 * Copyright 2019 Google Inc.
 * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file.

#include "include/private/SkVx.h"
#include "tests/Test.h"

using float2 = skvx::Vec<2,float>;
using float4 = skvx::Vec<4,float>;
using float8 = skvx::Vec<8,float>;

using double2 = skvx::Vec<2,double>;
using double4 = skvx::Vec<4,double>;
using double8 = skvx::Vec<8,double>;

using byte2  = skvx::Vec< 2,uint8_t>;
using byte4  = skvx::Vec< 4,uint8_t>;
using byte8  = skvx::Vec< 8,uint8_t>;
using byte16 = skvx::Vec<16,uint8_t>;

using int2 = skvx::Vec<2,int32_t>;
using int4 = skvx::Vec<4,int32_t>;
using int8 = skvx::Vec<8,int32_t>;

using long2 = skvx::Vec<2,int64_t>;
using long4 = skvx::Vec<4,int64_t>;
using long8 = skvx::Vec<8,int64_t>;

DEF_TEST(SkVx, r) {
    static_assert(sizeof(float2) ==  8, "");
    static_assert(sizeof(float4) == 16, "");
    static_assert(sizeof(float8) == 32, "");

    static_assert(sizeof(byte2) == 2, "");
    static_assert(sizeof(byte4) == 4, "");
    static_assert(sizeof(byte8) == 8, "");

        int4 mask = float4{1,2,3,4} < float4{1,2,4,8};
        REPORTER_ASSERT(r, mask[0] == int32_t( 0));
        REPORTER_ASSERT(r, mask[1] == int32_t( 0));
        REPORTER_ASSERT(r, mask[2] == int32_t(-1));
        REPORTER_ASSERT(r, mask[3] == int32_t(-1));

        REPORTER_ASSERT(r,  any(mask));
        REPORTER_ASSERT(r, !all(mask));

        long4 mask = double4{1,2,3,4} < double4{1,2,4,8};
        REPORTER_ASSERT(r, mask[0] == int64_t( 0));
        REPORTER_ASSERT(r, mask[1] == int64_t( 0));
        REPORTER_ASSERT(r, mask[2] == int64_t(-1));
        REPORTER_ASSERT(r, mask[3] == int64_t(-1));

        REPORTER_ASSERT(r,  any(mask));
        REPORTER_ASSERT(r, !all(mask));

    REPORTER_ASSERT(r, min(float4{1,2,3,4}) == 1);
    REPORTER_ASSERT(r, max(float4{1,2,3,4}) == 4);

    REPORTER_ASSERT(r, all(int4{1,2,3,4,5} == int4{1,2,3,4}));
    REPORTER_ASSERT(r, all(int4{1,2,3,4}   == int4{1,2,3,4}));
    REPORTER_ASSERT(r, all(int4{1,2,3}     == int4{1,2,3,0}));
    REPORTER_ASSERT(r, all(int4{1,2}       == int4{1,2,0,0}));
    REPORTER_ASSERT(r, all(int4{1}         == int4{1,0,0,0}));
    REPORTER_ASSERT(r, all(int4(1)         == int4{1,1,1,1}));
    REPORTER_ASSERT(r, all(int4{}          == int4{0,0,0,0}));
    REPORTER_ASSERT(r, all(int4()          == int4{0,0,0,0}));

    REPORTER_ASSERT(r, all(int4{1,2,2,1} == min(int4{1,2,3,4}, int4{4,3,2,1})));
    REPORTER_ASSERT(r, all(int4{4,3,3,4} == max(int4{1,2,3,4}, int4{4,3,2,1})));

    REPORTER_ASSERT(r, all(if_then_else(float4{1,2,3,2} <= float4{2,2,2,2}, float4(42), float4(47))
                           == float4{42,42,47,42}));

    REPORTER_ASSERT(r, all(floor(float4{-1.5f,1.5f,1.0f,-1.0f}) == float4{-2.0f,1.0f,1.0f,-1.0f}));
    REPORTER_ASSERT(r, all( ceil(float4{-1.5f,1.5f,1.0f,-1.0f}) == float4{-1.0f,2.0f,1.0f,-1.0f}));
    REPORTER_ASSERT(r, all(trunc(float4{-1.5f,1.5f,1.0f,-1.0f}) == float4{-1.0f,1.0f,1.0f,-1.0f}));
    REPORTER_ASSERT(r, all(round(float4{-1.5f,1.5f,1.0f,-1.0f}) == float4{-2.0f,2.0f,1.0f,-1.0f}));

    REPORTER_ASSERT(r, all(abs(float4{-2,-1,0,1}) == float4{2,1,0,1}));

    // TODO(mtklein): these tests could be made less loose.
    REPORTER_ASSERT(r, all( sqrt(float4{2,3,4,5}) < float4{2,2,3,3}));
    REPORTER_ASSERT(r, all( sqrt(float2{2,3}) < float2{2,2}));

    REPORTER_ASSERT(r, all(skvx::cast<int>(float4{-1.5f,0.5f,1.0f,1.5f}) == int4{-1,0,1,1}));

    float buf[] = {1,2,3,4,5,6};
    REPORTER_ASSERT(r, all(float4::Load(buf) == float4{1,2,3,4}));
    REPORTER_ASSERT(r, buf[0] == 2
                    && buf[1] == 3
                    && buf[2] == 4
                    && buf[3] == 5
                    && buf[4] == 5
                    && buf[5] == 6);
    REPORTER_ASSERT(r, all(float4::Load(buf+0) == float4{2,3,4,5}));
    REPORTER_ASSERT(r, all(float4::Load(buf+2) == float4{4,5,5,6}));

    REPORTER_ASSERT(r, all(skvx::shuffle<2,1,0,3>        (float4{1,2,3,4}) == float4{3,2,1,4}));
    REPORTER_ASSERT(r, all(skvx::shuffle<2,1>            (float4{1,2,3,4}) == float2{3,2}));
    REPORTER_ASSERT(r, all(skvx::shuffle<3,3,3,3>        (float4{1,2,3,4}) == float4{4,4,4,4}));
    REPORTER_ASSERT(r, all(skvx::shuffle<2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1>(float4{1,2,3,4})
                           == float8{3,2,3,2,3,2,3,2}));

    // Test that mixed types can be used where they make sense.  Mostly about ergonomics.
    REPORTER_ASSERT(r, all(float4{1,2,3,4} < 5));
    REPORTER_ASSERT(r, all( byte4{1,2,3,4} < 5));
    REPORTER_ASSERT(r, all(  int4{1,2,3,4} < 5.0f));
    float4 five = 5;
    REPORTER_ASSERT(r, all(five == 5.0f));
    REPORTER_ASSERT(r, all(five == 5));

    REPORTER_ASSERT(r, all(max(2, min(float4{1,2,3,4}, 3)) == float4{2,2,3,3}));

    for (int x = 0; x < 256; x++)
    for (int y = 0; y < 256; y++) {
        uint8_t want = (uint8_t)( 255*(x/255.0 * y/255.0) + 0.5 );

            uint8_t got = skvx::div255(skvx::Vec<8, uint16_t>(x) *
                                       skvx::Vec<8, uint16_t>(y) )[0];
            REPORTER_ASSERT(r, got == want);

            uint8_t got = skvx::approx_scale(skvx::Vec<8,uint8_t>(x),

            REPORTER_ASSERT(r, got == want-1 ||
                               got == want   ||
                               got == want+1);
            if (x == 0 || y == 0 || x == 255 || y == 255) {
                REPORTER_ASSERT(r, got == want);

    for (int x = 0; x < 256; x++)
    for (int y = 0; y < 256; y++) {
        uint16_t xy = x*y;

        // Make sure to cover implementation cases N=8, N<8, and N>8.
        REPORTER_ASSERT(r, all(mull(byte2 (x), byte2 (y)) == xy));
        REPORTER_ASSERT(r, all(mull(byte4 (x), byte4 (y)) == xy));
        REPORTER_ASSERT(r, all(mull(byte8 (x), byte8 (y)) == xy));
        REPORTER_ASSERT(r, all(mull(byte16(x), byte16(y)) == xy));

        // Intentionally not testing -0, as we don't care if it's 0x0000 or 0x8000.
        float8 fs = {+0.0f,+0.5f,+1.0f,+2.0f,
        skvx::Vec<8,uint16_t> hs = {0x0000,0x3800,0x3c00,0x4000,
        REPORTER_ASSERT(r, all(skvx::  to_half(fs) == hs));
        REPORTER_ASSERT(r, all(skvx::from_half(hs) == fs));