This was created by looking at warnings produced by clang's -Wzero-as-null-pointer-constant. This updates most issues in Skia code. However, there are places where GL and Vulkan want pointer values which are explicitly 0, external headers which use NULL directly, and possibly more uses in un-compiled sources (for other platforms). Change-Id: Id22fbac04d5c53497a53d734f0896b4f06fe8345 Reviewed-on: Reviewed-by: Mike Reed <> Commit-Queue: Ben Wagner <>
176 lines
5.4 KiB
176 lines
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* Copyright 2006 The Android Open Source Project
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef SkMetaData_DEFINED
#define SkMetaData_DEFINED
#include "SkScalar.h"
class SkRefCnt;
class SK_API SkMetaData {
* Used to manage the life-cycle of a ptr in the metadata. This is option
* in setPtr, and is only invoked when either copying one metadata to
* another, or when the metadata is destroyed.
* setPtr(name, ptr, proc) {
* fPtr = proc(ptr, true);
* }
* copy: A = B {
* A.fPtr = B.fProc(B.fPtr, true);
* }
* ~SkMetaData {
* fProc(fPtr, false);
* }
typedef void* (*PtrProc)(void* ptr, bool doRef);
* Implements PtrProc for SkRefCnt pointers
static void* RefCntProc(void* ptr, bool doRef);
SkMetaData(const SkMetaData& src);
SkMetaData& operator=(const SkMetaData& src);
void reset();
bool findS32(const char name[], int32_t* value = nullptr) const;
bool findScalar(const char name[], SkScalar* value = nullptr) const;
const SkScalar* findScalars(const char name[], int* count,
SkScalar values[] = nullptr) const;
const char* findString(const char name[]) const;
bool findPtr(const char name[], void** value = nullptr, PtrProc* = nullptr) const;
bool findBool(const char name[], bool* value = nullptr) const;
const void* findData(const char name[], size_t* byteCount = nullptr) const;
bool hasS32(const char name[], int32_t value) const {
int32_t v;
return this->findS32(name, &v) && v == value;
bool hasScalar(const char name[], SkScalar value) const {
SkScalar v;
return this->findScalar(name, &v) && v == value;
bool hasString(const char name[], const char value[]) const {
const char* v = this->findString(name);
return (v == nullptr && value == nullptr) ||
(v != nullptr && value != nullptr && !strcmp(v, value));
bool hasPtr(const char name[], void* value) const {
void* v;
return this->findPtr(name, &v) && v == value;
bool hasBool(const char name[], bool value) const {
bool v;
return this->findBool(name, &v) && v == value;
bool hasData(const char name[], const void* data, size_t byteCount) const {
size_t len;
const void* ptr = this->findData(name, &len);
return ptr && len == byteCount && !memcmp(ptr, data, len);
void setS32(const char name[], int32_t value);
void setScalar(const char name[], SkScalar value);
SkScalar* setScalars(const char name[], int count, const SkScalar values[] = nullptr);
void setString(const char name[], const char value[]);
void setPtr(const char name[], void* value, PtrProc proc = nullptr);
void setBool(const char name[], bool value);
// the data is copied from the input pointer.
void setData(const char name[], const void* data, size_t byteCount);
bool removeS32(const char name[]);
bool removeScalar(const char name[]);
bool removeString(const char name[]);
bool removePtr(const char name[]);
bool removeBool(const char name[]);
bool removeData(const char name[]);
// helpers for SkRefCnt
bool findRefCnt(const char name[], SkRefCnt** ptr = nullptr) {
return this->findPtr(name, reinterpret_cast<void**>(ptr));
bool hasRefCnt(const char name[], SkRefCnt* ptr) {
return this->hasPtr(name, ptr);
void setRefCnt(const char name[], SkRefCnt* ptr) {
this->setPtr(name, ptr, RefCntProc);
bool removeRefCnt(const char name[]) {
return this->removePtr(name);
enum Type {
struct Rec;
class Iter;
friend class Iter;
class Iter {
Iter() : fRec(nullptr) {}
Iter(const SkMetaData&);
/** Reset the iterator, so that calling next() will return the first
data element. This is done implicitly in the constructor.
void reset(const SkMetaData&);
/** Each time next is called, it returns the name of the next data element,
or null when there are no more elements. If non-null is returned, then the
element's type is returned (if not null), and the number of data values
is returned in count (if not null).
const char* next(Type*, int* count);
Rec* fRec;
struct Rec {
Rec* fNext;
uint16_t fDataCount; // number of elements
uint8_t fDataLen; // sizeof a single element
uint8_t fType;
const void* data() const { return (this + 1); }
void* data() { return (this + 1); }
const char* name() const { return (const char*)this->data() + fDataLen * fDataCount; }
char* name() { return (char*)this->data() + fDataLen * fDataCount; }
static Rec* Alloc(size_t);
static void Free(Rec*);
Rec* fRec;
const Rec* find(const char name[], Type) const;
void* set(const char name[], const void* data, size_t len, Type, int count);
bool remove(const char name[], Type);