/* * Copyright 2013 Google Inc. * * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. */ #include "gm/gm.h" #include "include/core/SkBlendMode.h" #include "include/core/SkCanvas.h" #include "include/core/SkColor.h" #include "include/core/SkColorFilter.h" #include "include/core/SkMatrix.h" #include "include/core/SkPaint.h" #include "include/core/SkPoint.h" #include "include/core/SkRefCnt.h" #include "include/core/SkScalar.h" #include "include/core/SkShader.h" #include "include/core/SkSize.h" #include "include/core/SkString.h" #include "include/core/SkTileMode.h" #include "include/core/SkTypes.h" #include "include/core/SkVertices.h" #include "include/effects/SkGradientShader.h" #include "include/effects/SkRuntimeEffect.h" #include "include/private/SkTDArray.h" #include "include/utils/SkRandom.h" #include "src/core/SkVerticesPriv.h" #include "src/shaders/SkLocalMatrixShader.h" #include "src/utils/SkPatchUtils.h" #include "tools/Resources.h" #include "tools/ToolUtils.h" #include #include static constexpr SkScalar kShaderSize = 40; static sk_sp make_shader1(SkScalar shaderScale) { const SkColor colors[] = { SK_ColorRED, SK_ColorCYAN, SK_ColorGREEN, SK_ColorWHITE, SK_ColorMAGENTA, SK_ColorBLUE, SK_ColorYELLOW, }; const SkPoint pts[] = {{kShaderSize / 4, 0}, {3 * kShaderSize / 4, kShaderSize}}; const SkMatrix localMatrix = SkMatrix::MakeScale(shaderScale, shaderScale); sk_sp grad = SkGradientShader::MakeLinear(pts, colors, nullptr, SK_ARRAY_COUNT(colors), SkTileMode::kMirror, 0, &localMatrix); // Throw in a couple of local matrix wrappers for good measure. return shaderScale == 1 ? grad : sk_make_sp( sk_make_sp(std::move(grad), SkMatrix::MakeTrans(-10, 0)), SkMatrix::MakeTrans(10, 0)); } static sk_sp make_shader2() { return SkShaders::Color(SK_ColorBLUE); } static sk_sp make_color_filter() { return SkColorFilters::Blend(0xFFAABBCC, SkBlendMode::kDarken); } static constexpr SkScalar kMeshSize = 30; // start with the center of a 3x3 grid of vertices. static constexpr uint16_t kMeshFan[] = { 4, 0, 1, 2, 5, 8, 7, 6, 3, 0 }; static const int kMeshIndexCnt = (int)SK_ARRAY_COUNT(kMeshFan); static const int kMeshVertexCnt = 9; static void fill_mesh(SkPoint pts[kMeshVertexCnt], SkPoint texs[kMeshVertexCnt], SkColor colors[kMeshVertexCnt], SkScalar shaderScale) { pts[0].set(0, 0); pts[1].set(kMeshSize / 2, 3); pts[2].set(kMeshSize, 0); pts[3].set(3, kMeshSize / 2); pts[4].set(kMeshSize / 2, kMeshSize / 2); pts[5].set(kMeshSize - 3, kMeshSize / 2); pts[6].set(0, kMeshSize); pts[7].set(kMeshSize / 2, kMeshSize - 3); pts[8].set(kMeshSize, kMeshSize); const auto shaderSize = kShaderSize * shaderScale; texs[0].set(0, 0); texs[1].set(shaderSize / 2, 0); texs[2].set(shaderSize, 0); texs[3].set(0, shaderSize / 2); texs[4].set(shaderSize / 2, shaderSize / 2); texs[5].set(shaderSize, shaderSize / 2); texs[6].set(0, shaderSize); texs[7].set(shaderSize / 2, shaderSize); texs[8].set(shaderSize, shaderSize); SkRandom rand; for (size_t i = 0; i < kMeshVertexCnt; ++i) { colors[i] = rand.nextU() | 0xFF000000; } } class VerticesGM : public skiagm::GM { SkPoint fPts[kMeshVertexCnt]; SkPoint fTexs[kMeshVertexCnt]; SkColor fColors[kMeshVertexCnt]; sk_sp fShader1; sk_sp fShader2; sk_sp fColorFilter; SkScalar fShaderScale; public: VerticesGM(SkScalar shaderScale) : fShaderScale(shaderScale) {} protected: void onOnceBeforeDraw() override { fill_mesh(fPts, fTexs, fColors, fShaderScale); fShader1 = make_shader1(fShaderScale); fShader2 = make_shader2(); fColorFilter = make_color_filter(); } SkString onShortName() override { SkString name("vertices"); if (fShaderScale != 1) { name.append("_scaled_shader"); } return name; } SkISize onISize() override { return SkISize::Make(975, 1175); } void onDraw(SkCanvas* canvas) override { const SkBlendMode modes[] = { SkBlendMode::kClear, SkBlendMode::kSrc, SkBlendMode::kDst, SkBlendMode::kSrcOver, SkBlendMode::kDstOver, SkBlendMode::kSrcIn, SkBlendMode::kDstIn, SkBlendMode::kSrcOut, SkBlendMode::kDstOut, SkBlendMode::kSrcATop, SkBlendMode::kDstATop, SkBlendMode::kXor, SkBlendMode::kPlus, SkBlendMode::kModulate, SkBlendMode::kScreen, SkBlendMode::kOverlay, SkBlendMode::kDarken, SkBlendMode::kLighten, SkBlendMode::kColorDodge, SkBlendMode::kColorBurn, SkBlendMode::kHardLight, SkBlendMode::kSoftLight, SkBlendMode::kDifference, SkBlendMode::kExclusion, SkBlendMode::kMultiply, SkBlendMode::kHue, SkBlendMode::kSaturation, SkBlendMode::kColor, SkBlendMode::kLuminosity, }; SkPaint paint; canvas->translate(4, 4); int x = 0; for (auto mode : modes) { canvas->save(); for (float alpha : {1.0f, 0.5f}) { for (const auto& cf : {sk_sp(nullptr), fColorFilter}) { for (const auto& shader : {fShader1, fShader2}) { static constexpr struct { bool fHasColors; bool fHasTexs; } kAttrs[] = {{true, false}, {false, true}, {true, true}}; for (auto attrs : kAttrs) { paint.setShader(shader); paint.setColorFilter(cf); paint.setAlphaf(alpha); const SkColor* colors = attrs.fHasColors ? fColors : nullptr; const SkPoint* texs = attrs.fHasTexs ? fTexs : nullptr; auto v = SkVertices::MakeCopy(SkVertices::kTriangleFan_VertexMode, kMeshVertexCnt, fPts, texs, colors, kMeshIndexCnt, kMeshFan); canvas->drawVertices(v, mode, paint); canvas->translate(40, 0); ++x; } } } } canvas->restore(); canvas->translate(0, 40); } } private: typedef skiagm::GM INHERITED; }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// DEF_GM(return new VerticesGM(1);) DEF_GM(return new VerticesGM(1 / kShaderSize);) static void draw_batching(SkCanvas* canvas) { // Triangle fans can't batch so we convert to regular triangles, static constexpr int kNumTris = kMeshIndexCnt - 2; SkVertices::Builder builder(SkVertices::kTriangles_VertexMode, kMeshVertexCnt, 3 * kNumTris, SkVertices::kHasColors_BuilderFlag | SkVertices::kHasTexCoords_BuilderFlag); SkPoint* pts = builder.positions(); SkPoint* texs = builder.texCoords(); SkColor* colors = builder.colors(); fill_mesh(pts, texs, colors, 1); SkTDArray matrices; matrices.push()->reset(); matrices.push()->setTranslate(0, 40); SkMatrix* m = matrices.push(); m->setRotate(45, kMeshSize / 2, kMeshSize / 2); m->postScale(1.2f, .8f, kMeshSize / 2, kMeshSize / 2); m->postTranslate(0, 80); auto shader = make_shader1(1); uint16_t* indices = builder.indices(); for (size_t i = 0; i < kNumTris; ++i) { indices[3 * i] = kMeshFan[0]; indices[3 * i + 1] = kMeshFan[i + 1]; indices[3 * i + 2] = kMeshFan[i + 2]; } canvas->save(); canvas->translate(10, 10); for (bool useShader : {false, true}) { for (bool useTex : {false, true}) { for (const auto& m : matrices) { canvas->save(); canvas->concat(m); SkPaint paint; paint.setShader(useShader ? shader : nullptr); const SkPoint* t = useTex ? texs : nullptr; auto v = SkVertices::MakeCopy(SkVertices::kTriangles_VertexMode, kMeshVertexCnt, pts, t, colors, kNumTris * 3, indices); canvas->drawVertices(v, SkBlendMode::kModulate, paint); canvas->restore(); } canvas->translate(0, 120); } } canvas->restore(); } // This test exists to exercise batching in the gpu backend. DEF_SIMPLE_GM(vertices_batching, canvas, 100, 500) { draw_batching(canvas); canvas->translate(50, 0); draw_batching(canvas); } DEF_SIMPLE_GM(vertices_data, canvas, 500, 500) { SkRect r = { 10, 10, 480, 480 }; int vcount = 4; // just a quad int icount = 0; SkVertices::CustomLayout customLayout { 4 }; // rgba values for now SkVertices::Builder builder(SkVertices::kTriangleFan_VertexMode, vcount, icount, customLayout); // build the quad SkPoint* pos = builder.positions(); pos[0] = {r.fLeft, r.fTop}; pos[1] = {r.fRight, r.fTop}; pos[2] = {r.fRight, r.fBottom}; pos[3] = {r.fLeft, r.fBottom}; SkV4* col = (SkV4*)builder.perVertexData(); // We happen to treat the 4 fields as RGBA, in coordination with a hack in the raster-impl. // In the future, these fields will just be passed to whatever SkSL we provide in the paint's // shader. col[0] = {1, 0, 0, 1}; // red col[1] = {0, 1, 0, 1}; // green col[2] = {0, 0, 1, 1}; // blue col[3] = {0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1}; // gray auto vert = builder.detach(); SkPaint paint; const char* gProg = R"( varying float4 vtx_color; void main(float2 p, inout half4 color) { color = half4(vtx_color); } )"; auto [effect, errorText] = SkRuntimeEffect::Make(SkString(gProg)); paint.setShader(effect->makeShader(nullptr, nullptr, 0, nullptr, true)); canvas->drawVertices(vert, paint); } // Test case for skbug.com/10069. We need to draw the vertices twice (with different matrices) to // trigger the bug. DEF_SIMPLE_GM(vertices_perspective, canvas, 256, 256) { SkPaint paint; paint.setShader(ToolUtils::create_checkerboard_shader(SK_ColorBLACK, SK_ColorWHITE, 32)); SkRect r = SkRect::MakeWH(128, 128); SkPoint pos[4]; r.toQuad(pos); auto verts = SkVertices::MakeCopy(SkVertices::kTriangleFan_VertexMode, 4, pos, pos, nullptr); SkMatrix persp; persp.setPerspY(SK_Scalar1 / 100); canvas->save(); canvas->concat(persp); canvas->drawRect(r, paint); canvas->restore(); canvas->save(); canvas->translate(r.width(), 0); canvas->concat(persp); canvas->drawRect(r, paint); canvas->restore(); canvas->save(); canvas->translate(0, r.height()); canvas->concat(persp); canvas->drawVertices(verts, paint); canvas->restore(); canvas->save(); canvas->translate(r.width(), r.height()); canvas->concat(persp); canvas->drawVertices(verts, paint); canvas->restore(); } DEF_SIMPLE_GM(vertices_data_lerp, canvas, 256, 256) { SkPoint pts[12] = {{0, 0}, {85, 0}, {171, 0}, {256, 0}, {256, 85}, {256, 171}, {256, 256}, {171, 256}, {85, 256}, {0, 256}, {0, 171}, {0, 85}}; auto patchVerts = SkPatchUtils::MakeVertices(pts, nullptr, nullptr, 12, 12); SkVertices::Info info; patchVerts->getInfo(&info); SkVertices::CustomLayout customLayout { 1 }; SkVertices::Builder builder(info.fMode, info.fVertexCount, info.fIndexCount, customLayout); memcpy(builder.positions(), info.fPositions, info.fVertexCount * sizeof(SkPoint)); memcpy(builder.indices(), info.fIndices, info.fIndexCount * sizeof(uint16_t)); SkRandom rnd; for (int i = 0; i < info.fVertexCount; ++i) { builder.perVertexData()[i] = rnd.nextBool() ? 1.0f : 0.0f; } auto verts = builder.detach(); SkPaint paint; const char* gProg = R"( in fragmentProcessor c0; in fragmentProcessor c1; varying float vtx_lerp; void main(float2 p, inout half4 color) { half4 col0 = sample(c0, p); half4 col1 = sample(c1, p); color = mix(col0, col1, half(vtx_lerp)); } )"; auto [effect, errorText] = SkRuntimeEffect::Make(SkString(gProg)); SkMatrix scale = SkMatrix::MakeScale(2); sk_sp children[] = { GetResourceAsImage("images/mandrill_256.png")->makeShader(), GetResourceAsImage("images/color_wheel.png")->makeShader(scale), }; paint.setShader(effect->makeShader(nullptr, children, 2, nullptr, false)); canvas->drawVertices(verts, paint); }