// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. package main import ( "context" "flag" "fmt" "os" "path/filepath" "strings" "time" "go.skia.org/infra/go/exec" "go.skia.org/infra/go/git/git_common" "go.skia.org/infra/go/skerr" "go.skia.org/infra/go/sklog" "go.skia.org/infra/task_driver/go/lib/os_steps" "go.skia.org/infra/task_driver/go/td" ) var sleepOnFail = flag.Bool("sleep_on_fail", false, "True if we should sleep for 30 minutes on failure instead of exiting (for inspection via SSH)") func main() { var ( // Required properties for this task. fuzzDuration = flag.Duration("fuzz_duration", 600*time.Second, "The total time that the fuzzers run. Divided up between all fuzzers.") gitExePath = flag.String("git_exe_path", "", "Path to a git exe. Used to checkout cifuzz repo.") outPath = flag.String("out_path", "", "The directory to put any crashes/hangs/outputs found.") projectID = flag.String("project_id", "", "ID of the Google Cloud project.") skiaPath = flag.String("skia_path", "", "Path to skia repo root.") taskID = flag.String("task_id", "", "task id this data was generated on") taskName = flag.String("task_name", "", "Name of the task.") workPath = flag.String("work_path", "", "The directory to use to store temporary files (e.g. fuzzers)") // Debugging flags. local = flag.Bool("local", false, "True if running locally (as opposed to on the bots)") outputSteps = flag.String("o", "", "If provided, dump a JSON blob of step data to the given file. Prints to stdout if '-' is given.") ) // Setup. ctx := td.StartRun(projectID, taskID, taskName, outputSteps, local) defer td.EndRun(ctx) // Absolute paths work more consistently than relative paths. gitAbsPath := getAbsoluteOfRequiredFlag(ctx, *gitExePath, "git_exe_path") outAbsPath := getAbsoluteOfRequiredFlag(ctx, *outPath, "out_path") skiaAbsPath := getAbsoluteOfRequiredFlag(ctx, *skiaPath, "skia_path") workAbsPath := getAbsoluteOfRequiredFlag(ctx, *workPath, "work_path") if !git_common.IsFromCIPD(gitAbsPath) { fatalOrSleep(ctx, skerr.Fmt("Git %s must be from CIPD", gitAbsPath)) } workDir := filepath.Join(workAbsPath, "cifuzz") if err := os_steps.MkdirAll(ctx, workDir); err != nil { fatalOrSleep(ctx, skerr.Wrap(err)) } // Setup cifuzz repo and images if err := setupCIFuzzRepoAndDocker(ctx, workDir, gitAbsPath); err != nil { fatalOrSleep(ctx, skerr.Wrap(err)) } // Prepare the skia checkout to be built with fuzzers. if err := prepareSkiaCheckout(ctx, skiaAbsPath, workDir, gitAbsPath); err != nil { td.Fatal(ctx, skerr.Wrap(err)) } // build and run fuzzers if err := buildAndRunCIFuzz(ctx, workDir, skiaAbsPath, *fuzzDuration); err != nil { fatalOrSleep(ctx, skerr.Wrap(err)) } if err := extractOutput(ctx, workDir, outAbsPath); err != nil { fatalOrSleep(ctx, skerr.Wrap(err)) } // Clean up compiled fuzzers, etc if err := os_steps.RemoveAll(ctx, workDir); err != nil { fatalOrSleep(ctx, skerr.Wrap(err)) } } func fatalOrSleep(ctx context.Context, err error) { if *sleepOnFail { sklog.Errorf("Sleeping after error: %s", err) time.Sleep(30 * time.Minute) } td.Fatal(ctx, err) } func getAbsoluteOfRequiredFlag(ctx context.Context, nonEmptyPath, flag string) string { if nonEmptyPath == "" { td.Fatalf(ctx, "--%s must be specified", flag) } absPath, err := filepath.Abs(nonEmptyPath) if err != nil { fatalOrSleep(ctx, skerr.Wrap(err)) } return absPath } const ( ossFuzzRepo = "https://github.com/google/oss-fuzz.git" swiftShaderRepo = "https://swiftshader.googlesource.com/SwiftShader" dockerExe = "docker" cifuzzDockerImage = "gcr.io/oss-fuzz-base/cifuzz-base:latest" buildFuzzersDockerImage = "local_build_fuzzers" runFuzzersDockerImage = "local_run_fuzzers" pinnedSwiftshaderRevision = "45510ad8a77862c1ce2e33f0efed41544f5f048b" ) func setupCIFuzzRepoAndDocker(ctx context.Context, workdir, gitAbsPath string) error { ctx = td.StartStep(ctx, td.Props("setup cifuzz").Infra()) defer td.EndStep(ctx) // Make these directories for cifuzz exist so docker does not create it w/ root permissions. if err := os_steps.MkdirAll(ctx, filepath.Join(workdir, "out")); err != nil { return td.FailStep(ctx, skerr.Wrap(err)) } if _, err := exec.RunCwd(ctx, workdir, gitAbsPath, "clone", ossFuzzRepo, "--depth", "1"); err != nil { return td.FailStep(ctx, skerr.Wrap(err)) } if _, err := exec.RunCwd(ctx, workdir, dockerExe, "pull", cifuzzDockerImage); err != nil { return td.FailStep(ctx, skerr.Wrap(err)) } if _, err := exec.RunCwd(ctx, workdir, dockerExe, "build", "--tag", buildFuzzersDockerImage, "oss-fuzz/infra/cifuzz/actions/build_fuzzers"); err != nil { return td.FailStep(ctx, skerr.Wrap(err)) } if _, err := exec.RunCwd(ctx, workdir, dockerExe, "build", "--tag", runFuzzersDockerImage, "oss-fuzz/infra/cifuzz/actions/run_fuzzers"); err != nil { return td.FailStep(ctx, skerr.Wrap(err)) } return nil } func prepareSkiaCheckout(ctx context.Context, skiaAbsPath, workDir, gitAbsPath string) error { ctx = td.StartStep(ctx, td.Props("prepare skia checkout for build")) defer td.EndStep(ctx) swiftshaderDir := filepath.Join(skiaAbsPath, "third_party", "externals", "swiftshader") if _, err := exec.RunCwd(ctx, workDir, "rm", "-rf", swiftshaderDir); err != nil { return td.FailStep(ctx, skerr.Wrap(err)) } // We have to clone swiftshader *and* its deps (which are not DEPS, but git submodules) in order // to build it with fuzzers. if _, err := exec.RunCwd(ctx, skiaAbsPath, gitAbsPath, "clone", "--recursive", swiftShaderRepo, swiftshaderDir); err != nil { return td.FailStep(ctx, skerr.Wrap(err)) } return nil } //// docker run --name build_fuzzers --rm --env MANUAL_SRC_PATH=/mnt/pd0/s/w/ir/skia --env OSS_FUZZ_PROJECT_NAME=skia \ //--env GITHUB_WORKSPACE=/mnt/pd0/s/w/ir/cifuzz_work/cifuzz --env GITHUB_REPOSITORY=skia \ //--env GITHUB_EVENT_NAME=push --env DRY_RUN=false --env CI=true --env SANITIZER=address \ //--env GITHUB_SHA=does_nothing --volume /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \ //--mount "type=bind,source=/mnt/pd0/s/w/ir/skia,destination=/mnt/pd0/s/w/ir/skia" \ //--mount "type=bind,source=/mnt/pd0/s/w/ir/cifuzz_work/cifuzz,destination=/mnt/pd0/s/w/ir/cifuzz_work/cifuzz" \ //local_build_fuzzers func buildAndRunCIFuzz(ctx context.Context, workDir, skiaAbsPath string, duration time.Duration) error { ctx = td.StartStep(ctx, td.Props("build skia fuzzers and run them")) defer td.EndStep(ctx) // See https://google.github.io/oss-fuzz/getting-started/continuous-integration/#optional-configuration if _, err := exec.RunCwd(ctx, workDir, dockerExe, "run", "--name", "build_fuzzers", "--rm", "--env", "MANUAL_SRC_PATH="+skiaAbsPath, "--env", "OSS_FUZZ_PROJECT_NAME=skia", "--env", "GITHUB_WORKSPACE="+workDir, "--env", "GITHUB_REPOSITORY=skia", // TODO(metzman) make this not required "--env", "GITHUB_EVENT_NAME=push", // TODO(metzman) make this not required "--env", "DRY_RUN=false", "--env", "CI=true", "--env", "CIFUZZ=true", "--env", "SANITIZER=address", "--env", "GITHUB_SHA=does_nothing", "--volume", "/var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock", "--mount", fmt.Sprintf("type=bind,source=%s,destination=%s", skiaAbsPath, skiaAbsPath), "--mount", fmt.Sprintf("type=bind,source=%s,destination=%s", workDir, workDir), buildFuzzersDockerImage, ); err != nil { return td.FailStep(ctx, skerr.Wrap(err)) } if _, err := exec.RunCwd(ctx, workDir, dockerExe, "run", "--name", "run_fuzzers", "--rm", "--env", "OSS_FUZZ_PROJECT_NAME=skia", "--env", "GITHUB_WORKSPACE="+workDir, "--env", "GITHUB_REPOSITORY=skia", // TODO(metzman) make this not required "--env", "GITHUB_EVENT_NAME=push", // TODO(metzman) make this not required "--env", "DRY_RUN=false", "--env", "CI=true", "--env", "CIFUZZ=true", "--env", "FUZZ_TIME="+fmt.Sprintf("%d", duration/time.Second), // This is split up between all affected fuzzers. "--env", "SANITIZER=address", "--env", "GITHUB_SHA=does_nothing", "--volume", "/var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock", "--mount", fmt.Sprintf("type=bind,source=%s,destination=%s", workDir, workDir), runFuzzersDockerImage, ); err != nil { return td.FailStep(ctx, skerr.Wrap(err)) } cifuzzOutDir := filepath.Join(workDir, "out") // Fix up permissions of output directory (we need to delete extra folders here so we can // clean up after we copy out the crash/hang files). if _, err := exec.RunCwd(ctx, workDir, dockerExe, "run", "--mount", fmt.Sprintf("type=bind,source=%s,destination=/OUT", cifuzzOutDir), cifuzzDockerImage, "/bin/bash", "-c", `rm -rf /OUT/*/ && chmod 0666 /OUT/*`, ); err != nil { return td.FailStep(ctx, skerr.Wrap(err)) } return nil } func extractOutput(ctx context.Context, workDir, outAbsPath string) error { ctx = td.StartStep(ctx, td.Props("copy output directory")) defer td.EndStep(ctx) // Make these directories for cifuzz exist so docker does not create it w/ root permissions. if err := os_steps.MkdirAll(ctx, outAbsPath); err != nil { return td.FailStep(ctx, skerr.Wrap(err)) } cifuzzOutDir := filepath.Join(workDir, "out") files, err := os_steps.ReadDir(ctx, cifuzzOutDir) if err != nil { return td.FailStep(ctx, skerr.Wrapf(err, "getting output from %s", cifuzzOutDir)) } for _, f := range files { name := f.Name() if strings.Contains(name, "crash-") || strings.Contains(name, "oom-") || strings.Contains(name, "timeout-") { oldFile := filepath.Join(cifuzzOutDir, name) newFile := filepath.Join(outAbsPath, name) if err := os.Rename(oldFile, newFile); err != nil { return td.FailStep(ctx, skerr.Wrapf(err, "copying %s to %s", oldFile, newFile)) } } } return nil }