print ''
create_select(lambda l: l.bench, lines, 'benchSelect')
print ' | '
create_select(lambda l: l.config, lines)
print ' | '
create_select(lambda l: l.time_type, lines)
all_settings = {}
variant_settings = set()
for label in lines.keys():
for key, value in label.settings.items():
if key not in all_settings:
all_settings[key] = value
elif all_settings[key] != value:
for k in variant_settings:
create_select(lambda l: l.settings[k], lines)
print ' | '
print ''
print """
Brighter red indicates tests that have gotten worse; brighter green
indicates tests that have gotten better.
To highlight individual tests, hold down CONTROL and mouse over
graph lines.
To highlight revision numbers, hold down SHIFT and mouse over
the graph area.
To only show certain tests on the graph, select any combination of
tests in the selectors at left. (To show all, select all.)
Use buttons at left to mark/clear points on the lines for selected