// Functions dealing with parsing/stringifying fonts go here. var fontStringRegex = new RegExp( '(italic|oblique|normal|)\\s*' + // style '(small-caps|normal|)\\s*' + // variant '(bold|bolder|lighter|[1-9]00|normal|)\\s*' + // weight '([\\d\\.]+)' + // size '(px|pt|pc|in|cm|mm|%|em|ex|ch|rem|q)' + // unit // line-height is ignored here, as per the spec '(.+)' // family ); function stripWhitespace(str) { return str.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/, ''); } var defaultHeight = 16; // Based off of node-canvas's parseFont // returns font size in px, which represents the em width. function parseFontString(fontStr) { var font = fontStringRegex.exec(fontStr); if (!font) { Debug('Invalid font string ' + fontStr); return null; } var size = parseFloat(font[4]); var sizePx = defaultHeight; var unit = font[5]; switch (unit) { case 'em': case 'rem': sizePx = size * defaultHeight; break; case 'pt': sizePx = size * 4/3; break; case 'px': sizePx = size; break; case 'pc': sizePx = size * defaultHeight; break; case 'in': sizePx = size * 96; break; case 'cm': sizePx = size * 96.0 / 2.54; break; case 'mm': sizePx = size * (96.0 / 25.4); break; case 'q': // quarter millimeters sizePx = size * (96.0 / 25.4 / 4); break; case '%': sizePx = size * (defaultHeight / 75); break; } return { 'style': font[1], 'variant': font[2], 'weight': font[3], 'sizePx': sizePx, 'family': font[6].trim() }; } function getTypeface(fontstr) { var descriptors = parseFontString(fontstr); var typeface = getFromFontCache(descriptors); descriptors['typeface'] = typeface; return descriptors; } // null means use the default typeface (which is currently NotoMono) var fontCache = { 'Noto Mono': { '*': null, // is used if we have this font family, but not the right style/variant/weight }, 'monospace': { '*': null, } }; // descriptors is like https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/FontFace/FontFace // The ones currently supported are family, style, variant, weight. function addToFontCache(typeface, descriptors) { var key = (descriptors['style'] || 'normal') + '|' + (descriptors['variant'] || 'normal') + '|' + (descriptors['weight'] || 'normal'); var fam = descriptors['family']; if (!fontCache[fam]) { // preload with a fallback to this typeface fontCache[fam] = { '*': typeface, }; } fontCache[fam][key] = typeface; } function getFromFontCache(descriptors) { var key = (descriptors['style'] || 'normal') + '|' + (descriptors['variant'] || 'normal') + '|' + (descriptors['weight'] || 'normal'); var fam = descriptors['family']; if (!fontCache[fam]) { return null; } return fontCache[fam][key] || fontCache[fam]['*']; } CanvasKit._testing['parseFontString'] = parseFontString;