/* * Copyright 2016 Google Inc. * * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. */ #include "Window.h" #include "SkSurface.h" #include "SkCanvas.h" #include "WindowContext.h" namespace sk_app { static void default_backend_created_func(void* userData) {} static bool default_char_func(SkUnichar c, uint32_t modifiers, void* userData) { return false; } static bool default_key_func(Window::Key key, Window::InputState state, uint32_t modifiers, void* userData) { return false; } static bool default_mouse_func(int x, int y, Window::InputState state, uint32_t modifiers, void* userData) { return false; } static bool default_mouse_wheel_func(float delta, uint32_t modifiers, void* userData) { return false; } static bool default_touch_func(intptr_t owner, Window::InputState state, float x, float y, void* userData) { return false; } static void default_ui_state_changed_func( const SkString& stateName, const SkString& stateValue, void* userData) {} static void default_paint_func(SkCanvas*, void* userData) {} Window::Window() : fBackendCreatedFunc(default_backend_created_func) , fCharFunc(default_char_func) , fKeyFunc(default_key_func) , fMouseFunc(default_mouse_func) , fMouseWheelFunc(default_mouse_wheel_func) , fTouchFunc(default_touch_func) , fUIStateChangedFunc(default_ui_state_changed_func) , fPaintFunc(default_paint_func) { } void Window::detach() { delete fWindowContext; fWindowContext = nullptr; } void Window::onBackendCreated() { fBackendCreatedFunc(fBackendCreatedUserData); } bool Window::onChar(SkUnichar c, uint32_t modifiers) { return fCharFunc(c, modifiers, fCharUserData); } bool Window::onKey(Key key, InputState state, uint32_t modifiers) { return fKeyFunc(key, state, modifiers, fKeyUserData); } bool Window::onMouse(int x, int y, InputState state, uint32_t modifiers) { return fMouseFunc(x, y, state, modifiers, fMouseUserData); } bool Window::onMouseWheel(float delta, uint32_t modifiers) { return fMouseWheelFunc(delta, modifiers, fMouseWheelUserData); } bool Window::onTouch(intptr_t owner, InputState state, float x, float y) { return fTouchFunc(owner, state, x, y, fTouchUserData); } void Window::onUIStateChanged(const SkString& stateName, const SkString& stateValue) { return fUIStateChangedFunc(stateName, stateValue, fUIStateChangedUserData); } void Window::onPaint() { if (!fWindowContext) { return; } markInvalProcessed(); sk_sp backbuffer = fWindowContext->getBackbufferSurface(); if (backbuffer) { // draw into the canvas of this surface SkCanvas* canvas = backbuffer->getCanvas(); fPaintFunc(canvas, fPaintUserData); canvas->flush(); fWindowContext->swapBuffers(); } else { printf("no backbuffer!?\n"); // try recreating testcontext } } void Window::onResize(int w, int h) { if (!fWindowContext) { return; } fWindowContext->resize(w, h); } int Window::width() { if (!fWindowContext) { return 0; } return fWindowContext->width(); } int Window::height() { if (!fWindowContext) { return 0; } return fWindowContext->height(); } void Window::setRequestedDisplayParams(const DisplayParams& params) { fRequestedDisplayParams = params; if (fWindowContext) { fWindowContext->setDisplayParams(fRequestedDisplayParams); } } int Window::sampleCount() const { if (!fWindowContext) { return -1; } return fWindowContext->sampleCount(); } int Window::stencilBits() const { if (!fWindowContext) { return -1; } return fWindowContext->stencilBits(); } const GrContext* Window::getGrContext() const { if (!fWindowContext) { return nullptr; } return fWindowContext->getGrContext(); } void Window::inval() { if (!fWindowContext) { return; } if (!fIsContentInvalidated) { fIsContentInvalidated = true; onInval(); } } void Window::markInvalProcessed() { fIsContentInvalidated = false; } } // namespace sk_app