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"string":"+X", "x":300, "y":220 }, "yaxis1": { "string":"-Y", "x":205, "y":100 }, "yaxis2": { "string":"+Y", "x":205, "y":300 } }; var typefaces = { "description": { "style":"normal", "family":"Helvetica,Arial" } }; var paints = { "axisStroke": { "style":"stroke", "color":rgb(191,191,191) }, "axisTextDesc": { "paint":"textBase", "color":rgb(191,191,191) }, "axisTextRight": { "paint":"axisTextDesc", "textAlign":"right" }, "axisTextTop": { "paint":"axisTextDesc", "textBaseline":"hanging" }, "diagSegment": { "style":"stroke", "color":rgb(127,63,127), "strokeWidth":2 }, "gradient1": { "style":"fill", "gradient":"gradients.grad1", "color":alpha(255) }, "gradient2": { "paint":"gradient1", "gradient":"gradients.grad2" }, "gradient3": { "paint":"gradient1", "gradient":"gradients.grad3" }, "gradient4": { "paint":"gradient1", "gradient":"gradients.grad4" }, "gradient5": { "paint":"gradient1", "gradient":"gradients.grad5" }, "gradient6": { "paint":"gradient1", "gradient":"gradients.grad6" }, 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