/* * Copyright 2013 Google Inc. * * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. */ #include "ToolUtils.h" #include "gm.h" #include "Resources.h" #include "SkBlurImageFilter.h" #include "SkCanvas.h" #include "SkColorFilterImageFilter.h" #include "SkColorMatrixFilter.h" #include "SkFont.h" #include "SkFontMetrics.h" #include "SkGradientShader.h" #include "SkStream.h" #include "SkTypeface.h" /* * Spits out a dummy gradient to test blur with shader on paint */ static sk_sp MakeLinear() { constexpr SkPoint kPts[] = { { 0, 0 }, { 32, 32 } }; constexpr SkScalar kPos[] = { 0, SK_Scalar1/2, SK_Scalar1 }; constexpr SkColor kColors[] = {0x80F00080, 0xF0F08000, 0x800080F0 }; return SkGradientShader::MakeLinear(kPts, kColors, kPos, SK_ARRAY_COUNT(kColors), SkShader::kClamp_TileMode); } static sk_sp make_grayscale(sk_sp input) { SkScalar matrix[20]; memset(matrix, 0, 20 * sizeof(SkScalar)); matrix[0] = matrix[5] = matrix[10] = 0.2126f; matrix[1] = matrix[6] = matrix[11] = 0.7152f; matrix[2] = matrix[7] = matrix[12] = 0.0722f; matrix[18] = 1.0f; sk_sp filter(SkColorFilter::MakeMatrixFilterRowMajor255(matrix)); return SkColorFilterImageFilter::Make(std::move(filter), std::move(input)); } static sk_sp make_blur(float amount, sk_sp input) { return SkBlurImageFilter::Make(amount, amount, std::move(input)); } static sk_sp make_color_filter() { return SkColorMatrixFilter::MakeLightingFilter(SkColorSetRGB(0x00, 0x80, 0xFF), SkColorSetRGB(0xFF, 0x20, 0x00)); } namespace skiagm { class ColorEmojiGM : public GM { public: ColorEmojiGM() { } protected: struct EmojiFont { sk_sp typeface; const char* text; } emojiFont; virtual void onOnceBeforeDraw() override { emojiFont.typeface = ToolUtils::emoji_typeface(); emojiFont.text = ToolUtils::emoji_sample_text(); } SkString onShortName() override { return SkString("coloremoji"); } SkISize onISize() override { return SkISize::Make(650, 1200); } void onDraw(SkCanvas* canvas) override { canvas->drawColor(SK_ColorGRAY); SkFont font(emojiFont.typeface); const char* text = emojiFont.text; // draw text at different point sizes constexpr SkScalar textSizes[] = { 10, 30, 50, }; SkFontMetrics metrics; SkScalar y = 0; for (const bool& fakeBold : { false, true }) { font.setEmbolden(fakeBold); for (const SkScalar& textSize : textSizes) { font.setSize(textSize); font.getMetrics(&metrics); y += -metrics.fAscent; canvas->drawSimpleText(text, strlen(text), kUTF8_SkTextEncoding, 10, y, font, SkPaint()); y += metrics.fDescent + metrics.fLeading; } } y += 20; SkScalar savedY = y; // draw with shaders and image filters for (int makeLinear = 0; makeLinear < 2; makeLinear++) { for (int makeBlur = 0; makeBlur < 2; makeBlur++) { for (int makeGray = 0; makeGray < 2; makeGray++) { for (int makeMode = 0; makeMode < 2; ++makeMode) { for (int alpha = 0; alpha < 2; ++alpha) { SkFont shaderFont(font.refTypefaceOrDefault()); SkPaint shaderPaint; if (SkToBool(makeLinear)) { shaderPaint.setShader(MakeLinear()); } if (SkToBool(makeBlur) && SkToBool(makeGray)) { sk_sp grayScale(make_grayscale(nullptr)); sk_sp blur(make_blur(3.0f, std::move(grayScale))); shaderPaint.setImageFilter(std::move(blur)); } else if (SkToBool(makeBlur)) { shaderPaint.setImageFilter(make_blur(3.0f, nullptr)); } else if (SkToBool(makeGray)) { shaderPaint.setImageFilter(make_grayscale(nullptr)); } if (makeMode) { shaderPaint.setColorFilter(make_color_filter()); } if (alpha) { shaderPaint.setAlphaf(0.5f); } shaderFont.setSize(30); shaderFont.getMetrics(&metrics); y += -metrics.fAscent; canvas->drawSimpleText(text, strlen(text), kUTF8_SkTextEncoding, 380, y, shaderFont, shaderPaint); y += metrics.fDescent + metrics.fLeading; } } } } } // setup work needed to draw text with different clips canvas->translate(10, savedY); font.setSize(40); // compute the bounds of the text SkRect bounds; font.measureText(text, strlen(text), kUTF8_SkTextEncoding, &bounds); const SkScalar boundsHalfWidth = bounds.width() * SK_ScalarHalf; const SkScalar boundsHalfHeight = bounds.height() * SK_ScalarHalf; const SkScalar boundsQuarterWidth = boundsHalfWidth * SK_ScalarHalf; const SkScalar boundsQuarterHeight = boundsHalfHeight * SK_ScalarHalf; SkRect upperLeftClip = SkRect::MakeXYWH(bounds.left(), bounds.top(), boundsHalfWidth, boundsHalfHeight); SkRect lowerRightClip = SkRect::MakeXYWH(bounds.centerX(), bounds.centerY(), boundsHalfWidth, boundsHalfHeight); SkRect interiorClip = bounds; interiorClip.inset(boundsQuarterWidth, boundsQuarterHeight); const SkRect clipRects[] = { bounds, upperLeftClip, lowerRightClip, interiorClip }; SkPaint clipHairline; clipHairline.setColor(SK_ColorWHITE); clipHairline.setStyle(SkPaint::kStroke_Style); SkPaint paint; for (const SkRect& clipRect : clipRects) { canvas->translate(0, bounds.height()); canvas->save(); canvas->drawRect(clipRect, clipHairline); paint.setAlpha(0x20); canvas->drawSimpleText(text, strlen(text), kUTF8_SkTextEncoding, 0, 0, font, paint); canvas->clipRect(clipRect); paint.setAlphaf(1.0f); canvas->drawSimpleText(text, strlen(text), kUTF8_SkTextEncoding, 0, 0, font, paint); canvas->restore(); canvas->translate(0, SkIntToScalar(25)); } } typedef GM INHERITED; }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// DEF_GM(return new ColorEmojiGM;) }