CanvasKit - Skia + WebAssembly ============================== Skia now offers a WebAssembly build for easy deployment of our graphics APIs on the web. CanvasKit provides a playground for testing new Canvas and SVG platform APIs, enabling fast-paced development on the web platform. It can also be used as a deployment mechanism for custom web apps requiring cutting-edge features, like Skia's [Lottie animation]( support. Features -------- - WebGL context encapsulated as an SkSurface, allowing for direct drawing to an HTML canvas - Core set of Skia canvas/paint/path/text APIs available, see bindings - Draws to a hardware-accelerated backend - Security tested with Skia's fuzzers Samples -------
Lottie files courtesy of the community: [Lego Loader](, [I'm thirsty](, [Confetti](, [Onboarding]( Test server ----------- Test your code on our [CanvasKit Fiddle]( Download -------- Get [CanvasKit on NPM]( Documentation and Typescript definitions are available in the `types/` subfolder of the npm package or from the [Skia repo]( Check out the [quickstart guide](../modules/quickstart) as well.