#!/bin/bash # Copyright 2018 Google LLC # # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. set -ex # Navigate to SKIA_HOME from where this file is located. BASE_DIR=`cd $(dirname ${BASH_SOURCE[0]}) && pwd` pushd $BASE_DIR/../.. ./bin/fetch-gn IS_OFFICIAL_BUILD="true" IS_DEBUG="false" FORCE_TRACING="false" PROFILE_BUILD="false" # Tracing will be disabled in release/profiling unless this flag is seen. Tracing will # be on debug builds always. if [[ $@ != *force_tracing* ]] ; then FORCE_TRACING="true" fi if [[ $@ == *debug* ]]; then echo "Building a Debug build" IS_DEBUG="true" IS_OFFICIAL_BUILD="false" BUILD_DIR=${BUILD_DIR:="out/canvaskit_wasm_debug"} elif [[ $@ == *profiling* ]]; then echo "Building a build for profiling" PROFILE_BUILD="true" BUILD_DIR=${BUILD_DIR:="out/canvaskit_wasm_profile"} else BUILD_DIR=${BUILD_DIR:="out/canvaskit_wasm"} fi mkdir -p $BUILD_DIR # sometimes the .a files keep old symbols around - cleaning them out makes sure # we get a fresh build. rm -f $BUILD_DIR/*.a ENABLE_GPU="true" if [[ $@ == *cpu* ]]; then echo "Using the CPU backend instead of the GPU backend" ENABLE_GPU="false" fi SERIALIZE_SKP="true" if [[ $@ == *no_skp_serialization* ]]; then # This saves about 20kb compressed. echo "disabling SKP serialization" SERIALIZE_SKP="false" fi DESERIALIZE_EFFECTS="true" if [[ $@ == *no_effects_deserialization* ]]; then # This saves about 60kb compressed. echo "disabling effects deserialization" DESERIALIZE_EFFECTS="false" fi ENABLE_SKOTTIE="true" if [[ $@ == *no_skottie* ]]; then echo "Omitting Skottie" ENABLE_SKOTTIE="false" fi INCLUDE_VIEWER="false" USE_EXPAT="false" if [[ $@ == *viewer* ]]; then echo "Including viewer" INCLUDE_VIEWER="true" USE_EXPAT="true" IS_OFFICIAL_BUILD="false" fi ENABLE_PARTICLES="true" if [[ $@ == *no_particles* ]]; then echo "Omitting Particles" ENABLE_PARTICLES="false" fi ENABLE_PATHOPS="true" if [[ $@ == *no_pathops* ]] ; then # This saves about 2kb compressed. echo "Omitting PathOps" ENABLE_PATHOPS="false" fi ENABLE_RT_SHADER="true" if [[ $@ == *no_rt_shader* ]] ; then echo "Omitting runtime shaders" ENABLE_RT_SHADER="false" fi ENABLE_SKSL_TRACE="true" if [[ $@ == *no_sksl_trace* ]] ; then echo "Omitting SkSl trace" ENABLE_SKSL_TRACE="false" fi ENABLE_MATRIX="true" if [[ $@ == *no_matrix* ]]; then echo "Omitting matrix helper code" ENABLE_MATRIX="false" fi ENABLE_CANVAS="true" if [[ $@ == *no_canvas* || $@ == *no_matrix* ]]; then # Note: HTML Canvas bindings depend on the matrix helpers. echo "Omitting bindings for HTML Canvas API" ENABLE_CANVAS="false" fi GN_FONT="skia_enable_fontmgr_custom_directory=false " WOFF2_FONT="skia_use_freetype_woff2=true" ENABLE_FONT="true" ENABLE_EMBEDDED_FONT="true" if [[ $@ == *no_font* ]]; then echo "Omitting the built-in font(s), font manager and all code dealing with fonts" ENABLE_FONT="false" ENABLE_EMBEDDED_FONT="false" GN_FONT+="skia_enable_fontmgr_custom_embedded=false skia_enable_fontmgr_custom_empty=false" elif [[ $@ == *no_embedded_font* ]]; then echo "Omitting the built-in font(s)" ENABLE_EMBEDDED_FONT="false" GN_FONT+="skia_enable_fontmgr_custom_embedded=false skia_enable_fontmgr_custom_empty=true" else # Generate the font's binary file (which is covered by .gitignore) GN_FONT+="skia_enable_fontmgr_custom_embedded=true skia_enable_fontmgr_custom_empty=false" fi if [[ $@ == *no_woff2* ]]; then WOFF2_FONT="skia_use_freetype_woff2=false" fi ENABLE_ALIAS_FONT="true" if [[ $@ == *no_alias_font* ]]; then ENABLE_ALIAS_FONT="false" fi GN_SHAPER="skia_use_icu=true skia_use_system_icu=false skia_use_harfbuzz=true skia_use_system_harfbuzz=false" if [[ $@ == *primitive_shaper* ]] || [[ $@ == *no_font* ]]; then echo "Using the primitive shaper instead of the harfbuzz/icu one" GN_SHAPER="skia_use_icu=false skia_use_harfbuzz=false" fi ENABLE_PARAGRAPH="true" if [[ $@ == *no_paragraph* ]] || [[ $@ == *primitive_shaper* ]] || [[ $@ == *no_font* ]]; then echo "Omitting paragraph (must have fonts and non-primitive shaper)" ENABLE_PARAGRAPH="false" fi DO_DECODE="true" if [[ $@ == *no_codecs* ]]; then echo "Omitting codecs" DO_DECODE="false" ENCODE_PNG="false" ENCODE_JPEG="false" ENCODE_WEBP="false" else ENCODE_PNG="true" if [[ $@ == *no_encode_png* ]]; then ENCODE_PNG="false" fi ENCODE_JPEG="true" if [[ $@ == *no_encode_jpeg* ]]; then ENCODE_JPEG="false" fi ENCODE_WEBP="true" if [[ $@ == *no_encode_webp* ]]; then ENCODE_WEBP="false" fi fi # no_codecs # Turn off exiting while we check for ninja (which may not be on PATH) set +e NINJA=`which ninja` if [[ -z $NINJA ]]; then git clone "https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/tools/depot_tools.git" --depth 1 $BUILD_DIR/depot_tools NINJA=$BUILD_DIR/depot_tools/ninja fi # Re-enable error checking set -e echo "Compiling" ./bin/gn gen ${BUILD_DIR} \ --args="is_debug=${IS_DEBUG} \ is_official_build=${IS_OFFICIAL_BUILD} \ is_component_build=false \ werror=true \ target_cpu=\"wasm\" \ \ skia_use_angle=false \ skia_use_dng_sdk=false \ skia_use_webgl=true \ skia_use_expat=${USE_EXPAT} \ skia_use_fontconfig=false \ skia_use_freetype=true \ skia_use_libheif=false \ skia_use_libjpeg_turbo_decode=${DO_DECODE} \ skia_use_libjpeg_turbo_encode=${ENCODE_JPEG} \ skia_use_libpng_decode=${DO_DECODE} \ skia_use_libpng_encode=${ENCODE_PNG} \ skia_use_libwebp_decode=${DO_DECODE} \ skia_use_libwebp_encode=${ENCODE_WEBP} \ skia_use_lua=false \ skia_use_piex=false \ skia_use_system_freetype2=false \ skia_use_system_libjpeg_turbo=false \ skia_use_system_libpng=false \ skia_use_system_libwebp=false \ skia_use_system_zlib=false\ skia_use_vulkan=false \ skia_use_wuffs=true \ skia_use_zlib=true \ skia_enable_gpu=${ENABLE_GPU} \ \ ${GN_SHAPER} \ ${GN_FONT} \ ${WOFF2_FONT} \ \ skia_enable_skshaper=true \ skia_enable_skparagraph=true \ skia_enable_pdf=false \ skia_canvaskit_force_tracing=${FORCE_TRACING} \ skia_canvaskit_profile_build=${PROFILE_BUILD} \ skia_canvaskit_enable_skp_serialization=${SERIALIZE_SKP} \ skia_canvaskit_enable_effects_deserialization=${DESERIALIZE_EFFECTS} \ skia_canvaskit_enable_skottie=${ENABLE_SKOTTIE} \ skia_canvaskit_include_viewer=${INCLUDE_VIEWER} \ skia_canvaskit_enable_particles=${ENABLE_PARTICLES} \ skia_canvaskit_enable_pathops=${ENABLE_PATHOPS} \ skia_canvaskit_enable_rt_shader=${ENABLE_RT_SHADER} \ skia_canvaskit_enable_sksl_trace=${ENABLE_SKSL_TRACE} \ skia_canvaskit_enable_matrix_helper=${ENABLE_MATRIX} \ skia_canvaskit_enable_canvas_bindings=${ENABLE_CANVAS} \ skia_canvaskit_enable_font=${ENABLE_FONT} \ skia_canvaskit_enable_embedded_font=${ENABLE_EMBEDDED_FONT} \ skia_canvaskit_enable_alias_font=${ENABLE_ALIAS_FONT} \ skia_canvaskit_enable_paragraph=${ENABLE_PARAGRAPH}" ${NINJA} -C ${BUILD_DIR} canvaskit.js