/* * Copyright 2018 Google Inc. * * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. */ #ifndef mdOut_DEFINED #define mdOut_DEFINED #include "parserCommon.h" class IncludeParser; class MdOut : public ParserCommon { public: struct SubtopicDescriptions { string fSingular; string fPlural; string fOneLiner; string fDetails; }; MdOut(BmhParser& bmh, IncludeParser& inc) : ParserCommon() , fBmhParser(bmh) , fIncludeParser(inc) { this->reset(); this->addPopulators(); fBmhParser.setUpGlobalSubstitutes(); fNames = &fBmhParser.fGlobalNames; } bool buildReferences(const char* docDir, const char* mdOutDirOrFile); bool buildStatus(const char* docDir, const char* mdOutDir); void checkAnchors(); private: enum class TableState { kNone, kRow, kColumn, }; struct AnchorDef { string fDef; MarkType fMarkType; }; struct DefinedState { DefinedState(const MdOut& mdOut, const char* refStart, const char* refEnd, Resolvable resolvable) : fBmhParser(&mdOut.fBmhParser) , fNames(mdOut.fNames) , fGlobals(&mdOut.fBmhParser.fGlobalNames) , fLastDef(mdOut.fLastDef) , fMethod(mdOut.fMethod) , fSubtopic(mdOut.fSubtopic) , fRoot(mdOut.fRoot) , fRefStart(refStart) , fRefEnd(refEnd) , fResolvable(resolvable) , fInProgress(mdOut.fInProgress) { TextParser matrixParser(fLastDef->fFileName, refStart, refEnd, fLastDef->fLineCount); const char* bracket = matrixParser.anyOf("|=\n"); fInMatrix = bracket && ('|' == bracket[0] || '=' == bracket[0]); } void backup() { fPriorWord = fBack2Word; fPriorLink = ""; fPriorSeparator = ""; fSeparator = fBack2Separator; } bool findEnd(const char* start) { if (fEnd < fRefEnd && '~' == fEnd[0]) { ++fEnd; } do { while (fEnd < fRefEnd && (isalnum(fEnd[0]) || '-' == fEnd[0] || '_' == fEnd[0])) { ++fEnd; } if (fEnd + 1 >= fRefEnd || '/' != fEnd[0] || start == fEnd || !isalpha(fEnd[-1]) || !isalpha(fEnd[1])) { break; // stop unless pattern is xxx/xxx as in I/O } ++fEnd; // skip slash } while (true); while (start != fEnd && '-' == fEnd[-1]) { --fEnd; } return start == fEnd; } bool findLink(string ref, string* linkPtr, bool addParens); bool findLink(string ref, string* linkPtr, unordered_map<string, Definition*>& map); bool hasWordSpace(string wordSpace) const; void setLink(); string nextSeparator(const char* start) { fBack2Separator = fPriorSeparator; fPriorSeparator = fSeparator; fEnd = start; return fBack2Separator; } const char* nextWord() { fBack2Word = fPriorWord; fPriorWord = fWord; fPriorLink = fLink; return fEnd; } bool phraseContinues(string phrase, string* priorWord, string* priorLink) const; void setLower() { fAddParens = false; bool allLower = std::all_of(fWord.begin(), fWord.end(), [](char c) { return islower(c); }); bool hasParens = fEnd + 2 <= fRefEnd && "()" == string(fEnd, 2); if (hasParens) { if (allLower) { fWord += "()"; fEnd += 2; } } else if (allLower) { fAddParens = true; } } bool setPriorSpaceWord(const char** startPtr) { if (!fPriorSpace) { return false; } string phrase = fPriorWord + fWord; if (this->phraseContinues(phrase, &fPriorWord, &fPriorLink)) { *startPtr = fEnd; return true; } fPriorWord = fPriorWord.substr(0, fPriorWord.length() - 1); return false; } void skipParens() { if ("()" == fSeparator.substr(0, 2)) { string funcRef = fPriorWord + "()"; if (this->findLink(funcRef, &fPriorLink, false)) { fPriorWord = funcRef; fSeparator = fSeparator.substr(2); } } } const char* skipWhiteSpace() { const char* start = fSeparatorStart; bool whiteSpace = start < fRefEnd && ' ' >= start[0]; while (start < fRefEnd && !isalpha(start[0]) && '~' != start[0]) { whiteSpace &= ' ' >= start[0]; ++start; } fPriorSpace = false; fSeparator = string(fSeparatorStart, start - fSeparatorStart); if ("" != fPriorWord && whiteSpace) { string wordSpace = fPriorWord + ' '; if (this->hasWordSpace(wordSpace)) { fPriorWord = wordSpace; fPriorSpace = true; } } return start; } string fRef; string fBack2Word; string fBack2Separator; string fPriorWord; string fPriorLink; string fPriorSeparator; string fWord; string fLink; string fSeparator; string fMethodName; BmhParser* fBmhParser; const NameMap* fNames; const NameMap* fGlobals; const Definition* fLastDef; const Definition* fMethod; const Definition* fSubtopic; const Definition* fPriorDef; const RootDefinition* fRoot; const char* fSeparatorStart; const char* fRefStart; const char* fRefEnd; const char* fEnd; Resolvable fResolvable; bool fAddParens; bool fInMatrix; bool fInProgress; bool fPriorSpace; }; void addCodeBlock(const Definition* def, string& str) const; void addPopulators(); string addReferences(const char* start, const char* end, Resolvable ); string anchorDef(string def, string name); string anchorLocalRef(string ref, string name); string anchorRef(string def, string name); bool buildRefFromFile(const char* fileName, const char* outDir); bool checkParamReturnBody(const Definition* def); Definition* checkParentsForMatch(Definition* test, string ref) const; void childrenOut(Definition* def, const char* contentStart); Definition* csParent(); const Definition* findParamType(); string getMemberTypeName(const Definition* def, string* memberType); static bool HasDetails(const Definition* def); void htmlOut(string ); bool isDefined(DefinedState& s); const Definition* isDefined(const TextParser& , Resolvable ); string linkName(const Definition* ) const; void markTypeOut(Definition* , const Definition** prior); void mdHeaderOut(int depth) { mdHeaderOutLF(depth, 2); } void mdHeaderOutLF(int depth, int lf); void parameterHeaderOut(TextParser& paramParser, const Definition** prior, Definition* def); void parameterTrailerOut(); bool parseFromFile(const char* path) override { return true; } void populateOne(Definition* def, unordered_map<string, RootDefinition::SubtopicContents>& populator); void populateTables(const Definition* def, RootDefinition* ); SubtopicDescriptions& populator(string key) { auto entry = fPopulators.find(key); // FIXME: this should have been detected earlier SkASSERT(fPopulators.end() != entry); return entry->second; } void reset() override { INHERITED::resetCommon(); fNames = nullptr; fEnumClass = nullptr; fMethod = nullptr; fRoot = nullptr; fSubtopic = nullptr; fLastParam = nullptr; fTableState = TableState::kNone; fAddRefFailed = false; fHasFiddle = false; fInDescription = false; fInList = false; fResolveAndIndent = false; fLiteralAndIndent = false; fLastDef = nullptr; fParamEnd = nullptr; fInProgress = false; } Resolvable resolvable(const Definition* definition) const { MarkType markType = definition->fMarkType; if (MarkType::kCode == markType) { for (auto child : definition->fChildren) { if (MarkType::kLiteral == child->fMarkType) { return Resolvable::kLiteral; } } } if ((MarkType::kExample == markType || MarkType::kFunction == markType) && fHasFiddle) { return Resolvable::kNo; } return BmhParser::kMarkProps[(int) markType].fResolve; } void resolveOut(const char* start, const char* end, Resolvable ); void returnHeaderOut(const Definition** prior, Definition* def); void rowOut(string col1, const Definition* col2); void rowOut(const char * name, string description, bool literalName); void subtopicOut(string name); void subtopicsOut(Definition* def); void subtopicOut(string key, const vector<Definition*>& data, const Definition* csParent, const Definition* topicParent, bool showClones); bool subtopicRowOut(string keyName, const Definition* entry); void summaryOut(const Definition* def, MarkType , string name); string tableDataCodeDef(const Definition* def); string tableDataCodeDef(string def, string name); string tableDataCodeLocalRef(string name); string tableDataCodeLocalRef(string ref, string name); string tableDataCodeRef(const Definition* ref); string tableDataCodeRef(string ref, string name); void writeSubtopicTableHeader(string key); vector<const Definition*> fClassStack; unordered_map<string, vector<AnchorDef> > fAllAnchorDefs; unordered_map<string, vector<string> > fAllAnchorRefs; NameMap* fNames; BmhParser& fBmhParser; IncludeParser& fIncludeParser; const Definition* fEnumClass; const Definition* fLastDef; Definition* fMethod; RootDefinition* fRoot; // used in generating populated tables; always struct or class RootDefinition* fSubtopic; // used in resolving symbols const Definition* fLastParam; TableState fTableState; unordered_map<string, SubtopicDescriptions> fPopulators; unordered_map<string, string> fPhraseParams; const char* fParamEnd; bool fAddRefFailed; bool fHasFiddle; bool fInDescription; // FIXME: for now, ignore unfound camelCase in description since it may // be defined in example which at present cannot be linked to bool fInList; bool fLiteralAndIndent; bool fResolveAndIndent; bool fOddRow; bool fHasDetails; bool fInProgress; typedef ParserCommon INHERITED; }; #endif