// Adds JS functions to augment the CanvasKit interface. // For example, if there is a wrapper around the C++ call or logic to allow // chaining, it should go here. // CanvasKit.onRuntimeInitialized is called after the WASM library has loaded. // Anything that modifies an exposed class (e.g. Path) should be set // after onRuntimeInitialized, otherwise, it can happen outside of that scope. CanvasKit.onRuntimeInitialized = function() { // All calls to 'this' need to go in externs.js so closure doesn't minify them away. _scratchColor = CanvasKit.Malloc(Float32Array, 4); // 4 color scalars. _scratchColorPtr = _scratchColor['byteOffset']; _scratch4x4Matrix = CanvasKit.Malloc(Float32Array, 16); // 16 matrix scalars. _scratch4x4MatrixPtr = _scratch4x4Matrix['byteOffset']; _scratch3x3Matrix = CanvasKit.Malloc(Float32Array, 9); // 9 matrix scalars. _scratch3x3MatrixPtr = _scratch3x3Matrix['byteOffset']; _scratchRRect = CanvasKit.Malloc(Float32Array, 12); // 4 scalars for rrect, 8 for radii. _scratchRRectPtr = _scratchRRect['byteOffset']; _scratchRRect2 = CanvasKit.Malloc(Float32Array, 12); // 4 scalars for rrect, 8 for radii. _scratchRRect2Ptr = _scratchRRect2['byteOffset']; _scratchFourFloatsA = CanvasKit.Malloc(Float32Array, 4); _scratchFourFloatsAPtr = _scratchFourFloatsA['byteOffset']; _scratchFourFloatsB = CanvasKit.Malloc(Float32Array, 4); _scratchFourFloatsBPtr = _scratchFourFloatsB['byteOffset']; _scratchThreeFloatsA = CanvasKit.Malloc(Float32Array, 3); // 3 floats to represent SkVector3 _scratchThreeFloatsAPtr = _scratchThreeFloatsA['byteOffset']; _scratchThreeFloatsB = CanvasKit.Malloc(Float32Array, 3); // 3 floats to represent SkVector3 _scratchThreeFloatsBPtr = _scratchThreeFloatsB['byteOffset']; _scratchIRect = CanvasKit.Malloc(Int32Array, 4); _scratchIRectPtr = _scratchIRect['byteOffset']; // Create single copies of all three supported color spaces // These are sk_sp CanvasKit.ColorSpace.SRGB = CanvasKit.ColorSpace._MakeSRGB(); CanvasKit.ColorSpace.DISPLAY_P3 = CanvasKit.ColorSpace._MakeDisplayP3(); CanvasKit.ColorSpace.ADOBE_RGB = CanvasKit.ColorSpace._MakeAdobeRGB(); // Use quotes to tell closure compiler not to minify the names CanvasKit['GlyphRunFlags'] = { 'IsWhiteSpace': CanvasKit['_GlyphRunFlags_isWhiteSpace'], }; CanvasKit.Path.MakeFromCmds = function(cmds) { var cmdPtr = copy1dArray(cmds, 'HEAPF32'); var path = CanvasKit.Path._MakeFromCmds(cmdPtr, cmds.length); freeArraysThatAreNotMallocedByUsers(cmdPtr, cmds); return path; }; // The weights array is optional (only used for conics). CanvasKit.Path.MakeFromVerbsPointsWeights = function(verbs, pts, weights) { var verbsPtr = copy1dArray(verbs, 'HEAPU8'); var pointsPtr = copy1dArray(pts, 'HEAPF32'); var weightsPtr = copy1dArray(weights, 'HEAPF32'); var numWeights = (weights && weights.length) || 0; var path = CanvasKit.Path._MakeFromVerbsPointsWeights( verbsPtr, verbs.length, pointsPtr, pts.length, weightsPtr, numWeights); freeArraysThatAreNotMallocedByUsers(verbsPtr, verbs); freeArraysThatAreNotMallocedByUsers(pointsPtr, pts); freeArraysThatAreNotMallocedByUsers(weightsPtr, weights); return path; }; CanvasKit.Path.prototype.addArc = function(oval, startAngle, sweepAngle) { // see arc() for the HTMLCanvas version // note input angles are degrees. var oPtr = copyRectToWasm(oval); this._addArc(oPtr, startAngle, sweepAngle); return this; }; CanvasKit.Path.prototype.addOval = function(oval, isCCW, startIndex) { if (startIndex === undefined) { startIndex = 1; } var oPtr = copyRectToWasm(oval); this._addOval(oPtr, !!isCCW, startIndex); return this; }; // TODO(kjlubick) clean up this API - split it apart if necessary CanvasKit.Path.prototype.addPath = function() { // Takes 1, 2, 7, or 10 required args, where the first arg is always the path. // The last arg is optional and chooses between add or extend mode. // The options for the remaining args are: // - an array of 6 or 9 parameters (perspective is optional) // - the 9 parameters of a full matrix or // the 6 non-perspective params of a matrix. var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments); var path = args[0]; var extend = false; if (typeof args[args.length-1] === 'boolean') { extend = args.pop(); } if (args.length === 1) { // Add path, unchanged. Use identity matrix this._addPath(path, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, extend); } else if (args.length === 2) { // User provided the 9 params of a full matrix as an array. var a = args[1]; this._addPath(path, a[0], a[1], a[2], a[3], a[4], a[5], a[6] || 0, a[7] || 0, a[8] || 1, extend); } else if (args.length === 7 || args.length === 10) { // User provided the 9 params of a (full) matrix directly. // (or just the 6 non perspective ones) // These are in the same order as what Skia expects. var a = args; this._addPath(path, a[1], a[2], a[3], a[4], a[5], a[6], a[7] || 0, a[8] || 0, a[9] || 1, extend); } else { Debug('addPath expected to take 1, 2, 7, or 10 required args. Got ' + args.length); return null; } return this; }; // points is a 1d array of length 2n representing n points where the even indices // will be treated as x coordinates and the odd indices will be treated as y coordinates. // Like other APIs, this accepts a malloced type array or malloc obj. CanvasKit.Path.prototype.addPoly = function(points, close) { var ptr = copy1dArray(points, 'HEAPF32'); this._addPoly(ptr, points.length / 2, close); freeArraysThatAreNotMallocedByUsers(ptr, points); return this; }; CanvasKit.Path.prototype.addRect = function(rect, isCCW) { var rPtr = copyRectToWasm(rect); this._addRect(rPtr, !!isCCW); return this; }; CanvasKit.Path.prototype.addRRect = function(rrect, isCCW) { var rPtr = copyRRectToWasm(rrect); this._addRRect(rPtr, !!isCCW); return this; }; // The weights array is optional (only used for conics). CanvasKit.Path.prototype.addVerbsPointsWeights = function(verbs, points, weights) { var verbsPtr = copy1dArray(verbs, 'HEAPU8'); var pointsPtr = copy1dArray(points, 'HEAPF32'); var weightsPtr = copy1dArray(weights, 'HEAPF32'); var numWeights = (weights && weights.length) || 0; this._addVerbsPointsWeights(verbsPtr, verbs.length, pointsPtr, points.length, weightsPtr, numWeights); freeArraysThatAreNotMallocedByUsers(verbsPtr, verbs); freeArraysThatAreNotMallocedByUsers(pointsPtr, points); freeArraysThatAreNotMallocedByUsers(weightsPtr, weights); }; CanvasKit.Path.prototype.arc = function(x, y, radius, startAngle, endAngle, ccw) { // emulates the HTMLCanvas behavior. See addArc() for the Path version. // Note input angles are radians. var bounds = CanvasKit.LTRBRect(x-radius, y-radius, x+radius, y+radius); var sweep = radiansToDegrees(endAngle - startAngle) - (360 * !!ccw); var temp = new CanvasKit.Path(); temp.addArc(bounds, radiansToDegrees(startAngle), sweep); this.addPath(temp, true); temp.delete(); return this; }; // Appends arc to Path. Arc added is part of ellipse // bounded by oval, from startAngle through sweepAngle. Both startAngle and // sweepAngle are measured in degrees, where zero degrees is aligned with the // positive x-axis, and positive sweeps extends arc clockwise. CanvasKit.Path.prototype.arcToOval = function(oval, startAngle, sweepAngle, forceMoveTo) { var oPtr = copyRectToWasm(oval); this._arcToOval(oPtr, startAngle, sweepAngle, forceMoveTo); return this; }; // Appends arc to Path. Arc is implemented by one or more conics weighted to // describe part of oval with radii (rx, ry) rotated by xAxisRotate degrees. Arc // curves from last point to (x, y), choosing one of four possible routes: // clockwise or counterclockwise, and smaller or larger. // Arc sweep is always less than 360 degrees. arcTo() appends line to (x, y) if // either radii are zero, or if last point equals (x, y). arcTo() scales radii // (rx, ry) to fit last point and (x, y) if both are greater than zero but // too small. // arcToRotated() appends up to four conic curves. // arcToRotated() implements the functionality of SVG arc, although SVG sweep-flag value // is opposite the integer value of sweep; SVG sweep-flag uses 1 for clockwise, // while kCW_Direction cast to int is zero. CanvasKit.Path.prototype.arcToRotated = function(rx, ry, xAxisRotate, useSmallArc, isCCW, x, y) { this._arcToRotated(rx, ry, xAxisRotate, !!useSmallArc, !!isCCW, x, y); return this; }; // Appends arc to Path, after appending line if needed. Arc is implemented by conic // weighted to describe part of circle. Arc is contained by tangent from // last Path point to (x1, y1), and tangent from (x1, y1) to (x2, y2). Arc // is part of circle sized to radius, positioned so it touches both tangent lines. // If last Path Point does not start Arc, arcTo appends connecting Line to Path. // The length of Vector from (x1, y1) to (x2, y2) does not affect Arc. // Arc sweep is always less than 180 degrees. If radius is zero, or if // tangents are nearly parallel, arcTo appends Line from last Path Point to (x1, y1). // arcToTangent appends at most one Line and one conic. // arcToTangent implements the functionality of PostScript arct and HTML Canvas arcTo. CanvasKit.Path.prototype.arcToTangent = function(x1, y1, x2, y2, radius) { this._arcToTangent(x1, y1, x2, y2, radius); return this; }; CanvasKit.Path.prototype.close = function() { this._close(); return this; }; CanvasKit.Path.prototype.conicTo = function(x1, y1, x2, y2, w) { this._conicTo(x1, y1, x2, y2, w); return this; }; // Clients can pass in a Float32Array with length 4 to this and the results // will be copied into that array. Otherwise, a new TypedArray will be allocated // and returned. CanvasKit.Path.prototype.computeTightBounds = function(optionalOutputArray) { this._computeTightBounds(_scratchFourFloatsAPtr); var ta = _scratchFourFloatsA['toTypedArray'](); if (optionalOutputArray) { optionalOutputArray.set(ta); return optionalOutputArray; } return ta.slice(); }; CanvasKit.Path.prototype.cubicTo = function(cp1x, cp1y, cp2x, cp2y, x, y) { this._cubicTo(cp1x, cp1y, cp2x, cp2y, x, y); return this; }; CanvasKit.Path.prototype.dash = function(on, off, phase) { if (this._dash(on, off, phase)) { return this; } return null; }; // Clients can pass in a Float32Array with length 4 to this and the results // will be copied into that array. Otherwise, a new TypedArray will be allocated // and returned. CanvasKit.Path.prototype.getBounds = function(optionalOutputArray) { this._getBounds(_scratchFourFloatsAPtr); var ta = _scratchFourFloatsA['toTypedArray'](); if (optionalOutputArray) { optionalOutputArray.set(ta); return optionalOutputArray; } return ta.slice(); }; CanvasKit.Path.prototype.lineTo = function(x, y) { this._lineTo(x, y); return this; }; CanvasKit.Path.prototype.moveTo = function(x, y) { this._moveTo(x, y); return this; }; CanvasKit.Path.prototype.offset = function(dx, dy) { this._transform(1, 0, dx, 0, 1, dy, 0, 0, 1); return this; }; CanvasKit.Path.prototype.quadTo = function(cpx, cpy, x, y) { this._quadTo(cpx, cpy, x, y); return this; }; CanvasKit.Path.prototype.rArcTo = function(rx, ry, xAxisRotate, useSmallArc, isCCW, dx, dy) { this._rArcTo(rx, ry, xAxisRotate, useSmallArc, isCCW, dx, dy); return this; }; CanvasKit.Path.prototype.rConicTo = function(dx1, dy1, dx2, dy2, w) { this._rConicTo(dx1, dy1, dx2, dy2, w); return this; }; // These params are all relative CanvasKit.Path.prototype.rCubicTo = function(cp1x, cp1y, cp2x, cp2y, x, y) { this._rCubicTo(cp1x, cp1y, cp2x, cp2y, x, y); return this; }; CanvasKit.Path.prototype.rLineTo = function(dx, dy) { this._rLineTo(dx, dy); return this; }; CanvasKit.Path.prototype.rMoveTo = function(dx, dy) { this._rMoveTo(dx, dy); return this; }; // These params are all relative CanvasKit.Path.prototype.rQuadTo = function(cpx, cpy, x, y) { this._rQuadTo(cpx, cpy, x, y); return this; }; CanvasKit.Path.prototype.stroke = function(opts) { // Fill out any missing values with the default values. opts = opts || {}; opts['width'] = opts['width'] || 1; opts['miter_limit'] = opts['miter_limit'] || 4; opts['cap'] = opts['cap'] || CanvasKit.StrokeCap.Butt; opts['join'] = opts['join'] || CanvasKit.StrokeJoin.Miter; opts['precision'] = opts['precision'] || 1; if (this._stroke(opts)) { return this; } return null; }; // TODO(kjlubick) Change this to take a 3x3 or 4x4 matrix (optionally malloc'd) CanvasKit.Path.prototype.transform = function() { // Takes 1 or 9 args if (arguments.length === 1) { // argument 1 should be a 6 or 9 element array. var a = arguments[0]; this._transform(a[0], a[1], a[2], a[3], a[4], a[5], a[6] || 0, a[7] || 0, a[8] || 1); } else if (arguments.length === 6 || arguments.length === 9) { // these arguments are the 6 or 9 members of the matrix var a = arguments; this._transform(a[0], a[1], a[2], a[3], a[4], a[5], a[6] || 0, a[7] || 0, a[8] || 1); } else { throw 'transform expected to take 1 or 9 arguments. Got ' + arguments.length; } return this; }; // isComplement is optional, defaults to false CanvasKit.Path.prototype.trim = function(startT, stopT, isComplement) { if (this._trim(startT, stopT, !!isComplement)) { return this; } return null; }; // makeShaderCubic returns a shader for a given image, allowing it to be used on // a paint as well as other purposes. This shader will be higher quality than // other shader functions. See CubicResampler in SkSamplingOptions.h for more information // on the cubicResampler params. CanvasKit.Image.prototype.makeShaderCubic = function(xTileMode, yTileMode, cubicResamplerB, cubicResamplerC, localMatrix) { var localMatrixPtr = copy3x3MatrixToWasm(localMatrix); return this._makeShaderCubic(xTileMode, yTileMode, cubicResamplerB, cubicResamplerC, localMatrixPtr); }; // makeShaderCubic returns a shader for a given image, allowing it to be used on // a paint as well as other purposes. This shader will draw more quickly than // other shader functions, but at a lower quality. CanvasKit.Image.prototype.makeShaderOptions = function(xTileMode, yTileMode, filterMode, mipmapMode, localMatrix) { var localMatrixPtr = copy3x3MatrixToWasm(localMatrix); return this._makeShaderOptions(xTileMode, yTileMode, filterMode, mipmapMode, localMatrixPtr); }; function readPixels(source, srcX, srcY, imageInfo, destMallocObj, bytesPerRow) { if (!bytesPerRow) { bytesPerRow = 4 * imageInfo['width']; if (imageInfo['colorType'] === CanvasKit.ColorType.RGBA_F16) { bytesPerRow *= 2; } else if (imageInfo['colorType'] === CanvasKit.ColorType.RGBA_F32) { bytesPerRow *= 4; } } var pBytes = bytesPerRow * imageInfo.height; var pPtr; if (destMallocObj) { pPtr = destMallocObj['byteOffset']; } else { pPtr = CanvasKit._malloc(pBytes); } if (!source._readPixels(imageInfo, pPtr, bytesPerRow, srcX, srcY)) { Debug('Could not read pixels with the given inputs'); if (!destMallocObj) { CanvasKit._free(pPtr); } return null; } // If the user provided us a buffer to copy into, we don't need to allocate a new TypedArray. if (destMallocObj) { return destMallocObj['toTypedArray'](); // Return the typed array wrapper w/o allocating. } // Put those pixels into a typed array of the right format and then // make a copy with slice() that we can return. var retVal = null; switch (imageInfo['colorType']) { case CanvasKit.ColorType.RGBA_8888: case CanvasKit.ColorType.RGBA_F16: // there is no half-float JS type, so we return raw bytes. retVal = new Uint8Array(CanvasKit.HEAPU8.buffer, pPtr, pBytes).slice(); break; case CanvasKit.ColorType.RGBA_F32: retVal = new Float32Array(CanvasKit.HEAPU8.buffer, pPtr, pBytes).slice(); break; default: Debug('ColorType not yet supported'); return null; } // Free the allocated pixels in the WASM memory CanvasKit._free(pPtr); return retVal; } CanvasKit.Image.prototype.readPixels = function(srcX, srcY, imageInfo, destMallocObj, bytesPerRow) { return readPixels(this, srcX, srcY, imageInfo, destMallocObj, bytesPerRow); }; // Accepts an array of four numbers in the range of 0-1 representing a 4f color CanvasKit.Canvas.prototype.clear = function(color4f) { CanvasKit.setCurrentContext(this._context); var cPtr = copyColorToWasm(color4f); this._clear(cPtr); }; CanvasKit.Canvas.prototype.clipRRect = function(rrect, op, antialias) { CanvasKit.setCurrentContext(this._context); var rPtr = copyRRectToWasm(rrect); this._clipRRect(rPtr, op, antialias); }; CanvasKit.Canvas.prototype.clipRect = function(rect, op, antialias) { CanvasKit.setCurrentContext(this._context); var rPtr = copyRectToWasm(rect); this._clipRect(rPtr, op, antialias); }; // concat takes a 3x2, a 3x3, or a 4x4 matrix and upscales it (if needed) to 4x4. This is because // under the hood, SkCanvas uses a 4x4 matrix. CanvasKit.Canvas.prototype.concat = function(matr) { CanvasKit.setCurrentContext(this._context); var matrPtr = copy4x4MatrixToWasm(matr); this._concat(matrPtr); }; CanvasKit.Canvas.prototype.drawArc = function(oval, startAngle, sweepAngle, useCenter, paint) { CanvasKit.setCurrentContext(this._context); var oPtr = copyRectToWasm(oval); this._drawArc(oPtr, startAngle, sweepAngle, useCenter, paint); }; // atlas is an Image, e.g. from CanvasKit.MakeImageFromEncoded // srcRects, dstXformsshould be arrays of floats of length 4*number of destinations. // The colors param is optional and is used to tint the drawn images using the optional blend // mode. Colors can be a Uint32Array of int colors or a flat Float32Array of float colors. CanvasKit.Canvas.prototype.drawAtlas = function(atlas, srcRects, dstXforms, paint, /* optional */ blendMode, /* optional */ colors, /* optional */ sampling) { if (!atlas || !paint || !srcRects || !dstXforms) { Debug('Doing nothing since missing a required input'); return; } // builder arguments report the length as the number of rects, but when passed as arrays // their.length attribute is 4x higher because it's the number of total components of all rects. // colors is always going to report the same length, at least until floats colors are supported // by this function. if (srcRects.length !== dstXforms.length) { Debug('Doing nothing since input arrays length mismatches'); return; } CanvasKit.setCurrentContext(this._context); if (!blendMode) { blendMode = CanvasKit.BlendMode.SrcOver; } var srcRectPtr = copy1dArray(srcRects, 'HEAPF32'); var dstXformPtr = copy1dArray(dstXforms, 'HEAPF32'); var count = dstXforms.length / 4; var colorPtr = copy1dArray(assureIntColors(colors), 'HEAPU32'); // We require one of these: // 1. sampling is null (we default to linear/none) // 2. sampling.B and sampling.C --> CubicResampler // 3. sampling.filter [and sampling.mipmap] --> FilterOptions // // Thus if all fields are available, we will choose cubic (since we search for B,C first) if (sampling && ('B' in sampling) && ('C' in sampling)) { this._drawAtlasCubic(atlas, dstXformPtr, srcRectPtr, colorPtr, count, blendMode, sampling['B'], sampling['C'], paint); } else { let filter = CanvasKit.FilterMode.Linear; let mipmap = CanvasKit.MipmapMode.None; if (sampling) { filter = sampling['filter']; // 'filter' is a required field if ('mipmap' in sampling) { // 'mipmap' is optional mipmap = sampling['mipmap']; } } this._drawAtlasOptions(atlas, dstXformPtr, srcRectPtr, colorPtr, count, blendMode, filter, mipmap, paint); } freeArraysThatAreNotMallocedByUsers(srcRectPtr, srcRects); freeArraysThatAreNotMallocedByUsers(dstXformPtr, dstXforms); freeArraysThatAreNotMallocedByUsers(colorPtr, colors); }; CanvasKit.Canvas.prototype.drawCircle = function(cx, cy, r, paint) { CanvasKit.setCurrentContext(this._context); this._drawCircle(cx, cy, r, paint); } CanvasKit.Canvas.prototype.drawColor = function(color4f, mode) { CanvasKit.setCurrentContext(this._context); var cPtr = copyColorToWasm(color4f); if (mode !== undefined) { this._drawColor(cPtr, mode); } else { this._drawColor(cPtr); } }; CanvasKit.Canvas.prototype.drawColorInt = function(color, mode) { CanvasKit.setCurrentContext(this._context); this._drawColorInt(color, mode || CanvasKit.BlendMode.SrcOver); } CanvasKit.Canvas.prototype.drawColorComponents = function(r, g, b, a, mode) { CanvasKit.setCurrentContext(this._context); var cPtr = copyColorComponentsToWasm(r, g, b, a); if (mode !== undefined) { this._drawColor(cPtr, mode); } else { this._drawColor(cPtr); } }; CanvasKit.Canvas.prototype.drawDRRect = function(outer, inner, paint) { CanvasKit.setCurrentContext(this._context); var oPtr = copyRRectToWasm(outer, _scratchRRectPtr); var iPtr = copyRRectToWasm(inner, _scratchRRect2Ptr); this._drawDRRect(oPtr, iPtr, paint); }; CanvasKit.Canvas.prototype.drawGlyphs = function(glyphs, positions, x, y, font, paint) { if (!(glyphs.length*2 <= positions.length)) { throw 'Not enough positions for the array of gyphs'; } CanvasKit.setCurrentContext(this._context); const glyphs_ptr = copy1dArray(glyphs, 'HEAPU16'); const positions_ptr = copy1dArray(positions, 'HEAPF32'); this._drawGlyphs(glyphs.length, glyphs_ptr, positions_ptr, x, y, font, paint); freeArraysThatAreNotMallocedByUsers(positions_ptr, positions); freeArraysThatAreNotMallocedByUsers(glyphs_ptr, glyphs); }; CanvasKit.Canvas.prototype.drawImage = function(img, x, y, paint) { CanvasKit.setCurrentContext(this._context); this._drawImage(img, x, y, paint || null); }; CanvasKit.Canvas.prototype.drawImageCubic = function(img, x, y, b, c, paint) { CanvasKit.setCurrentContext(this._context); this._drawImageCubic(img, x, y, b, c, paint || null); }; CanvasKit.Canvas.prototype.drawImageOptions = function(img, x, y, filter, mipmap, paint) { CanvasKit.setCurrentContext(this._context); this._drawImageOptions(img, x, y, filter, mipmap, paint || null); }; CanvasKit.Canvas.prototype.drawImageNine = function(img, center, dest, filter, paint) { CanvasKit.setCurrentContext(this._context); var cPtr = copyIRectToWasm(center); var dPtr = copyRectToWasm(dest); this._drawImageNine(img, cPtr, dPtr, filter, paint || null); }; CanvasKit.Canvas.prototype.drawImageRect = function(img, src, dest, paint, fastSample) { CanvasKit.setCurrentContext(this._context); copyRectToWasm(src, _scratchFourFloatsAPtr); copyRectToWasm(dest, _scratchFourFloatsBPtr); this._drawImageRect(img, _scratchFourFloatsAPtr, _scratchFourFloatsBPtr, paint, !!fastSample); }; CanvasKit.Canvas.prototype.drawImageRectCubic = function(img, src, dest, B, C, paint) { CanvasKit.setCurrentContext(this._context); copyRectToWasm(src, _scratchFourFloatsAPtr); copyRectToWasm(dest, _scratchFourFloatsBPtr); this._drawImageRectCubic(img, _scratchFourFloatsAPtr, _scratchFourFloatsBPtr, B, C, paint || null); }; CanvasKit.Canvas.prototype.drawImageRectOptions = function(img, src, dest, filter, mipmap, paint) { CanvasKit.setCurrentContext(this._context); copyRectToWasm(src, _scratchFourFloatsAPtr); copyRectToWasm(dest, _scratchFourFloatsBPtr); this._drawImageRectOptions(img, _scratchFourFloatsAPtr, _scratchFourFloatsBPtr, filter, mipmap, paint || null); }; CanvasKit.Canvas.prototype.drawLine = function(x1, y1, x2, y2, paint) { CanvasKit.setCurrentContext(this._context); this._drawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2, paint); } CanvasKit.Canvas.prototype.drawOval = function(oval, paint) { CanvasKit.setCurrentContext(this._context); var oPtr = copyRectToWasm(oval); this._drawOval(oPtr, paint); }; CanvasKit.Canvas.prototype.drawPaint = function(paint) { CanvasKit.setCurrentContext(this._context); this._drawPaint(paint); } CanvasKit.Canvas.prototype.drawParagraph = function(p, x, y) { CanvasKit.setCurrentContext(this._context); this._drawParagraph(p, x, y); } CanvasKit.Canvas.prototype.drawPatch = function(cubics, colors, texs, mode, paint) { if (cubics.length < 24) { throw 'Need 12 cubic points'; } if (colors && colors.length < 4) { throw 'Need 4 colors'; } if (texs && texs.length < 8) { throw 'Need 4 shader coordinates'; } CanvasKit.setCurrentContext(this._context); const cubics_ptr = copy1dArray(cubics, 'HEAPF32'); const colors_ptr = colors ? copy1dArray(assureIntColors(colors), 'HEAPU32') : nullptr; const texs_ptr = texs ? copy1dArray(texs, 'HEAPF32') : nullptr; if (!mode) { mode = CanvasKit.BlendMode.Modulate; } this._drawPatch(cubics_ptr, colors_ptr, texs_ptr, mode, paint); freeArraysThatAreNotMallocedByUsers(texs_ptr, texs); freeArraysThatAreNotMallocedByUsers(colors_ptr, colors); freeArraysThatAreNotMallocedByUsers(cubics_ptr, cubics); }; CanvasKit.Canvas.prototype.drawPath = function(path, paint) { CanvasKit.setCurrentContext(this._context); this._drawPath(path, paint); } CanvasKit.Canvas.prototype.drawPicture = function(pic) { CanvasKit.setCurrentContext(this._context); this._drawPicture(pic); } // points is a 1d array of length 2n representing n points where the even indices // will be treated as x coordinates and the odd indices will be treated as y coordinates. // Like other APIs, this accepts a malloced type array or malloc obj. CanvasKit.Canvas.prototype.drawPoints = function(mode, points, paint) { CanvasKit.setCurrentContext(this._context); var ptr = copy1dArray(points, 'HEAPF32'); this._drawPoints(mode, ptr, points.length / 2, paint); freeArraysThatAreNotMallocedByUsers(ptr, points); }; CanvasKit.Canvas.prototype.drawRRect = function(rrect, paint) { CanvasKit.setCurrentContext(this._context); var rPtr = copyRRectToWasm(rrect); this._drawRRect(rPtr, paint); }; CanvasKit.Canvas.prototype.drawRect = function(rect, paint) { CanvasKit.setCurrentContext(this._context); var rPtr = copyRectToWasm(rect); this._drawRect(rPtr, paint); }; CanvasKit.Canvas.prototype.drawRect4f = function(l, t, r, b, paint) { CanvasKit.setCurrentContext(this._context); this._drawRect4f(l, t, r, b, paint); } CanvasKit.Canvas.prototype.drawShadow = function(path, zPlaneParams, lightPos, lightRadius, ambientColor, spotColor, flags) { CanvasKit.setCurrentContext(this._context); var ambiPtr = copyColorToWasmNoScratch(ambientColor); var spotPtr = copyColorToWasmNoScratch(spotColor); // We use the return value from copy1dArray in case the passed in arrays are malloc'd. var zPlanePtr = copy1dArray(zPlaneParams, 'HEAPF32', _scratchThreeFloatsAPtr); var lightPosPtr = copy1dArray(lightPos, 'HEAPF32', _scratchThreeFloatsBPtr); this._drawShadow(path, zPlanePtr, lightPosPtr, lightRadius, ambiPtr, spotPtr, flags); freeArraysThatAreNotMallocedByUsers(ambiPtr, ambientColor); freeArraysThatAreNotMallocedByUsers(spotPtr, spotColor); }; CanvasKit.getShadowLocalBounds = function(ctm, path, zPlaneParams, lightPos, lightRadius, flags, optOutputRect) { var ctmPtr = copy3x3MatrixToWasm(ctm); // We use the return value from copy1dArray in case the passed in arrays are malloc'd. var zPlanePtr = copy1dArray(zPlaneParams, 'HEAPF32', _scratchThreeFloatsAPtr); var lightPosPtr = copy1dArray(lightPos, 'HEAPF32', _scratchThreeFloatsBPtr); var ok = this._getShadowLocalBounds(ctmPtr, path, zPlanePtr, lightPosPtr, lightRadius, flags, _scratchFourFloatsAPtr); if (!ok) { return null; } var ta = _scratchFourFloatsA['toTypedArray'](); if (optOutputRect) { optOutputRect.set(ta); return optOutputRect; } return ta.slice(); }; CanvasKit.Canvas.prototype.drawTextBlob = function(blob, x, y, paint) { CanvasKit.setCurrentContext(this._context); this._drawTextBlob(blob, x, y, paint); } CanvasKit.Canvas.prototype.drawVertices = function(verts, mode, paint) { CanvasKit.setCurrentContext(this._context); this._drawVertices(verts, mode, paint); } // getLocalToDevice returns a 4x4 matrix. CanvasKit.Canvas.prototype.getLocalToDevice = function() { // _getLocalToDevice will copy the values into the pointer. this._getLocalToDevice(_scratch4x4MatrixPtr); return copy4x4MatrixFromWasm(_scratch4x4MatrixPtr); }; // getTotalMatrix returns the current matrix as a 3x3 matrix. CanvasKit.Canvas.prototype.getTotalMatrix = function() { // _getTotalMatrix will copy the values into the pointer. this._getTotalMatrix(_scratch3x3MatrixPtr); // read them out into an array. TODO(kjlubick): If we change Matrix to be // typedArrays, then we should return a typed array here too. var rv = new Array(9); for (var i = 0; i < 9; i++) { rv[i] = CanvasKit.HEAPF32[_scratch3x3MatrixPtr/4 + i]; // divide by 4 to "cast" to float. } return rv; }; CanvasKit.Canvas.prototype.makeSurface = function(imageInfo) { var s = this._makeSurface(imageInfo); s._context = this._context; return s; }; CanvasKit.Canvas.prototype.readPixels = function(srcX, srcY, imageInfo, destMallocObj, bytesPerRow) { CanvasKit.setCurrentContext(this._context); return readPixels(this, srcX, srcY, imageInfo, destMallocObj, bytesPerRow); }; CanvasKit.Canvas.prototype.saveLayer = function(paint, boundsRect, backdrop, flags) { // bPtr will be 0 (nullptr) if boundsRect is undefined/null. var bPtr = copyRectToWasm(boundsRect); // These or clauses help emscripten, which does not deal with undefined well. return this._saveLayer(paint || null, bPtr, backdrop || null, flags || 0); }; // pixels should be a Uint8Array or a plain JS array. CanvasKit.Canvas.prototype.writePixels = function(pixels, srcWidth, srcHeight, destX, destY, alphaType, colorType, colorSpace) { if (pixels.byteLength % (srcWidth * srcHeight)) { throw 'pixels length must be a multiple of the srcWidth * srcHeight'; } CanvasKit.setCurrentContext(this._context); var bytesPerPixel = pixels.byteLength / (srcWidth * srcHeight); // supply defaults (which are compatible with HTMLCanvas's putImageData) alphaType = alphaType || CanvasKit.AlphaType.Unpremul; colorType = colorType || CanvasKit.ColorType.RGBA_8888; colorSpace = colorSpace || CanvasKit.ColorSpace.SRGB; var srcRowBytes = bytesPerPixel * srcWidth; var pptr = copy1dArray(pixels, 'HEAPU8'); var ok = this._writePixels({ 'width': srcWidth, 'height': srcHeight, 'colorType': colorType, 'alphaType': alphaType, 'colorSpace': colorSpace, }, pptr, srcRowBytes, destX, destY); freeArraysThatAreNotMallocedByUsers(pptr, pixels); return ok; }; CanvasKit.ColorFilter.MakeBlend = function(color4f, mode) { var cPtr = copyColorToWasm(color4f); return CanvasKit.ColorFilter._MakeBlend(cPtr, mode); }; // colorMatrix is an ColorMatrix (e.g. Float32Array of length 20) CanvasKit.ColorFilter.MakeMatrix = function(colorMatrix) { if (!colorMatrix || colorMatrix.length !== 20) { throw 'invalid color matrix'; } var fptr = copy1dArray(colorMatrix, 'HEAPF32'); // We know skia memcopies the floats, so we can free our memory after the call returns. var m = CanvasKit.ColorFilter._makeMatrix(fptr); freeArraysThatAreNotMallocedByUsers(fptr, colorMatrix); return m; }; CanvasKit.ContourMeasure.prototype.getPosTan = function(distance, optionalOutput) { this._getPosTan(distance, _scratchFourFloatsAPtr); var ta = _scratchFourFloatsA['toTypedArray'](); if (optionalOutput) { optionalOutput.set(ta); return optionalOutput; } return ta.slice(); }; CanvasKit.ImageFilter.MakeMatrixTransform = function(matrix, sampling, input) { var matrPtr = copy3x3MatrixToWasm(matrix); if ('B' in sampling && 'C' in sampling) { return CanvasKit.ImageFilter._MakeMatrixTransformCubic(matrPtr, sampling.B, sampling.C, input); } else { const filter = sampling['filter']; // 'filter' is a required field let mipmap = CanvasKit.MipmapMode.None; if ('mipmap' in sampling) { // 'mipmap' is optional mipmap = sampling['mipmap']; } return CanvasKit.ImageFilter._MakeMatrixTransformOptions(matrPtr, filter, mipmap, input); } }; CanvasKit.Paint.prototype.getColor = function() { this._getColor(_scratchColorPtr); return copyColorFromWasm(_scratchColorPtr); }; CanvasKit.Paint.prototype.setColor = function(color4f, colorSpace) { colorSpace = colorSpace || null; // null will be replaced with sRGB in the C++ method. // emscripten wouldn't bind undefined to the sk_sp expected here. var cPtr = copyColorToWasm(color4f); this._setColor(cPtr, colorSpace); }; // The color components here are expected to be floating point values (nominally between // 0.0 and 1.0, but with wider color gamuts, the values could exceed this range). To convert // between standard 8 bit colors and floats, just divide by 255 before passing them in. CanvasKit.Paint.prototype.setColorComponents = function(r, g, b, a, colorSpace) { colorSpace = colorSpace || null; // null will be replaced with sRGB in the C++ method. // emscripten wouldn't bind undefined to the sk_sp expected here. var cPtr = copyColorComponentsToWasm(r, g, b, a); this._setColor(cPtr, colorSpace); }; CanvasKit.Path.prototype.getPoint = function(idx, optionalOutput) { // This will copy 2 floats into a space for 4 floats this._getPoint(idx, _scratchFourFloatsAPtr); var ta = _scratchFourFloatsA['toTypedArray'](); if (optionalOutput) { // We cannot call optionalOutput.set() because it is an error to call .set() with // a source bigger than the destination. optionalOutput[0] = ta[0]; optionalOutput[1] = ta[1]; return optionalOutput; } // Be sure to return a copy of just the first 2 values. return ta.slice(0, 2); }; CanvasKit.PictureRecorder.prototype.beginRecording = function(bounds) { var bPtr = copyRectToWasm(bounds); return this._beginRecording(bPtr); }; CanvasKit.Surface.prototype.getCanvas = function() { var c = this._getCanvas(); c._context = this._context; return c; }; CanvasKit.Surface.prototype.makeImageSnapshot = function(optionalBoundsRect) { CanvasKit.setCurrentContext(this._context); var bPtr = copyIRectToWasm(optionalBoundsRect); return this._makeImageSnapshot(bPtr); }; CanvasKit.Surface.prototype.makeSurface = function(imageInfo) { CanvasKit.setCurrentContext(this._context); var s = this._makeSurface(imageInfo); s._context = this._context; return s; }; CanvasKit.Surface.prototype.requestAnimationFrame = function(callback, dirtyRect) { if (!this._cached_canvas) { this._cached_canvas = this.getCanvas(); } requestAnimationFrame(function() { CanvasKit.setCurrentContext(this._context); callback(this._cached_canvas); // We do not dispose() of the Surface here, as the client will typically // call requestAnimationFrame again from within the supplied callback. // For drawing a single frame, prefer drawOnce(). this.flush(dirtyRect); }.bind(this)); }; // drawOnce will dispose of the surface after drawing the frame using the provided // callback. CanvasKit.Surface.prototype.drawOnce = function(callback, dirtyRect) { if (!this._cached_canvas) { this._cached_canvas = this.getCanvas(); } requestAnimationFrame(function() { CanvasKit.setCurrentContext(this._context); callback(this._cached_canvas); this.flush(dirtyRect); this.dispose(); }.bind(this)); }; CanvasKit.PathEffect.MakeDash = function(intervals, phase) { if (!phase) { phase = 0; } if (!intervals.length || intervals.length % 2 === 1) { throw 'Intervals array must have even length'; } var ptr = copy1dArray(intervals, 'HEAPF32'); var dpe = CanvasKit.PathEffect._MakeDash(ptr, intervals.length, phase); freeArraysThatAreNotMallocedByUsers(ptr, intervals); return dpe; }; CanvasKit.Shader.MakeColor = function(color4f, colorSpace) { colorSpace = colorSpace || null; var cPtr = copyColorToWasm(color4f); return CanvasKit.Shader._MakeColor(cPtr, colorSpace); }; // TODO(kjlubick) remove deprecated names. CanvasKit.Shader.Blend = CanvasKit.Shader.MakeBlend; CanvasKit.Shader.Color = CanvasKit.Shader.MakeColor; CanvasKit.Shader.MakeLinearGradient = function(start, end, colors, pos, mode, localMatrix, flags, colorSpace) { colorSpace = colorSpace || null; var cPtrInfo = copyFlexibleColorArray(colors); var posPtr = copy1dArray(pos, 'HEAPF32'); flags = flags || 0; var localMatrixPtr = copy3x3MatrixToWasm(localMatrix); // Copy start and end to _scratchFourFloatsAPtr. var startEndPts = _scratchFourFloatsA['toTypedArray'](); startEndPts.set(start); startEndPts.set(end, 2); var lgs = CanvasKit.Shader._MakeLinearGradient(_scratchFourFloatsAPtr, cPtrInfo.colorPtr, cPtrInfo.colorType, posPtr, cPtrInfo.count, mode, flags, localMatrixPtr, colorSpace); freeArraysThatAreNotMallocedByUsers(cPtrInfo.colorPtr, colors); pos && freeArraysThatAreNotMallocedByUsers(posPtr, pos); return lgs; }; CanvasKit.Shader.MakeRadialGradient = function(center, radius, colors, pos, mode, localMatrix, flags, colorSpace) { colorSpace = colorSpace || null; var cPtrInfo = copyFlexibleColorArray(colors); var posPtr = copy1dArray(pos, 'HEAPF32'); flags = flags || 0; var localMatrixPtr = copy3x3MatrixToWasm(localMatrix); var rgs = CanvasKit.Shader._MakeRadialGradient(center[0], center[1], radius, cPtrInfo.colorPtr, cPtrInfo.colorType, posPtr, cPtrInfo.count, mode, flags, localMatrixPtr, colorSpace); freeArraysThatAreNotMallocedByUsers(cPtrInfo.colorPtr, colors); pos && freeArraysThatAreNotMallocedByUsers(posPtr, pos); return rgs; }; CanvasKit.Shader.MakeSweepGradient = function(cx, cy, colors, pos, mode, localMatrix, flags, startAngle, endAngle, colorSpace) { colorSpace = colorSpace || null; var cPtrInfo = copyFlexibleColorArray(colors); var posPtr = copy1dArray(pos, 'HEAPF32'); flags = flags || 0; startAngle = startAngle || 0; endAngle = endAngle || 360; var localMatrixPtr = copy3x3MatrixToWasm(localMatrix); var sgs = CanvasKit.Shader._MakeSweepGradient(cx, cy, cPtrInfo.colorPtr, cPtrInfo.colorType, posPtr, cPtrInfo.count, mode, startAngle, endAngle, flags, localMatrixPtr, colorSpace); freeArraysThatAreNotMallocedByUsers(cPtrInfo.colorPtr, colors); pos && freeArraysThatAreNotMallocedByUsers(posPtr, pos); return sgs; }; CanvasKit.Shader.MakeTwoPointConicalGradient = function(start, startRadius, end, endRadius, colors, pos, mode, localMatrix, flags, colorSpace) { colorSpace = colorSpace || null; var cPtrInfo = copyFlexibleColorArray(colors); var posPtr = copy1dArray(pos, 'HEAPF32'); flags = flags || 0; var localMatrixPtr = copy3x3MatrixToWasm(localMatrix); // Copy start and end to _scratchFourFloatsAPtr. var startEndPts = _scratchFourFloatsA['toTypedArray'](); startEndPts.set(start); startEndPts.set(end, 2); var rgs = CanvasKit.Shader._MakeTwoPointConicalGradient(_scratchFourFloatsAPtr, startRadius, endRadius, cPtrInfo.colorPtr, cPtrInfo.colorType, posPtr, cPtrInfo.count, mode, flags, localMatrixPtr, colorSpace); freeArraysThatAreNotMallocedByUsers(cPtrInfo.colorPtr, colors); pos && freeArraysThatAreNotMallocedByUsers(posPtr, pos); return rgs; }; // Clients can pass in a Float32Array with length 4 to this and the results // will be copied into that array. Otherwise, a new TypedArray will be allocated // and returned. CanvasKit.Vertices.prototype.bounds = function(optionalOutputArray) { this._bounds(_scratchFourFloatsAPtr); var ta = _scratchFourFloatsA['toTypedArray'](); if (optionalOutputArray) { optionalOutputArray.set(ta); return optionalOutputArray; } return ta.slice(); }; // Run through the JS files that are added at compile time. if (CanvasKit._extraInitializations) { CanvasKit._extraInitializations.forEach(function(init) { init(); }); } }; // end CanvasKit.onRuntimeInitialized, that is, anything changing prototypes or dynamic. // Accepts an object holding two canvaskit colors. // { // ambient: [r, g, b, a], // spot: [r, g, b, a], // } // Returns the same format. Note, if malloced colors are passed in, the memory // housing the passed in colors passed in will be overwritten with the computed // tonal colors. CanvasKit.computeTonalColors = function(tonalColors) { // copy the colors into WASM var cPtrAmbi = copyColorToWasmNoScratch(tonalColors['ambient']); var cPtrSpot = copyColorToWasmNoScratch(tonalColors['spot']); // The output of this function will be the same pointers we passed in. this._computeTonalColors(cPtrAmbi, cPtrSpot); // Read the results out. var result = { 'ambient': copyColorFromWasm(cPtrAmbi), 'spot': copyColorFromWasm(cPtrSpot), }; // If the user passed us malloced colors in here, we don't want to clean them up. freeArraysThatAreNotMallocedByUsers(cPtrAmbi, tonalColors['ambient']); freeArraysThatAreNotMallocedByUsers(cPtrSpot, tonalColors['spot']); return result; }; CanvasKit.LTRBRect = function(l, t, r, b) { return Float32Array.of(l, t, r, b); }; CanvasKit.XYWHRect = function(x, y, w, h) { return Float32Array.of(x, y, x+w, y+h); }; CanvasKit.LTRBiRect = function(l, t, r, b) { return Int32Array.of(l, t, r, b); }; CanvasKit.XYWHiRect = function(x, y, w, h) { return Int32Array.of(x, y, x+w, y+h); }; // RRectXY returns a TypedArray representing an RRect with the given rect and a radiusX and // radiusY for all 4 corners. CanvasKit.RRectXY = function(rect, rx, ry) { return Float32Array.of( rect[0], rect[1], rect[2], rect[3], rx, ry, rx, ry, rx, ry, rx, ry, ); }; // data is a TypedArray or ArrayBuffer e.g. from fetch().then(resp.arrayBuffer()) CanvasKit.MakeAnimatedImageFromEncoded = function(data) { data = new Uint8Array(data); var iptr = CanvasKit._malloc(data.byteLength); CanvasKit.HEAPU8.set(data, iptr); var img = CanvasKit._decodeAnimatedImage(iptr, data.byteLength); if (!img) { Debug('Could not decode animated image'); return null; } return img; }; // data is a TypedArray or ArrayBuffer e.g. from fetch().then(resp.arrayBuffer()) CanvasKit.MakeImageFromEncoded = function(data) { data = new Uint8Array(data); var iptr = CanvasKit._malloc(data.byteLength); CanvasKit.HEAPU8.set(data, iptr); var img = CanvasKit._decodeImage(iptr, data.byteLength); if (!img) { Debug('Could not decode image'); return null; } return img; }; // A variable to hold a canvasElement which can be reused once created the first time. var memoizedCanvas2dElement = null; // Alternative to CanvasKit.MakeImageFromEncoded. Allows for CanvasKit users to take advantage of // browser APIs to decode images instead of using codecs included in the CanvasKit wasm binary. // Expects that the canvasImageSource has already loaded/decoded. // CanvasImageSource reference: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/CanvasImageSource CanvasKit.MakeImageFromCanvasImageSource = function(canvasImageSource) { var width = canvasImageSource.width; var height = canvasImageSource.height; if (!memoizedCanvas2dElement) { memoizedCanvas2dElement = document.createElement('canvas'); } memoizedCanvas2dElement.width = width; memoizedCanvas2dElement.height = height; var ctx2d = memoizedCanvas2dElement.getContext('2d', {willReadFrequently: true}); ctx2d.drawImage(canvasImageSource, 0, 0); var imageData = ctx2d.getImageData(0, 0, width, height); return CanvasKit.MakeImage({ 'width': width, 'height': height, 'alphaType': CanvasKit.AlphaType.Unpremul, 'colorType': CanvasKit.ColorType.RGBA_8888, 'colorSpace': CanvasKit.ColorSpace.SRGB }, imageData.data, 4 * width); }; // pixels may be an array but Uint8Array or Uint8ClampedArray is recommended, // with the bytes representing the pixel values. // (e.g. each set of 4 bytes could represent RGBA values for a single pixel). CanvasKit.MakeImage = function(info, pixels, bytesPerRow) { var pptr = CanvasKit._malloc(pixels.length); CanvasKit.HEAPU8.set(pixels, pptr); // We always want to copy the bytes into the WASM heap. // No need to _free pptr, Image takes it with SkData::MakeFromMalloc return CanvasKit._MakeImage(info, pptr, pixels.length, bytesPerRow); }; // Colors may be a Uint32Array of int colors, a Flat Float32Array of float colors // or a 2d Array of Float32Array(4) (deprecated) // the underlying Skia function accepts only int colors so it is recommended // to pass an array of int colors to avoid an extra conversion. CanvasKit.MakeVertices = function(mode, positions, textureCoordinates, colors, indices, isVolatile) { // Default isVolatile to true if not set isVolatile = isVolatile === undefined ? true : isVolatile; var idxCount = (indices && indices.length) || 0; var flags = 0; // These flags are from SkVertices.h and should be kept in sync with those. if (textureCoordinates && textureCoordinates.length) { flags |= (1 << 0); } if (colors && colors.length) { flags |= (1 << 1); } if (!isVolatile) { flags |= (1 << 2); } var builder = new CanvasKit._VerticesBuilder(mode, positions.length / 2, idxCount, flags); copy1dArray(positions, 'HEAPF32', builder.positions()); if (builder.texCoords()) { copy1dArray(textureCoordinates, 'HEAPF32', builder.texCoords()); } if (builder.colors()) { copy1dArray(assureIntColors(colors), 'HEAPU32', builder.colors()); } if (builder.indices()) { copy1dArray(indices, 'HEAPU16', builder.indices()); } // Create the vertices, which owns the memory that the builder had allocated. return builder.detach(); };