/* * Copyright 2021 Google LLC * * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. */ #include "include/core/SkCanvas.h" #include "include/core/SkCustomMesh.h" #include "tests/Test.h" using Attribute = SkCustomMeshSpecification::Attribute; using Varying = SkCustomMeshSpecification::Varying; static const char* attr_type_str(const Attribute::Type type) { switch (type) { case Attribute::Type::kFloat: return "float"; case Attribute::Type::kFloat2: return "float2"; case Attribute::Type::kFloat3: return "float3"; case Attribute::Type::kFloat4: return "float4"; case Attribute::Type::kUByte4_unorm: return "ubyte4_unorm"; } SkUNREACHABLE; } static const char* var_type_str(const Varying::Type type) { switch (type) { case Varying::Type::kFloat: return "float"; case Varying::Type::kFloat2: return "float2"; case Varying::Type::kFloat3: return "float3"; case Varying::Type::kFloat4: return "float4"; case Varying::Type::kHalf: return "half"; case Varying::Type::kHalf2: return "half2"; case Varying::Type::kHalf3: return "half3"; case Varying::Type::kHalf4: return "half4"; } SkUNREACHABLE; } static SkString make_description(SkSpan attributes, size_t stride, SkSpan varyings, const SkString& vs, const SkString& fs) { static constexpr size_t kMax = 10; SkString result; result.appendf("Attributes (count=%zu, stride=%zu):\n", attributes.size(), stride); for (size_t i = 0; i < std::min(kMax, attributes.size()); ++i) { const auto& a = attributes[i]; result.appendf(" {%-10s, %3zu, \"%s\"}\n", attr_type_str(a.type), a.offset, a.name.c_str()); } if (kMax < attributes.size()) { result.append(" ...\n"); } result.appendf("Varyings (count=%zu):\n", varyings.size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < std::min(kMax, varyings.size()); ++i) { const auto& v = varyings[i]; result.appendf(" {%5s, \"%s\"}\n", var_type_str(v.type), v.name.c_str()); } if (kMax < varyings.size()) { result.append(" ...\n"); } result.appendf("\n--VS--\n%s\n------\n", vs.c_str()); result.appendf("\n--FS--\n%s\n------\n", fs.c_str()); return result; } static bool check_for_failure(skiatest::Reporter* r, SkSpan attributes, size_t stride, SkSpan varyings, const SkString& vs, const SkString& fs) { auto [spec, error] = SkCustomMeshSpecification::Make(attributes, stride, varyings, vs, fs); SkString description; if (!spec) { return true; } ERRORF(r, "Expected to fail but succeeded:\n%s", make_description(attributes, stride, varyings, vs, fs).c_str()); return false; } static bool check_for_success(skiatest::Reporter* r, SkSpan attributes, size_t stride, SkSpan varyings, const SkString& vs, const SkString& fs) { auto [spec, error] = SkCustomMeshSpecification::Make(attributes, stride, varyings, vs, fs); if (spec) { REPORTER_ASSERT(r, error.isEmpty()); return true; } ERRORF(r, "Expected to succeed but failed:\n%sError:\n%s", make_description(attributes, stride, varyings, vs, fs).c_str(), error.c_str()); return false; } // Simple valid strings to make specifications static const SkString kValidVS {"float2 main(Attributes attrs, out Varyings v) { return float2(10); }"}; // There are multiple valid VS signatures. static const SkString kValidFSes[] { SkString{"void main(Varyings varyings) {}"}, SkString{"float2 main(Varyings varyings) { return float2(10); }"}, SkString{"void main(Varyings varyings, out half4 color) { color = half4(.2); }"}, SkString{R"( float2 main(Varyings varyings, out half4 color) { color = half4(.2); return float2(10); } )"}, }; // Simple valid attributes, stride, and varyings to make specifications static const Attribute kValidAttrs[] = { {Attribute::Type::kFloat4, 0, SkString{"pos"}}, }; static constexpr size_t kValidStride = 4*4; static const Varying kValidVaryings[] = { {Varying::Type::kFloat2, SkString{"uv"}}, }; static void test_good(skiatest::Reporter* r) { for (const auto& validFS : kValidFSes) { if (!check_for_success(r, SkMakeSpan(kValidAttrs, SK_ARRAY_COUNT(kValidAttrs)), kValidStride, SkMakeSpan(kValidVaryings, SK_ARRAY_COUNT(kValidVaryings)), kValidVS, validFS)) { return; } } } static void test_bad_sig(skiatest::Reporter* r) { static constexpr const char* kVSBody = "{ return float2(10); }"; static constexpr const char* kInvalidVSSigs[] { "float3 main(Attributes attrs, out Varyings v)", // bad return "float2 main(inout Attributes attrs, out Varyings v)", // inout Attributes "float2 main(Attributes attrs, inout Varyings v)", // inout Varyings "float2 main(Attributes attrs)", // no Varyings "float2 main(out Varyings)", // no Attributes "float2 main(out Varyings, in Attributes)", // wrong param order "float2 main(Attributes attrs, out Varyings v, float2)" // extra arg }; static constexpr const char* kNoColorFSBody = "{ return float2(10); }"; static constexpr const char* kInvalidNoColorFSSigs[] { "half2 main(Varyings v)", // bad return "float2 main(in Attributes v)", // wrong param type "float2 main(out Varyings attrs)", // out Varyings "float2 main()", // no args "float2 main(Attributes attrs, float)" // extra arg }; static constexpr const char* kColorFSBody = "{ color = half4(.2); return float2(10); }"; static constexpr const char* kInvalidColorFSSigs[] { "half2 main(Varyings v, out half4 color)", // bad return "float2 main(in Attributes v, out half4 color)", // wrong first param type "float2 main(in Varyings v, out half3 color)", // wrong second param type "float2 main(out Varyings attrs, out half4 color)", // out Varyings "float2 main(Varyings attrs, half4 color)", // in color "float2 main(Attributes attrs, out half4 color, float)" // extra arg }; for (const char* vsSig : kInvalidVSSigs) { SkString invalidVS; invalidVS.appendf("%s %s", vsSig, kVSBody); for (const auto& validFS : kValidFSes) { if (!check_for_failure(r, SkMakeSpan(kValidAttrs, SK_ARRAY_COUNT(kValidAttrs)), kValidStride, SkMakeSpan(kValidVaryings, SK_ARRAY_COUNT(kValidVaryings)), invalidVS, validFS)) { return; } } } for (const char* noColorFSSig : kInvalidNoColorFSSigs) { SkString invalidFS; invalidFS.appendf("%s %s", noColorFSSig, kNoColorFSBody); if (!check_for_failure(r, SkMakeSpan(kValidAttrs, SK_ARRAY_COUNT(kValidAttrs)), kValidStride, SkMakeSpan(kValidVaryings, SK_ARRAY_COUNT(kValidVaryings)), kValidVS, invalidFS)) { return; } } for (const char* colorFSSig : kInvalidColorFSSigs) { SkString invalidFS; invalidFS.appendf("%s %s", colorFSSig, kColorFSBody); if (!check_for_failure(r, SkMakeSpan(kValidAttrs, SK_ARRAY_COUNT(kValidAttrs)), kValidStride, SkMakeSpan(kValidVaryings, SK_ARRAY_COUNT(kValidVaryings)), kValidVS, invalidFS)) { return; } } } // We allow the optional out color from the FS to either be float4 or half4 static void test_float4_color(skiatest::Reporter* r) { static const SkString kFloat4FS { R"( float2 main(Varyings varyings, out float4 color) { color = float4(.2); return float2(10); } )" }; check_for_success(r, SkMakeSpan(kValidAttrs, SK_ARRAY_COUNT(kValidAttrs)), kValidStride, SkMakeSpan(kValidVaryings, SK_ARRAY_COUNT(kValidVaryings)), kValidVS, kFloat4FS); } // We don't allow value or child uniforms in custom meshes currently. static void test_bad_globals(skiatest::Reporter* r) { static constexpr const char* kBadGlobals[] { "uniform float3 uni;" "uniform shader myshader;" }; for (const auto& global : kBadGlobals) { SkString badVS = kValidVS; badVS.prepend(global); if (!check_for_failure(r, SkMakeSpan(kValidAttrs, SK_ARRAY_COUNT(kValidAttrs)), kValidStride, SkMakeSpan(kValidVaryings, SK_ARRAY_COUNT(kValidVaryings)), badVS, kValidFSes[0])) { return; } } for (const auto& global : kBadGlobals) { SkString badFS = kValidFSes[0]; badFS.prepend(global); if (!check_for_failure(r, SkMakeSpan(kValidAttrs, SK_ARRAY_COUNT(kValidAttrs)), kValidStride, SkMakeSpan(kValidVaryings, SK_ARRAY_COUNT(kValidVaryings)), kValidVS, badFS)) { return; } } } static void test_no_main(skiatest::Reporter* r) { static const SkString kHelper{"float2 swiz(float2 x) { return z.yx; }"}; // Empty VS if (!check_for_failure(r, SkMakeSpan(kValidAttrs, SK_ARRAY_COUNT(kValidAttrs)), kValidStride, SkMakeSpan(kValidVaryings, SK_ARRAY_COUNT(kValidVaryings)), SkString{}, kValidFSes[0])) { return; } // VS with helper function but no main if (!check_for_failure(r, SkMakeSpan(kValidAttrs, SK_ARRAY_COUNT(kValidAttrs)), kValidStride, SkMakeSpan(kValidVaryings, SK_ARRAY_COUNT(kValidVaryings)), kHelper, kValidFSes[0])) { return; } // Empty FS if (!check_for_failure(r, SkMakeSpan(kValidAttrs, SK_ARRAY_COUNT(kValidAttrs)), kValidStride, SkMakeSpan(kValidVaryings, SK_ARRAY_COUNT(kValidVaryings)), kValidVS, SkString{})) { return; } // VS with helper function but no main if (!check_for_failure(r, SkMakeSpan(kValidAttrs, SK_ARRAY_COUNT(kValidAttrs)), kValidStride, SkMakeSpan(kValidVaryings, SK_ARRAY_COUNT(kValidVaryings)), kValidVS, kHelper)) { return; } } static void test_zero_attrs(skiatest::Reporter* r) { // We require at least one attribute check_for_failure(r, SkSpan(), kValidStride, SkMakeSpan(kValidVaryings, SK_ARRAY_COUNT(kValidVaryings)), kValidVS, kValidFSes[0]); } static void test_zero_varyings(skiatest::Reporter* r) { // Varyings are not required. check_for_success(r, SkMakeSpan(kValidAttrs, SK_ARRAY_COUNT(kValidAttrs)), kValidStride, SkSpan(), kValidVS, kValidFSes[0]); } static void test_bad_strides(skiatest::Reporter* r) { // Zero stride if (!check_for_failure(r, SkMakeSpan(kValidAttrs, SK_ARRAY_COUNT(kValidAttrs)), 0, SkMakeSpan(kValidVaryings, SK_ARRAY_COUNT(kValidVaryings)), kValidVS, kValidFSes[0])) { return; } // Unaligned if (!check_for_failure(r, SkMakeSpan(kValidAttrs, SK_ARRAY_COUNT(kValidAttrs)), kValidStride + 1, SkMakeSpan(kValidVaryings, SK_ARRAY_COUNT(kValidVaryings)), kValidVS, kValidFSes[0])) { return; } // Too large if (!check_for_failure(r, SkMakeSpan(kValidAttrs, SK_ARRAY_COUNT(kValidAttrs)), 1 << 20, SkMakeSpan(kValidVaryings, SK_ARRAY_COUNT(kValidVaryings)), kValidVS, kValidFSes[0])) { return; } } static void test_bad_offsets(skiatest::Reporter* r) { { // offset isn't aligned static const Attribute kAttributes[] { {Attribute::Type::kFloat4, 1, SkString{"var"}}, }; if (!check_for_failure(r, SkMakeSpan(kAttributes, SK_ARRAY_COUNT(kAttributes)), 32, SkMakeSpan(kValidVaryings, SK_ARRAY_COUNT(kValidVaryings)), kValidVS, kValidFSes[0])) { return; } } { // straddles stride boundary static const Attribute kAttributes[] { {Attribute::Type::kFloat4, 0, SkString{"var"}}, {Attribute::Type::kFloat2, 16, SkString{"var"}}, }; if (!check_for_failure(r, SkMakeSpan(kAttributes, SK_ARRAY_COUNT(kAttributes)), 20, SkMakeSpan(kValidVaryings, SK_ARRAY_COUNT(kValidVaryings)), kValidVS, kValidFSes[0])) { return; } } { // straddles stride boundary with attempt to overflow static const Attribute kAttributes[] { {Attribute::Type::kFloat, std::numeric_limits::max() - 3, SkString{"var"}}, }; if (!check_for_failure(r, SkMakeSpan(kAttributes, SK_ARRAY_COUNT(kAttributes)), 4, SkMakeSpan(kValidVaryings, SK_ARRAY_COUNT(kValidVaryings)), kValidVS, kValidFSes[0])) { return; } } } static void test_too_many_attrs(skiatest::Reporter* r) { static constexpr size_t kN = 500; std::vector attrs; attrs.reserve(kN); for (size_t i = 0; i < kN; ++i) { attrs.push_back({Attribute::Type::kFloat4, 0, SkStringPrintf("attr%zu", i)}); } check_for_failure(r, SkMakeSpan(attrs), 4*4, SkMakeSpan(kValidVaryings, SK_ARRAY_COUNT(kValidVaryings)), kValidVS, kValidFSes[0]); } static void test_too_many_varyings(skiatest::Reporter* r) { static constexpr size_t kN = 500; std::vector varyings; varyings.reserve(kN); for (size_t i = 0; i < kN; ++i) { varyings.push_back({Varying::Type::kFloat4, SkStringPrintf("varying%zu", i)}); } check_for_failure(r, SkMakeSpan(kValidAttrs, SK_ARRAY_COUNT(kValidAttrs)), kValidStride, SkMakeSpan(varyings), kValidVS, kValidFSes[0]); } static void test_duplicate_attribute_names(skiatest::Reporter* r) { static const Attribute kAttributes[] { {Attribute::Type::kFloat4, 0, SkString{"var"}}, {Attribute::Type::kFloat2, 16, SkString{"var"}} }; check_for_failure(r, SkMakeSpan(kAttributes, SK_ARRAY_COUNT(kAttributes)), 24, SkMakeSpan(kValidVaryings, SK_ARRAY_COUNT(kValidVaryings)), kValidVS, kValidFSes[0]); } static void test_duplicate_varying_names(skiatest::Reporter* r) { static const Varying kVaryings[] { {Varying::Type::kFloat4, SkString{"var"}}, {Varying::Type::kFloat3, SkString{"var"}} }; check_for_failure(r, SkMakeSpan(kValidAttrs, SK_ARRAY_COUNT(kValidAttrs)), kValidStride, SkMakeSpan(kVaryings, SK_ARRAY_COUNT(kVaryings)), kValidVS, kValidFSes[0]); } static constexpr const char* kSneakyName = "name; float3 sneaky"; static void test_sneaky_attribute_name(skiatest::Reporter* r) { static const Attribute kAttributes[] { {Attribute::Type::kFloat4, 0, SkString{kSneakyName}}, }; check_for_failure(r, SkMakeSpan(kAttributes, SK_ARRAY_COUNT(kAttributes)), 16, SkMakeSpan(kValidVaryings, SK_ARRAY_COUNT(kValidVaryings)), kValidVS, kValidFSes[0]); } static void test_sneaky_varying_name(skiatest::Reporter* r) { static const Varying kVaryings[] { {Varying::Type::kFloat4, SkString{kSneakyName}}, }; check_for_failure(r, SkMakeSpan(kValidAttrs, SK_ARRAY_COUNT(kValidAttrs)), kValidStride, SkMakeSpan(kVaryings, SK_ARRAY_COUNT(kVaryings)), kValidVS, kValidFSes[0]); } static void test_empty_attribute_name(skiatest::Reporter* r) { static const Attribute kAttributes[] { {Attribute::Type::kFloat4, 0, SkString{}}, }; check_for_failure(r, SkMakeSpan(kAttributes, SK_ARRAY_COUNT(kAttributes)), 16, SkMakeSpan(kValidVaryings, SK_ARRAY_COUNT(kValidVaryings)), kValidVS, kValidFSes[0]); } static void test_empty_varying_name(skiatest::Reporter* r) { static const Varying kVaryings[] { {Varying::Type::kFloat4, SkString{}}, }; check_for_failure(r, SkMakeSpan(kValidAttrs, SK_ARRAY_COUNT(kValidAttrs)), kValidStride, SkMakeSpan(kVaryings, SK_ARRAY_COUNT(kVaryings)), kValidVS, kValidFSes[0]); } DEF_TEST(CustomMeshSpec, reporter) { struct X {}; test_good(reporter); test_bad_sig(reporter); test_float4_color(reporter); test_bad_globals(reporter); test_no_main(reporter); test_zero_attrs(reporter); test_zero_varyings(reporter); test_bad_strides(reporter); test_bad_offsets(reporter); test_too_many_attrs(reporter); test_too_many_varyings(reporter); // skbug.com/12712 if ((false)) { test_duplicate_attribute_names(reporter); test_duplicate_varying_names(reporter); } test_sneaky_attribute_name(reporter); test_sneaky_varying_name(reporter); test_empty_attribute_name(reporter); test_empty_varying_name(reporter); }