/* * Copyright 2010 Google Inc. * * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. */ #ifndef GrContext_DEFINED #define GrContext_DEFINED #include "GrCaps.h" #include "SkMatrix.h" #include "SkPathEffect.h" #include "SkTypes.h" #include "../private/GrAuditTrail.h" #include "../private/GrSingleOwner.h" #include "GrContextOptions.h" class GrAtlasManager; class GrBackendFormat; class GrBackendSemaphore; class GrContextPriv; class GrContextThreadSafeProxy; class GrDrawingManager; struct GrDrawOpAtlasConfig; class GrFragmentProcessor; struct GrGLInterface; class GrGlyphCache; class GrGpu; class GrIndexBuffer; struct GrMockOptions; class GrOvalRenderer; class GrPath; class GrProxyProvider; class GrRenderTargetContext; class GrResourceEntry; class GrResourceCache; class GrResourceProvider; class GrRestrictedAtlasManager; class GrSamplerState; class GrSurfaceProxy; class GrSwizzle; class GrTextBlobCache; class GrTextContext; class GrTextureProxy; class GrVertexBuffer; struct GrVkBackendContext; class SkImage; class SkSurfaceCharacterization; class SkSurfaceProps; class SkTaskGroup; class SkTraceMemoryDump; class SK_API GrContext : public SkRefCnt { public: /** * Creates a GrContext for a backend context. */ static GrContext* Create(GrBackend, GrBackendContext, const GrContextOptions& options); static GrContext* Create(GrBackend, GrBackendContext); static sk_sp MakeGL(sk_sp, const GrContextOptions&); static sk_sp MakeGL(sk_sp); // Deprecated static sk_sp MakeGL(const GrGLInterface*); static sk_sp MakeGL(const GrGLInterface*, const GrContextOptions&); #ifdef SK_VULKAN static sk_sp MakeVulkan(sk_sp, const GrContextOptions&); static sk_sp MakeVulkan(sk_sp); #endif #ifdef SK_METAL /** * Makes a GrContext which uses Metal as the backend. The device parameter is an MTLDevice * and queue is an MTLCommandQueue which should be used by the backend. These objects must * have a ref on them which can be transferred to Ganesh which will release the ref when the * GrContext is destroyed. */ static sk_sp MakeMetal(void* device, void* queue, const GrContextOptions& options); static sk_sp MakeMetal(void* device, void* queue); #endif static sk_sp MakeMock(const GrMockOptions*, const GrContextOptions&); static sk_sp MakeMock(const GrMockOptions*); virtual ~GrContext(); sk_sp threadSafeProxy(); /** * The GrContext normally assumes that no outsider is setting state * within the underlying 3D API's context/device/whatever. This call informs * the context that the state was modified and it should resend. Shouldn't * be called frequently for good performance. * The flag bits, state, is dpendent on which backend is used by the * context, either GL or D3D (possible in future). */ void resetContext(uint32_t state = kAll_GrBackendState); /** * Callback function to allow classes to cleanup on GrContext destruction. * The 'info' field is filled in with the 'info' passed to addCleanUp. */ typedef void (*PFCleanUpFunc)(const GrContext* context, void* info); /** * Add a function to be called from within GrContext's destructor. * This gives classes a chance to free resources held on a per context basis. * The 'info' parameter will be stored and passed to the callback function. */ void addCleanUp(PFCleanUpFunc cleanUp, void* info) { CleanUpData* entry = fCleanUpData.push(); entry->fFunc = cleanUp; entry->fInfo = info; } /** * Abandons all GPU resources and assumes the underlying backend 3D API context is no longer * usable. Call this if you have lost the associated GPU context, and thus internal texture, * buffer, etc. references/IDs are now invalid. Calling this ensures that the destructors of the * GrContext and any of its created resource objects will not make backend 3D API calls. Content * rendered but not previously flushed may be lost. After this function is called all subsequent * calls on the GrContext will fail or be no-ops. * * The typical use case for this function is that the underlying 3D context was lost and further * API calls may crash. */ virtual void abandonContext(); /** * This is similar to abandonContext() however the underlying 3D context is not yet lost and * the GrContext will cleanup all allocated resources before returning. After returning it will * assume that the underlying context may no longer be valid. * * The typical use case for this function is that the client is going to destroy the 3D context * but can't guarantee that GrContext will be destroyed first (perhaps because it may be ref'ed * elsewhere by either the client or Skia objects). */ virtual void releaseResourcesAndAbandonContext(); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Resource Cache /** * Return the current GPU resource cache limits. * * @param maxResources If non-null, returns maximum number of resources that * can be held in the cache. * @param maxResourceBytes If non-null, returns maximum number of bytes of * video memory that can be held in the cache. */ void getResourceCacheLimits(int* maxResources, size_t* maxResourceBytes) const; /** * Gets the current GPU resource cache usage. * * @param resourceCount If non-null, returns the number of resources that are held in the * cache. * @param maxResourceBytes If non-null, returns the total number of bytes of video memory held * in the cache. */ void getResourceCacheUsage(int* resourceCount, size_t* resourceBytes) const; /** * Gets the number of bytes in the cache consumed by purgeable (e.g. unlocked) resources. */ size_t getResourceCachePurgeableBytes() const; /** * Specify the GPU resource cache limits. If the current cache exceeds either * of these, it will be purged (LRU) to keep the cache within these limits. * * @param maxResources The maximum number of resources that can be held in * the cache. * @param maxResourceBytes The maximum number of bytes of video memory * that can be held in the cache. */ void setResourceCacheLimits(int maxResources, size_t maxResourceBytes); /** * Frees GPU created by the context. Can be called to reduce GPU memory * pressure. */ virtual void freeGpuResources(); /** * Purge GPU resources that haven't been used in the past 'msNotUsed' milliseconds or are * otherwise marked for deletion, regardless of whether the context is under budget. */ void performDeferredCleanup(std::chrono::milliseconds msNotUsed); // Temporary compatibility API for Android. void purgeResourcesNotUsedInMs(std::chrono::milliseconds msNotUsed) { this->performDeferredCleanup(msNotUsed); } /** * Purge unlocked resources from the cache until the the provided byte count has been reached * or we have purged all unlocked resources. The default policy is to purge in LRU order, but * can be overridden to prefer purging scratch resources (in LRU order) prior to purging other * resource types. * * @param maxBytesToPurge the desired number of bytes to be purged. * @param preferScratchResources If true scratch resources will be purged prior to other * resource types. */ void purgeUnlockedResources(size_t bytesToPurge, bool preferScratchResources); /** Access the context capabilities */ const GrCaps* caps() const { return fCaps.get(); } /** * Can a SkImage be created with the given color type. */ bool colorTypeSupportedAsImage(SkColorType) const; /** * Can a SkSurface be created with the given color type. To check whether MSAA is supported * use maxSurfaceSampleCountForColorType(). */ bool colorTypeSupportedAsSurface(SkColorType colorType) const { return this->maxSurfaceSampleCountForColorType(colorType) > 0; } /** * Gets the maximum supported sample count for a color type. 1 is returned if only non-MSAA * rendering is supported for the color type. 0 is returned if rendering to this color type * is not supported at all. */ int maxSurfaceSampleCountForColorType(SkColorType) const; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Misc. /** * Call to ensure all drawing to the context has been issued to the underlying 3D API. */ void flush(); /** * Call to ensure all drawing to the context has been issued to the underlying 3D API. After * issuing all commands, numSemaphore semaphores will be signaled by the gpu. The client passes * in an array of numSemaphores GrBackendSemaphores. In general these GrBackendSemaphore's can * be either initialized or not. If they are initialized, the backend uses the passed in * semaphore. If it is not initialized, a new semaphore is created and the GrBackendSemaphore * object is initialized with that semaphore. * * The client will own and be responsible for deleting the underlying semaphores that are stored * and returned in initialized GrBackendSemaphore objects. The GrBackendSemaphore objects * themselves can be deleted as soon as this function returns. * * If the backend API is OpenGL only uninitialized GrBackendSemaphores are supported. * If the backend API is Vulkan either initialized or unitialized semaphores are supported. * If unitialized, the semaphores which are created will be valid for use only with the VkDevice * with which they were created. * * If this call returns GrSemaphoresSubmited::kNo, the GPU backend will not have created or * added any semaphores to signal on the GPU. Thus the client should not have the GPU wait on * any of the semaphores. However, any pending commands to the context will still be flushed. */ GrSemaphoresSubmitted flushAndSignalSemaphores(int numSemaphores, GrBackendSemaphore signalSemaphores[]); /** * An ID associated with this context, guaranteed to be unique. */ uint32_t uniqueID() { return fUniqueID; } // Provides access to functions that aren't part of the public API. GrContextPriv contextPriv(); const GrContextPriv contextPriv() const; /** Enumerates all cached GPU resources and dumps their memory to traceMemoryDump. */ // Chrome is using this! void dumpMemoryStatistics(SkTraceMemoryDump* traceMemoryDump) const; protected: GrContext(GrBackend, int32_t id = SK_InvalidGenID); bool initCommon(const GrContextOptions&); virtual bool init(const GrContextOptions&) = 0; // must be called after the ctor! virtual GrAtlasManager* onGetFullAtlasManager() = 0; virtual GrRestrictedAtlasManager* onGetRestrictedAtlasManager() = 0; const GrBackend fBackend; sk_sp fCaps; sk_sp fThreadSafeProxy; private: sk_sp fGpu; GrResourceCache* fResourceCache; GrResourceProvider* fResourceProvider; GrProxyProvider* fProxyProvider; GrGlyphCache* fGlyphCache; std::unique_ptr fTextBlobCache; bool fDisableGpuYUVConversion; bool fSharpenMipmappedTextures; bool fDidTestPMConversions; // true if the PM/UPM conversion succeeded; false otherwise bool fPMUPMConversionsRoundTrip; // In debug builds we guard against improper thread handling // This guard is passed to the GrDrawingManager and, from there to all the // GrRenderTargetContexts. It is also passed to the GrResourceProvider and SkGpuDevice. mutable GrSingleOwner fSingleOwner; std::unique_ptr fTaskGroup; struct CleanUpData { PFCleanUpFunc fFunc; void* fInfo; }; SkTDArray fCleanUpData; const uint32_t fUniqueID; std::unique_ptr fDrawingManager; GrAuditTrail fAuditTrail; GrContextOptions::PersistentCache* fPersistentCache; // TODO: have the GrClipStackClip use renderTargetContexts and rm this friending friend class GrContextPriv; /** * These functions create premul <-> unpremul effects. If the second argument is 'true', they * use the specialized round-trip effects from GrConfigConversionEffect, otherwise they * create effects that do naive multiply or divide. */ std::unique_ptr createPMToUPMEffect(std::unique_ptr, bool useConfigConversionEffect); std::unique_ptr createUPMToPMEffect(std::unique_ptr, bool useConfigConversionEffect); /** * Returns true if createPMtoUPMEffect and createUPMToPMEffect will succeed for non-sRGB 8888 * configs. In other words, did we find a pair of round-trip preserving conversion effects? */ bool validPMUPMConversionExists(); /** * A callback similar to the above for use by the TextBlobCache * TODO move textblob draw calls below context so we can use the call above. */ static void TextBlobCacheOverBudgetCB(void* data); typedef SkRefCnt INHERITED; }; /** * Can be used to perform actions related to the generating GrContext in a thread safe manner. The * proxy does not access the 3D API (e.g. OpenGL) that backs the generating GrContext. */ class GrContextThreadSafeProxy : public SkRefCnt { public: bool matches(GrContext* context) const { return context->uniqueID() == fContextUniqueID; } /** * Create a surface characterization for a DDL that will be replayed into the GrContext * that created this proxy. On failure the resulting characterization will be invalid (i.e., * "!c.isValid()"). * * @param cacheMaxResourceBytes The max resource bytes limit that will be in effect when the * DDL created with this characterization is replayed. * Note: the contract here is that the DDL will be created as * if it had a full 'cacheMaxResourceBytes' to use. If replayed * into a GrContext that already has locked GPU memory, the * replay can exceed the budget. To rephrase, all resource * allocation decisions are made at record time and at playback * time the budget limits will be ignored. * @param ii The image info specifying properties of the SkSurface that * the DDL created with this characterization will be replayed * into. * Note: Ganesh doesn't make use of the SkImageInfo's alphaType * @param backendFormat Information about the format of the GPU surface that will * back the SkSurface upon replay * @param sampleCount The sample count of the SkSurface that the DDL created with * this characterization will be replayed into * @param origin The origin of the SkSurface that the DDL created with this * characterization will be replayed into * @param surfaceProps The surface properties of the SkSurface that the DDL created * with this characterization will be replayed into * @param isMipMapped Will the surface the DDL will be replayed into have space * allocated for mipmaps? */ SkSurfaceCharacterization createCharacterization( size_t cacheMaxResourceBytes, const SkImageInfo& ii, const GrBackendFormat& backendFormat, int sampleCount, GrSurfaceOrigin origin, const SkSurfaceProps& surfaceProps, bool isMipMapped); private: // DDL TODO: need to add unit tests for backend & maybe options GrContextThreadSafeProxy(sk_sp caps, uint32_t uniqueID, GrBackend backend, const GrContextOptions& options) : fCaps(std::move(caps)) , fContextUniqueID(uniqueID) , fBackend(backend) , fOptions(options) { } sk_sp fCaps; const uint32_t fContextUniqueID; const GrBackend fBackend; const GrContextOptions fOptions; friend class GrDirectContext; // To construct this object friend class GrContextPriv; // for access to 'fOptions' in MakeDDL friend class GrDDLContext; // to implement the GrDDLContext ctor (access to all members) typedef SkRefCnt INHERITED; }; #endif