# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. # Recipe module for Skia Swarming test. DEPS = [ 'env', 'flavor', 'recipe_engine/context', 'recipe_engine/file', 'recipe_engine/json', 'recipe_engine/path', 'recipe_engine/platform', 'recipe_engine/properties', 'recipe_engine/python', 'recipe_engine/raw_io', 'recipe_engine/step', 'run', 'vars', ] def upload_dm_results(buildername): skip_upload_bots = [ 'ASAN', 'Coverage', 'MSAN', 'TSAN', 'UBSAN', 'Valgrind', ] for s in skip_upload_bots: if s in buildername: return False return True def dm_flags(api, bot): args = [] configs = [] blacklisted = [] def blacklist(quad): config, src, options, name = quad.split(' ') if type(quad) is str else quad if (config == '_' or config in configs or (config[0] == '~' and config[1:] in configs)): blacklisted.extend([config, src, options, name]) # We've been spending lots of time writing out and especially uploading # .pdfs, but not doing anything further with them. skia:6821 args.extend(['--dont_write', 'pdf']) # This enables non-deterministic random seeding of the GPU FP optimization # test. # Not Android due to: # - https://skia.googlesource.com/skia/+/ # 5910ed347a638ded8cd4c06dbfda086695df1112/BUILD.gn#160 # - https://skia.googlesource.com/skia/+/ # ce06e261e68848ae21cac1052abc16bc07b961bf/tests/ProcessorTest.cpp#307 # Not MSAN due to: # - https://skia.googlesource.com/skia/+/ # 0ac06e47269a40c177747310a613d213c95d1d6d/infra/bots/recipe_modules/ # flavor/gn_flavor.py#80 if 'Android' not in bot and 'MSAN' not in bot: args.append('--randomProcessorTest') # 32-bit desktop bots tend to run out of memory, because they have relatively # far more cores than RAM (e.g. 32 cores, 3G RAM). Hold them back a bit. if '-x86-' in bot and not 'NexusPlayer' in bot: args.extend(['--threads', '4']) # Nexus7 runs out of memory due to having 4 cores and only 1G RAM. if 'CPU' in bot and 'Nexus7' in bot: args.extend(['--threads', '2']) if 'Chromecast' in bot: args.extend(['--threads', '0']) # Avoid issues with dynamically exceeding resource cache limits. if 'Test' in bot and 'DISCARDABLE' in bot: args.extend(['--threads', '0']) # See if staying on the main thread helps skia:6748. if 'Test-iOS' in bot: args.extend(['--threads', '0']) # Android's kernel will occasionally attempt to kill our process, using # SIGINT, in an effort to free up resources. If requested, that signal # is ignored and dm will keep attempting to proceed until we actually # exhaust the available resources. if ('NexusPlayer' in bot or 'PixelC' in bot or 'Chromecast' in bot): args.append('--ignoreSigInt') if 'SwiftShader' in api.vars.extra_tokens: configs.extend(['gles', 'glesdft']) args.append('--disableDriverCorrectnessWorkarounds') elif api.vars.builder_cfg.get('cpu_or_gpu') == 'CPU': args.append('--nogpu') # These are the canonical configs that we would ideally run on all bots. We # may opt out or substitute some below for specific bots configs.extend(['8888', 'pdf']) # Runs out of memory on Android bots. Everyone else seems fine. if 'Android' in bot: configs.remove('pdf') if '-GCE-' in bot and 'x86_64' in bot: configs.extend(['g8']) configs.extend(['565']) configs.extend(['lite-8888']) # Experimental display list. configs.extend(['gbr-8888']) configs.extend(['f16']) configs.extend(['srgb']) configs.extend(['esrgb']) configs.extend(['narrow']) configs.extend(['enarrow']) if 'SAN' in bot: configs.extend(['t8888']) configs.extend(mode + '-8888' for mode in ['serialize', 'tiles_rt', 'pic']) if 'T8888' in bot: configs = ['t8888'] # This bot only differs from vanilla CPU bots in 8888 config. if 'SK_FORCE_RASTER_PIPELINE_BLITTER' in bot: configs = ['8888'] if 'FSAA' in bot or 'FAAA' in bot or 'FDAA' in bot: # Scan converters shouldn't really be sensitive to different color # configurations. configs = ['8888', 'tiles_rt-8888'] if 'NativeFonts' in bot: configs = ['8888'] # Just do the basic config on Chromecast to avoid OOM. if 'Chromecast' in bot: configs = ['8888'] elif api.vars.builder_cfg.get('cpu_or_gpu') == 'GPU': args.append('--nocpu') # Add in either gles or gl configs to the canonical set based on OS sample_count = '8' gl_prefix = 'gl' if 'Android' in bot or 'iOS' in bot: sample_count = '4' # We want to test the OpenGL config not the GLES config on the Shield if 'NVIDIA_Shield' not in bot: gl_prefix = 'gles' elif 'Intel' in bot: sample_count = '' elif 'ChromeOS' in bot: gl_prefix = 'gles' if 'NativeFonts' in bot: configs.append(gl_prefix) else: configs.extend([gl_prefix, gl_prefix + 'dft', gl_prefix + 'srgb']) if sample_count is not '': configs.append(gl_prefix + 'msaa' + sample_count) # The NP produces a long error stream when we run with MSAA. The Tegra3 just # doesn't support it. if ('NexusPlayer' in bot or 'Tegra3' in bot or # We aren't interested in fixing msaa bugs on current iOS devices. 'iPad4' in bot or 'iPadPro' in bot or 'iPhone6' in bot or 'iPhone7' in bot or # skia:5792 'IntelHD530' in bot or 'IntelIris540' in bot): configs = [x for x in configs if 'msaa' not in x] # The NP produces different images for dft on every run. if 'NexusPlayer' in bot: configs = [x for x in configs if 'dft' not in x] # We want to test both the OpenGL config and the GLES config on Linux Intel: # GL is used by Chrome, GLES is used by ChromeOS. # Also do the Ganesh threading verification test (render with and without # worker threads, using only the SW path renderer, and compare the results). if 'Intel' in bot and api.vars.is_linux: configs.extend(['gles', 'glesdft', 'glessrgb', 'gltestthreading']) # skbug.com/6333, skbug.com/6419, skbug.com/6702 blacklist('gltestthreading gm _ lcdblendmodes') blacklist('gltestthreading gm _ lcdoverlap') blacklist('gltestthreading gm _ textbloblooper') # All of these GMs are flaky, too: blacklist('gltestthreading gm _ bleed_alpha_bmp') blacklist('gltestthreading gm _ bleed_alpha_bmp_shader') blacklist('gltestthreading gm _ bleed_alpha_image') blacklist('gltestthreading gm _ bleed_alpha_image_shader') blacklist('gltestthreading gm _ savelayer_with_backdrop') blacklist('gltestthreading gm _ persp_shaders_bw') blacklist('gltestthreading gm _ dftext_blob_persp') # skbug.com/7523 - Flaky on various GPUs blacklist('gltestthreading gm _ orientation') # The following devices do not support glessrgb. if 'glessrgb' in configs: if ('IntelHD405' in bot or 'IntelIris640' in bot or 'IntelBayTrail' in bot or 'IntelHD2000' in bot or 'AndroidOne' in bot or 'Nexus7' in bot or 'NexusPlayer' in bot): configs.remove('glessrgb') # Test SkColorSpaceXformCanvas on a few bots if 'GTX1070' in bot: configs.append('gbr-gl') # CommandBuffer bot *only* runs the command_buffer config. if 'CommandBuffer' in bot: configs = ['commandbuffer'] # ANGLE bot *only* runs the angle configs if 'ANGLE' in bot: configs = ['angle_d3d11_es2', 'angle_d3d9_es2', 'angle_gl_es2', 'angle_d3d11_es3'] if sample_count is not '': configs.append('angle_d3d11_es2_msaa' + sample_count) configs.append('angle_d3d11_es3_msaa' + sample_count) if 'GTX' in bot or 'Quadro' in bot: # See skia:7823 and chromium:693090. configs.append('angle_gl_es3') if sample_count is not '': configs.append('angle_gl_es2_msaa' + sample_count) configs.append('angle_gl_es3_msaa' + sample_count) # Vulkan bot *only* runs the vk config. if 'Vulkan' in bot: configs = ['vk'] # Test 1010102 on our Linux/NVIDIA bots if 'QuadroP400' in bot and api.vars.is_linux: if 'Vulkan' in bot: configs.append('vk1010102') # Decoding transparent images to 1010102 just looks bad blacklist('vk1010102 image _ _') else: configs.append('gl1010102') # Decoding transparent images to 1010102 just looks bad blacklist('gl1010102 image _ _') if 'ChromeOS' in bot: # Just run GLES for now - maybe add gles_msaa4 in the future configs = ['gles'] if 'Chromecast' in bot: configs = ['gles'] # Test coverage counting path renderer. if 'CCPR' in bot: configs = [c for c in configs if c == 'gl' or c == 'gles'] args.extend(['--pr', 'ccpr', '--cachePathMasks', 'false']) # DDL is a GPU-only feature if 'DDL1' in bot: # This bot generates gl and vk comparison images for the large skps configs = [c for c in configs if c == 'gl' or c == 'vk'] args.extend(['--skpViewportSize', "2048"]) args.extend(['--pr', '~small']) if 'DDL3' in bot: # This bot generates the ddl-gl and ddl-vk images for the # large skps and the gms configs = ['ddl-' + c for c in configs if c == 'gl' or c == 'vk'] args.extend(['--skpViewportSize', "2048"]) args.extend(['--gpuThreads', "0"]) tf = api.vars.builder_cfg.get('test_filter') if 'All' != tf: # Expected format: shard_XX_YY parts = tf.split('_') if len(parts) == 3: args.extend(['--shard', parts[1]]) args.extend(['--shards', parts[2]]) else: # pragma: nocover raise Exception('Invalid task name - bad shards: %s' % tf) args.append('--config') args.extend(configs) # Run tests, gms, and image decoding tests everywhere. args.extend('--src tests gm image colorImage svg skp'.split(' ')) if api.vars.builder_cfg.get('cpu_or_gpu') == 'GPU': # Don't run the 'svgparse_*' svgs on GPU. blacklist('_ svg _ svgparse_') elif bot == 'Test-Debian9-Clang-GCE-CPU-AVX2-x86_64-Debug-All-ASAN': # Only run the CPU SVGs on 8888. blacklist('~8888 svg _ _') else: # On CPU SVGs we only care about parsing. Only run them on the above bot. args.remove('svg') # Eventually I'd like these to pass, but for now just skip 'em. if 'SK_FORCE_RASTER_PIPELINE_BLITTER' in bot: args.remove('tests') if 'NativeFonts' in bot: # images won't exercise native font integration :) args.remove('image') args.remove('colorImage') if 'T8888' in bot: args.remove('tests') args.remove('image') args.remove('colorImage') if 'DDL' in bot: # The DDL bots just render the large skps and the gms args.remove('tests') args.remove('image') args.remove('colorImage') args.remove('svg') else: # Currently, only the DDL bots render skps args.remove('skp') # TODO: ??? blacklist('f16 _ _ dstreadshuffle') blacklist('glsrgb image _ _') blacklist('glessrgb image _ _') # Not any point to running these. blacklist('gbr-8888 image _ _') blacklist('gbr-8888 colorImage _ _') # --src image --config g8 means "decode into Gray8", which isn't supported. blacklist('g8 image _ _') blacklist('g8 colorImage _ _') if 'Valgrind' in bot: # These take 18+ hours to run. blacklist('pdf gm _ fontmgr_iter') blacklist('pdf _ _ PANO_20121023_214540.jpg') blacklist('pdf skp _ worldjournal') blacklist('pdf skp _ desk_baidu.skp') blacklist('pdf skp _ desk_wikipedia.skp') blacklist('_ svg _ _') if 'iOS' in bot: blacklist(gl_prefix + ' skp _ _') if 'Mac' in bot or 'iOS' in bot: # CG fails on questionable bmps blacklist('_ image gen_platf rgba32abf.bmp') blacklist('_ image gen_platf rgb24prof.bmp') blacklist('_ image gen_platf rgb24lprof.bmp') blacklist('_ image gen_platf 8bpp-pixeldata-cropped.bmp') blacklist('_ image gen_platf 4bpp-pixeldata-cropped.bmp') blacklist('_ image gen_platf 32bpp-pixeldata-cropped.bmp') blacklist('_ image gen_platf 24bpp-pixeldata-cropped.bmp') # CG has unpredictable behavior on this questionable gif # It's probably using uninitialized memory blacklist('_ image gen_platf frame_larger_than_image.gif') # CG has unpredictable behavior on incomplete pngs # skbug.com/5774 blacklist('_ image gen_platf inc0.png') blacklist('_ image gen_platf inc1.png') blacklist('_ image gen_platf inc2.png') blacklist('_ image gen_platf inc3.png') blacklist('_ image gen_platf inc4.png') blacklist('_ image gen_platf inc5.png') blacklist('_ image gen_platf inc6.png') blacklist('_ image gen_platf inc7.png') blacklist('_ image gen_platf inc8.png') blacklist('_ image gen_platf inc9.png') blacklist('_ image gen_platf inc10.png') blacklist('_ image gen_platf inc11.png') blacklist('_ image gen_platf inc12.png') blacklist('_ image gen_platf inc13.png') blacklist('_ image gen_platf inc14.png') # These images fail after Mac 10.13.1 upgrade. blacklist('_ image gen_platf incInterlaced.gif') blacklist('_ image gen_platf inc1.gif') blacklist('_ image gen_platf inc0.gif') blacklist('_ image gen_platf butterfly.gif') # WIC fails on questionable bmps if 'Win' in bot: blacklist('_ image gen_platf pal8os2v2.bmp') blacklist('_ image gen_platf pal8os2v2-16.bmp') blacklist('_ image gen_platf rgba32abf.bmp') blacklist('_ image gen_platf rgb24prof.bmp') blacklist('_ image gen_platf rgb24lprof.bmp') blacklist('_ image gen_platf 8bpp-pixeldata-cropped.bmp') blacklist('_ image gen_platf 4bpp-pixeldata-cropped.bmp') blacklist('_ image gen_platf 32bpp-pixeldata-cropped.bmp') blacklist('_ image gen_platf 24bpp-pixeldata-cropped.bmp') if 'x86_64' in bot and 'CPU' in bot: # This GM triggers a SkSmallAllocator assert. blacklist('_ gm _ composeshader_bitmap') if 'Win' in bot or 'Mac' in bot: # WIC and CG fail on arithmetic jpegs blacklist('_ image gen_platf testimgari.jpg') # More questionable bmps that fail on Mac, too. skbug.com/6984 blacklist('_ image gen_platf rle8-height-negative.bmp') blacklist('_ image gen_platf rle4-height-negative.bmp') if 'Android' in bot or 'iOS' in bot or 'Chromecast' in bot: # This test crashes the N9 (perhaps because of large malloc/frees). It also # is fairly slow and not platform-specific. So we just disable it on all of # Android and iOS. skia:5438 blacklist('_ test _ GrShape') if api.vars.internal_hardware_label == '1': # skia:7046 blacklist('_ test _ EGLImageTest') blacklist('_ test _ ES2BlendWithNoTexture') blacklist('_ test _ GrSurfaceRenderability') blacklist('_ test _ WritePixelsMSAA_Gpu') blacklist('_ test _ WritePixelsNonTextureMSAA_Gpu') blacklist('_ test _ WritePixelsNonTexture_Gpu') blacklist('_ test _ WritePixels_Gpu') if api.vars.internal_hardware_label == '2': # skia:7160 blacklist('_ test _ SRGBReadWritePixels') blacklist('_ test _ SRGBMipMap') # skia:4095 bad_serialize_gms = ['bleed_image', 'c_gms', 'colortype', 'colortype_xfermodes', 'drawfilter', 'fontmgr_bounds_0.75_0', 'fontmgr_bounds_1_-0.25', 'fontmgr_bounds', 'fontmgr_match', 'fontmgr_iter', 'imagemasksubset'] # skia:5589 bad_serialize_gms.extend(['bitmapfilters', 'bitmapshaders', 'bleed', 'bleed_alpha_bmp', 'bleed_alpha_bmp_shader', 'convex_poly_clip', 'extractalpha', 'filterbitmap_checkerboard_32_32_g8', 'filterbitmap_image_mandrill_64', 'shadows', 'simpleaaclip_aaclip']) # skia:5595 bad_serialize_gms.extend(['composeshader_bitmap', 'scaled_tilemodes_npot', 'scaled_tilemodes']) # skia:5778 bad_serialize_gms.append('typefacerendering_pfaMac') # skia:5942 bad_serialize_gms.append('parsedpaths') # these use a custom image generator which doesn't serialize bad_serialize_gms.append('ImageGeneratorExternal_rect') bad_serialize_gms.append('ImageGeneratorExternal_shader') # skia:6189 bad_serialize_gms.append('shadow_utils') # skia:7938 bad_serialize_gms.append('persp_images') # Not expected to round trip encoding/decoding. bad_serialize_gms.append('all_bitmap_configs') bad_serialize_gms.append('makecolorspace') # This GM forces a path to be convex. That property doesn't survive # serialization. bad_serialize_gms.append('analytic_antialias_convex') for test in bad_serialize_gms: blacklist(['serialize-8888', 'gm', '_', test]) if 'Mac' not in bot: for test in ['bleed_alpha_image', 'bleed_alpha_image_shader']: blacklist(['serialize-8888', 'gm', '_', test]) # It looks like we skip these only for out-of-memory concerns. if 'Win' in bot or 'Android' in bot: for test in ['verylargebitmap', 'verylarge_picture_image']: blacklist(['serialize-8888', 'gm', '_', test]) if 'Mac' in bot and 'CPU' in bot: # skia:6992 blacklist(['pic-8888', 'gm', '_', 'encode-platform']) blacklist(['serialize-8888', 'gm', '_', 'encode-platform']) # skia:4769 for test in ['drawfilter']: blacklist([ 'pic-8888', 'gm', '_', test]) blacklist([ 'lite-8888', 'gm', '_', test]) # skia:4703 for test in ['image-cacherator-from-picture', 'image-cacherator-from-raster', 'image-cacherator-from-ctable']: blacklist([ 'pic-8888', 'gm', '_', test]) blacklist(['serialize-8888', 'gm', '_', test]) # GM that requires raster-backed canvas for test in ['gamut', 'complexclip4_bw', 'complexclip4_aa']: blacklist([ 'pic-8888', 'gm', '_', test]) blacklist([ 'lite-8888', 'gm', '_', test]) blacklist(['serialize-8888', 'gm', '_', test]) # GM that not support tiles_rt for test in ['complexclip4_bw', 'complexclip4_aa']: blacklist([ 'tiles_rt-8888', 'gm', '_', test]) # Extensions for RAW images r = ['arw', 'cr2', 'dng', 'nef', 'nrw', 'orf', 'raf', 'rw2', 'pef', 'srw', 'ARW', 'CR2', 'DNG', 'NEF', 'NRW', 'ORF', 'RAF', 'RW2', 'PEF', 'SRW'] # skbug.com/4888 # Blacklist RAW images (and a few large PNGs) on GPU bots # until we can resolve failures. if 'GPU' in bot: blacklist('_ image _ interlaced1.png') blacklist('_ image _ interlaced2.png') blacklist('_ image _ interlaced3.png') for raw_ext in r: blacklist('_ image _ .%s' % raw_ext) # Blacklist memory intensive tests on 32-bit bots. if ('Win8' in bot or 'Win2016' in bot) and 'x86-' in bot: blacklist('_ image f16 _') blacklist('_ image _ abnormal.wbmp') blacklist('_ image _ interlaced1.png') blacklist('_ image _ interlaced2.png') blacklist('_ image _ interlaced3.png') for raw_ext in r: blacklist('_ image _ .%s' % raw_ext) if 'Nexus5' in bot and 'GPU' in bot: # skia:5876 blacklist(['_', 'gm', '_', 'encode-platform']) if 'AndroidOne-GPU' in bot: # skia:4697, skia:4704, skia:4694, skia:4705 blacklist(['_', 'gm', '_', 'bigblurs']) blacklist(['_', 'gm', '_', 'bleed']) blacklist(['_', 'gm', '_', 'bleed_alpha_bmp']) blacklist(['_', 'gm', '_', 'bleed_alpha_bmp_shader']) blacklist(['_', 'gm', '_', 'bleed_alpha_image']) blacklist(['_', 'gm', '_', 'bleed_alpha_image_shader']) blacklist(['_', 'gm', '_', 'bleed_image']) blacklist(['_', 'gm', '_', 'dropshadowimagefilter']) blacklist(['_', 'gm', '_', 'filterfastbounds']) blacklist([gl_prefix, 'gm', '_', 'imageblurtiled']) blacklist(['_', 'gm', '_', 'imagefiltersclipped']) blacklist(['_', 'gm', '_', 'imagefiltersscaled']) blacklist(['_', 'gm', '_', 'imageresizetiled']) blacklist(['_', 'gm', '_', 'matrixconvolution']) blacklist(['_', 'gm', '_', 'strokedlines']) if sample_count is not '': gl_msaa_config = gl_prefix + 'msaa' + sample_count blacklist([gl_msaa_config, 'gm', '_', 'imageblurtiled']) blacklist([gl_msaa_config, 'gm', '_', 'imagefiltersbase']) match = [] if 'Valgrind' in bot: # skia:3021 match.append('~Threaded') if 'Valgrind' in bot and 'PreAbandonGpuContext' in bot: # skia:6575 match.append('~multipicturedraw_') if 'CommandBuffer' in bot: # https://crbug.com/697030 match.append('~HalfFloatAlphaTextureTest') if 'AndroidOne' in bot: match.append('~WritePixels') # skia:4711 match.append('~PremulAlphaRoundTrip_Gpu') # skia:7501 if 'Chromecast' in bot: if 'GPU' in bot: # skia:6687 match.append('~animated-image-blurs') match.append('~blur_0.01') match.append('~blur_image_filter') match.append('~check_small_sigma_offset') match.append('~imageblur2') match.append('~lighting') match.append('~longpathdash') match.append('~matrixconvolution') match.append('~textblobmixedsizes_df') match.append('~textblobrandomfont') # Blacklisted to avoid OOM (we see DM just end with "broken pipe") match.append('~bigbitmaprect_') match.append('~DrawBitmapRect') match.append('~drawbitmaprect') match.append('~GM_animated-image-blurs') match.append('~ImageFilterBlurLargeImage') match.append('~savelayer_clipmask') match.append('~TextBlobCache') match.append('~verylarge') if 'GalaxyS6' in bot: match.append('~SpecialImage') # skia:6338 match.append('~skbug6653') # skia:6653 if 'MSAN' in bot: match.extend(['~Once', '~Shared']) # Not sure what's up with these tests. if 'TSAN' in bot: match.extend(['~ReadWriteAlpha']) # Flaky on TSAN-covered on nvidia bots. match.extend(['~RGBA4444TextureTest', # Flakier than they are important. '~RGB565TextureTest']) # By default, we test with GPU threading enabled, unless specifically # disabled. if 'NoGPUThreads' in bot: args.extend(['--gpuThreads', '0']) if 'Vulkan' in bot and 'Adreno530' in bot: # skia:5777 match.extend(['~CopySurface']) if 'Vulkan' in bot and 'Adreno' in bot: # skia:7663 match.extend(['~WritePixelsNonTextureMSAA_Gpu']) match.extend(['~WritePixelsMSAA_Gpu']) if 'Vulkan' in bot and 'NexusPlayer' in bot: # skia:6132 match.append('~^tilemodes$') match.append('~tilemodes_npot$') match.append('~scaled_tilemodes$') match.append('~emboss') match.append('~^bitmapfilters$') match.append('~^shadertext$') match.append('~^FullScreenClearWithLayers$') #skia:7191 match.append('~^GrDefaultPathRendererTest$') #skia:7244 match.append('~^GrMSAAPathRendererTest$') #skia:7244 # skia:7018 match.extend(['~^ClearOp$', '~^ComposedImageFilterBounds_Gpu$', '~^ImageEncode_Gpu$', '~^ImageFilterFailAffectsTransparentBlack_Gpu$', '~^ImageFilterZeroBlurSigma_Gpu$', '~^ImageNewShader_GPU$', '~^ImageReadPixels_Gpu$', '~^ImageScalePixels_Gpu$', '~^ReadWriteAlpha$', '~^SpecialImage_DeferredGpu$', '~^SpecialImage_Gpu$', '~^SurfaceSemaphores$']) # skia:7837 match.append('~BlurMaskBiggerThanDest') if 'Vulkan' in bot and 'GalaxyS7_G930FD' in bot: # skia:8064 match.append('~^WritePixelsNonTexture_Gpu$') if 'Vulkan' in bot and api.vars.is_linux and 'IntelIris640' in bot: match.extend(['~VkHeapTests']) # skia:6245 if api.vars.is_linux and 'IntelIris640' in bot: match.extend(['~GLPrograms']) # skia:7849 if 'Vulkan' in bot and api.vars.is_linux and 'IntelHD405' in bot: # skia:7322 blacklist(['vk', 'gm', '_', 'skbug_257']) blacklist(['vk', 'gm', '_', 'filltypespersp']) match.append('~^ClearOp$') match.append('~^CopySurface$') match.append('~^ImageNewShader_GPU$') match.append('~^InitialTextureClear$') match.append('~^PinnedImageTest$') match.append('~^ReadPixels_Gpu$') match.append('~^ReadPixels_Texture$') match.append('~^SRGBReadWritePixels$') match.append('~^VkUploadPixelsTests$') match.append('~^WritePixelsNonTexture_Gpu$') match.append('~^WritePixelsNonTextureMSAA_Gpu$') match.append('~^WritePixels_Gpu$') match.append('~^WritePixelsMSAA_Gpu$') match.append('~^skbug6653$') if 'Vulkan' in bot and 'IntelIris540' in bot and 'Win' in bot: # skia:6398 blacklist(['vk', 'gm', '_', 'aarectmodes']) blacklist(['vk', 'gm', '_', 'aaxfermodes']) blacklist(['vk', 'gm', '_', 'dont_clip_to_layer']) blacklist(['vk', 'gm', '_', 'dftext']) blacklist(['vk', 'gm', '_', 'drawregionmodes']) blacklist(['vk', 'gm', '_', 'filterfastbounds']) blacklist(['vk', 'gm', '_', 'fontmgr_iter']) blacklist(['vk', 'gm', '_', 'fontmgr_match']) blacklist(['vk', 'gm', '_', 'fontscaler']) blacklist(['vk', 'gm', '_', 'fontscalerdistortable']) blacklist(['vk', 'gm', '_', 'gammagradienttext']) blacklist(['vk', 'gm', '_', 'gammatext']) blacklist(['vk', 'gm', '_', 'gradtext']) blacklist(['vk', 'gm', '_', 'hairmodes']) blacklist(['vk', 'gm', '_', 'imagefilters_xfermodes']) blacklist(['vk', 'gm', '_', 'imagefiltersclipped']) blacklist(['vk', 'gm', '_', 'imagefiltersscaled']) blacklist(['vk', 'gm', '_', 'imagefiltersstroked']) blacklist(['vk', 'gm', '_', 'imagefilterstransformed']) blacklist(['vk', 'gm', '_', 'imageresizetiled']) blacklist(['vk', 'gm', '_', 'lcdblendmodes']) blacklist(['vk', 'gm', '_', 'lcdoverlap']) blacklist(['vk', 'gm', '_', 'lcdtext']) blacklist(['vk', 'gm', '_', 'lcdtextsize']) blacklist(['vk', 'gm', '_', 'matriximagefilter']) blacklist(['vk', 'gm', '_', 'mixedtextblobs']) blacklist(['vk', 'gm', '_', 'resizeimagefilter']) blacklist(['vk', 'gm', '_', 'rotate_imagefilter']) blacklist(['vk', 'gm', '_', 'savelayer_lcdtext']) blacklist(['vk', 'gm', '_', 'shadermaskfilter_image']) blacklist(['vk', 'gm', '_', 'srcmode']) blacklist(['vk', 'gm', '_', 'surfaceprops']) blacklist(['vk', 'gm', '_', 'textblobgeometrychange']) blacklist(['vk', 'gm', '_', 'textbloblooper']) blacklist(['vk', 'gm', '_', 'textblobmixedsizes']) blacklist(['vk', 'gm', '_', 'textblobrandomfont']) blacklist(['vk', 'gm', '_', 'textfilter_color']) blacklist(['vk', 'gm', '_', 'textfilter_image']) blacklist(['vk', 'gm', '_', 'varied_text_clipped_lcd']) blacklist(['vk', 'gm', '_', 'varied_text_ignorable_clip_lcd']) if 'Vulkan' in bot and 'GTX660' in bot and 'Win' in bot: # skbug.com/8047 match.append('~FloatingPointTextureTest$') if 'MoltenVK' in bot: # skbug.com/7959 blacklist(['_', 'gm', '_', 'vertices_scaled_shader']) blacklist(['_', 'gm', '_', 'vertices']) match.append('~^InitialTextureClear$') match.append('~^RGB565TextureTest$') match.append('~^RGBA4444TextureTest$') match.append('~^WritePixelsNonTextureMSAA_Gpu$') if (('RadeonR9M470X' in bot or 'RadeonHD7770' in bot) and 'ANGLE' in bot): # skia:7096 match.append('~PinnedImageTest') if 'ANGLE' in bot: # skia:7835 match.append('~BlurMaskBiggerThanDest') if 'IntelIris540' in bot and 'ANGLE' in bot: for config in ['angle_d3d9_es2', 'angle_d3d11_es2', 'angle_gl_es2']: # skia:6103 blacklist([config, 'gm', '_', 'multipicturedraw_invpathclip_simple']) blacklist([config, 'gm', '_', 'multipicturedraw_noclip_simple']) blacklist([config, 'gm', '_', 'multipicturedraw_pathclip_simple']) blacklist([config, 'gm', '_', 'multipicturedraw_rectclip_simple']) blacklist([config, 'gm', '_', 'multipicturedraw_rrectclip_simple']) # skia:6141 blacklist([config, 'gm', '_', 'discard']) if ('IntelIris6100' in bot or 'IntelHD4400' in bot) and 'ANGLE' in bot: # skia:6857 blacklist(['angle_d3d9_es2', 'gm', '_', 'lighting']) if 'PowerVRGX6250' in bot: match.append('~gradients_view_perspective_nodither') #skia:6972 if '-arm-' in bot and 'ASAN' in bot: # TODO: can we run with env allocator_may_return_null=1 instead? match.append('~BadImage') if 'Mac' in bot and 'IntelHD6000' in bot: # skia:7574 match.append('~^ProcessorCloneTest$') match.append('~^GrMeshTest$') if 'Mac' in bot and 'IntelHD615' in bot: # skia:7603 match.append('~^GrMeshTest$') if api.vars.internal_hardware_label == '1': match.append('~skbug6653') # skia:6653 if blacklisted: args.append('--blacklist') args.extend(blacklisted) if match: args.append('--match') args.extend(match) # These bots run out of memory running RAW codec tests. Do not run them in # parallel if 'NexusPlayer' in bot or 'Nexus5' in bot or 'Nexus9' in bot: args.append('--noRAW_threading') if 'FSAA' in bot: args.extend(['--analyticAA', 'false', '--deltaAA', 'false']) if 'FAAA' in bot: args.extend(['--deltaAA', 'false', '--forceAnalyticAA']) if 'FDAA' in bot: args.extend(['--deltaAA', '--forceDeltaAA']) if 'NativeFonts' not in bot: args.append('--nonativeFonts') if 'GDI' in bot: args.append('--gdi') # Let's make all bots produce verbose output by default. args.append('--verbose') return args def key_params(api): """Build a unique key from the builder name (as a list). E.g. arch x86 gpu GeForce320M mode MacMini4.1 os Mac10.6 """ # Don't bother to include role, which is always Test. blacklist = ['role', 'test_filter'] flat = [] for k in sorted(api.vars.builder_cfg.keys()): if k not in blacklist: flat.append(k) flat.append(api.vars.builder_cfg[k]) return flat def test_steps(api): """Run the DM test.""" b = api.properties['buildername'] use_hash_file = False if upload_dm_results(b): host_dm_dir = str(api.flavor.host_dirs.dm_dir) api.flavor.create_clean_host_dir(api.path['start_dir'].join('test')) device_dm_dir = str(api.flavor.device_dirs.dm_dir) if host_dm_dir != device_dm_dir: api.flavor.create_clean_device_dir(device_dm_dir) # Obtain the list of already-generated hashes. hash_filename = 'uninteresting_hashes.txt' host_hashes_file = api.vars.tmp_dir.join(hash_filename) hashes_file = api.flavor.device_path_join( api.flavor.device_dirs.tmp_dir, hash_filename) api.run( api.python.inline, 'get uninteresting hashes', program=""" import contextlib import math import socket import sys import time import urllib2 HASHES_URL = 'https://storage.googleapis.com/skia-infra-gm/hash_files/gold-prod-hashes.txt' RETRIES = 5 TIMEOUT = 60 WAIT_BASE = 15 socket.setdefaulttimeout(TIMEOUT) for retry in range(RETRIES): try: with contextlib.closing( urllib2.urlopen(HASHES_URL, timeout=TIMEOUT)) as w: hashes = w.read() with open(sys.argv[1], 'w') as f: f.write(hashes) break except Exception as e: print 'Failed to get uninteresting hashes from %s:' % HASHES_URL print e if retry == RETRIES: raise waittime = WAIT_BASE * math.pow(2, retry) print 'Retry in %d seconds.' % waittime time.sleep(waittime) """, args=[host_hashes_file], abort_on_failure=False, fail_build_on_failure=False, infra_step=True) if api.path.exists(host_hashes_file): api.flavor.copy_file_to_device(host_hashes_file, hashes_file) use_hash_file = True # Run DM. properties = [ 'gitHash', api.properties['revision'], 'builder', api.vars.builder_name, 'buildbucket_build_id', api.properties.get('buildbucket_build_id', ''), ] if api.vars.is_trybot: properties.extend([ 'issue', api.vars.issue, 'patchset', api.vars.patchset, 'patch_storage', api.vars.patch_storage, ]) properties.extend(['swarming_bot_id', api.vars.swarming_bot_id]) properties.extend(['swarming_task_id', api.vars.swarming_task_id]) if 'Chromecast' in api.vars.builder_cfg.get('os', ''): # Due to limited disk space, we only deal with skps and one image. args = [ 'dm', '--resourcePath', api.flavor.device_dirs.resource_dir, '--skps', api.flavor.device_dirs.skp_dir, '--images', api.flavor.device_path_join( api.flavor.device_dirs.resource_dir, 'images', 'color_wheel.jpg'), '--nameByHash', '--properties' ] + properties else: args = [ 'dm', '--resourcePath', api.flavor.device_dirs.resource_dir, '--skps', api.flavor.device_dirs.skp_dir, '--images', api.flavor.device_path_join( api.flavor.device_dirs.images_dir, 'dm'), '--colorImages', api.flavor.device_path_join( api.flavor.device_dirs.images_dir, 'colorspace'), '--nameByHash', '--properties' ] + properties args.extend(['--svgs', api.flavor.device_dirs.svg_dir]) args.append('--key') args.extend(key_params(api)) if use_hash_file: args.extend(['--uninterestingHashesFile', hashes_file]) if upload_dm_results(b): args.extend(['--writePath', api.flavor.device_dirs.dm_dir]) args.extend(dm_flags(api, api.vars.builder_name)) # See skia:2789. if 'AbandonGpuContext' in api.vars.extra_tokens: args.append('--abandonGpuContext') if 'PreAbandonGpuContext' in api.vars.extra_tokens: args.append('--preAbandonGpuContext') if 'ReleaseAndAbandonGpuContext' in api.vars.extra_tokens: args.append('--releaseAndAbandonGpuContext') api.run(api.flavor.step, 'dm', cmd=args, abort_on_failure=False) if upload_dm_results(b): # Copy images and JSON to host machine if needed. api.flavor.copy_directory_contents_to_host( api.flavor.device_dirs.dm_dir, api.flavor.host_dirs.dm_dir) def RunSteps(api): api.vars.setup() api.file.ensure_directory('makedirs tmp_dir', api.vars.tmp_dir) api.flavor.setup() env = {} if 'iOS' in api.vars.builder_name: env['IOS_BUNDLE_ID'] = 'com.google.dm' env['IOS_MOUNT_POINT'] = api.vars.slave_dir.join('mnt_iosdevice') with api.context(env=env): try: if 'Chromecast' in api.vars.builder_name: api.flavor.install(resources=True, skps=True) else: api.flavor.install_everything() test_steps(api) finally: api.flavor.cleanup_steps() api.run.check_failure() TEST_BUILDERS = [ 'Test-Android-Clang-AndroidOne-GPU-Mali400MP2-arm-Release-All-Android', 'Test-Android-Clang-GalaxyS6-GPU-MaliT760-arm64-Debug-All-Android', ('Test-Android-Clang-GalaxyS7_G930FD-GPU-MaliT880-arm64-Release-All' '-Android_Vulkan'), 'Test-Android-Clang-NVIDIA_Shield-GPU-TegraX1-arm64-Debug-All-Android_CCPR', 'Test-Android-Clang-Nexus5-GPU-Adreno330-arm-Release-All-Android', 'Test-Android-Clang-Nexus5x-GPU-Adreno418-arm-Debug-All-Android_ASAN', ('Test-Android-Clang-Nexus5x-GPU-Adreno418-arm64-Debug-All' '-Android_NoGPUThreads'), 'Test-Android-Clang-Nexus7-CPU-Tegra3-arm-Release-All-Android', 'Test-Android-Clang-NexusPlayer-GPU-PowerVR-x86-Release-All-Android_Vulkan', 'Test-Android-Clang-Pixel-GPU-Adreno530-arm64-Debug-All-Android_Vulkan', ('Test-ChromeOS-Clang-AcerChromebookR13Convertible-GPU-PowerVRGX6250-' 'arm-Debug-All'), 'Test-Chromecast-GCC-Chorizo-CPU-Cortex_A7-arm-Release-All', 'Test-Chromecast-GCC-Chorizo-GPU-Cortex_A7-arm-Release-All', 'Test-Debian9-Clang-GCE-CPU-AVX2-x86_64-Debug-All-ASAN', 'Test-Debian9-Clang-GCE-CPU-AVX2-x86_64-Debug-shard_00_10-Coverage', 'Test-Debian9-Clang-GCE-CPU-AVX2-x86_64-Debug-All-MSAN', ('Test-Debian9-Clang-GCE-CPU-AVX2-x86_64-Debug-All' '-SK_USE_DISCARDABLE_SCALEDIMAGECACHE'), 'Test-Debian9-Clang-GCE-CPU-AVX2-x86_64-Debug-All-T8888', ('Test-Debian9-Clang-GCE-CPU-AVX2-x86_64-Release-All' '-SK_FORCE_RASTER_PIPELINE_BLITTER'), 'Test-Debian9-Clang-GCE-CPU-AVX2-x86_64-Release-All-TSAN', 'Test-Debian9-Clang-GCE-GPU-SwiftShader-x86_64-Release-All-SwiftShader', 'Test-Debian9-Clang-NUC5PPYH-GPU-IntelHD405-x86_64-Release-All-Vulkan', 'Test-Debian9-Clang-NUC7i5BNK-GPU-IntelIris640-x86_64-Debug-All-Vulkan', 'Test-Mac-Clang-MacBookAir7.2-GPU-IntelHD6000-x86_64-Debug-All', 'Test-Mac-Clang-MacMini7.1-CPU-AVX-x86_64-Release-All', 'Test-Mac-Clang-MacMini7.1-GPU-IntelIris5100-x86_64-Debug-All-CommandBuffer', 'Test-Mac-Clang-MacBook10.1-GPU-IntelHD615-x86_64-Release-All-NativeFonts', ('Test-Mac-Clang-MacBookPro11.5-GPU-RadeonHD8870M-x86_64-Release-All-' 'MoltenVK_Vulkan'), 'Test-Ubuntu17-Clang-Golo-GPU-QuadroP400-x86_64-Debug-All-Vulkan_Coverage', ('Test-Ubuntu17-GCC-Golo-GPU-QuadroP400-x86_64-Release-All' '-Valgrind_AbandonGpuContext_SK_CPU_LIMIT_SSE41'), ('Test-Ubuntu17-GCC-Golo-GPU-QuadroP400-x86_64-Release-All' '-Valgrind_PreAbandonGpuContext_SK_CPU_LIMIT_SSE41'), 'Test-Ubuntu17-Clang-Golo-GPU-QuadroP400-x86_64-Debug-All-DDL1', 'Test-Ubuntu17-Clang-Golo-GPU-QuadroP400-x86_64-Debug-All-DDL3', 'Test-Win10-Clang-AlphaR2-GPU-RadeonR9M470X-x86_64-Debug-All-ANGLE', ('Test-Win10-Clang-Golo-GPU-QuadroP400-x86_64-Release-All' '-ReleaseAndAbandonGpuContext'), 'Test-Win10-Clang-NUC5i7RYH-CPU-AVX2-x86_64-Debug-All-NativeFonts_GDI', 'Test-Win10-Clang-NUC6i5SYK-GPU-IntelIris540-x86_64-Debug-All-ANGLE', 'Test-Win10-Clang-NUC6i5SYK-GPU-IntelIris540-x86_64-Debug-All-Vulkan', 'Test-Win10-Clang-NUCD34010WYKH-GPU-IntelHD4400-x86_64-Release-All-ANGLE', 'Test-Win10-Clang-ShuttleA-GPU-GTX660-x86_64-Release-All-Vulkan', 'Test-Win10-Clang-ShuttleC-GPU-GTX960-x86_64-Debug-All-ANGLE', 'Test-Win10-Clang-ZBOX-GPU-GTX1070-x86_64-Debug-All-Vulkan', 'Test-Win2016-Clang-GCE-CPU-AVX2-x86_64-Debug-All-FAAA', 'Test-Win2016-Clang-GCE-CPU-AVX2-x86_64-Debug-All-FDAA', 'Test-Win2016-Clang-GCE-CPU-AVX2-x86_64-Debug-All-FSAA', 'Test-iOS-Clang-iPadPro-GPU-GT7800-arm64-Release-All', ] def GenTests(api): for builder in TEST_BUILDERS: test = ( api.test(builder) + api.properties(buildername=builder, buildbucket_build_id='123454321', revision='abc123', path_config='kitchen', swarm_out_dir='[SWARM_OUT_DIR]') + api.path.exists( api.path['start_dir'].join('skia'), api.path['start_dir'].join('skia', 'infra', 'bots', 'assets', 'skimage', 'VERSION'), api.path['start_dir'].join('skia', 'infra', 'bots', 'assets', 'skp', 'VERSION'), api.path['start_dir'].join('skia', 'infra', 'bots', 'assets', 'svg', 'VERSION'), api.path['start_dir'].join('tmp', 'uninteresting_hashes.txt') ) + api.step_data('get swarming bot id', stdout=api.raw_io.output('skia-bot-123')) + api.step_data('get swarming task id', stdout=api.raw_io.output('123456')) ) if 'Win' in builder: test += api.platform('win', 64) if 'Chromecast' in builder: test += api.step_data( 'read chromecast ip', stdout=api.raw_io.output('')) if 'ChromeOS' in builder: test += api.step_data( 'read chromeos ip', stdout=api.raw_io.output('{"user_ip":"foo@"}')) yield test builder = 'Test-Win8-Clang-Golo-CPU-AVX-x86-Debug-All' yield ( api.test('trybot') + api.properties(buildername=builder, buildbucket_build_id='123454321', revision='abc123', path_config='kitchen', swarm_out_dir='[SWARM_OUT_DIR]') + api.properties(patch_storage='gerrit') + api.properties.tryserver( buildername=builder, gerrit_project='skia', gerrit_url='https://skia-review.googlesource.com/', )+ api.path.exists( api.path['start_dir'].join('skia'), api.path['start_dir'].join('skia', 'infra', 'bots', 'assets', 'skimage', 'VERSION'), api.path['start_dir'].join('skia', 'infra', 'bots', 'assets', 'skp', 'VERSION'), api.path['start_dir'].join('skia', 'infra', 'bots', 'assets', 'svg', 'VERSION'), api.path['start_dir'].join('tmp', 'uninteresting_hashes.txt') ) ) builder = 'Test-Debian9-GCC-GCE-CPU-AVX2-x86_64-Debug-All' yield ( api.test('failed_dm') + api.properties(buildername=builder, buildbucket_build_id='123454321', revision='abc123', path_config='kitchen', swarm_out_dir='[SWARM_OUT_DIR]') + api.path.exists( api.path['start_dir'].join('skia'), api.path['start_dir'].join('skia', 'infra', 'bots', 'assets', 'skimage', 'VERSION'), api.path['start_dir'].join('skia', 'infra', 'bots', 'assets', 'skp', 'VERSION'), api.path['start_dir'].join('skia', 'infra', 'bots', 'assets', 'svg', 'VERSION'), api.path['start_dir'].join('tmp', 'uninteresting_hashes.txt') ) + api.step_data('symbolized dm', retcode=1) ) builder = 'Test-Android-Clang-Nexus7-GPU-Tegra3-arm-Release-All-Android' yield ( api.test('failed_get_hashes') + api.properties(buildername=builder, buildbucket_build_id='123454321', revision='abc123', path_config='kitchen', swarm_out_dir='[SWARM_OUT_DIR]') + api.path.exists( api.path['start_dir'].join('skia'), api.path['start_dir'].join('skia', 'infra', 'bots', 'assets', 'skimage', 'VERSION'), api.path['start_dir'].join('skia', 'infra', 'bots', 'assets', 'skp', 'VERSION'), api.path['start_dir'].join('skia', 'infra', 'bots', 'assets', 'svg', 'VERSION'), api.path['start_dir'].join('tmp', 'uninteresting_hashes.txt') ) + api.step_data('get uninteresting hashes', retcode=1) ) builder = ('Test-Android-Clang-NexusPlayer-CPU-Moorefield-x86-' 'Debug-All-Android') yield ( api.test('failed_push') + api.properties(buildername=builder, buildbucket_build_id='123454321', revision='abc123', path_config='kitchen', swarm_out_dir='[SWARM_OUT_DIR]') + api.path.exists( api.path['start_dir'].join('skia'), api.path['start_dir'].join('skia', 'infra', 'bots', 'assets', 'skimage', 'VERSION'), api.path['start_dir'].join('skia', 'infra', 'bots', 'assets', 'skp', 'VERSION'), api.path['start_dir'].join('skia', 'infra', 'bots', 'assets', 'svg', 'VERSION'), api.path['start_dir'].join('tmp', 'uninteresting_hashes.txt') ) + api.step_data('get swarming bot id', stdout=api.raw_io.output('build123-m2--device5')) + api.step_data('push [START_DIR]/skia/resources/* '+ '/sdcard/revenge_of_the_skiabot/resources', retcode=1) ) builder = 'Test-Android-Clang-Nexus7-GPU-Tegra3-arm-Debug-All-Android' retry_step_name = ('pull /sdcard/revenge_of_the_skiabot/dm_out ' '[START_DIR]/[SWARM_OUT_DIR]/dm') yield ( api.test('failed_pull') + api.properties(buildername=builder, buildbucket_build_id='123454321', revision='abc123', path_config='kitchen', swarm_out_dir='[SWARM_OUT_DIR]') + api.path.exists( api.path['start_dir'].join('skia'), api.path['start_dir'].join('skia', 'infra', 'bots', 'assets', 'skimage', 'VERSION'), api.path['start_dir'].join('skia', 'infra', 'bots', 'assets', 'skp', 'VERSION'), api.path['start_dir'].join('skia', 'infra', 'bots', 'assets', 'svg', 'VERSION'), api.path['start_dir'].join('tmp', 'uninteresting_hashes.txt') ) + api.step_data('dm', retcode=1) + api.step_data(retry_step_name, retcode=1) + api.step_data(retry_step_name + ' (attempt 2)', retcode=1) + api.step_data(retry_step_name + ' (attempt 3)', retcode=1) ) yield ( api.test('internal_bot_1') + api.properties(buildername=builder, buildbucket_build_id='123454321', revision='abc123', path_config='kitchen', swarm_out_dir='[SWARM_OUT_DIR]', internal_hardware_label='1') + api.path.exists( api.path['start_dir'].join('skia'), api.path['start_dir'].join('skia', 'infra', 'bots', 'assets', 'skimage', 'VERSION'), api.path['start_dir'].join('skia', 'infra', 'bots', 'assets', 'skp', 'VERSION'), api.path['start_dir'].join('skia', 'infra', 'bots', 'assets', 'svg', 'VERSION'), api.path['start_dir'].join('tmp', 'uninteresting_hashes.txt') ) ) yield ( api.test('internal_bot_2') + api.properties(buildername=builder, buildbucket_build_id='123454321', revision='abc123', path_config='kitchen', swarm_out_dir='[SWARM_OUT_DIR]', internal_hardware_label='2') + api.path.exists( api.path['start_dir'].join('skia'), api.path['start_dir'].join('skia', 'infra', 'bots', 'assets', 'skimage', 'VERSION'), api.path['start_dir'].join('skia', 'infra', 'bots', 'assets', 'skp', 'VERSION'), api.path['start_dir'].join('skia', 'infra', 'bots', 'assets', 'svg', 'VERSION'), api.path['start_dir'].join('tmp', 'uninteresting_hashes.txt') ) )