describe('Skottie behavior', function() { let container = document.createElement('div'); document.body.appendChild(container); const CANVAS_WIDTH = 600; const CANVAS_HEIGHT = 600; beforeEach(function() { container.innerHTML = ` `; }); afterEach(function() { container.innerHTML = ''; }); it('can draw one with an animated gif', function(done) { const imgPromise = fetch('/assets/flightAnim.gif') .then((response) => response.arrayBuffer()); const jsonPromise = fetch('/assets/animated_gif.json') .then((response) => response.text()); Promise.all([imgPromise, jsonPromise, LoadCanvasKit]).then((values) => { if (!CanvasKit.skottie || !CanvasKit.managed_skottie) { console.warn('Skipping test because not compiled with skottie'); done(); return; } catchException(done, () => { const imgBuffer = values[0]; expect(imgBuffer).toBeTruthy(); expect(imgBuffer.byteLength).toBeTruthy(); const jsonStr = values[1]; expect(jsonStr).toBeTruthy(); const c = document.getElementById('test'); expect(c).toBeTruthy(); let surface = CanvasKit.MakeCanvasSurface(c); expect(surface).toBeTruthy('Could not make surface'); if (CanvasKit.gpu) { // If we are on GPU, make sure we didn't fallback expect(c).not.toHaveClass('ck-replaced'); } const animation = CanvasKit.MakeManagedAnimation(jsonStr, { 'flightAnim.gif': imgBuffer, }); expect(animation).toBeTruthy(); const bounds = {fLeft: 0, fTop: 0, fRight: 500, fBottom: 500}; const canvas = surface.getCanvas(); canvas.clear(CanvasKit.WHITE); animation.render(canvas, bounds); surface.flush(); // There was a bug, fixed in // that seeking again and drawing again revealed.; canvas.clear(CanvasKit.WHITE); animation.render(canvas, bounds); surface.flush(); animation.delete(); reportSurface(surface, 'skottie_animgif', done); })(); }); }); });