/* * Copyright 2015 Google Inc. * * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. */ #include "gm/gm.h" #include "include/core/SkBlendMode.h" #include "include/core/SkCanvas.h" #include "include/core/SkColor.h" #include "include/core/SkFont.h" #include "include/core/SkPaint.h" #include "include/core/SkPathBuilder.h" #include "include/core/SkPoint.h" #include "include/core/SkRect.h" #include "include/core/SkScalar.h" #include "include/core/SkSize.h" #include "include/core/SkString.h" #include "include/core/SkTypeface.h" #include "include/core/SkTypes.h" #include "include/utils/SkTextUtils.h" #include "tools/ToolUtils.h" enum { kXfermodeCount = (int)SkBlendMode::kLastMode + 1 + 1, // extra for arith kShapeSize = 22, kShapeSpacing = 36, kShapeTypeSpacing = 4 * kShapeSpacing / 3, kPaintSpacing = 4 * kShapeTypeSpacing, kLabelSpacing = 3 * kShapeSize, kMargin = kShapeSpacing / 2, kXfermodeTypeSpacing = kLabelSpacing + 2 * kPaintSpacing + kShapeTypeSpacing, kTitleSpacing = 3 * kShapeSpacing / 4, kSubtitleSpacing = 5 * kShapeSpacing / 8 }; constexpr SkColor kBGColor = 0xc8d2b887; constexpr SkColor kShapeColors[2] = { 0x82ff0080, // input color unknown 0xff00ffff, // input color opaque }; enum Shape { kSquare_Shape, kDiamond_Shape, kOval_Shape, kConcave_Shape, kLast_Shape = kConcave_Shape }; /** * Verifies AA works properly on all Xfermodes, including arithmetic, with both opaque and unknown * src colors. */ class AAXfermodesGM : public skiagm::GM { public: AAXfermodesGM() {} protected: enum DrawingPass { kCheckerboard_Pass, kBackground_Pass, kShape_Pass }; SkString onShortName() override { return SkString("aaxfermodes"); } SkISize onISize() override { return SkISize::Make(2 * kMargin + 2 * kXfermodeTypeSpacing - (kXfermodeTypeSpacing - (kLabelSpacing + 2 * kPaintSpacing)), 2 * kMargin + kTitleSpacing + kSubtitleSpacing + (1 + (int)SkBlendMode::kLastCoeffMode) * kShapeSpacing); } void onOnceBeforeDraw() override { fLabelFont.setTypeface(ToolUtils::create_portable_typeface()); fLabelFont.setSize(5 * kShapeSize/8); fLabelFont.setSubpixel(true); constexpr SkScalar radius = -1.4f * kShapeSize/2; SkPoint pts[4] = { {-radius, 0}, {0, -1.33f * radius}, {radius, 0}, {0, 1.33f * radius} }; fOval = SkPathBuilder().moveTo(pts[0]) .quadTo(pts[1], pts[2]) .quadTo(pts[3], pts[0]) .detach(); fConcave = SkPathBuilder().moveTo(-radius, 0) .quadTo(0, 0, 0, -radius) .quadTo(0, 0, radius, 0) .quadTo(0, 0, 0, radius) .quadTo(0, 0, -radius, 0) .close() .detach(); } void draw_pass(SkCanvas* canvas, DrawingPass drawingPass) { SkRect clipRect = { -kShapeSize*11/16, -kShapeSize*11/16, kShapeSize*11/16, kShapeSize*11/16 }; canvas->save(); if (kCheckerboard_Pass == drawingPass) { canvas->translate(kMargin, kMargin); } canvas->translate(0, kTitleSpacing); for (size_t xfermodeSet = 0; xfermodeSet < 2; xfermodeSet++) { size_t firstMode = ((size_t)SkBlendMode::kLastCoeffMode + 1) * xfermodeSet; canvas->save(); if (kShape_Pass == drawingPass) { SkTextUtils::DrawString(canvas, "Src Unknown", kLabelSpacing + kShapeTypeSpacing * 1.5f + kShapeSpacing / 2, kSubtitleSpacing / 2 + fLabelFont.getSize() / 3, fLabelFont, SkPaint(), SkTextUtils::kCenter_Align); SkTextUtils::DrawString(canvas, "Src Opaque", kLabelSpacing + kShapeTypeSpacing * 1.5f + kShapeSpacing / 2 + kPaintSpacing, kSubtitleSpacing / 2 + fLabelFont.getSize() / 3, fLabelFont, SkPaint(), SkTextUtils::kCenter_Align); } canvas->translate(0, kSubtitleSpacing + kShapeSpacing/2); for (size_t m = 0; m <= (size_t)SkBlendMode::kLastCoeffMode; m++) { if (firstMode + m > (size_t)SkBlendMode::kLastMode) { break; } SkBlendMode mode = static_cast<SkBlendMode>(firstMode + m); canvas->save(); if (kShape_Pass == drawingPass) { this->drawModeName(canvas, mode); } canvas->translate(kLabelSpacing + kShapeSpacing/2, 0); for (size_t colorIdx = 0; colorIdx < SK_ARRAY_COUNT(kShapeColors); colorIdx++) { SkPaint paint; this->setupShapePaint(canvas, kShapeColors[colorIdx], mode, &paint); SkASSERT(colorIdx == 0 || 255 == paint.getAlpha()); canvas->save(); for (size_t shapeIdx = 0; shapeIdx <= kLast_Shape; shapeIdx++) { if (kShape_Pass != drawingPass) { canvas->save(); canvas->clipRect(clipRect); if (kCheckerboard_Pass == drawingPass) { ToolUtils::draw_checkerboard(canvas, 0xffffffff, 0xffc6c3c6, 10); } else { SkASSERT(kBackground_Pass == drawingPass); canvas->drawColor(kBGColor, SkBlendMode::kSrc); } canvas->restore(); } else { this->drawShape(canvas, static_cast<Shape>(shapeIdx), paint, mode); } canvas->translate(kShapeTypeSpacing, 0); } canvas->restore(); canvas->translate(kPaintSpacing, 0); } canvas->restore(); canvas->translate(0, kShapeSpacing); } canvas->restore(); canvas->translate(kXfermodeTypeSpacing, 0); } canvas->restore(); } void onDraw(SkCanvas* canvas) override { draw_pass(canvas, kCheckerboard_Pass); canvas->saveLayer(nullptr, nullptr); canvas->translate(kMargin, kMargin); draw_pass(canvas, kBackground_Pass); SkFont titleFont(fLabelFont); titleFont.setSize(9 * titleFont.getSize() / 8); titleFont.setEmbolden(true); SkTextUtils::DrawString(canvas, "Porter Duff", kLabelSpacing + 4 * kShapeTypeSpacing, kTitleSpacing / 2 + titleFont.getSize() / 3, titleFont, SkPaint(), SkTextUtils::kCenter_Align); SkTextUtils::DrawString(canvas, "Advanced", kXfermodeTypeSpacing + kLabelSpacing + 4 * kShapeTypeSpacing, kTitleSpacing / 2 + titleFont.getSize() / 3, titleFont, SkPaint(), SkTextUtils::kCenter_Align); draw_pass(canvas, kShape_Pass); canvas->restore(); } void drawModeName(SkCanvas* canvas, SkBlendMode mode) { const char* modeName = SkBlendMode_Name(mode); SkTextUtils::DrawString(canvas, modeName, kLabelSpacing - kShapeSize / 4, fLabelFont.getSize() / 4, fLabelFont, SkPaint(), SkTextUtils::kRight_Align); } void setupShapePaint(SkCanvas* canvas, SkColor color, SkBlendMode mode, SkPaint* paint) { paint->setColor(color); if (mode == SkBlendMode::kPlus) { // Check for overflow, otherwise we might get confusing AA artifacts. int maxSum = std::max(std::max(SkColorGetA(kBGColor) + SkColorGetA(color), SkColorGetR(kBGColor) + SkColorGetR(color)), std::max(SkColorGetG(kBGColor) + SkColorGetG(color), SkColorGetB(kBGColor) + SkColorGetB(color))); if (maxSum > 255) { SkPaint dimPaint; dimPaint.setAntiAlias(false); dimPaint.setBlendMode(SkBlendMode::kDstIn); if (255 != paint->getAlpha()) { // Dim the src and dst colors. dimPaint.setARGB(255 * 255 / maxSum, 0, 0, 0); paint->setAlpha(255 * paint->getAlpha() / maxSum); } else { // Just clear the dst, we need to preserve the paint's opacity. dimPaint.setARGB(0, 0, 0, 0); } canvas->drawRect({ -kShapeSpacing/2, -kShapeSpacing/2, kShapeSpacing/2 + 3 * kShapeTypeSpacing, kShapeSpacing/2 }, dimPaint); } } } void drawShape(SkCanvas* canvas, Shape shape, const SkPaint& paint, SkBlendMode mode) { SkASSERT(mode <= SkBlendMode::kLastMode); SkPaint shapePaint(paint); shapePaint.setAntiAlias(kSquare_Shape != shape); shapePaint.setBlendMode(mode); switch (shape) { case kSquare_Shape: canvas->drawRect({ -kShapeSize/2, -kShapeSize/2, kShapeSize/2, kShapeSize/2 }, shapePaint); break; case kDiamond_Shape: canvas->save(); canvas->rotate(45); canvas->drawRect({ -kShapeSize/2, -kShapeSize/2, kShapeSize/2, kShapeSize/2 }, shapePaint); canvas->restore(); break; case kOval_Shape: canvas->save(); canvas->rotate(static_cast<SkScalar>((511 * (int)mode + 257) % 360)); canvas->drawPath(fOval, shapePaint); canvas->restore(); break; case kConcave_Shape: canvas->drawPath(fConcave, shapePaint); break; default: SK_ABORT("Invalid shape."); } } private: SkFont fLabelFont; SkPath fOval; SkPath fConcave; using INHERITED = skiagm::GM; }; DEF_GM( return new AAXfermodesGM; )