# Copyright 2015 Google Inc. # # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. # Copyright 2015 Google Inc. # # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. # GYP file for codec project. { 'targets': [ { 'target_name': 'codec', 'product_name': 'skia_codec', 'type': 'static_library', 'standalone_static_library': 1, 'dependencies': [ 'core.gyp:*', 'libjpeg-turbo-selector.gyp:libjpeg-turbo-selector', 'libpng.gyp:libpng', 'libwebp.gyp:libwebp', ], 'include_dirs': [ '../include/codec', '../include/private', '../src/codec', '../src/core', '../src/utils', '../third_party/gif', ], 'sources': [ '../src/codec/SkAndroidCodec.cpp', '../src/codec/SkBmpCodec.cpp', '../src/codec/SkBmpMaskCodec.cpp', '../src/codec/SkBmpRLECodec.cpp', '../src/codec/SkBmpStandardCodec.cpp', '../src/codec/SkCodec.cpp', '../src/codec/SkGifCodec.cpp', '../src/codec/SkIcoCodec.cpp', '../src/codec/SkJpegCodec.cpp', '../src/codec/SkJpegDecoderMgr.cpp', '../src/codec/SkJpegUtility.cpp', '../src/codec/SkMaskSwizzler.cpp', '../src/codec/SkMasks.cpp', '../src/codec/SkPngCodec.cpp', '../src/codec/SkSampler.cpp', '../src/codec/SkSampledCodec.cpp', '../src/codec/SkStreamBuffer.cpp', '../src/codec/SkSwizzler.cpp', '../src/codec/SkWbmpCodec.cpp', '../src/codec/SkWebpAdapterCodec.cpp', '../src/codec/SkWebpCodec.cpp', '../src/codec/SkCodecImageGenerator.cpp', '../src/ports/SkImageGenerator_skia.cpp', '../third_party/gif/GIFImageReader.cpp', ], 'direct_dependent_settings': { 'include_dirs': [ '../include/codec', ], }, 'conditions': [ ['skia_codec_decodes_raw', { 'dependencies': [ 'raw_codec', ], },], ], }, { # RAW codec needs exceptions. Due to that, it is a separate target. Its usage can be # controlled by skia_codec_decodes_raw flag. 'target_name': 'raw_codec', 'product_name': 'raw_codec', 'type': 'static_library', 'dependencies': [ 'core.gyp:*', 'dng_sdk.gyp:dng_sdk-selector', 'libjpeg-turbo-selector.gyp:libjpeg-turbo-selector', 'piex.gyp:piex-selector', ], 'cflags':[ '-fexceptions', ], 'msvs_settings': { 'VCCLCompilerTool': { # Need this because we are handling exception in SkRawCodec, which will trigger warning # C4530. Add this flag as suggested by the compiler. 'AdditionalOptions': ['/EHsc', ], }, }, 'include_dirs': [ '../include/codec', '../include/private', '../src/codec', '../src/core', ], 'sources': [ '../src/codec/SkRawAdapterCodec.cpp', '../src/codec/SkRawCodec.cpp', ], 'direct_dependent_settings': { 'include_dirs': [ '../include/codec', ], }, 'conditions': [ ['skia_arch_type == "x86" or skia_arch_type == "arm"', { 'defines': [ 'qDNGBigEndian=0', ], }], ['skia_os == "ios" or skia_os == "mac"', { 'xcode_settings': { 'OTHER_CFLAGS': ['-fexceptions'], 'OTHER_CPLUSPLUSFLAGS': ['-fexceptions'], }, }], ], }, ], }