#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright 2016 Google Inc. # # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. from __future__ import print_function from _adb import Adb from _benchresult import BenchResult from _hardware import HardwareException, Hardware from argparse import ArgumentParser from multiprocessing import Queue from threading import Thread, Timer import collections import glob import math import re import subprocess import sys import time __argparse = ArgumentParser(description=""" Executes the skpbench binary with various configs and skps. Also monitors the output in order to filter out and re-run results that have an unacceptable stddev. """) __argparse.add_argument('skpbench', help="path to the skpbench binary") __argparse.add_argument('--adb', action='store_true', help="execute skpbench over adb") __argparse.add_argument('--adb_binary', default='adb', help="The name of the adb binary to use.") __argparse.add_argument('-s', '--device-serial', help="if using adb, ID of the specific device to target " "(only required if more than 1 device is attached)") __argparse.add_argument('-m', '--max-stddev', type=float, default=4, help="initial max allowable relative standard deviation") __argparse.add_argument('-x', '--suffix', help="suffix to append on config (e.g. '_before', '_after')") __argparse.add_argument('-w','--write-path', help="directory to save .png proofs to disk.") __argparse.add_argument('-v','--verbosity', type=int, default=1, help="level of verbosity (0=none to 5=debug)") __argparse.add_argument('-d', '--duration', type=int, help="number of milliseconds to run each benchmark") __argparse.add_argument('-l', '--sample-ms', type=int, help="duration of a sample (minimum)") __argparse.add_argument('--gpu', action='store_true', help="perform timing on the gpu clock instead of cpu (gpu work only)") __argparse.add_argument('--fps', action='store_true', help="use fps instead of ms") __argparse.add_argument('--pr', help="comma- or space-separated list of GPU path renderers, including: " "[[~]all [~]default [~]dashline [~]nvpr [~]msaa [~]aaconvex " "[~]aalinearizing [~]small [~]tess]") __argparse.add_argument('--cc', action='store_true', help="allow coverage counting shortcuts to render paths") __argparse.add_argument('--nocache', action='store_true', help="disable caching of path mask textures") __argparse.add_argument('-c', '--config', default='gl', help="comma- or space-separated list of GPU configs") __argparse.add_argument('-a', '--resultsfile', help="optional file to append results into") __argparse.add_argument('--ddl', action='store_true', help="record the skp into DDLs before rendering") __argparse.add_argument('--ddlNumAdditionalThreads', type=int, default=0, help="number of DDL recording threads in addition to main one") __argparse.add_argument('--ddlTilingWidthHeight', type=int, default=0, help="number of tiles along one edge when in DDL mode") __argparse.add_argument('--ddlRecordTime', action='store_true', help="report just the cpu time spent recording DDLs") __argparse.add_argument('--gpuThreads', type=int, default=-1, help="Create this many extra threads to assist with GPU work, including" " software path rendering. Defaults to two.") __argparse.add_argument('srcs', nargs='+', help=".skp files or directories to expand for .skp files, and/or .svg files") FLAGS = __argparse.parse_args() if FLAGS.adb: import _adb_path as _path _path.init(FLAGS.device_serial, FLAGS.adb_binary) else: import _os_path as _path def dump_commandline_if_verbose(commandline): if FLAGS.verbosity >= 5: quoted = ['\'%s\'' % re.sub(r'([\\\'])', r'\\\1', x) for x in commandline] print(' '.join(quoted), file=sys.stderr) class StddevException(Exception): pass class Message: READLINE = 0, POLL_HARDWARE = 1, EXIT = 2 def __init__(self, message, value=None): self.message = message self.value = value class SubprocessMonitor(Thread): def __init__(self, queue, proc): self._queue = queue self._proc = proc Thread.__init__(self) def run(self): """Runs on the background thread.""" for line in iter(self._proc.stdout.readline, b''): self._queue.put(Message(Message.READLINE, line.decode('utf-8').rstrip())) self._queue.put(Message(Message.EXIT)) class SKPBench: ARGV = [FLAGS.skpbench, '--verbosity', str(FLAGS.verbosity)] if FLAGS.duration: ARGV.extend(['--duration', str(FLAGS.duration)]) if FLAGS.sample_ms: ARGV.extend(['--sampleMs', str(FLAGS.sample_ms)]) if FLAGS.gpu: ARGV.extend(['--gpuClock', 'true']) if FLAGS.fps: ARGV.extend(['--fps', 'true']) if FLAGS.pr: ARGV.extend(['--pr'] + re.split(r'[ ,]', FLAGS.pr)) if FLAGS.cc: ARGV.extend(['--cc', 'true']) if FLAGS.nocache: ARGV.extend(['--cachePathMasks', 'false']) if FLAGS.gpuThreads != -1: ARGV.extend(['--gpuThreads', str(FLAGS.gpuThreads)]) # DDL parameters if FLAGS.ddl: ARGV.extend(['--ddl', 'true']) if FLAGS.ddlNumAdditionalThreads: ARGV.extend(['--ddlNumAdditionalThreads', str(FLAGS.ddlNumAdditionalThreads)]) if FLAGS.ddlTilingWidthHeight: ARGV.extend(['--ddlTilingWidthHeight', str(FLAGS.ddlTilingWidthHeight)]) if FLAGS.ddlRecordTime: ARGV.extend(['--ddlRecordTime', 'true']) if FLAGS.adb: if FLAGS.device_serial is None: ARGV[:0] = [FLAGS.adb_binary, 'shell'] else: ARGV[:0] = [FLAGS.adb_binary, '-s', FLAGS.device_serial, 'shell'] @classmethod def get_header(cls, outfile=sys.stdout): commandline = cls.ARGV + ['--duration', '0'] dump_commandline_if_verbose(commandline) out = subprocess.check_output(commandline, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) return out.rstrip() @classmethod def run_warmup(cls, warmup_time, config): if not warmup_time: return print('running %i second warmup...' % warmup_time, file=sys.stderr) commandline = cls.ARGV + ['--duration', str(warmup_time * 1000), '--config', config, '--src', 'warmup'] dump_commandline_if_verbose(commandline) output = subprocess.check_output(commandline, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) # validate the warmup run output. for line in output.decode('utf-8').split('\n'): match = BenchResult.match(line.rstrip()) if match and match.bench == 'warmup': return raise Exception('Invalid warmup output:\n%s' % output) def __init__(self, src, config, max_stddev, best_result=None): self.src = src self.config = config self.max_stddev = max_stddev self.best_result = best_result self._queue = Queue() self._proc = None self._monitor = None self._hw_poll_timer = None def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exception_type, exception_value, traceback): if self._proc: self.terminate() if self._hw_poll_timer: self._hw_poll_timer.cancel() def execute(self, hardware): hardware.sanity_check() self._schedule_hardware_poll() commandline = self.ARGV + ['--config', self.config, '--src', self.src, '--suppressHeader', 'true'] if FLAGS.write_path: pngfile = _path.join(FLAGS.write_path, self.config, _path.basename(self.src) + '.png') commandline.extend(['--png', pngfile]) dump_commandline_if_verbose(commandline) self._proc = subprocess.Popen(commandline, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) self._monitor = SubprocessMonitor(self._queue, self._proc) self._monitor.start() while True: message = self._queue.get() if message.message == Message.READLINE: result = BenchResult.match(message.value) if result: hardware.sanity_check() self._process_result(result) elif hardware.filter_line(message.value): print(message.value, file=sys.stderr) continue if message.message == Message.POLL_HARDWARE: hardware.sanity_check() self._schedule_hardware_poll() continue if message.message == Message.EXIT: self._monitor.join() self._proc.wait() if self._proc.returncode != 0: raise Exception("skpbench exited with nonzero exit code %i" % self._proc.returncode) self._proc = None break def _schedule_hardware_poll(self): if self._hw_poll_timer: self._hw_poll_timer.cancel() self._hw_poll_timer = \ Timer(1, lambda: self._queue.put(Message(Message.POLL_HARDWARE))) self._hw_poll_timer.start() def _process_result(self, result): if not self.best_result or result.stddev <= self.best_result.stddev: self.best_result = result elif FLAGS.verbosity >= 2: print("reusing previous result for %s/%s with lower stddev " "(%s%% instead of %s%%)." % (result.config, result.bench, self.best_result.stddev, result.stddev), file=sys.stderr) if self.max_stddev and self.best_result.stddev > self.max_stddev: raise StddevException() def terminate(self): if self._proc: self._proc.terminate() self._monitor.join() self._proc.wait() self._proc = None def emit_result(line, resultsfile=None): print(line) sys.stdout.flush() if resultsfile: print(line, file=resultsfile) resultsfile.flush() def run_benchmarks(configs, srcs, hardware, resultsfile=None): hasheader = False benches = collections.deque([(src, config, FLAGS.max_stddev) for src in srcs for config in configs]) while benches: try: with hardware: SKPBench.run_warmup(hardware.warmup_time, configs[0]) if not hasheader: emit_result(SKPBench.get_header(), resultsfile) hasheader = True while benches: benchargs = benches.popleft() with SKPBench(*benchargs) as skpbench: try: skpbench.execute(hardware) if skpbench.best_result: emit_result(skpbench.best_result.format(FLAGS.suffix), resultsfile) else: print("WARNING: no result for %s with config %s" % (skpbench.src, skpbench.config), file=sys.stderr) except StddevException: retry_max_stddev = skpbench.max_stddev * math.sqrt(2) if FLAGS.verbosity >= 1: print("stddev is too high for %s/%s (%s%%, max=%.2f%%), " "re-queuing with max=%.2f%%." % (skpbench.best_result.config, skpbench.best_result.bench, skpbench.best_result.stddev, skpbench.max_stddev, retry_max_stddev), file=sys.stderr) benches.append((skpbench.src, skpbench.config, retry_max_stddev, skpbench.best_result)) except HardwareException as exception: skpbench.terminate() if FLAGS.verbosity >= 4: hardware.print_debug_diagnostics() if FLAGS.verbosity >= 1: print("%s; rebooting and taking a %i second nap..." % (exception.message, exception.sleeptime), file=sys.stderr) benches.appendleft(benchargs) # retry the same bench next time. raise # wake hw up from benchmarking mode before the nap. except HardwareException as exception: time.sleep(exception.sleeptime) def main(): # Delimiter is ',' or ' ', skip if nested inside parens (e.g. gpu(a=b,c=d)). DELIMITER = r'[, ](?!(?:[^(]*\([^)]*\))*[^()]*\))' configs = re.split(DELIMITER, FLAGS.config) srcs = _path.find_skps(FLAGS.srcs) assert srcs if FLAGS.adb: adb = Adb(FLAGS.device_serial, FLAGS.adb_binary, echo=(FLAGS.verbosity >= 5)) model = adb.check('getprop ro.product.model').strip() if model == 'Pixel C': from _hardware_pixel_c import HardwarePixelC hardware = HardwarePixelC(adb) elif model == 'Pixel': from _hardware_pixel import HardwarePixel hardware = HardwarePixel(adb) elif model == 'Pixel 2': from _hardware_pixel2 import HardwarePixel2 hardware = HardwarePixel2(adb) elif model == 'Nexus 6P': from _hardware_nexus_6p import HardwareNexus6P hardware = HardwareNexus6P(adb) else: from _hardware_android import HardwareAndroid print("WARNING: %s: don't know how to monitor this hardware; results " "may be unreliable." % model, file=sys.stderr) hardware = HardwareAndroid(adb) else: hardware = Hardware() if FLAGS.resultsfile: with open(FLAGS.resultsfile, mode='a+') as resultsfile: run_benchmarks(configs, srcs, hardware, resultsfile=resultsfile) else: run_benchmarks(configs, srcs, hardware) if __name__ == '__main__': main()