } { ExpectError error(r, "parameter has already been used in another function"); DSLWriter::Reset(); DSLParameter p(kFloat_Type); DSLFunction(kVoid_Type, "ok", p).define( ); DSLFunction(kVoid_Type, "broken", p).define( ); } } DEF_GPUTEST_FOR_MOCK_CONTEXT(DSLIf, r, ctxInfo) { AutoDSLContext context(ctxInfo.directContext()->priv().getGpu()); Var a(kFloat_Type, "a"), b(kFloat_Type, "b"); Statement x = If(a > b, a -= b); EXPECT_EQUAL(x, "if ((a > b)) (a -= b);"); Statement y = If(a > b, a -= b, b -= a); EXPECT_EQUAL(y, "if ((a > b)) (a -= b); else (b -= a);"); Statement z = StaticIf(a > b, a -= b, b -= a); EXPECT_EQUAL(z, "@if ((a > b)) (a -= b); else (b -= a);"); { ExpectError error(r, "expected 'bool', but found 'float'"); If(a + b, a -= b).release(); } } DEF_GPUTEST_FOR_MOCK_CONTEXT(DSLInterfaceBlock, r, ctxInfo) { AutoDSLContext context(ctxInfo.directContext()->priv().getGpu()); DSLGlobalVar intf = InterfaceBlock(kUniform_Modifier, "InterfaceBlock1", { Field(kFloat_Type, "a"), Field(kInt_Type, "b") }); REPORTER_ASSERT(r, SkSL::ThreadContext::ProgramElements().size() == 1); EXPECT_EQUAL(*SkSL::ThreadContext::ProgramElements().back(), "uniform InterfaceBlock1 { float a; int b; };"); EXPECT_EQUAL(intf.field("a"), "InterfaceBlock1.a"); DSLGlobalVar intf2 = InterfaceBlock(kUniform_Modifier, "InterfaceBlock2", { Field(kFloat2_Type, "x"), Field(kHalf2x2_Type, "y") }, "blockVar"); REPORTER_ASSERT(r, SkSL::ThreadContext::ProgramElements().size() == 2); EXPECT_EQUAL(*SkSL::ThreadContext::ProgramElements().back(), "uniform InterfaceBlock2 { float2 x; half2x2 y; } blockVar;"); EXPECT_EQUAL(intf2.field("x"), "blockVar.x"); DSLGlobalVar intf3 = InterfaceBlock(kUniform_Modifier, "InterfaceBlock3", { Field(kFloat_Type, "z") },"arrayVar", 4); REPORTER_ASSERT(r, SkSL::ThreadContext::ProgramElements().size() == 3); EXPECT_EQUAL(*SkSL::ThreadContext::ProgramElements().back(), "uniform InterfaceBlock3 { float z; } arrayVar[4];"); EXPECT_EQUAL(intf3[1].field("z"), "arrayVar[1].z"); } DEF_GPUTEST_FOR_MOCK_CONTEXT(DSLReturn, r, ctxInfo) { AutoDSLContext context(ctxInfo.directContext()->priv().getGpu()); Statement x = Return(); EXPECT_EQUAL(x, "return;"); Statement y = Return(true); EXPECT_EQUAL(y, "return true;"); } DEF_GPUTEST_FOR_MOCK_CONTEXT(DSLSelect, r, ctxInfo) { AutoDSLContext context(ctxInfo.directContext()->priv().getGpu()); Var a(kInt_Type, "a"); Expression x = Select(a > 0, 1, -1); EXPECT_EQUAL(x, "((a > 0) ? 1 : -1)"); { ExpectError error(r, "expected 'bool', but found 'int'"); Select(a, 1, -1).release(); } { ExpectError error(r, "ternary operator result mismatch: 'float2', 'float3'"); Select(a > 0, Float2(1), Float3(1)).release(); } } DEF_GPUTEST_FOR_MOCK_CONTEXT(DSLSwitch, r, ctxInfo) { AutoDSLContext context(ctxInfo.directContext()->priv().getGpu()); Var a(kFloat_Type, "a"), b(kInt_Type, "b"); SkTArray caseStatements; caseStatements.push_back(a = 1); caseStatements.push_back(Continue()); Statement x = Switch(b, Case(0, a = 0, Break()), Case(1, std::move(caseStatements)), Case(2, a = 2 /*Fallthrough*/), Default(Discard()) ); EXPECT_EQUAL(x, R"( switch (b) { case 0: (a = 0.0); break; case 1: (a = 1.0); continue; case 2: (a = 2.0); default: discard; } )"); Statement y = StaticSwitch(b, Case(0, a = 0, Break()), Case(1, a = 1, Continue()), Case(2, a = 2 /*Fallthrough*/), Default(Discard()) ); EXPECT_EQUAL(y, R"( @switch (b) { case 0: (a = 0.0); break; case 1: (a = 1.0); continue; case 2: (a = 2.0); default: discard; } )"); EXPECT_EQUAL(Switch(b), "switch (b) {}"); EXPECT_EQUAL(Switch(b, Default(), Case(0), Case(1)), "switch (b) { default: case 0: case 1: }"); { ExpectError error(r, "duplicate case value '0'"); DSLStatement(Switch(0, Case(0), Case(0))).release(); } { ExpectError error(r, "duplicate default case"); DSLStatement(Switch(0, Default(a = 0), Default(a = 1))).release(); } { ExpectError error(r, "case value must be a constant integer"); Var c(kInt_Type); DSLStatement(Switch(0, Case(c))).release(); } } DEF_GPUTEST_FOR_MOCK_CONTEXT(DSLSwizzle, r, ctxInfo) { AutoDSLContext context(ctxInfo.directContext()->priv().getGpu()); Var a(kFloat4_Type, "a"); EXPECT_EQUAL(a.x(), "a.x"); EXPECT_EQUAL(a.y(), "a.y"); EXPECT_EQUAL(a.z(), "a.z"); EXPECT_EQUAL(a.w(), "a.w"); EXPECT_EQUAL(a.r(), "a.x"); EXPECT_EQUAL(a.g(), "a.y"); EXPECT_EQUAL(a.b(), "a.z"); EXPECT_EQUAL(a.a(), "a.w"); EXPECT_EQUAL(Swizzle(a, R), "a.x"); EXPECT_EQUAL(Swizzle(a, ZERO, G), "float2(0.0, a.y)"); EXPECT_EQUAL(Swizzle(a, B, G, G), "a.zyy"); EXPECT_EQUAL(Swizzle(a, R, G, B, ONE), "float4(a.xyz, 1.0)"); EXPECT_EQUAL(Swizzle(a, B, G, R, ONE).r(), "a.z"); } DEF_GPUTEST_FOR_MOCK_CONTEXT(DSLVarSwap, r, ctxInfo) { AutoDSLContext context(ctxInfo.directContext()->priv().getGpu(), no_mark_vars_declared()); // We should be able to convert `a` into a proper var by swapping it, even from within a scope. Var a; if (true) { Var(kInt_Type, "a").swap(a); } EXPECT_EQUAL(Statement(Block(Declare(a), a = 123)), "{ int a; (a = 123); }"); } DEF_GPUTEST_FOR_MOCK_CONTEXT(DSLWhile, r, ctxInfo) { AutoDSLContext context(ctxInfo.directContext()->priv().getGpu()); Statement x = While(true, Block()); EXPECT_EQUAL(x, "for (; true;) {}"); Var a(kFloat_Type, "a"), b(kFloat_Type, "b"); Statement y = While(a != b, Block(a++, --b)); EXPECT_EQUAL(y, "for (; (a != b);) { a++; --b; }"); { ExpectError error(r, "expected 'bool', but found 'int'"); While(7, Block()).release(); } } DEF_GPUTEST_FOR_MOCK_CONTEXT(DSLIndex, r, ctxInfo) { AutoDSLContext context(ctxInfo.directContext()->priv().getGpu()); Var a(Array(kInt_Type, 5), "a"), b(kInt_Type, "b"); EXPECT_EQUAL(a[0], "a[0]"); EXPECT_EQUAL(a[b], "a[b]"); { ExpectError error(r, "expected 'int', but found 'bool'"); a[true].release(); } { ExpectError error(r, "expected array, but found 'int'"); b[0].release(); } { ExpectError error(r, "index -1 out of range for 'int[5]'"); a[-1].release(); } } DEF_GPUTEST_FOR_MOCK_CONTEXT(DSLBuiltins, r, ctxInfo) { AutoDSLContext context(ctxInfo.directContext()->priv().getGpu()); // There is a Fract type on Mac which can conflict with our Fract builtin using SkSL::dsl::Fract; Var a(kHalf4_Type, "a"), b(kHalf4_Type, "b"), c(kHalf4_Type, "c"); Var h3(kHalf3_Type, "h3"); Var b4(kBool4_Type, "b4"); EXPECT_EQUAL(Abs(a), "abs(a)"); EXPECT_EQUAL(All(b4), "all(b4)"); EXPECT_EQUAL(Any(b4), "any(b4)"); EXPECT_EQUAL(Atan(a), "atan(a)"); EXPECT_EQUAL(Atan(a, b), "atan(a, b)"); EXPECT_EQUAL(Ceil(a), "ceil(a)"); EXPECT_EQUAL(Clamp(a, 0, 1), "clamp(a, 0.0, 1.0)"); EXPECT_EQUAL(Cos(a), "cos(a)"); EXPECT_EQUAL(Cross(h3, h3), "cross(h3, h3)"); EXPECT_EQUAL(Degrees(a), "degrees(a)"); EXPECT_EQUAL(Distance(a, b), "distance(a, b)"); EXPECT_EQUAL(Dot(a, b), "dot(a, b)"); EXPECT_EQUAL(Equal(a, b), "equal(a, b)"); EXPECT_EQUAL(Exp(a), "exp(a)"); EXPECT_EQUAL(Exp2(a), "exp2(a)"); EXPECT_EQUAL(Faceforward(a, b, c), "faceforward(a, b, c)"); EXPECT_EQUAL(Floor(a), "floor(a)"); EXPECT_EQUAL(Fract(a), "fract(a)"); EXPECT_EQUAL(GreaterThan(a, b), "greaterThan(a, b)"); EXPECT_EQUAL(GreaterThanEqual(a, b), "greaterThanEqual(a, b)"); EXPECT_EQUAL(Inversesqrt(a), "inversesqrt(a)"); EXPECT_EQUAL(LessThan(a, b), "lessThan(a, b)"); EXPECT_EQUAL(LessThanEqual(a, b), "lessThanEqual(a, b)"); EXPECT_EQUAL(Length(a), "length(a)"); EXPECT_EQUAL(Log(a), "log(a)"); EXPECT_EQUAL(Log2(a), "log2(a)"); EXPECT_EQUAL(Max(a, b), "max(a, b)"); EXPECT_EQUAL(Min(a, b), "min(a, b)"); EXPECT_EQUAL(Mix(a, b, c), "mix(a, b, c)"); EXPECT_EQUAL(Mod(a, b), "mod(a, b)"); EXPECT_EQUAL(Normalize(a), "normalize(a)"); EXPECT_EQUAL(NotEqual(a, b), "notEqual(a, b)"); EXPECT_EQUAL(Pow(a, b), "pow(a, b)"); EXPECT_EQUAL(Radians(a), "radians(a)"); EXPECT_EQUAL(Reflect(a, b), "reflect(a, b)"); EXPECT_EQUAL(Refract(a, b, 1), "refract(a, b, 1.0)"); EXPECT_EQUAL(Round(a), "round(a)"); EXPECT_EQUAL(Saturate(a), "saturate(a)"); EXPECT_EQUAL(Sign(a), "sign(a)"); EXPECT_EQUAL(Sin(a), "sin(a)"); EXPECT_EQUAL(Smoothstep(a, b, c), "smoothstep(a, b, c)"); EXPECT_EQUAL(Sqrt(a), "sqrt(a)"); EXPECT_EQUAL(Step(a, b), "step(a, b)"); EXPECT_EQUAL(Tan(a), "tan(a)"); EXPECT_EQUAL(Unpremul(a), "unpremul(a)"); // these calls all go through the normal channels, so it ought to be sufficient to prove that // one of them reports errors correctly { ExpectError error(r, "no match for ceil(bool)"); Ceil(a == b).release(); } } DEF_GPUTEST_FOR_MOCK_CONTEXT(DSLModifiers, r, ctxInfo) { AutoDSLContext context(ctxInfo.directContext()->priv().getGpu(), no_mark_vars_declared()); Var v1(kConst_Modifier, kInt_Type, "v1", 0); Statement d1 = Declare(v1); EXPECT_EQUAL(d1, "const int v1 = 0;"); // Most modifiers require an appropriate context to be legal. We can't yet give them that // context, so we can't as yet Declare() variables with these modifiers. // TODO: better tests when able Var v2(kIn_Modifier, kInt_Type, "v2"); REPORTER_ASSERT(r, v2.modifiers().flags() == SkSL::Modifiers::kIn_Flag); DSLWriter::MarkDeclared(v2); Var v3(kOut_Modifier, kInt_Type, "v3"); REPORTER_ASSERT(r, v3.modifiers().flags() == SkSL::Modifiers::kOut_Flag); DSLWriter::MarkDeclared(v3); Var v4(kFlat_Modifier, kInt_Type, "v4"); REPORTER_ASSERT(r, v4.modifiers().flags() == SkSL::Modifiers::kFlat_Flag); DSLWriter::MarkDeclared(v4); Var v5(kNoPerspective_Modifier, kInt_Type, "v5"); REPORTER_ASSERT(r, v5.modifiers().flags() == SkSL::Modifiers::kNoPerspective_Flag); DSLWriter::MarkDeclared(v5); Var v6(kIn_Modifier | kOut_Modifier, kInt_Type, "v6"); REPORTER_ASSERT(r, v6.modifiers().flags() == (SkSL::Modifiers::kIn_Flag | SkSL::Modifiers::kOut_Flag)); DSLWriter::MarkDeclared(v6); Var v7(kInOut_Modifier, kInt_Type, "v7"); REPORTER_ASSERT(r, v7.modifiers().flags() == (SkSL::Modifiers::kIn_Flag | SkSL::Modifiers::kOut_Flag)); DSLWriter::MarkDeclared(v7); Var v8(kUniform_Modifier, kInt_Type, "v8"); REPORTER_ASSERT(r, v8.modifiers().flags() == SkSL::Modifiers::kUniform_Flag); DSLWriter::MarkDeclared(v8); // Uniforms do not need to be explicitly declared } DEF_GPUTEST_FOR_MOCK_CONTEXT(DSLLayout, r, ctxInfo) { AutoDSLContext context(ctxInfo.directContext()->priv().getGpu(), no_mark_vars_declared()); Var v1(DSLModifiers(DSLLayout().location(1).offset(4).index(5).builtin(6) .inputAttachmentIndex(7), kConst_Modifier), kInt_Type, "v1", 0); EXPECT_EQUAL(Declare(v1), "layout (location = 1, offset = 4, index = 5, " "builtin = 6, input_attachment_index = 7) const int v1 = 0;"); Var v2(DSLLayout().originUpperLeft(), kFloat2_Type, "v2"); EXPECT_EQUAL(Declare(v2), "layout (origin_upper_left) float2 v2;"); Var v4(DSLLayout().pushConstant(), kBool_Type, "v4"); EXPECT_EQUAL(Declare(v4), "layout (push_constant) bool v4;"); Var v5(DSLLayout().blendSupportAllEquations(), kHalf4_Type, "v5"); EXPECT_EQUAL(Declare(v5), "layout (blend_support_all_equations) half4 v5;"); { ExpectError error(r, "'layout(color)' is only permitted in runtime effects"); DSLGlobalVar v(DSLModifiers(DSLLayout().color(), kUniform_Modifier), kHalf4_Type, "v"); Declare(v); } { ExpectError error(r, "layout qualifier 'location' appears more than once"); DSLLayout().location(1).location(2); } { ExpectError error(r, "layout qualifier 'set' appears more than once"); DSLLayout().set(1).set(2); } { ExpectError error(r, "layout qualifier 'binding' appears more than once"); DSLLayout().binding(1).binding(2); } { ExpectError error(r, "layout qualifier 'offset' appears more than once"); DSLLayout().offset(1).offset(2); } { ExpectError error(r, "layout qualifier 'index' appears more than once"); DSLLayout().index(1).index(2); } { ExpectError error(r, "layout qualifier 'builtin' appears more than once"); DSLLayout().builtin(1).builtin(2); } { ExpectError error(r, "layout qualifier 'input_attachment_index' appears more than once"); DSLLayout().inputAttachmentIndex(1).inputAttachmentIndex(2); } { ExpectError error(r, "layout qualifier 'origin_upper_left' appears more than once"); DSLLayout().originUpperLeft().originUpperLeft(); } { ExpectError error(r, "layout qualifier 'push_constant' appears more than once"); DSLLayout().pushConstant().pushConstant(); } { ExpectError error(r, "layout qualifier 'blend_support_all_equations' appears more than " "once"); DSLLayout().blendSupportAllEquations().blendSupportAllEquations(); } { ExpectError error(r, "layout qualifier 'color' appears more than once"); DSLLayout().color().color(); } } DEF_GPUTEST_FOR_MOCK_CONTEXT(DSLSampleShader, r, ctxInfo) { AutoDSLContext context(ctxInfo.directContext()->priv().getGpu(), default_settings(), SkSL::ProgramKind::kRuntimeShader); DSLGlobalVar shader(kUniform_Modifier, kShader_Type, "child"); DSLGlobalVar notShader(kUniform_Modifier, kFloat_Type, "x"); EXPECT_EQUAL(shader.eval(Float2(0, 0)), "child.eval(float2(0.0, 0.0))"); { ExpectError error(r, "no match for shader::eval(half4)"); shader.eval(Half4(1)).release(); } { ExpectError error(r, "type does not support method calls"); notShader.eval(Half4(1)).release(); } } DEF_GPUTEST_FOR_MOCK_CONTEXT(DSLStruct, r, ctxInfo) { AutoDSLContext context(ctxInfo.directContext()->priv().getGpu(), no_mark_vars_declared()); DSLType simpleStruct = Struct("SimpleStruct", Field(kFloat_Type, "x"), Field(kBool_Type, "b"), Field(Array(kFloat_Type, 3), "a") ); DSLVar result(simpleStruct, "result"); DSLFunction(simpleStruct, "returnStruct").define( Declare(result), result.field("x") = 123, result.field("b") = result.field("x") > 0, result.field("a")[0] = result.field("x"), Return(result) ); REPORTER_ASSERT(r, SkSL::ThreadContext::ProgramElements().size() == 2); EXPECT_EQUAL(*SkSL::ThreadContext::ProgramElements()[0], "struct SimpleStruct { float x; bool b; float[3] a; };"); EXPECT_EQUAL(*SkSL::ThreadContext::ProgramElements()[1], "SimpleStruct returnStruct() { SimpleStruct result; (result.x = 123.0);" "(result.b = (result.x > 0.0)); (result.a[0] = result.x); return result; }"); Struct("NestedStruct", Field(kInt_Type, "x"), Field(simpleStruct, "simple") ); REPORTER_ASSERT(r, SkSL::ThreadContext::ProgramElements().size() == 3); EXPECT_EQUAL(*SkSL::ThreadContext::ProgramElements()[2], "struct NestedStruct { int x; SimpleStruct simple; };"); } DEF_GPUTEST_FOR_MOCK_CONTEXT(DSLWrapper, r, ctxInfo) { AutoDSLContext context(ctxInfo.directContext()->priv().getGpu()); std::vector> exprs; exprs.push_back(DSLExpression(1)); exprs.emplace_back(2.0); EXPECT_EQUAL(std::move(*exprs[0]), "1"); EXPECT_EQUAL(std::move(*exprs[1]), "2.0"); std::vector> vars; vars.emplace_back(DSLVar(kInt_Type, "x")); REPORTER_ASSERT(r, DSLWriter::Var(*vars[0])->name() == "x"); } DEF_GPUTEST_FOR_MOCK_CONTEXT(DSLRTAdjust, r, ctxInfo) { { AutoDSLContext context(ctxInfo.directContext()->priv().getGpu(), no_mark_vars_declared(), SkSL::ProgramKind::kVertex); DSLGlobalVar rtAdjust(kUniform_Modifier, kFloat4_Type, "sk_RTAdjust"); Declare(rtAdjust); DSLFunction(kVoid_Type, "main").define( sk_Position() = Half4(0) ); REPORTER_ASSERT(r, SkSL::ThreadContext::ProgramElements().size() == 2); EXPECT_EQUAL(*SkSL::ThreadContext::ProgramElements()[1], "void main() {" "(sk_PerVertex.sk_Position = float4(0.0));" "(sk_PerVertex.sk_Position = float4(((sk_PerVertex.sk_Position.xy * sk_RTAdjust.xz) + " "(sk_PerVertex.sk_Position.ww * sk_RTAdjust.yw)), 0.0, sk_PerVertex.sk_Position.w));" "}"); } { AutoDSLContext context(ctxInfo.directContext()->priv().getGpu(), no_mark_vars_declared(), SkSL::ProgramKind::kVertex); REPORTER_ASSERT(r, !SkSL::ThreadContext::RTAdjustState().fInterfaceBlock); DSLGlobalVar intf = InterfaceBlock(kUniform_Modifier, "uniforms", { Field(kInt_Type, "unused"), Field(kFloat4_Type, "sk_RTAdjust") }); REPORTER_ASSERT(r, SkSL::ThreadContext::RTAdjustState().fInterfaceBlock); REPORTER_ASSERT(r, SkSL::ThreadContext::RTAdjustState().fFieldIndex == 1); } { AutoDSLContext context(ctxInfo.directContext()->priv().getGpu(), no_mark_vars_declared(), SkSL::ProgramKind::kVertex); ExpectError error(r, "sk_RTAdjust must have type 'float4'"); InterfaceBlock(kUniform_Modifier, "uniforms", { Field(kInt_Type, "unused"), Field(kHalf4_Type, "sk_RTAdjust") }); } { AutoDSLContext context(ctxInfo.directContext()->priv().getGpu(), no_mark_vars_declared(), SkSL::ProgramKind::kVertex); ExpectError error(r, "symbol 'sk_RTAdjust' was already defined"); InterfaceBlock(kUniform_Modifier, "uniforms1", { Field(kInt_Type, "unused1"), Field(kFloat4_Type, "sk_RTAdjust") }); InterfaceBlock(kUniform_Modifier, "uniforms2", { Field(kInt_Type, "unused2"), Field(kFloat4_Type, "sk_RTAdjust") }); } } DEF_GPUTEST_FOR_MOCK_CONTEXT(DSLInlining, r, ctxInfo) { AutoDSLContext context(ctxInfo.directContext()->priv().getGpu(), no_mark_vars_declared()); DSLParameter x(kFloat_Type, "x"); DSLFunction sqr(kFloat_Type, "sqr", x); sqr.define( Return(x * x) ); DSLFunction(kVoid_Type, "main").define( sk_FragColor() = (sqr(2), Half4(sqr(3))) ); const char* source = "source test"; std::unique_ptr program = ReleaseProgram(std::make_unique(source)); EXPECT_EQUAL(*program, "layout(location = 0, index = 0, builtin = 10001) out half4 sk_FragColor;" "layout(builtin = 17)in bool sk_Clockwise;" "void main() {" "/* inlined: sqr */;" "/* inlined: sqr */;" "(sk_FragColor = (4.0 , half4(half(9.0))));" "}"); REPORTER_ASSERT(r, *program->fSource == source); } DEF_GPUTEST_FOR_MOCK_CONTEXT(DSLReleaseUnused, r, ctxInfo) { SkSL::ProgramSettings settings = default_settings(); settings.fAssertDSLObjectsReleased = false; AutoDSLContext context(ctxInfo.directContext()->priv().getGpu(), settings); If(Sqrt(1) > 0, Discard()); // Ensure that we can safely destroy statements and expressions despite being unused while // settings.fAssertDSLObjectsReleased is disabled. } DEF_GPUTEST_FOR_MOCK_CONTEXT(DSLPrototypes, r, ctxInfo) { AutoDSLContext context(ctxInfo.directContext()->priv().getGpu(), no_mark_vars_declared()); { DSLParameter x(kFloat_Type, "x"); DSLFunction sqr(kFloat_Type, "sqr", x); REPORTER_ASSERT(r, SkSL::ThreadContext::ProgramElements().size() == 1); EXPECT_EQUAL(*SkSL::ThreadContext::ProgramElements()[0], "float sqr(float x);"); sqr.define( Return(x * x) ); REPORTER_ASSERT(r, SkSL::ThreadContext::ProgramElements().size() == 1); EXPECT_EQUAL(*SkSL::ThreadContext::ProgramElements()[0], "float sqr(float x) { return (x * x); }"); } { DSLWriter::Reset(); DSLParameter x(kFloat_Type, "x"); DSLFunction sqr(kFloat_Type, "sqr", x); REPORTER_ASSERT(r, SkSL::ThreadContext::ProgramElements().size() == 1); EXPECT_EQUAL(*SkSL::ThreadContext::ProgramElements()[0], "float sqr(float x);"); DSLFunction(kVoid_Type, "main").define(sqr(5)); REPORTER_ASSERT(r, SkSL::ThreadContext::ProgramElements().size() == 2); EXPECT_EQUAL(*SkSL::ThreadContext::ProgramElements()[0], "float sqr(float x);"); EXPECT_EQUAL(*SkSL::ThreadContext::ProgramElements()[1], "void main() { sqr(5.0); }"); sqr.define( Return(x * x) ); REPORTER_ASSERT(r, SkSL::ThreadContext::ProgramElements().size() == 3); EXPECT_EQUAL(*SkSL::ThreadContext::ProgramElements()[2], "float sqr(float x) { return (x * x); }"); const char* source = "source test"; std::unique_ptr p = ReleaseProgram(std::make_unique(source)); EXPECT_EQUAL(*p, "layout (builtin = 17) in bool sk_Clockwise;" "float sqr(float x);" "void main() {" "/* inlined: sqr */;" "25.0;" "}"); } } DEF_GPUTEST_FOR_MOCK_CONTEXT(DSLExtension, r, ctxInfo) { AutoDSLContext context(ctxInfo.directContext()->priv().getGpu()); AddExtension("test_extension"); REPORTER_ASSERT(r, SkSL::ThreadContext::ProgramElements().size() == 1); EXPECT_EQUAL(*SkSL::ThreadContext::ProgramElements()[0], "#extension test_extension : enable"); } DEF_GPUTEST_FOR_MOCK_CONTEXT(DSLModifiersDeclaration, r, ctxInfo) { AutoDSLContext context(ctxInfo.directContext()->priv().getGpu()); Declare(Modifiers(Layout().blendSupportAllEquations(), kOut_Modifier)); REPORTER_ASSERT(r, SkSL::ThreadContext::ProgramElements().size() == 1); EXPECT_EQUAL(*SkSL::ThreadContext::ProgramElements()[0], "layout(blend_support_all_equations) out;"); } DEF_GPUTEST_FOR_MOCK_CONTEXT(DSLES3Types, r, ctxInfo) { StartRuntimeShader(ctxInfo.directContext()->priv().getGpu()->shaderCompiler()); { ExpectError error(r, "type 'uint' is not supported"); Var u(kUInt_Type, "u"); } { ExpectError error(r, "type 'float3x2' is not supported"); Float3x2(1).release(); } { ExpectError error(r, "type 'uint' is not supported"); Var u(kUInt_Type, "u"); } { ExpectError error(r, "type '$genType' is private"); Var g(DSLType("$genType"), "g"); } Parameter p(kFloat2_Type, "p"); Function(kHalf4_Type, "main", p).define( Return(Half4(0)) ); EndRuntimeShader(); }