# Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. # Recipe which: # 1) Extracts all fiddles out of markdown files. # 2) Forces fiddle.skia.org to compile all those fiddles and get output in JSON. # 3) Scans the output and reports any compiletime/runtime errors. # 4) Updates markdown in site/user/api/ using the new hashes (if any) from # fiddle.skia.org. import json DEPS = [ 'recipe_engine/context', 'recipe_engine/file', 'recipe_engine/path', 'recipe_engine/properties', 'recipe_engine/step', 'checkout', 'infra', 'run', 'vars', ] def go_get_fiddlecli(api): env = api.context.env env.update(api.infra.go_env) with api.context(env=env): api.run.with_retry( api.step, 'go get fiddlecli', 5, # Update attempts. cmd=[api.infra.go_exe, 'get', '-u', '-t', 'go.skia.org/infra/fiddle/go/fiddlecli']) def RunSteps(api): api.vars.setup() checkout_root = api.checkout.default_checkout_root api.checkout.bot_update(checkout_root=checkout_root) api.infra.go_version() go_get_fiddlecli(api) skia_dir = checkout_root.join('skia') with api.context(cwd=skia_dir, env=api.infra.go_env): bookmaker_binary = api.vars.build_dir.join('bookmaker') buildername = api.vars.builder_name if 'PerCommit' in buildername: # Check to see if docs matches include/core. cmd = [bookmaker_binary, '-a', 'docs/status.json', # File containing status of docs. '-x', # Check bmh against includes. ] try: api.run(api.step, 'Validate docs match include/core/*.h', cmd=cmd) except api.step.StepFailure as e: # Display what needs to be fixed. e.reason += ( '\n\nView the output of the "Validate docs match include/core/*.h" ' 'step to see how to get this bot green.' '\n\nhttps://skia.org/user/api/usingBookmaker details how to build ' 'and run the bookmaker utility locally if needed.') raise e elif 'Nightly' in buildername: fiddlecli_binary = api.path.join(api.infra.gopath, 'bin', 'fiddlecli') fiddlecli_input = api.path.join(api.path['start_dir'], 'fiddle.json') fiddlecli_output = api.path.join(api.path['start_dir'], 'fiddleout.json') # Step 1: Extract all fiddles out of markdown files. cmd = [bookmaker_binary, '-a', 'docs/status.json', # File containing status of docs. '-e', fiddlecli_input, # Fiddle cli input. ] api.run(api.step, 'Extract all fiddles out of md files', cmd=cmd) # Step 2: Forces fiddle.skia.org to compile all fiddles extracted out of # markdown files and get output in JSON. cmd = [fiddlecli_binary, '--input', fiddlecli_input, '--output', fiddlecli_output, '--logtostderr', '--force', ] api.run(api.step, 'Force fiddle to compile all examples', cmd=cmd) # Step 3: Scan the output of fiddlecli for any compiletime/runtime errors. # Fail the recipe is there are any errors and summarize results at # the end. if api.path.exists(fiddlecli_output): test_data = api.properties.get('fiddleout_test_data', '{}') content = api.file.read_text('Read fiddleout.json', fiddlecli_output, test_data=test_data) out = json.loads(content) # Output fiddleout.json for easy debugging. api.run(api.step, 'Output fiddleout.json', cmd=['cat', fiddlecli_output]) failing_fiddles_to_errors = {} for fiddle_name in out: props = out[fiddle_name] if props['compile_errors'] or props['runtime_error']: # Construct the error. error = props['runtime_error'] if props['compile_errors']: for e in props['compile_errors']: error += '%s\n' % e['text'] failing_fiddles_to_errors[props['fiddleHash']] = error if failing_fiddles_to_errors: # create an eror message and fail the bot! failure_msg = 'Failed fiddles with their errors:\n\n\n' counter = 0 for fiddle_hash, error in failing_fiddles_to_errors.iteritems(): counter += 1 failure_msg += '%d. https://fiddle.skia.org/c/%s\n\n' % ( counter, fiddle_hash) failure_msg += '%s\n\n' % error raise api.step.StepFailure(failure_msg) # Step 4: Update docs in site/user/api/ with the output of fiddlecli. # If there are any new changes then upload and commit the changes. cmd = ['python', skia_dir.join('infra', 'bots', 'upload_md.py'), '--bookmaker_binary', bookmaker_binary, '--fiddlecli_output', fiddlecli_output] with api.context(cwd=skia_dir, env=api.infra.go_env): api.run(api.step, 'Generate and Upload Markdown files', cmd=cmd) def GenTests(api): fiddleout_no_errors_test_data = """ {"fiddle1": {"fiddleHash": "abc", "compile_errors": [], "runtime_error": ""}} """ fiddleout_with_errors_test_data = """ {"fiddle1": {"fiddleHash": "abc", "compile_errors": [ { "text": "ninja: Entering directory `out/Release'", "line": 0, "col": 0 }, { "text": "[1/7] ACTION //:skia.h(//gn/toolchain:gcc_like)", "line": 0, "col": 0 }, { "text": "[2/7] stamp obj/skia.h.stamp", "line": 0, "col": 0 }, { "text": "[3/7] compile ../../tools/fiddle/draw.cpp", "line": 0, "col": 0 }, { "text": "FAILED: obj/tools/fiddle/fiddle.draw.o ", "line": 0, "col": 0 }, { "text": "c++ -MMD -MF obj/tools/fiddle/fiddle.draw.o.d -DNDEBUG -DSK_HAS_HEIF_LIBRARY -DSK_HAS_JPEG_LIBRARY -DSK_SUPPORT_PDF -DSK_PDF_USE_SFNTLY -DSK_HAS_PNG_LIBRARY -DSK_CODEC_DECODES_RAW -DSK_HAS_WEBP_LIBRARY -DSK_XML -DSK_GAMMA_APPLY_TO_A8 -DSK_ENABLE_DISCRETE_GPU -DGR_TEST_UTILS=1 -DSK_SAMPLES_FOR_X -DSK_SUPPORT_ATLAS_TEXT=1 -I../../tools/flags -I../../include/private -I../../src/c -I../../src/codec -I../../src/core -I../../src/effects -I../../src/fonts -I../../src/image -I../../src/images -I../../src/lazy -I../../src/opts -I../../src/pathops -I../../src/pdf -I../../src/ports -I../../src/sfnt -I../../src/shaders -I../../src/shaders/gradients -I../../src/sksl -I../../src/utils -I../../src/utils/win -I../../src/xml -I../../third_party/gif -I../../src/gpu -I../../tools/gpu -I../../include/android -I../../include/c -I../../include/codec -I../../include/config -I../../include/core -I../../include/effects -I../../include/encode -I../../include/gpu -I../../include/gpu/gl -I../../include/atlastext -I../../include/pathops -I../../include/ports -I../../include/svg -I../../include/utils -I../../include/utils/mac -I../../include/atlastext -Igen -fstrict-aliasing -fPIC -Werror -Wall -Wextra -Winit-self -Wpointer-arith -Wsign-compare -Wvla -Wno-deprecated-declarations -Wno-maybe-uninitialized -Wno-unused-parameter -O3 -fdata-sections -ffunction-sections -g -std=c++14 -fno-exceptions -fno-rtti -Wnon-virtual-dtor -Wno-error -c ../../tools/fiddle/draw.cpp -o obj/tools/fiddle/fiddle.draw.o", "line": 0, "col": 0 }, { "text": "../../tools/fiddle/draw.cpp: In function 'void draw(SkCanvas*)':", "line": 0, "col": 0 }, { "text": "draw.cpp:5:12: error: aggregate 'SkMask mask' has incomplete type and cannot be defined", "line": 5, "col": 12 }, { "text": " }", "line": 0, "col": 0 }, { "text": " ^ ", "line": 0, "col": 0 }, { "text": "draw.cpp:6:28: error: incomplete type 'SkMask' used in nested name specifier", "line": 6, "col": 28 }, { "text": " ", "line": 0, "col": 0 }, { "text": " ^ ", "line": 0, "col": 0 }, { "text": "draw.cpp:14:28: error: incomplete type 'SkMask' used in nested name specifier", "line": 14, "col": 28 }, { "text": " uint8_t bytes[] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 };", "line": 0, "col": 0 }, { "text": " ^~~~~~~~~~", "line": 0, "col": 0 }, { "text": "[4/7] compile ../../tools/fiddle/egl_context.cpp", "line": 0, "col": 0 }, { "text": "[5/7] compile ../../tools/fiddle/fiddle_main.cpp", "line": 0, "col": 0 }, { "text": "[6/7] link libskia.a", "line": 0, "col": 0 }, { "text": "ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.", "line": 0, "col": 0 }, { "text": "", "line": 0, "col": 0 } ], "runtime_error": ""}} """ yield ( api.test('percommit_bookmaker') + api.properties(buildername='Housekeeper-PerCommit-Bookmaker', repository='https://skia.googlesource.com/skia.git', revision='abc123', path_config='kitchen', swarm_out_dir='[SWARM_OUT_DIR]') ) yield ( api.test('percommit_failed_validation') + api.properties(buildername='Housekeeper-PerCommit-Bookmaker', repository='https://skia.googlesource.com/skia.git', revision='abc123', path_config='kitchen', swarm_out_dir='[SWARM_OUT_DIR]') + api.step_data('Validate docs match include/core/*.h', retcode=1) ) yield ( api.test('nightly_bookmaker') + api.properties(buildername='Housekeeper-Nightly-Bookmaker', repository='https://skia.googlesource.com/skia.git', revision='abc123', path_config='kitchen', fiddleout_test_data=fiddleout_no_errors_test_data, swarm_out_dir='[SWARM_OUT_DIR]') + api.path.exists(api.path['start_dir'].join('fiddleout.json')) ) yield ( api.test('nightly_failed_fiddles') + api.properties(buildername='Housekeeper-Nightly-Bookmaker', repository='https://skia.googlesource.com/skia.git', revision='abc123', path_config='kitchen', fiddleout_test_data=fiddleout_with_errors_test_data, swarm_out_dir='[SWARM_OUT_DIR]') + api.path.exists(api.path['start_dir'].join('fiddleout.json')) ) yield ( api.test('nightly_failed_extract_fiddles') + api.properties(buildername='Housekeeper-Nightly-Bookmaker', repository='https://skia.googlesource.com/skia.git', revision='abc123', path_config='kitchen', swarm_out_dir='[SWARM_OUT_DIR]') + api.step_data('Extract all fiddles out of md files', retcode=1) ) yield ( api.test('nightly_failed_fiddlecli') + api.properties(buildername='Housekeeper-Nightly-Bookmaker', repository='https://skia.googlesource.com/skia.git', revision='abc123', path_config='kitchen', swarm_out_dir='[SWARM_OUT_DIR]') + api.step_data('Force fiddle to compile all examples', retcode=1) ) yield ( api.test('nightly_failed_upload') + api.properties(buildername='Housekeeper-Nightly-Bookmaker', repository='https://skia.googlesource.com/skia.git', revision='abc123', path_config='kitchen', swarm_out_dir='[SWARM_OUT_DIR]') + api.step_data('Generate and Upload Markdown files', retcode=1) )