# Copyright 2016 Google Inc. # # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. declare_args() { skia_use_system_icu = is_official_build } import("../../gn/skia.gni") import("../third_party.gni") import("icu.gni") if (skia_use_icu) { if (skia_use_system_icu) { system("icu") { libs = [ "icuuc" ] defines = [ "U_USING_ICU_NAMESPACE=0" ] } } else { data_assembly = "$target_gen_dir/icudtl_dat.S" data_dir = "../externals/icu/" if (is_android) { data_dir += "android" } else if (is_ios) { data_dir += "ios" } else { data_dir += "common" } action("make_data_assembly") { script = "../externals/icu/scripts/make_data_assembly.py" inputs = [ "$data_dir/icudtl.dat", ] outputs = [ "$data_assembly", ] args = [ rebase_path(inputs[0], root_build_dir), rebase_path(data_assembly, root_build_dir), ] if (is_mac || is_ios) { args += [ "--mac" ] } } third_party("icu") { public_include_dirs = [ "../externals/icu/source/common", "../externals/icu/source/i18n", ".", ] public_defines = [ "U_USING_ICU_NAMESPACE=0", "SK_USING_THIRD_PARTY_ICU", ] configs -= [ "//gn:no_rtti" ] defines = [ # http://userguide.icu-project.org/howtouseicu "U_COMMON_IMPLEMENTATION", "U_STATIC_IMPLEMENTATION", "U_ENABLE_DYLOAD=0", "U_I18N_IMPLEMENTATION", ] sources = icu_sources if (is_win) { deps = [ ":icudata", ] public_defines += [ "U_NOEXCEPT=", "U_STATIC_IMPLEMENTATION", ] libs = [ "Advapi32.lib" ] sources += [ "../externals/icu/source/stubdata/stubdata.cpp" ] } else { sources += [ "$data_assembly" ] deps = [ ":make_data_assembly", ] } } if (is_win) { copy("icudata") { sources = [ "../externals/icu/windows/icudt.dll", ] outputs = [ "$root_out_dir/icudt.dll", ] data = outputs } } } }