Chris Dalton 1d6163577c Add support for instanced draws
Adds an instance buffer to GrMesh and instance attribs to
GrPrimitiveProcessor. Implements support in GL and Vulkan. Adds unit
tests for instanced rendering with GrMesh.

Bug: skia:
Change-Id: If1a9920feb9366f346b8c37cf914713c49129b3a
Reviewed-by: Brian Salomon <>
Commit-Queue: Chris Dalton <>
2017-05-31 20:40:20 +00:00

339 lines
13 KiB

* Copyright 2012 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef GrShaderCaps_DEFINED
#define GrShaderCaps_DEFINED
#include "../private/GrSwizzle.h"
#include "../private/GrGLSL.h"
namespace SkSL {
class ShaderCapsFactory;
struct GrContextOptions;
class GrShaderCaps : public SkRefCnt {
/** Info about shader variable precision within a given shader stage. That is, this info
is relevant to a float (or vecNf) variable declared with a GrSLPrecision
in a given GrShaderType. The info here is hoisted from the OpenGL spec. */
struct PrecisionInfo {
PrecisionInfo() {
fLogRangeLow = 0;
fLogRangeHigh = 0;
fBits = 0;
/** Is this precision level allowed in the shader stage? */
bool supported() const { return 0 != fBits; }
bool operator==(const PrecisionInfo& that) const {
return fLogRangeLow == that.fLogRangeLow && fLogRangeHigh == that.fLogRangeHigh &&
fBits == that.fBits;
bool operator!=(const PrecisionInfo& that) const { return !(*this == that); }
/** floor(log2(|min_value|)) */
int fLogRangeLow;
/** floor(log2(|max_value|)) */
int fLogRangeHigh;
/** Number of bits of precision. As defined in OpenGL (with names modified to reflect this
struct) :
If the smallest representable value greater than 1 is 1 + e, then fBits will
contain floor(log2(e)), and every value in the range [2^fLogRangeLow,
2^fLogRangeHigh] can be represented to at least one part in 2^fBits.
int fBits;
* Indicates how GLSL must interact with advanced blend equations. The KHR extension requires
* special layout qualifiers in the fragment shader.
enum AdvBlendEqInteraction {
kNotSupported_AdvBlendEqInteraction, //<! No _blend_equation_advanced extension
kAutomatic_AdvBlendEqInteraction, //<! No interaction required
kGeneralEnable_AdvBlendEqInteraction, //<! layout(blend_support_all_equations) out
kSpecificEnables_AdvBlendEqInteraction, //<! Specific layout qualifiers per equation
kLast_AdvBlendEqInteraction = kSpecificEnables_AdvBlendEqInteraction
GrShaderCaps(const GrContextOptions&);
SkString dump() const;
bool shaderDerivativeSupport() const { return fShaderDerivativeSupport; }
bool geometryShaderSupport() const { return fGeometryShaderSupport; }
bool pathRenderingSupport() const { return fPathRenderingSupport; }
bool dstReadInShaderSupport() const { return fDstReadInShaderSupport; }
bool dualSourceBlendingSupport() const { return fDualSourceBlendingSupport; }
bool integerSupport() const { return fIntegerSupport; }
bool texelBufferSupport() const { return fTexelBufferSupport; }
int imageLoadStoreSupport() const { return fImageLoadStoreSupport; }
* Get the precision info for a variable of type kFloat_GrSLType, kVec2f_GrSLType, etc in a
* given shader type. If the shader type is not supported or the precision level is not
* supported in that shader type then the returned struct will report false when supported() is
* called.
const PrecisionInfo& getFloatShaderPrecisionInfo(GrShaderType shaderType,
GrSLPrecision precision) const {
return fFloatPrecisions[shaderType][precision];
* Is there any difference between the float shader variable precision types? If this is true
* then unless the shader type is not supported, any call to getFloatShaderPrecisionInfo() would
* report the same info for all precisions in all shader types.
bool floatPrecisionVaries() const { return fShaderPrecisionVaries; }
* Some helper functions for encapsulating various extensions to read FB Buffer on openglES
* TODO(joshualitt) On desktop opengl 4.2+ we can achieve something similar to this effect
bool fbFetchSupport() const { return fFBFetchSupport; }
bool fbFetchNeedsCustomOutput() const { return fFBFetchNeedsCustomOutput; }
bool bindlessTextureSupport() const { return fBindlessTextureSupport; }
const char* versionDeclString() const { return fVersionDeclString; }
const char* fbFetchColorName() const { return fFBFetchColorName; }
const char* fbFetchExtensionString() const { return fFBFetchExtensionString; }
bool dropsTileOnZeroDivide() const { return fDropsTileOnZeroDivide; }
bool flatInterpolationSupport() const { return fFlatInterpolationSupport; }
bool noperspectiveInterpolationSupport() const { return fNoPerspectiveInterpolationSupport; }
bool multisampleInterpolationSupport() const { return fMultisampleInterpolationSupport; }
bool sampleVariablesSupport() const { return fSampleVariablesSupport; }
bool sampleMaskOverrideCoverageSupport() const { return fSampleMaskOverrideCoverageSupport; }
bool externalTextureSupport() const { return fExternalTextureSupport; }
bool texelFetchSupport() const { return fTexelFetchSupport; }
bool vertexIDSupport() const { return fVertexIDSupport; }
AdvBlendEqInteraction advBlendEqInteraction() const { return fAdvBlendEqInteraction; }
bool mustEnableAdvBlendEqs() const {
return fAdvBlendEqInteraction >= kGeneralEnable_AdvBlendEqInteraction;
bool mustEnableSpecificAdvBlendEqs() const {
return fAdvBlendEqInteraction == kSpecificEnables_AdvBlendEqInteraction;
bool mustDeclareFragmentShaderOutput() const {
return fGLSLGeneration > k110_GrGLSLGeneration;
bool usesPrecisionModifiers() const { return fUsesPrecisionModifiers; }
// Returns whether we can use the glsl function any() in our shader code.
bool canUseAnyFunctionInShader() const { return fCanUseAnyFunctionInShader; }
bool canUseMinAndAbsTogether() const { return fCanUseMinAndAbsTogether; }
bool mustForceNegatedAtanParamToFloat() const { return fMustForceNegatedAtanParamToFloat; }
// Returns whether a device incorrectly implements atan(y,x) as atan(y/x)
bool atan2ImplementedAsAtanYOverX() const { return fAtan2ImplementedAsAtanYOverX; }
bool requiresLocalOutputColorForFBFetch() const { return fRequiresLocalOutputColorForFBFetch; }
// On MacBook, geometry shaders break if they have more than one invocation.
bool mustImplementGSInvocationsWithLoop() const { return fMustImplementGSInvocationsWithLoop; }
bool mustObfuscateUniformColor() const { return fMustObfuscateUniformColor; }
// Returns the string of an extension that must be enabled in the shader to support
// derivatives. If nullptr is returned then no extension needs to be enabled. Before calling
// this function, the caller should check that shaderDerivativeSupport exists.
const char* shaderDerivativeExtensionString() const {
return fShaderDerivativeExtensionString;
// Returns the string of an extension that will do all necessary coord transfomations needed
// when reading the fragment position. If such an extension does not exisits, this function
// returns a nullptr, and all transforms of the frag position must be done manually in the
// shader.
const char* fragCoordConventionsExtensionString() const {
return fFragCoordConventionsExtensionString;
// This returns the name of an extension that must be enabled in the shader, if such a thing is
// required in order to use a secondary output in the shader. This returns a nullptr if no such
// extension is required. However, the return value of this function does not say whether dual
// source blending is supported.
const char* secondaryOutputExtensionString() const {
return fSecondaryOutputExtensionString;
const char* externalTextureExtensionString() const {
return fExternalTextureExtensionString;
const char* texelBufferExtensionString() const {
return fTexelBufferExtensionString;
const char* noperspectiveInterpolationExtensionString() const {
return fNoPerspectiveInterpolationExtensionString;
const char* multisampleInterpolationExtensionString() const {
return fMultisampleInterpolationExtensionString;
const char* sampleVariablesExtensionString() const {
return fSampleVariablesExtensionString;
const char* imageLoadStoreExtensionString() const {
return fImageLoadStoreExtensionString;
int maxVertexSamplers() const { return fMaxVertexSamplers; }
int maxGeometrySamplers() const { return fMaxGeometrySamplers; }
int maxFragmentSamplers() const { return fMaxFragmentSamplers; }
int maxCombinedSamplers() const { return fMaxCombinedSamplers; }
int maxVertexImageStorages() const { return fMaxVertexImageStorages; }
int maxGeometryImageStorages() const { return fMaxGeometryImageStorages; }
int maxFragmentImageStorages() const { return fMaxFragmentImageStorages; }
int maxCombinedImageStorages() const { return fMaxCombinedImageStorages; }
* Given a texture's config, this determines what swizzle must be appended to accesses to the
* texture in generated shader code. Swizzling may be implemented in texture parameters or a
* sampler rather than in the shader. In this case the returned swizzle will always be "rgba".
const GrSwizzle& configTextureSwizzle(GrPixelConfig config) const {
return fConfigTextureSwizzle[config];
/** Swizzle that should occur on the fragment shader outputs for a given config. */
const GrSwizzle& configOutputSwizzle(GrPixelConfig config) const {
return fConfigOutputSwizzle[config];
/** Precision qualifier that should be used with a sampler, given its config and visibility. */
GrSLPrecision samplerPrecision(GrPixelConfig config, GrShaderFlags visibility) const {
return static_cast<GrSLPrecision>(fSamplerPrecisions[visibility][config]);
GrGLSLGeneration generation() const { return fGLSLGeneration; }
/** GrCaps subclasses must call this after filling in the shader precision table. */
void initSamplerPrecisionTable();
void applyOptionsOverrides(const GrContextOptions& options);
GrGLSLGeneration fGLSLGeneration;
bool fShaderDerivativeSupport : 1;
bool fGeometryShaderSupport : 1;
bool fPathRenderingSupport : 1;
bool fDstReadInShaderSupport : 1;
bool fDualSourceBlendingSupport : 1;
bool fIntegerSupport : 1;
bool fTexelBufferSupport : 1;
bool fImageLoadStoreSupport : 1;
bool fShaderPrecisionVaries : 1;
bool fDropsTileOnZeroDivide : 1;
bool fFBFetchSupport : 1;
bool fFBFetchNeedsCustomOutput : 1;
bool fBindlessTextureSupport : 1;
bool fUsesPrecisionModifiers : 1;
bool fCanUseAnyFunctionInShader : 1;
bool fFlatInterpolationSupport : 1;
bool fNoPerspectiveInterpolationSupport : 1;
bool fMultisampleInterpolationSupport : 1;
bool fSampleVariablesSupport : 1;
bool fSampleMaskOverrideCoverageSupport : 1;
bool fExternalTextureSupport : 1;
bool fTexelFetchSupport : 1;
bool fVertexIDSupport : 1;
// Used for specific driver bug work arounds
bool fCanUseMinAndAbsTogether : 1;
bool fMustForceNegatedAtanParamToFloat : 1;
bool fAtan2ImplementedAsAtanYOverX : 1;
bool fRequiresLocalOutputColorForFBFetch : 1;
bool fMustImplementGSInvocationsWithLoop : 1;
bool fMustObfuscateUniformColor : 1;
PrecisionInfo fFloatPrecisions[kGrShaderTypeCount][kGrSLPrecisionCount];
const char* fVersionDeclString;
const char* fShaderDerivativeExtensionString;
const char* fFragCoordConventionsExtensionString;
const char* fSecondaryOutputExtensionString;
const char* fExternalTextureExtensionString;
const char* fTexelBufferExtensionString;
const char* fNoPerspectiveInterpolationExtensionString;
const char* fMultisampleInterpolationExtensionString;
const char* fSampleVariablesExtensionString;
const char* fImageLoadStoreExtensionString;
const char* fFBFetchColorName;
const char* fFBFetchExtensionString;
int fMaxVertexSamplers;
int fMaxGeometrySamplers;
int fMaxFragmentSamplers;
int fMaxCombinedSamplers;
int fMaxVertexImageStorages;
int fMaxGeometryImageStorages;
int fMaxFragmentImageStorages;
int fMaxCombinedImageStorages;
AdvBlendEqInteraction fAdvBlendEqInteraction;
GrSwizzle fConfigTextureSwizzle[kGrPixelConfigCnt];
GrSwizzle fConfigOutputSwizzle[kGrPixelConfigCnt];
uint8_t fSamplerPrecisions[(1 << kGrShaderTypeCount)][kGrPixelConfigCnt];
friend class GrGLCaps; // For initialization.
friend class GrVkCaps;
friend class SkSL::ShaderCapsFactory;