describe('Font Behavior', () => { let container; let notoSerifFontBuffer = null; // This font is known to support kerning const notoSerifFontLoaded = fetch('/assets/NotoSerif-Regular.ttf').then( (response) => response.arrayBuffer()).then( (buffer) => { notoSerifFontBuffer = buffer; }); let bungeeFontBuffer = null; // This font has tofu for incorrect null terminators // see const bungeeFontLoaded = fetch('/assets/Bungee-Regular.ttf').then( (response) => response.arrayBuffer()).then( (buffer) => { bungeeFontBuffer = buffer; }); beforeEach(async () => { await LoadCanvasKit; await notoSerifFontLoaded; await bungeeFontLoaded; container = document.createElement('div'); container.innerHTML = ` `; document.body.appendChild(container); }); afterEach(() => { document.body.removeChild(container); }); gm('text_shaping', (canvas) => { const paint = new CanvasKit.SkPaint(); paint.setColor(CanvasKit.BLUE); paint.setStyle(CanvasKit.PaintStyle.Stroke); const fontMgr = CanvasKit.SkFontMgr.RefDefault(); const notoSerif = fontMgr.MakeTypefaceFromData(notoSerifFontBuffer); const textPaint = new CanvasKit.SkPaint(); const textFont = new CanvasKit.SkFont(notoSerif, 20); canvas.drawRect(CanvasKit.LTRBRect(30, 30, 200, 200), paint); canvas.drawText('This text is not shaped, and overflows the boundary', 35, 50, textPaint, textFont); const shapedText = new CanvasKit.ShapedText({ font: textFont, leftToRight: true, text: 'This text *is* shaped, and wraps to the right width.', width: 160, }); const textBoxX = 35; const textBoxY = 55; canvas.drawText(shapedText, textBoxX, textBoxY, textPaint); const bounds = shapedText.getBounds(); bounds.fLeft += textBoxX; bounds.fRight += textBoxX; bounds.fTop += textBoxY; bounds.fBottom += textBoxY canvas.drawRect(bounds, paint); const SHAPE_TEST_TEXT = 'VAVAVAVAVAFIfi'; const textFont2 = new CanvasKit.SkFont(notoSerif, 60); const shapedText2 = new CanvasKit.ShapedText({ font: textFont2, leftToRight: true, text: SHAPE_TEST_TEXT, width: 600, }); canvas.drawText('no kerning ↓', 10, 240, textPaint, textFont); canvas.drawText(SHAPE_TEST_TEXT, 10, 300, textPaint, textFont2); canvas.drawText(shapedText2, 10, 300, textPaint); canvas.drawText('kerning ↑', 10, 390, textPaint, textFont); paint.delete(); notoSerif.delete(); textPaint.delete(); textFont.delete(); shapedText.delete(); textFont2.delete(); shapedText2.delete(); fontMgr.delete(); }); gm('monospace_text_on_path', (canvas) => { const paint = new CanvasKit.SkPaint(); paint.setAntiAlias(true); paint.setStyle(CanvasKit.PaintStyle.Stroke); const font = new CanvasKit.SkFont(null, 24); const fontPaint = new CanvasKit.SkPaint(); fontPaint.setAntiAlias(true); fontPaint.setStyle(CanvasKit.PaintStyle.Fill); const arc = new CanvasKit.SkPath(); arc.arcTo(CanvasKit.LTRBRect(20, 40, 280, 300), -160, 140, true); arc.lineTo(210, 140); arc.arcTo(CanvasKit.LTRBRect(20, 0, 280, 260), 160, -140, true); // Only 1 dot should show up in the image, because we run out of path. const str = 'This téxt should follow the curve across contours...'; const textBlob = CanvasKit.SkTextBlob.MakeOnPath(str, arc, font); canvas.drawPath(arc, paint); canvas.drawTextBlob(textBlob, 0, 0, fontPaint); textBlob.delete(); arc.delete(); paint.delete(); font.delete(); fontPaint.delete(); }); gm('serif_text_on_path', (canvas) => { const fontMgr = CanvasKit.SkFontMgr.RefDefault(); const notoSerif = fontMgr.MakeTypefaceFromData(notoSerifFontBuffer); const paint = new CanvasKit.SkPaint(); paint.setAntiAlias(true); paint.setStyle(CanvasKit.PaintStyle.Stroke); const font = new CanvasKit.SkFont(notoSerif, 24); const fontPaint = new CanvasKit.SkPaint(); fontPaint.setAntiAlias(true); fontPaint.setStyle(CanvasKit.PaintStyle.Fill); const arc = new CanvasKit.SkPath(); arc.arcTo(CanvasKit.LTRBRect(20, 40, 280, 300), -160, 140, true); arc.lineTo(210, 140); arc.arcTo(CanvasKit.LTRBRect(20, 0, 280, 260), 160, -140, true); const str = 'This téxt should follow the curve across contours...'; const textBlob = CanvasKit.SkTextBlob.MakeOnPath(str, arc, font, 60.5); canvas.drawPath(arc, paint); canvas.drawTextBlob(textBlob, 0, 0, fontPaint); textBlob.delete(); arc.delete(); paint.delete(); notoSerif.delete(); font.delete(); fontPaint.delete(); fontMgr.delete(); }); // gm('nullterminators_skbug_9314', (canvas) => { const fontMgr = CanvasKit.SkFontMgr.RefDefault(); const bungee = fontMgr.MakeTypefaceFromData(bungeeFontBuffer); // yellow, to make sure tofu is plainly visible canvas.clear(CanvasKit.Color(255, 255, 0, 1)); const font = new CanvasKit.SkFont(bungee, 24); const fontPaint = new CanvasKit.SkPaint(); fontPaint.setAntiAlias(true); fontPaint.setStyle(CanvasKit.PaintStyle.Fill); const str = 'This is téxt'; const textBlob = CanvasKit.SkTextBlob.MakeFromText(str + ' text blob', font); canvas.drawTextBlob(textBlob, 10, 50, fontPaint); canvas.drawText(str + ' normal', 10, 100, fontPaint, font); canvas.drawText('null terminator ->\u0000<- on purpose', 10, 150, fontPaint, font); textBlob.delete(); bungee.delete(); font.delete(); fontPaint.delete(); fontMgr.delete(); }); it('can make a font mgr with passed in fonts', () => { // CanvasKit.SkFontMgr.FromData([bungeeFontBuffer, notoSerifFontBuffer]) also works const fontMgr = CanvasKit.SkFontMgr.FromData(bungeeFontBuffer, notoSerifFontBuffer); expect(fontMgr).toBeTruthy(); expect(fontMgr.countFamilies()).toBe(2); // in debug mode, let's list them. if (fontMgr.dumpFamilies) { fontMgr.dumpFamilies(); } fontMgr.delete(); }); gm('various_font_formats', (canvas, fetchedByteBuffers) => { const fontMgr = CanvasKit.SkFontMgr.RefDefault(); const fontPaint = new CanvasKit.SkPaint(); fontPaint.setAntiAlias(true); fontPaint.setStyle(CanvasKit.PaintStyle.Fill); const inputs = [{ type: '.ttf font', buffer: bungeeFontBuffer, y: 60, },{ type: '.otf font', buffer: fetchedByteBuffers[0], y: 90, },{ // Not currently supported by Skia type: '.woff font', buffer: fetchedByteBuffers[1], y: 120, },{ // Not currently supported by Skia type: '.woff2 font', buffer: fetchedByteBuffers[2], y: 150, }]; const defaultFont = new CanvasKit.SkFont(null, 24); canvas.drawText(`The following should be ${inputs.length + 1} lines of text:`, 5, 30, fontPaint, defaultFont); for (const fontType of inputs) { // smoke test that the font bytes loaded. expect(fontType.buffer).toBeTruthy(fontType.type + ' did not load'); const typeface = fontMgr.MakeTypefaceFromData(fontType.buffer); const font = new CanvasKit.SkFont(typeface, 24); if (font && typeface) { canvas.drawText(fontType.type + ' loaded', 5, fontType.y, fontPaint, font); } else { canvas.drawText(fontType.type + ' *not* loaded', 5, fontType.y, fontPaint, defaultFont); } font && font.delete(); typeface && typeface.delete(); } // The only ttc font I could find was 14 MB big, so I'm using the smaller test font, // which doesn't have very many glyphs in it, so we just check that we got a non-zero // typeface for it. I was able to load NotoSansCJK-Regular.ttc just fine in a // manual test. const typeface = fontMgr.MakeTypefaceFromData(fetchedByteBuffers[3]); expect(typeface).toBeTruthy('.ttc font'); if (typeface) { canvas.drawText('.ttc loaded', 5, 180, fontPaint, defaultFont); typeface.delete(); } else { canvas.drawText('.ttc *not* loaded', 5, 180, fontPaint, defaultFont); } defaultFont.delete(); fontPaint.delete(); fontMgr.delete(); }, '/assets/Roboto-Regular.otf', '/assets/Roboto-Regular.woff', '/assets/Roboto-Regular.woff2', '/assets/test.ttc'); it('can measure text very precisely with proper settings', () => { const fontMgr = CanvasKit.SkFontMgr.RefDefault(); const typeface = fontMgr.MakeTypefaceFromData(notoSerifFontBuffer); const fontSizes = [257, 100, 11]; // The point of these values is to let us know 1) we can measure to sub-pixel levels // and 2) that measurements don't drastically change. If these change a little bit, // just update them with the new values. For super-accurate readings, one could // run a C++ snippet of code and compare the values, but that is likely unnecessary // unless we suspect a bug with the bindings. const expectedSizes = [1178.71143, 458.64258, 50.450683]; for (const idx in fontSizes) { const font = new CanvasKit.SkFont(typeface, fontSizes[idx]); font.setHinting(CanvasKit.FontHinting.None); font.setLinearMetrics(true); font.setSubpixel(true); const res = font.measureText('someText'); expect(res).toBeCloseTo(expectedSizes[idx], 5); font.delete(); } typeface.delete(); fontMgr.delete(); }); gm('font_edging', (canvas) => { // Draw a small font scaled up to see the aliasing artifacts. canvas.scale(8, 8); canvas.clear(CanvasKit.WHITE); const fontMgr = CanvasKit.SkFontMgr.RefDefault(); const notoSerif = fontMgr.MakeTypefaceFromData(notoSerifFontBuffer); const textPaint = new CanvasKit.SkPaint(); const annotationFont = new CanvasKit.SkFont(notoSerif, 6); canvas.drawText('Default', 5, 5, textPaint, annotationFont); canvas.drawText('Alias', 5, 25, textPaint, annotationFont); canvas.drawText('AntiAlias', 5, 45, textPaint, annotationFont); canvas.drawText('Subpixel', 5, 65, textPaint, annotationFont); const testFont = new CanvasKit.SkFont(notoSerif, 20); canvas.drawText('SEA', 35, 15, textPaint, testFont); testFont.setEdging(CanvasKit.FontEdging.Alias); canvas.drawText('SEA', 35, 35, textPaint, testFont); testFont.setEdging(CanvasKit.FontEdging.AntiAlias); canvas.drawText('SEA', 35, 55, textPaint, testFont); testFont.setEdging(CanvasKit.FontEdging.SubpixelAntiAlias); canvas.drawText('SEA', 35, 75, textPaint, testFont); textPaint.delete(); annotationFont.delete(); testFont.delete(); notoSerif.delete(); fontMgr.delete(); }); });