These docs repeat the possible values for these enums at the time they were written ad nauseum. They're not kept up to date. This is the result of searching for "one of" and deleting most. I did keep one set of docs where some enum values were permitted on some platforms and others on others. And I kept docs for args that didn't take enums but only accepted a particular range, like [0,8] for matrix value indices or 0-4 for pixel size shifts. Change-Id: Ib21ec54ebbc4abe456e9b3f436f3823d7da9097d Reviewed-on: Auto-Submit: Mike Klein <> Commit-Queue: Mike Reed <> Reviewed-by: Mike Reed <>
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* Copyright 2016 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef SkBlendMode_DEFINED
#define SkBlendMode_DEFINED
#include "include/core/SkTypes.h"
enum class SkBlendMode {
kClear, //!< replaces destination with zero: fully transparent
kSrc, //!< replaces destination
kDst, //!< preserves destination
kSrcOver, //!< source over destination
kDstOver, //!< destination over source
kSrcIn, //!< source trimmed inside destination
kDstIn, //!< destination trimmed by source
kSrcOut, //!< source trimmed outside destination
kDstOut, //!< destination trimmed outside source
kSrcATop, //!< source inside destination blended with destination
kDstATop, //!< destination inside source blended with source
kXor, //!< each of source and destination trimmed outside the other
kPlus, //!< sum of colors
kModulate, //!< product of premultiplied colors; darkens destination
kScreen, //!< multiply inverse of pixels, inverting result; brightens destination
kLastCoeffMode = kScreen, //!< last porter duff blend mode
kOverlay, //!< multiply or screen, depending on destination
kDarken, //!< darker of source and destination
kLighten, //!< lighter of source and destination
kColorDodge, //!< brighten destination to reflect source
kColorBurn, //!< darken destination to reflect source
kHardLight, //!< multiply or screen, depending on source
kSoftLight, //!< lighten or darken, depending on source
kDifference, //!< subtract darker from lighter with higher contrast
kExclusion, //!< subtract darker from lighter with lower contrast
kMultiply, //!< multiply source with destination, darkening image
kLastSeparableMode = kMultiply, //!< last blend mode operating separately on components
kHue, //!< hue of source with saturation and luminosity of destination
kSaturation, //!< saturation of source with hue and luminosity of destination
kColor, //!< hue and saturation of source with luminosity of destination
kLuminosity, //!< luminosity of source with hue and saturation of destination
kLastMode = kLuminosity, //!< last valid value
* For Porter-Duff SkBlendModes (those <= kLastCoeffMode), these coefficients describe the blend
* equation used. Coefficient-based blend modes specify an equation:
* ('dstCoeff' * dst + 'srcCoeff' * src), where the coefficient values are constants, functions of
* the src or dst alpha, or functions of the src or dst color.
enum class SkBlendModeCoeff {
kZero, /** 0 */
kOne, /** 1 */
kSC, /** src color */
kISC, /** inverse src color (i.e. 1 - sc) */
kDC, /** dst color */
kIDC, /** inverse dst color (i.e. 1 - dc) */
kSA, /** src alpha */
kISA, /** inverse src alpha (i.e. 1 - sa) */
kDA, /** dst alpha */
kIDA, /** inverse dst alpha (i.e. 1 - da) */
* Returns true if 'mode' is a coefficient-based blend mode (<= kLastCoeffMode). If true is
* returned, the mode's src and dst coefficient functions are set in 'src' and 'dst'.
SK_API bool SkBlendMode_AsCoeff(SkBlendMode mode, SkBlendModeCoeff* src, SkBlendModeCoeff* dst);
/** Returns name of blendMode as null-terminated C string.
@return C string
SK_API const char* SkBlendMode_Name(SkBlendMode blendMode);