const REPORT_URL = 'http://localhost:8081/report_perf_data' // Set this to enforce that the perf server must be up. // Typically used for debugging. const fail_on_no_perf = false; function benchmarkAndReport(benchName, setupFn, testFn, teardownFn) { try { let ctx = {}; // warmup 3 times (arbitrary choice) setupFn(ctx); testFn(ctx); testFn(ctx); testFn(ctx); teardownFn(ctx); ctx = {}; setupFn(ctx); let start =; let now = start; times = 0; // See how many times we can do it in 100ms (arbitrary choice) while (now - start < 100) { testFn(ctx); now =; times++; } teardownFn(ctx); // Try to make it go for 2 seconds (arbitrarily chosen) // Since the pre-try took 100ms, multiply by 20 to get // approximate tries in 2s (unless now - start >> 100 ms) let goalTimes = times * 20; ctx = {}; setupFn(ctx); times = 0; start =; while (times < goalTimes) { testFn(ctx); times++; } const end =; teardownFn(ctx); const us = (end - start) * 1000 / times; console.log(benchName, `${us} microseconds`) return _report(us, benchName); } catch(e) { console.error('caught error', e); return Promise.reject(e); } } function _report(microseconds, benchName) { return fetch(REPORT_URL, { method: 'POST', mode: 'no-cors', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', }, body: JSON.stringify({ 'bench_name': benchName, 'time_us': microseconds, }) }).then(() => console.log(`Successfully reported ${benchName} to perf aggregator`)); } function reportError(done) { return (e) => { console.log("Error with fetching. Likely could not connect to aggegator server", e.message); if (fail_on_no_perf) { expect(e).toBeUndefined(); } done(); }; }