The current documentation states that SkFontMgr::matchFamilyStyle will never return nullptr, resolving to the default system font or the empty typeface if necessary. This isn't the behavior desired by any users, since doing so makes it difficult for the user to check if a 'good' match was made or not. All of the current SkFontMgr implementations can return nullptr anyway for a number of reasons, from lack of a 'good' match to an error. Bug: skia:8260 Change-Id: I96299c16aaa7228fd42a9d8ec4889c7355cb53a5 Reviewed-on: Reviewed-by: Florin Malita <> Commit-Queue: Ben Wagner <>
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* Copyright 2013 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef SkFontMgr_DEFINED
#define SkFontMgr_DEFINED
#include "SkFontArguments.h"
#include "SkFontStyle.h"
#include "SkRefCnt.h"
#include "SkTypes.h"
class SkData;
class SkFontData;
class SkStreamAsset;
class SkString;
class SkTypeface;
class SK_API SkFontStyleSet : public SkRefCnt {
virtual int count() = 0;
virtual void getStyle(int index, SkFontStyle*, SkString* style) = 0;
virtual SkTypeface* createTypeface(int index) = 0;
virtual SkTypeface* matchStyle(const SkFontStyle& pattern) = 0;
static SkFontStyleSet* CreateEmpty();
SkTypeface* matchStyleCSS3(const SkFontStyle& pattern);
typedef SkRefCnt INHERITED;
class SK_API SkFontMgr : public SkRefCnt {
int countFamilies() const;
void getFamilyName(int index, SkString* familyName) const;
SkFontStyleSet* createStyleSet(int index) const;
* The caller must call unref() on the returned object.
* Never returns NULL; will return an empty set if the name is not found.
* Passing nullptr as the parameter will return the default system family.
* Note that most systems don't have a default system family, so passing nullptr will often
* result in the empty set.
* It is possible that this will return a style set not accessible from
* createStyleSet(int) due to hidden or auto-activated fonts.
SkFontStyleSet* matchFamily(const char familyName[]) const;
* Find the closest matching typeface to the specified familyName and style
* and return a ref to it. The caller must call unref() on the returned
* object. Will return nullptr if no 'good' match is found.
* Passing |nullptr| as the parameter for |familyName| will return the
* default system font.
* It is possible that this will return a style set not accessible from
* createStyleSet(int) or matchFamily(const char[]) due to hidden or
* auto-activated fonts.
SkTypeface* matchFamilyStyle(const char familyName[], const SkFontStyle&) const;
* Use the system fallback to find a typeface for the given character.
* Note that bcp47 is a combination of ISO 639, 15924, and 3166-1 codes,
* so it is fine to just pass a ISO 639 here.
* Will return NULL if no family can be found for the character
* in the system fallback.
* Passing |nullptr| as the parameter for |familyName| will return the
* default system font.
* bcp47[0] is the least significant fallback, bcp47[bcp47Count-1] is the
* most significant. If no specified bcp47 codes match, any font with the
* requested character will be matched.
SkTypeface* matchFamilyStyleCharacter(const char familyName[], const SkFontStyle&,
const char* bcp47[], int bcp47Count,
SkUnichar character) const;
SkTypeface* matchFaceStyle(const SkTypeface*, const SkFontStyle&) const;
* Create a typeface for the specified data and TTC index (pass 0 for none)
* or NULL if the data is not recognized. The caller must call unref() on
* the returned object if it is not null.
sk_sp<SkTypeface> makeFromData(sk_sp<SkData>, int ttcIndex = 0) const;
* Create a typeface for the specified stream and TTC index
* (pass 0 for none) or NULL if the stream is not recognized. The caller
* must call unref() on the returned object if it is not null.
sk_sp<SkTypeface> makeFromStream(std::unique_ptr<SkStreamAsset>, int ttcIndex = 0) const;
/* Experimental, API subject to change. */
sk_sp<SkTypeface> makeFromStream(std::unique_ptr<SkStreamAsset>, const SkFontArguments&) const;
* Create a typeface from the specified font data.
* Will return NULL if the typeface could not be created.
* The caller must call unref() on the returned object if it is not null.
sk_sp<SkTypeface> makeFromFontData(std::unique_ptr<SkFontData>) const;
* Create a typeface for the specified fileName and TTC index
* (pass 0 for none) or NULL if the file is not found, or its contents are
* not recognized. The caller must call unref() on the returned object
* if it is not null.
sk_sp<SkTypeface> makeFromFile(const char path[], int ttcIndex = 0) const;
sk_sp<SkTypeface> legacyMakeTypeface(const char familyName[], SkFontStyle style) const;
/** Return the default fontmgr. */
static sk_sp<SkFontMgr> RefDefault();
virtual int onCountFamilies() const = 0;
virtual void onGetFamilyName(int index, SkString* familyName) const = 0;
virtual SkFontStyleSet* onCreateStyleSet(int index)const = 0;
/** May return NULL if the name is not found. */
virtual SkFontStyleSet* onMatchFamily(const char familyName[]) const = 0;
virtual SkTypeface* onMatchFamilyStyle(const char familyName[],
const SkFontStyle&) const = 0;
virtual SkTypeface* onMatchFamilyStyleCharacter(const char familyName[], const SkFontStyle&,
const char* bcp47[], int bcp47Count,
SkUnichar character) const = 0;
virtual SkTypeface* onMatchFaceStyle(const SkTypeface*,
const SkFontStyle&) const = 0;
virtual sk_sp<SkTypeface> onMakeFromData(sk_sp<SkData>, int ttcIndex) const = 0;
virtual sk_sp<SkTypeface> onMakeFromStreamIndex(std::unique_ptr<SkStreamAsset>,
int ttcIndex) const = 0;
virtual sk_sp<SkTypeface> onMakeFromStreamArgs(std::unique_ptr<SkStreamAsset>,
const SkFontArguments&) const;
virtual sk_sp<SkTypeface> onMakeFromFontData(std::unique_ptr<SkFontData>) const;
virtual sk_sp<SkTypeface> onMakeFromFile(const char path[], int ttcIndex) const = 0;
virtual sk_sp<SkTypeface> onLegacyMakeTypeface(const char familyName[], SkFontStyle) const = 0;
/** Implemented by porting layer to return the default factory. */
static sk_sp<SkFontMgr> Factory();
typedef SkRefCnt INHERITED;