CanvasKit.MakeCanvas = function(width, height) { var surf = CanvasKit.MakeSurface(width, height); if (surf) { return new HTMLCanvas(surf); } return null; }; function HTMLCanvas(skSurface) { this._surface = skSurface; this._context = new CanvasRenderingContext2D(skSurface.getCanvas()); this._toCleanup = []; // Data is either an ArrayBuffer, a TypedArray, or a Node Buffer this.decodeImage = function(data) { var img = CanvasKit.MakeImageFromEncoded(data); if (!img) { throw 'Invalid input'; } this._toCleanup.push(img); return new HTMLImage(img); }; this.loadFont = function(buffer, descriptors) { var newFont = CanvasKit.Typeface.MakeFreeTypeFaceFromData(buffer); if (!newFont) { Debug('font could not be processed', descriptors); return null; } this._toCleanup.push(newFont); addToFontCache(newFont, descriptors); }; this.makePath2D = function(path) { var p2d = new Path2D(path); this._toCleanup.push(p2d._getPath()); return p2d; }; // A normal requires that clients call getContext this.getContext = function(type) { if (type === '2d') { return this._context; } return null; }; this.toDataURL = function(codec, quality) { // TODO(kjlubick): maybe support other codecs (webp?) // For now, just to png and jpeg this._surface.flush(); var img = this._surface.makeImageSnapshot(); if (!img) { Debug('no snapshot'); return; } codec = codec || 'image/png'; var format = CanvasKit.ImageFormat.PNG; if (codec === 'image/jpeg') { format = CanvasKit.ImageFormat.JPEG; } quality = quality || 0.92; var imgBytes = img.encodeToBytes(format, quality); if (!imgBytes) { Debug('encoding failure'); return } img.delete(); return 'data:' + codec + ';base64,' + toBase64String(imgBytes); }; this.dispose = function() { this._context._dispose(); this._toCleanup.forEach(function(i) { i.delete(); }); this._surface.dispose(); } }