# conditions used in both common.gypi and skia.gyp in chromium # { 'conditions' : [ ['skia_os == "win"', { 'defines': [ 'SK_BUILD_FOR_WIN32', 'SK_IGNORE_STDINT_DOT_H', '_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS', 'GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE=__stdcall', ], 'msvs_cygwin_shell': 0, 'msvs_settings': { 'VCCLCompilerTool': { 'WarningLevel': '1', 'WarnAsError': 'false', 'DebugInformationFormat': '3', 'AdditionalOptions': [ '/MP' ], }, 'VCLinkerTool': { 'AdditionalDependencies': [ 'OpenGL32.lib', 'usp10.lib', ], }, }, 'configurations': { 'Debug': { 'msvs_settings': { 'VCCLCompilerTool': { 'DebugInformationFormat': '4', # editAndContiue (/ZI) 'ProgramDataBaseFileName': '$(OutDir)\\$(ProjectName).pdb', 'Optimization': '0', # optimizeDisabled (/Od) 'PreprocessorDefinitions': ['_DEBUG'], 'RuntimeLibrary': '3', # rtMultiThreadedDebugDLL (/MDd) 'ExceptionHandling': '0', 'RuntimeTypeInfo': 'false', # /GR- 'WarningLevel': '3', # level3 (/W3) }, 'VCLinkerTool': { 'GenerateDebugInformation': 'true', # /DEBUG 'LinkIncremental': '2', # /INCREMENTAL }, }, }, 'Release': { 'msvs_settings': { 'VCCLCompilerTool': { 'DebugInformationFormat': '3', # programDatabase (/Zi) 'ProgramDataBaseFileName': '$(OutDir)\\$(ProjectName).pdb', 'Optimization': '3', # full (/Ox) 'WholeProgramOptimization': 'true', #/GL # Changing the floating point model requires rebaseling gm images #'FloatingPointModel': '2', # fast (/fp:fast) 'FavorSizeOrSpeed': '1', # speed (/Ot) 'PreprocessorDefinitions': ['NDEBUG'], 'RuntimeLibrary': '2', # rtMultiThreadedDLL (/MD) 'ExceptionHandling': '0', 'EnableEnhancedInstructionSet': '2',# /arch:SSE2 'RuntimeTypeInfo': 'false', # /GR- 'WarningLevel': '3', # level3 (/W3) }, 'VCLinkerTool': { 'GenerateDebugInformation': 'true', # /DEBUG 'LinkTimeCodeGeneration': '1', # useLinkTimeCodeGeneration /LTCG }, 'VCLibrarianTool': { 'LinkTimeCodeGeneration': 'true', # useLinkTimeCodeGeneration /LTCG }, }, }, }, }, ], ['skia_os in ["linux", "freebsd", "openbsd", "solaris"]', { 'defines': [ 'SK_SAMPLES_FOR_X', 'SK_BUILD_FOR_UNIX', 'SK_USE_COLOR_LUMINANCE', 'SK_GAMMA_APPLY_TO_A8', ], 'configurations': { 'Debug': { 'cflags': ['-g'] }, 'Release': { 'cflags': ['-O3'], 'defines': [ 'NDEBUG' ], }, }, 'cflags': [ # TODO(tony): Enable -Werror once all the strict-aliasing problems # are fixed. #'-Werror', '-Wall', '-Wextra', '-Wno-unused', # suppressions below here were added for clang '-Wno-unused-parameter', '-Wno-c++11-extensions' ], 'include_dirs' : [ '/usr/include/freetype2', ], }, ], ['skia_os == "mac"', { 'defines': [ 'SK_BUILD_FOR_MAC', ], 'conditions' : [ ['skia_arch_width == 64', { 'xcode_settings': { 'ARCHS': 'x86_64', }, }], ['skia_arch_width == 32', { 'xcode_settings': { 'ARCHS': 'i386', }, }], ], 'configurations': { 'Debug': { 'xcode_settings': { 'GCC_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL': '0', }, }, 'Release': { 'xcode_settings': { 'GCC_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL': '3', }, 'defines': [ 'NDEBUG' ], }, }, 'xcode_settings': { 'GCC_SYMBOLS_PRIVATE_EXTERN': 'NO', 'SYMROOT': '<(DEPTH)/xcodebuild', 'SDKROOT': 'macosx10.6', # trying to get this to work, but it needs clang I think... # 'WARNING_CFLAGS': '-Wexit-time-destructors', 'CLANG_WARN_CXX0X_EXTENSIONS': 'NO', 'GCC_WARN_64_TO_32_BIT_CONVERSION': 'YES', 'GCC_WARN_ABOUT_DEPRECATED_FUNCTIONS': 'YES', 'GCC_WARN_ABOUT_INVALID_OFFSETOF_MACRO': 'YES', 'GCC_WARN_ABOUT_MISSING_NEWLINE': 'YES', 'GCC_WARN_ABOUT_MISSING_PROTOTYPES': 'YES', 'GCC_WARN_ABOUT_POINTER_SIGNEDNESS': 'YES', 'GCC_WARN_ABOUT_RETURN_TYPE': 'YES', 'GCC_WARN_ALLOW_INCOMPLETE_PROTOCOL': 'YES', 'GCC_WARN_INITIALIZER_NOT_FULLY_BRACKETED': 'YES', 'GCC_WARN_MISSING_PARENTHESES': 'YES', 'GCC_WARN_PROTOTYPE_CONVERSION': 'YES', 'GCC_WARN_SIGN_COMPARE': 'YES', 'GCC_WARN_TYPECHECK_CALLS_TO_PRINTF': 'YES', 'GCC_WARN_UNKNOWN_PRAGMAS': 'YES', 'GCC_WARN_UNUSED_FUNCTION': 'YES', 'GCC_WARN_UNUSED_LABEL': 'YES', 'GCC_WARN_UNUSED_VALUE': 'YES', 'GCC_WARN_UNUSED_VARIABLE': 'YES', 'OTHER_CPLUSPLUSFLAGS': '-mssse3 -fvisibility=hidden -fvisibility-inlines-hidden', }, }, ], ['skia_os == "ios"', { 'defines': [ 'SK_BUILD_FOR_IOS', ], 'configurations': { 'Debug': { 'xcode_settings': { 'GCC_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL': '0', }, }, }, 'xcode_settings': { 'SYMROOT': '<(DEPTH)/xcodebuild', }, }, ], ['skia_os == "android"', { 'defines': [ 'SK_BUILD_FOR_ANDROID', 'SK_BUILD_FOR_ANDROID_NDK', 'SK_ALLOW_STATIC_GLOBAL_INITIALIZERS=0', ], 'configurations': { 'Debug': { 'cflags': ['-g'] }, 'Release': { 'cflags': ['-O2'], 'defines': [ 'NDEBUG' ], }, }, 'libraries': [ '-lstdc++', '-lm', '-llog', ], 'cflags': [ '-fno-exceptions', '-fno-rtti', '-fuse-ld=gold', '--sysroot=<(android_base)/toolchains/<(android_toolchain)/sysroot', ], 'include_dirs' : [ '<(android_base)/toolchains/<(android_toolchain)/lib/gcc/arm-linux-androideabi/4.6.x-google/include', '<(android_base)/toolchains/<(android_toolchain)/lib/gcc/arm-linux-androideabi/4.6.x-google/include-fixed', '<(android_base)/toolchains/<(android_toolchain)/arm-linux-androideabi/include/c++/4.6', '<(android_base)/toolchains/<(android_toolchain)/arm-linux-androideabi/include/c++/4.6/arm-linux-androideabi', '<(android_base)/toolchains/<(android_toolchain)/sysroot/usr/include', ], 'conditions': [ [ 'skia_arch_type == "arm"', { 'ldflags': [ '-Wl', ], }], [ 'skia_arch_type == "arm" and arm_thumb == 1', { 'cflags': [ '-mthumb', ], }], [ 'skia_arch_type == "arm" and armv7 == 1', { 'variables': { 'arm_neon_optional%': 0, }, 'defines': [ '__ARM_ARCH__=7', ], 'cflags': [ '-march=armv7-a', '-mfloat-abi=softfp', ], 'conditions': [ [ 'arm_neon == 1', { 'defines': [ '__ARM_HAVE_NEON', ], 'cflags': [ '-mfpu=neon', ], }], [ 'arm_neon_optional == 1', { 'defines': [ '__ARM_HAVE_OPTIONAL_NEON_SUPPORT', ], }], ], }], ], }, ], # We can POD-style initialization of static mutexes to avoid generating # static initializers if we're using a pthread-compatible thread interface. [ 'skia_os != "win"', { 'defines': [ 'SK_USE_POSIX_THREADS' ], }], ], # end 'conditions' } # Local Variables: # tab-width:2 # indent-tabs-mode:nil # End: # vim: set expandtab tabstop=2 shiftwidth=2: