// Copyright 2019 Google LLC. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. // [Work In Progress] Proof of principle of a text editor written with Skia & SkShaper. // https://bugs.skia.org/9020 #include "include/core/SkCanvas.h" #include "include/core/SkSurface.h" #include "include/core/SkTime.h" #include "tools/ModifierKey.h" #include "tools/sk_app/Application.h" #include "tools/sk_app/Window.h" #include "experimental/editor/editor.h" #include #include #ifdef SK_EDITOR_DEBUG_OUT static const char* key_name(sk_app::Window::Key k) { switch (k) { #define M(X) case sk_app::Window::Key::k ## X: return #X M(NONE); M(LeftSoftKey); M(RightSoftKey); M(Home); M(Back); M(Send); M(End); M(0); M(1); M(2); M(3); M(4); M(5); M(6); M(7); M(8); M(9); M(Star); M(Hash); M(Up); M(Down); M(Left); M(Right); M(Tab); M(PageUp); M(PageDown); M(Delete); M(Escape); M(Shift); M(Ctrl); M(Option); M(A); M(C); M(V); M(X); M(Y); M(Z); M(OK); M(VolUp); M(VolDown); M(Power); M(Camera); #undef M default: return "?"; } } static SkString modifiers_desc(ModifierKey m) { SkString s; #define M(X) if (m & ModifierKey::k ## X ##) { s.append(" {" #X "}"); } M(Shift) M(Control) M(Option) M(Command) M(FirstPress) #undef M return s; } static void debug_on_char(SkUnichar c, ModifierKey modifiers) { SkString m = modifiers_desc(modifiers); if ((unsigned)c < 0x100) { SkDebugf("char: %c (0x%02X)%s\n", (char)(c & 0xFF), (unsigned)c, m.c_str()); } else { SkDebugf("char: 0x%08X%s\n", (unsigned)c, m.c_str()); } } static void debug_on_key(sk_app::Window::Key key, InputState, ModifierKey modi) { SkDebugf("key: %s%s\n", key_name(key), modifiers_desc(modi).c_str()); } #endif // SK_EDITOR_DEBUG_OUT static editor::Editor::Movement convert(sk_app::Window::Key key) { switch (key) { case sk_app::Window::Key::kLeft: return editor::Editor::Movement::kLeft; case sk_app::Window::Key::kRight: return editor::Editor::Movement::kRight; case sk_app::Window::Key::kUp: return editor::Editor::Movement::kUp; case sk_app::Window::Key::kDown: return editor::Editor::Movement::kDown; case sk_app::Window::Key::kHome: return editor::Editor::Movement::kHome; case sk_app::Window::Key::kEnd: return editor::Editor::Movement::kEnd; default: return editor::Editor::Movement::kNowhere; } } namespace { struct Timer { double fTime; const char* fDesc; Timer(const char* desc = "") : fTime(SkTime::GetNSecs()), fDesc(desc) {} ~Timer() { SkDebugf("%s: %5d μs\n", fDesc, (int)((SkTime::GetNSecs() - fTime) * 1e-3)); } }; struct EditorLayer : public sk_app::Window::Layer { SkString fPath; sk_app::Window* fParent = nullptr; editor::StringSlice fClipboard; editor::Editor fEditor; editor::Editor::TextPosition fTextPos{0, 0}; editor::Editor::TextPosition fMarkPos; int fPos = 0; // window pixel position in file int fWidth = 0; // window width int fHeight = 0; // window height bool fShiftDown = false; EditorLayer() { fEditor.setFont(SkFont(SkTypeface::MakeFromName("monospace", SkFontStyle()), 18)); } void loadFile(const char* path) { if (sk_sp data = SkData::MakeFromFileName(path)) { fPath = path; fEditor.setText((const char*)data->data(), data->size()); } else { fPath = "output.txt"; } } void onPaint(SkSurface* surface) override { SkCanvas* canvas = surface->getCanvas(); SkAutoCanvasRestore acr(canvas, true); canvas->clipRect({0, 0, (float)fWidth, (float)fHeight}); canvas->translate(0, -(float)fPos); editor::Editor::PaintOpts options; options.fCursor = fTextPos; options.fBackgroundColor = SkColor4f{0.8f, 0.8f, 0.8f, 1}; if (fMarkPos != editor::Editor::TextPosition()) { options.fSelectionBegin = fMarkPos; options.fSelectionEnd = fTextPos; } { #ifdef SK_EDITOR_DEBUG_OUT Timer timer("shaping"); #endif // SK_EDITOR_DEBUG_OUT fEditor.paint(nullptr, options); } #ifdef SK_EDITOR_DEBUG_OUT Timer timer("painting"); #endif // SK_EDITOR_DEBUG_OUT fEditor.paint(canvas, options); } void onResize(int width, int height) override { if (SkISize{fWidth, fHeight} != SkISize{width, height}) { fHeight = height; if (width != fWidth) { fWidth = width; fEditor.setWidth(fWidth); } this->inval(); } } void onAttach(sk_app::Window* w) override { fParent = w; } bool scroll(int delta) { int maxPos = std::max(0, fEditor.getHeight() - fHeight / 2); int newpos = std::max(0, std::min(fPos + delta, maxPos)); if (newpos != fPos) { fPos = newpos; this->inval(); } return true; } void inval() { if (fParent) { fParent->inval(); } } bool onMouseWheel(float delta, ModifierKey modifiers) override { this->scroll(-(int)(delta * fEditor.font().getSpacing())); return true; } bool onMouse(int x, int y, InputState state, ModifierKey modifiers) override { if (InputState::kDown == state) { y += fPos; editor::Editor::TextPosition pos = fEditor.getPosition(SkIPoint{x, y}); #ifdef SK_EDITOR_DEBUG_OUT SkDebugf("select: line:%d column:%d \n", pos.fParagraphIndex, pos.fTextByteIndex); #endif // SK_EDITOR_DEBUG_OUT if (pos != editor::Editor::TextPosition()) { fTextPos = pos; this->inval(); } } return true; } bool onChar(SkUnichar c, ModifierKey modifiers) override { if (!ModifierKeyIsSet(modifiers & (ModifierKey::kControl | ModifierKey::kOption | ModifierKey::kCommand))) { if (((unsigned)c < 0x7F && (unsigned)c >= 0x20) || c == '\n') { char ch = (char)c; fEditor.insert(fTextPos, &ch, 1); #ifdef SK_EDITOR_DEBUG_OUT SkDebugf("insert: %X'%c'\n", (unsigned)c, ch); #endif // SK_EDITOR_DEBUG_OUT return this->moveCursor(editor::Editor::Movement::kRight); } } if (modifiers == ModifierKey::kControl) { switch (c) { case 'p': for (const editor::StringSlice& str : fEditor.text()) { SkDebugf(">> '%.*s'\n", str.size(), str.begin()); } return true; case 's': { std::ofstream out(fPath.c_str()); for (const editor::StringSlice& str : fEditor.text()) { out.write(str.begin(), str.size()); out.write("\n", 1); } } return true; case 'c': if (fMarkPos != editor::Editor::TextPosition()) { fClipboard = fEditor.copy(fMarkPos, fTextPos); return true; } case 'x': if (fMarkPos != editor::Editor::TextPosition()) { fClipboard = fEditor.copy(fMarkPos, fTextPos); fTextPos = fEditor.remove(fMarkPos, fTextPos); this->inval(); return true; } case 'v': if (fClipboard.size()) { fEditor.insert(fTextPos, fClipboard.begin(), fClipboard.size()); this->inval(); return true; } } } #ifdef SK_EDITOR_DEBUG_OUT debug_on_char(c, modifiers); #endif // SK_EDITOR_DEBUG_OUT return false; } bool moveCursor(editor::Editor::Movement m, bool shift = false) { if (shift != fShiftDown) { fMarkPos = shift ? fTextPos : editor::Editor::TextPosition(); fShiftDown = shift; } fTextPos = fEditor.move(m, fTextPos); // scroll if needed. SkIRect cursor = fEditor.getLocation(fTextPos).roundOut(); if (cursor.bottom() > fPos + fHeight) { fPos = cursor.bottom() - fHeight + fEditor.getMargin(); } else if (cursor.top() < fPos) { fPos = cursor.top() - fEditor.getMargin(); } this->inval(); return true; } bool onKey(sk_app::Window::Key key, InputState state, ModifierKey modifiers) override { if (state == InputState::kDown) { switch (key) { case sk_app::Window::Key::kPageDown: return this->scroll(fHeight * 4 / 5); case sk_app::Window::Key::kPageUp: return this->scroll(-fHeight * 4 / 5); case sk_app::Window::Key::kLeft: case sk_app::Window::Key::kRight: case sk_app::Window::Key::kUp: case sk_app::Window::Key::kDown: case sk_app::Window::Key::kHome: case sk_app::Window::Key::kEnd: return this->moveCursor(convert(key), (int)(modifiers & ModifierKey::kShift)); case sk_app::Window::Key::kDelete: if (fMarkPos != editor::Editor::TextPosition()) { fTextPos = fEditor.remove(fMarkPos, fTextPos); fMarkPos = editor::Editor::TextPosition(); } else { fTextPos = fEditor.remove(fTextPos, fEditor.move(editor::Editor::Movement::kRight, fTextPos)); } this->inval(); return true; case sk_app::Window::Key::kBack: if (fMarkPos != editor::Editor::TextPosition()) { fTextPos = fEditor.remove(fMarkPos, fTextPos); fMarkPos = editor::Editor::TextPosition(); } else { fTextPos = fEditor.remove(fTextPos, fEditor.move(editor::Editor::Movement::kLeft, fTextPos)); } this->inval(); return true; case sk_app::Window::Key::kOK: return this->onChar('\n', modifiers); default: break; } #ifdef SK_EDITOR_DEBUG_OUT debug_on_key(key, state, modifiers); #endif // SK_EDITOR_DEBUG_OUT } return true; } }; struct EditorApplication : public sk_app::Application { std::unique_ptr fWindow; EditorLayer fLayer; EditorApplication(const char* path, void* platformData) : fWindow(sk_app::Window::CreateNativeWindow(platformData)) { //sk_app::Window::BackendType backendType = sk_app::Window::kRaster_BackendType; sk_app::Window::BackendType backendType = sk_app::Window::kNativeGL_BackendType; fWindow->attach(backendType); fLayer.inval(); fLayer.loadFile(path); fWindow->pushLayer(&fLayer); fWindow->setTitle(SkStringPrintf("Editor: \"%s\"", fLayer.fPath.c_str()).c_str()); fWindow->show(); fLayer.onResize(fWindow->width(), fWindow->height()); #ifdef SK_EDITOR_DEBUG_OUT Timer timer("shaping"); #endif // SK_EDITOR_DEBUG_OUT fLayer.fEditor.paint(nullptr, editor::Editor::PaintOpts()); } ~EditorApplication() override { fWindow->detach(); } void onIdle() override {} }; } // namespace sk_app::Application* sk_app::Application::Create(int argc, char** argv, void* dat) { return new EditorApplication(argc > 1 ? argv[1] : nullptr, dat); }