Greg Daniel 0eca74cd2c Move bytesPerPixel query off of GrCaps and add bytesPerBlock query.
Part of this change is to move some of this static format information
off of GrCaps since it is not cap dependent in anyway. This allows us
to the need for caps in many places. Also changes the low level format
query to be based off of bytes per block so it can be shared for
compressed and non compressed formats.

This change will also make it easier to add stencil/depth formats in
follow on change since we don't have to fill in a whole caps
FormatInfo block just so we can get the bytesPerPixel which is all
they need.

Bug: skia:10727
Change-Id: I2e6fdabf3ed699b4145ef9e6f0a73078d32a0444
Reviewed-by: Brian Osman <>
Commit-Queue: Greg Daniel <>
2020-10-01 20:10:12 +00:00

907 lines
37 KiB

* Copyright 2020 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include "include/core/SkCanvas.h"
#include "include/core/SkDeferredDisplayListRecorder.h"
#include "include/core/SkSurfaceCharacterization.h"
#include "src/gpu/GrContextPriv.h"
#include "src/gpu/GrProxyProvider.h"
#include "src/gpu/GrRecordingContextPriv.h"
#include "src/gpu/GrRenderTargetContext.h"
#include "src/gpu/GrStyle.h"
#include "src/gpu/GrThreadSafeUniquelyKeyedProxyViewCache.h"
#include "tests/Test.h"
#include "tests/TestUtils.h"
#include <thread>
static constexpr int kImageWH = 32;
static constexpr auto kImageOrigin = kBottomLeft_GrSurfaceOrigin;
static SkImageInfo default_ii(int wh) {
return SkImageInfo::Make(wh, wh, kRGBA_8888_SkColorType, kPremul_SkAlphaType);
static std::unique_ptr<GrRenderTargetContext> new_RTC(GrRecordingContext* rContext, int wh) {
return GrRenderTargetContext::Make(rContext,
{wh, wh},
static void create_key(GrUniqueKey* key, int wh) {
static const GrUniqueKey::Domain kDomain = GrUniqueKey::GenerateDomain();
GrUniqueKey::Builder builder(key, kDomain, 1);
builder[0] = wh;
static SkBitmap create_bitmap(int wh) {
SkBitmap bitmap;
SkCanvas tmp(bitmap);
SkPaint blue;
tmp.drawRect({10, 10, wh-10.0f, wh-10.0f}, blue);
return bitmap;
class TestHelper {
struct Stats {
int fCacheHits = 0;
int fCacheMisses = 0;
int fNumSWCreations = 0;
int fNumLazyCreations = 0;
int fNumHWCreations = 0;
TestHelper(GrDirectContext* dContext) : fDContext(dContext) {
fDst = SkSurface::MakeRenderTarget(dContext, SkBudgeted::kNo, default_ii(kImageWH));
SkSurfaceCharacterization characterization;
fRecorder1 = std::make_unique<SkDeferredDisplayListRecorder>(characterization);
fRecorder2 = std::make_unique<SkDeferredDisplayListRecorder>(characterization);
~TestHelper() {
Stats* stats() { return &fStats; }
int numCacheEntries() const { return this->threadSafeViewCache()->numEntries(); }
GrDirectContext* dContext() { return fDContext; }
SkCanvas* liveCanvas() { return fDst ? fDst->getCanvas() : nullptr; }
SkCanvas* ddlCanvas1() { return fRecorder1 ? fRecorder1->getCanvas() : nullptr; }
sk_sp<SkDeferredDisplayList> snap1() {
if (fRecorder1) {
sk_sp<SkDeferredDisplayList> tmp = fRecorder1->detach();
fRecorder1 = nullptr;
return tmp;
return nullptr;
SkCanvas* ddlCanvas2() { return fRecorder2 ? fRecorder2->getCanvas() : nullptr; }
sk_sp<SkDeferredDisplayList> snap2() {
if (fRecorder2) {
sk_sp<SkDeferredDisplayList> tmp = fRecorder2->detach();
fRecorder2 = nullptr;
return tmp;
return nullptr;
GrThreadSafeUniquelyKeyedProxyViewCache* threadSafeViewCache() {
return fDContext->priv().threadSafeViewCache();
const GrThreadSafeUniquelyKeyedProxyViewCache* threadSafeViewCache() const {
return fDContext->priv().threadSafeViewCache();
// Add a draw on 'canvas' that will introduce a ref on the 'wh' view
void accessCachedView(SkCanvas* canvas,
int wh,
bool failLookup = false,
bool failFillingIn = false) {
GrRecordingContext* rContext = canvas->recordingContext();
auto view = AccessCachedView(rContext, this->threadSafeViewCache(),
wh, failLookup, failFillingIn, &fStats);
auto rtc = canvas->internal_private_accessTopLayerRenderTargetContext();
{1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f},
SkRect::MakeWH(wh, wh),
SkRect::MakeWH(wh, wh),
// Besides checking that the number of refs and cache hits and misses are as expected, this
// method also validates that the unique key doesn't appear in any of the other caches.
bool checkView(SkCanvas* canvas, int wh, int hits, int misses, int numRefs) {
if (fStats.fCacheHits != hits || fStats.fCacheMisses != misses) {
SkDebugf("Hits E: %d A: %d --- Misses E: %d A: %d\n",
hits, fStats.fCacheHits, misses, fStats.fCacheMisses);
return false;
GrUniqueKey key;
create_key(&key, wh);
auto threadSafeViewCache = this->threadSafeViewCache();
GrSurfaceProxyView view = threadSafeViewCache->find(key);
if (!view.proxy()) {
return false;
if (!view.proxy()->refCntGreaterThan(numRefs+1) || // +1 for 'view's ref
view.proxy()->refCntGreaterThan(numRefs+2)) {
return false;
if (canvas) {
GrRecordingContext* rContext = canvas->recordingContext();
GrProxyProvider* recordingProxyProvider = rContext->priv().proxyProvider();
sk_sp<GrTextureProxy> result = recordingProxyProvider->findProxyByUniqueKey(key);
if (result) {
// views in this cache should never appear in the recorder's cache
return false;
GrProxyProvider* directProxyProvider = fDContext->priv().proxyProvider();
sk_sp<GrTextureProxy> result = directProxyProvider->findProxyByUniqueKey(key);
if (result) {
// views in this cache should never appear in the main proxy cache
return false;
auto resourceProvider = fDContext->priv().resourceProvider();
sk_sp<GrSurface> surf = resourceProvider->findByUniqueKey<GrSurface>(key);
if (surf) {
// the textures backing the views in this cache should never be discoverable in the
// resource cache
return false;
return true;
bool checkImage(skiatest::Reporter* reporter, sk_sp<SkSurface> s) {
SkBitmap actual;
if (!s->readPixels(actual, 0, 0)) {
return false;
SkBitmap expected = create_bitmap(kImageWH);
const float tols[4] = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f };
auto error = std::function<ComparePixmapsErrorReporter>(
[reporter](int x, int y, const float diffs[4]) {
SkASSERT(x >= 0 && y >= 0);
ERRORF(reporter, "mismatch at %d, %d (%f, %f, %f %f)",
x, y, diffs[0], diffs[1], diffs[2], diffs[3]);
return ComparePixels(expected.pixmap(), actual.pixmap(), tols, error);
bool checkImage(skiatest::Reporter* reporter) {
return this->checkImage(reporter, fDst);
bool checkImage(skiatest::Reporter* reporter, sk_sp<SkDeferredDisplayList> ddl) {
sk_sp<SkSurface> tmp = SkSurface::MakeRenderTarget(fDContext,
if (!tmp) {
return false;
if (!tmp->draw(std::move(ddl))) {
return false;
return this->checkImage(reporter, std::move(tmp));
size_t gpuSize(int wh) const {
GrBackendFormat format = fDContext->defaultBackendFormat(kRGBA_8888_SkColorType,
return GrSurface::ComputeSize(format, {wh, wh}, /*colorSamplesPerPixel=*/1,
GrMipMapped::kNo, /*binSize=*/false);
// In the gpu-creation case, we need to pre-emptively place a lazy proxy in the shared
// cache. This object allows that lazy proxy to be instantiated with some rendering result
// generated after the fact.
class Trampoline : public SkRefCnt {
sk_sp<GrTextureProxy> fProxy;
static GrSurfaceProxyView AccessCachedView(GrRecordingContext*,
int wh,
bool failLookup, bool failFillingIn,
static GrSurfaceProxyView CreateViewOnCpu(GrRecordingContext*, int wh, Stats*);
static std::tuple<GrSurfaceProxyView, sk_sp<Trampoline>> CreateLazyView(GrDirectContext*,
int wh, Stats*);
static bool FillInViewOnGpu(GrDirectContext*, int wh, Stats*,
const GrSurfaceProxyView& lazyView,
Stats fStats;
GrDirectContext* fDContext = nullptr;
sk_sp<SkSurface> fDst;
std::unique_ptr<SkDeferredDisplayListRecorder> fRecorder1;
std::unique_ptr<SkDeferredDisplayListRecorder> fRecorder2;
GrSurfaceProxyView TestHelper::CreateViewOnCpu(GrRecordingContext* rContext,
int wh,
Stats* stats) {
GrProxyProvider* proxyProvider = rContext->priv().proxyProvider();
sk_sp<GrTextureProxy> proxy = proxyProvider->createProxyFromBitmap(create_bitmap(wh),
if (!proxy) {
return {};
GrSwizzle swizzle = rContext->priv().caps()->getReadSwizzle(proxy->backendFormat(),
return {std::move(proxy), kImageOrigin, swizzle};
std::tuple<GrSurfaceProxyView, sk_sp<TestHelper::Trampoline>> TestHelper::CreateLazyView(
GrDirectContext* dContext, int wh, Stats* stats) {
GrProxyProvider* proxyProvider = dContext->priv().proxyProvider();
sk_sp<Trampoline> trampoline(new Trampoline);
GrProxyProvider::TextureInfo texInfo { GrMipMapped::kNo, GrTextureType::k2D };
GrBackendFormat format = dContext->defaultBackendFormat(kRGBA_8888_SkColorType,
sk_sp<GrRenderTargetProxy> proxy = proxyProvider->createLazyRenderTargetProxy(
[trampoline] (GrResourceProvider* resourceProvider, const GrSurfaceProxy::LazySurfaceDesc&)
-> GrSurfaceProxy::LazyCallbackResult {
if (!resourceProvider || !trampoline->fProxy || !trampoline->fProxy->isInstantiated()) {
return GrSurfaceProxy::LazyCallbackResult(nullptr, true);
return GrSurfaceProxy::LazyCallbackResult(sk_ref_sp(trampoline->fProxy->peekTexture()));
{wh, wh},
/* renderTargetSampleCnt */ 1,
/* wrapsVkSecondaryCB */ false,
GrSwizzle swizzle = dContext->priv().caps()->getReadSwizzle(format, GrColorType::kRGBA_8888);
return {{std::move(proxy), kImageOrigin, swizzle}, std::move(trampoline)};
bool TestHelper::FillInViewOnGpu(GrDirectContext* dContext, int wh, Stats* stats,
const GrSurfaceProxyView& lazyView,
sk_sp<Trampoline> trampoline) {
std::unique_ptr<GrRenderTargetContext> rtc = new_RTC(dContext, wh);
GrPaint paint;
paint.setColor4f({0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f});
rtc->clear({1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f});
rtc->drawRect(nullptr, std::move(paint), GrAA::kNo, SkMatrix::I(),
{ 10, 10, wh-10.0f, wh-10.0f }, &GrStyle::SimpleFill());
auto view = rtc->readSurfaceView();
SkASSERT(view.swizzle() == lazyView.swizzle());
SkASSERT(view.origin() == lazyView.origin());
trampoline->fProxy = view.asTextureProxyRef();
return true;
GrSurfaceProxyView TestHelper::AccessCachedView(
GrRecordingContext* rContext,
GrThreadSafeUniquelyKeyedProxyViewCache* threadSafeViewCache,
int wh,
bool failLookup, bool failFillingIn,
Stats* stats) {
GrUniqueKey key;
create_key(&key, wh);
if (GrDirectContext* dContext = rContext->asDirectContext()) {
// The gpu thread gets priority over the recording threads. If the gpu thread is first,
// it crams a lazy proxy into the cache and then fills it in later.
auto [lazyView, trampoline] = CreateLazyView(dContext, wh, stats);
GrSurfaceProxyView view = threadSafeViewCache->findOrAdd(key, lazyView);
if (view != lazyView) {
return view;
if (failFillingIn) {
// Simulate something going horribly wrong at flush-time so no GrTexture is
// available to fulfill the lazy proxy.
return view;
if (!FillInViewOnGpu(dContext, wh, stats, lazyView, std::move(trampoline))) {
// In this case something has gone disastrously wrong so set up to drop the draw
// that needed this resource and reduce future pollution of the cache.
return {};
return view;
} else {
GrSurfaceProxyView view;
// We can "fail the lookup" to simulate a threaded race condition
if (view = threadSafeViewCache->find(key); !failLookup && view) {
return view;
view = CreateViewOnCpu(rContext, wh, stats);
return threadSafeViewCache->add(key, view);
// Case 1: ensure two DDL recorders share the view
DEF_GPUTEST_FOR_RENDERING_CONTEXTS(GrThreadSafeViewCache1, reporter, ctxInfo) {
TestHelper helper(ctxInfo.directContext());
helper.accessCachedView(helper.ddlCanvas1(), kImageWH);
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, helper.checkView(helper.ddlCanvas1(), kImageWH,
/*hits*/ 0, /*misses*/ 1, /*refs*/ 1));
helper.accessCachedView(helper.ddlCanvas2(), kImageWH);
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, helper.checkView(helper.ddlCanvas2(), kImageWH,
/*hits*/ 1, /*misses*/ 1, /*refs*/ 2));
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, helper.numCacheEntries() == 1);
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, helper.stats()->fNumLazyCreations == 0);
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, helper.stats()->fNumHWCreations == 0);
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, helper.stats()->fNumSWCreations == 1);
helper.checkImage(reporter, helper.snap1());
helper.checkImage(reporter, helper.snap2());
// Case 2: ensure that, if the direct context version wins, it is reused by the DDL recorders
DEF_GPUTEST_FOR_RENDERING_CONTEXTS(GrThreadSafeViewCache2, reporter, ctxInfo) {
TestHelper helper(ctxInfo.directContext());
helper.accessCachedView(helper.liveCanvas(), kImageWH);
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, helper.checkView(helper.liveCanvas(), kImageWH,
/*hits*/ 0, /*misses*/ 1, /*refs*/ 1));
helper.accessCachedView(helper.ddlCanvas1(), kImageWH);
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, helper.checkView(helper.ddlCanvas1(), kImageWH,
/*hits*/ 1, /*misses*/ 1, /*refs*/ 2));
helper.accessCachedView(helper.ddlCanvas2(), kImageWH);
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, helper.checkView(helper.ddlCanvas2(), kImageWH,
/*hits*/ 2, /*misses*/ 1, /*refs*/ 3));
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, helper.numCacheEntries() == 1);
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, helper.stats()->fNumLazyCreations == 1);
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, helper.stats()->fNumHWCreations == 1);
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, helper.stats()->fNumSWCreations == 0);
helper.checkImage(reporter, helper.snap1());
helper.checkImage(reporter, helper.snap2());
// Case 3: ensure that, if the cpu-version wins, it is reused by the direct context
DEF_GPUTEST_FOR_RENDERING_CONTEXTS(GrThreadSafeViewCache3, reporter, ctxInfo) {
TestHelper helper(ctxInfo.directContext());
helper.accessCachedView(helper.ddlCanvas1(), kImageWH);
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, helper.checkView(helper.ddlCanvas1(), kImageWH,
/*hits*/ 0, /*misses*/ 1, /*refs*/ 1));
helper.accessCachedView(helper.liveCanvas(), kImageWH);
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, helper.checkView(helper.liveCanvas(), kImageWH,
/*hits*/ 1, /*misses*/ 1, /*refs*/ 2));
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, helper.numCacheEntries() == 1);
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, helper.stats()->fNumLazyCreations == 1);
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, helper.stats()->fNumHWCreations == 0);
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, helper.stats()->fNumSWCreations == 1);
helper.checkImage(reporter, helper.snap1());
// Case 4: ensure that, if two DDL recorders get in a race, they still end up sharing a single view
DEF_GPUTEST_FOR_RENDERING_CONTEXTS(GrThreadSafeViewCache4, reporter, ctxInfo) {
TestHelper helper(ctxInfo.directContext());
helper.accessCachedView(helper.ddlCanvas1(), kImageWH);
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, helper.checkView(helper.ddlCanvas1(), kImageWH,
/*hits*/ 0, /*misses*/ 1, /*refs*/ 1));
static const bool kFailLookup = true;
helper.accessCachedView(helper.ddlCanvas2(), kImageWH, kFailLookup);
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, helper.checkView(helper.ddlCanvas2(), kImageWH,
/*hits*/ 0, /*misses*/ 2, /*refs*/ 2));
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, helper.numCacheEntries() == 1);
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, helper.stats()->fNumLazyCreations == 0);
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, helper.stats()->fNumHWCreations == 0);
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, helper.stats()->fNumSWCreations == 2);
helper.checkImage(reporter, helper.snap1());
helper.checkImage(reporter, helper.snap2());
// Case 4.5: check that, if a live rendering and a DDL recording get into a race, the live
// rendering takes precedence.
DEF_GPUTEST_FOR_RENDERING_CONTEXTS(GrThreadSafeViewCache4_5, reporter, ctxInfo) {
TestHelper helper(ctxInfo.directContext());
helper.accessCachedView(helper.liveCanvas(), kImageWH);
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, helper.checkView(helper.liveCanvas(), kImageWH,
/*hits*/ 0, /*misses*/ 1, /*refs*/ 1));
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, helper.numCacheEntries() == 1);
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, helper.stats()->fNumLazyCreations == 1);
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, helper.stats()->fNumHWCreations == 1);
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, helper.stats()->fNumSWCreations == 0);
static const bool kFailLookup = true;
helper.accessCachedView(helper.ddlCanvas1(), kImageWH, kFailLookup);
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, helper.checkView(helper.ddlCanvas1(), kImageWH,
/*hits*/ 0, /*misses*/ 2, /*refs*/ 2));
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, helper.numCacheEntries() == 1);
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, helper.stats()->fNumLazyCreations == 1);
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, helper.stats()->fNumHWCreations == 1);
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, helper.stats()->fNumSWCreations == 1);
helper.checkImage(reporter, helper.snap1());
// Case 4.75: check that, if a live rendering fails to generate the content needed to instantiate
// its lazy proxy, life goes on
DEF_GPUTEST_FOR_RENDERING_CONTEXTS(GrThreadSafeViewCache4_75, reporter, ctxInfo) {
auto dContext = ctxInfo.directContext();
TestHelper helper(dContext);
static const bool kFailFillingIn = true;
helper.accessCachedView(helper.liveCanvas(), kImageWH, false, kFailFillingIn);
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, helper.checkView(helper.liveCanvas(), kImageWH,
/*hits*/ 0, /*misses*/ 1, /*refs*/ 1));
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, helper.numCacheEntries() == 1);
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, helper.stats()->fNumLazyCreations == 1);
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, helper.stats()->fNumHWCreations == 0);
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, helper.stats()->fNumSWCreations == 0);
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, helper.checkView(helper.liveCanvas(), kImageWH,
/*hits*/ 0, /*misses*/ 1, /*refs*/ 0));
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, helper.numCacheEntries() == 1);
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, helper.stats()->fNumLazyCreations == 1);
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, helper.stats()->fNumHWCreations == 0);
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, helper.stats()->fNumSWCreations == 0);
// Case 5: ensure that expanding the map works
DEF_GPUTEST_FOR_RENDERING_CONTEXTS(GrThreadSafeViewCache5, reporter, ctxInfo) {
TestHelper helper(ctxInfo.directContext());
auto threadSafeViewCache = helper.threadSafeViewCache();
int size = 16;
helper.accessCachedView(helper.ddlCanvas1(), size);
size_t initialSize = threadSafeViewCache->approxBytesUsedForHash();
while (initialSize == threadSafeViewCache->approxBytesUsedForHash()) {
size *= 2;
helper.accessCachedView(helper.ddlCanvas1(), size);
// Case 6: Check on dropping refs. In particular, that the cache has its own ref to keep
// the backing resource alive and locked.
DEF_GPUTEST_FOR_RENDERING_CONTEXTS(GrThreadSafeViewCache6, reporter, ctxInfo) {
TestHelper helper(ctxInfo.directContext());
helper.accessCachedView(helper.ddlCanvas1(), kImageWH);
sk_sp<SkDeferredDisplayList> ddl1 = helper.snap1();
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, helper.checkView(nullptr, kImageWH,
/*hits*/ 0, /*misses*/ 1, /*refs*/ 1));
helper.accessCachedView(helper.ddlCanvas2(), kImageWH);
sk_sp<SkDeferredDisplayList> ddl2 = helper.snap2();
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, helper.checkView(nullptr, kImageWH,
/*hits*/ 1, /*misses*/ 1, /*refs*/ 2));
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, helper.numCacheEntries() == 1);
ddl1 = nullptr;
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, helper.checkView(nullptr, kImageWH,
/*hits*/ 1, /*misses*/ 1, /*refs*/ 1));
ddl2 = nullptr;
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, helper.checkView(nullptr, kImageWH,
/*hits*/ 1, /*misses*/ 1, /*refs*/ 0));
// The cache still has its ref
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, helper.numCacheEntries() == 1);
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, helper.checkView(nullptr, kImageWH,
/*hits*/ 1, /*misses*/ 1, /*refs*/ 0));
// Case 7: Check that invoking dropAllRefs and dropUniqueRefs directly works as expected; i.e.,
// dropAllRefs removes everything while dropUniqueRefs is more measured.
DEF_GPUTEST_FOR_RENDERING_CONTEXTS(GrThreadSafeViewCache7, reporter, ctxInfo) {
TestHelper helper(ctxInfo.directContext());
helper.accessCachedView(helper.ddlCanvas1(), kImageWH);
sk_sp<SkDeferredDisplayList> ddl1 = helper.snap1();
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, helper.checkView(nullptr, kImageWH,
/*hits*/ 0, /*misses*/ 1, /*refs*/ 1));
helper.accessCachedView(helper.ddlCanvas2(), 2*kImageWH);
sk_sp<SkDeferredDisplayList> ddl2 = helper.snap2();
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, helper.checkView(nullptr, 2*kImageWH,
/*hits*/ 0, /*misses*/ 2, /*refs*/ 1));
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, helper.numCacheEntries() == 2);
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, helper.numCacheEntries() == 2);
ddl1 = nullptr;
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, helper.numCacheEntries() == 1);
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, helper.checkView(nullptr, 2*kImageWH,
/*hits*/ 0, /*misses*/ 2, /*refs*/ 1));
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, helper.numCacheEntries() == 0);
ddl2 = nullptr;
// Case 8: This checks that GrContext::abandonContext works as expected wrt the thread
// safe cache. This simulates the case where we have one DDL that has finished
// recording but one still recording when the abandonContext fires.
DEF_GPUTEST_FOR_RENDERING_CONTEXTS(GrThreadSafeViewCache8, reporter, ctxInfo) {
TestHelper helper(ctxInfo.directContext());
helper.accessCachedView(helper.liveCanvas(), kImageWH);
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, helper.checkView(helper.liveCanvas(), kImageWH,
/*hits*/ 0, /*misses*/ 1, /*refs*/ 1));
helper.accessCachedView(helper.ddlCanvas1(), kImageWH);
sk_sp<SkDeferredDisplayList> ddl1 = helper.snap1();
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, helper.checkView(helper.ddlCanvas1(), kImageWH,
/*hits*/ 1, /*misses*/ 1, /*refs*/ 2));
helper.accessCachedView(helper.ddlCanvas2(), kImageWH);
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, helper.checkView(helper.ddlCanvas2(), kImageWH,
/*hits*/ 2, /*misses*/ 1, /*refs*/ 3));
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, helper.numCacheEntries() == 1);
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, helper.stats()->fNumLazyCreations == 1);
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, helper.stats()->fNumHWCreations == 1);
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, helper.stats()->fNumSWCreations == 0);
ctxInfo.directContext()->abandonContext(); // This should exercise dropAllRefs
sk_sp<SkDeferredDisplayList> ddl2 = helper.snap2();
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, helper.numCacheEntries() == 0);
ddl1 = nullptr;
ddl2 = nullptr;
// Case 9: This checks that GrContext::releaseResourcesAndAbandonContext works as expected wrt
// the thread safe cache. This simulates the case where we have one DDL that has finished
// recording but one still recording when the releaseResourcesAndAbandonContext fires.
DEF_GPUTEST_FOR_RENDERING_CONTEXTS(GrThreadSafeViewCache9, reporter, ctxInfo) {
TestHelper helper(ctxInfo.directContext());
helper.accessCachedView(helper.liveCanvas(), kImageWH);
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, helper.checkView(helper.liveCanvas(), kImageWH,
/*hits*/ 0, /*misses*/ 1, /*refs*/ 1));
helper.accessCachedView(helper.ddlCanvas1(), kImageWH);
sk_sp<SkDeferredDisplayList> ddl1 = helper.snap1();
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, helper.checkView(helper.ddlCanvas1(), kImageWH,
/*hits*/ 1, /*misses*/ 1, /*refs*/ 2));
helper.accessCachedView(helper.ddlCanvas2(), kImageWH);
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, helper.checkView(helper.ddlCanvas2(), kImageWH,
/*hits*/ 2, /*misses*/ 1, /*refs*/ 3));
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, helper.numCacheEntries() == 1);
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, helper.stats()->fNumLazyCreations == 1);
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, helper.stats()->fNumHWCreations == 1);
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, helper.stats()->fNumSWCreations == 0);
ctxInfo.directContext()->releaseResourcesAndAbandonContext(); // This should hit dropAllRefs
sk_sp<SkDeferredDisplayList> ddl2 = helper.snap2();
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, helper.numCacheEntries() == 0);
ddl1 = nullptr;
ddl2 = nullptr;
// Case 10: This checks that the GrContext::purgeUnlockedResources(size_t) variant works as
// expected wrt the thread safe cache. It, in particular, tests out the MRU behavior
// of the shared cache.
DEF_GPUTEST_FOR_RENDERING_CONTEXTS(GrThreadSafeViewCache10, reporter, ctxInfo) {
auto dContext = ctxInfo.directContext();
if (GrBackendApi::kOpenGL != dContext->backend()) {
// The lower-level backends have too much going on for the following simple purging
// test to work
TestHelper helper(dContext);
helper.accessCachedView(helper.liveCanvas(), kImageWH);
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, helper.checkView(helper.liveCanvas(), kImageWH,
/*hits*/ 0, /*misses*/ 1, /*refs*/ 1));
helper.accessCachedView(helper.ddlCanvas1(), kImageWH);
sk_sp<SkDeferredDisplayList> ddl1 = helper.snap1();
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, helper.checkView(helper.ddlCanvas1(), kImageWH,
/*hits*/ 1, /*misses*/ 1, /*refs*/ 2));
helper.accessCachedView(helper.liveCanvas(), 2*kImageWH);
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, helper.checkView(helper.liveCanvas(), 2*kImageWH,
/*hits*/ 1, /*misses*/ 2, /*refs*/ 1));
helper.accessCachedView(helper.ddlCanvas2(), 2*kImageWH);
sk_sp<SkDeferredDisplayList> ddl2 = helper.snap2();
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, helper.checkView(helper.ddlCanvas2(), 2*kImageWH,
/*hits*/ 2, /*misses*/ 2, /*refs*/ 2));
// This should clear out everything but the textures locked in the thread-safe cache
ddl1 = nullptr;
ddl2 = nullptr;
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, helper.numCacheEntries() == 2);
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, helper.checkView(helper.liveCanvas(), kImageWH,
/*hits*/ 2, /*misses*/ 2, /*refs*/ 0));
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, helper.checkView(helper.liveCanvas(), 2*kImageWH,
/*hits*/ 2, /*misses*/ 2, /*refs*/ 0));
// Regardless of which image is MRU, this should force the other out
size_t desiredBytes = helper.gpuSize(2*kImageWH) + helper.gpuSize(kImageWH)/2;
auto cache = dContext->priv().getResourceCache();
size_t currentBytes = cache->getResourceBytes();
SkASSERT(currentBytes >= desiredBytes);
size_t amountToPurge = currentBytes - desiredBytes;
// The 2*kImageWH texture should be MRU.
dContext->purgeUnlockedResources(amountToPurge, true);
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, helper.numCacheEntries() == 1);
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, helper.checkView(helper.liveCanvas(), 2*kImageWH,
/*hits*/ 2, /*misses*/ 2, /*refs*/ 0));
// Case 11: This checks that scratch-only variant of GrContext::purgeUnlockedResources works as
// expected wrt the thread safe cache. In particular, that when 'scratchResourcesOnly'
// is true, the call has no effect on the cache.
DEF_GPUTEST_FOR_RENDERING_CONTEXTS(GrThreadSafeViewCache11, reporter, ctxInfo) {
auto dContext = ctxInfo.directContext();
TestHelper helper(dContext);
helper.accessCachedView(helper.liveCanvas(), kImageWH);
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, helper.checkView(helper.liveCanvas(), kImageWH,
/*hits*/ 0, /*misses*/ 1, /*refs*/ 1));
helper.accessCachedView(helper.liveCanvas(), 2*kImageWH);
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, helper.checkView(helper.liveCanvas(), 2*kImageWH,
/*hits*/ 0, /*misses*/ 2, /*refs*/ 1));
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, helper.numCacheEntries() == 2);
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, helper.checkView(helper.liveCanvas(), kImageWH,
/*hits*/ 0, /*misses*/ 2, /*refs*/ 0));
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, helper.checkView(helper.liveCanvas(), 2*kImageWH,
/*hits*/ 0, /*misses*/ 2, /*refs*/ 0));
// This shouldn't remove anything from the cache
dContext->purgeUnlockedResources(/* scratchResourcesOnly */ true);
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, helper.numCacheEntries() == 2);
dContext->purgeUnlockedResources(/* scratchResourcesOnly */ false);
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, helper.numCacheEntries() == 0);
// Case 12: Test out purges caused by resetting the cache budget to 0. Note that, due to
// the how the cache operates (i.e., not directly driven by ref/unrefs) there
// needs to be an explicit kick to purge the cache.
DEF_GPUTEST_FOR_RENDERING_CONTEXTS(GrThreadSafeViewCache12, reporter, ctxInfo) {
auto dContext = ctxInfo.directContext();
TestHelper helper(dContext);
helper.accessCachedView(helper.liveCanvas(), kImageWH);
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, helper.checkView(helper.liveCanvas(), kImageWH,
/*hits*/ 0, /*misses*/ 1, /*refs*/ 1));
helper.accessCachedView(helper.ddlCanvas1(), kImageWH);
sk_sp<SkDeferredDisplayList> ddl1 = helper.snap1();
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, helper.checkView(helper.ddlCanvas1(), kImageWH,
/*hits*/ 1, /*misses*/ 1, /*refs*/ 2));
helper.accessCachedView(helper.liveCanvas(), 2*kImageWH);
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, helper.checkView(helper.liveCanvas(), 2*kImageWH,
/*hits*/ 1, /*misses*/ 2, /*refs*/ 1));
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, helper.numCacheEntries() == 2);
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, helper.checkView(helper.liveCanvas(), kImageWH,
/*hits*/ 1, /*misses*/ 2, /*refs*/ 1));
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, helper.checkView(helper.liveCanvas(), 2*kImageWH,
/*hits*/ 1, /*misses*/ 2, /*refs*/ 0));
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, helper.numCacheEntries() == 1);
ddl1 = nullptr;
// Explicitly kick off the purge - it won't happen automatically on unref
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, helper.numCacheEntries() == 0);
// Case 13: Test out the 'msNotUsed' parameter to GrContext::performDeferredCleanup.
DEF_GPUTEST_FOR_RENDERING_CONTEXTS(GrThreadSafeViewCache13, reporter, ctxInfo) {
auto dContext = ctxInfo.directContext();
TestHelper helper(dContext);
helper.accessCachedView(helper.ddlCanvas1(), kImageWH);
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, helper.checkView(helper.ddlCanvas1(), kImageWH,
/*hits*/ 0, /*misses*/ 1, /*refs*/ 1));
sk_sp<SkDeferredDisplayList> ddl1 = helper.snap1();
auto firstTime = GrStdSteadyClock::now();
helper.accessCachedView(helper.ddlCanvas2(), 2*kImageWH);
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, helper.checkView(helper.ddlCanvas2(), 2*kImageWH,
/*hits*/ 0, /*misses*/ 2, /*refs*/ 1));
sk_sp<SkDeferredDisplayList> ddl2 = helper.snap2();
ddl1 = nullptr;
ddl2 = nullptr;
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, helper.numCacheEntries() == 2);
auto secondTime = GrStdSteadyClock::now();
auto msecs = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(secondTime - firstTime);
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, helper.numCacheEntries() == 1);
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, helper.checkView(helper.liveCanvas(), 2*kImageWH,
/*hits*/ 0, /*misses*/ 2, /*refs*/ 0));