mtklein 80fc19cd3a Stop testing builds with runtime-detected NEON
O frabjous day!

Chrome has switched on requiring NEON globally at head.
Android has always built with NEON as appropriate for each device.

In practice, this switches our Nexus 5 bots from runtime-detected to
building with NEON globally.  It also lines a few columns up and makes
equivalent aliases more obviously the same.

We still have Build bots to test we can build on ARMv7 with no NEON.  (We even have Build bots to test building ARMv6.)

(It looks like that buildbot_spec.json just hasn't been updated in a while.)


Review URL:
2016-01-21 14:24:10 -08:00

375 lines
12 KiB
Executable File

# Copyright 2015 Google Inc.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
#!/usr/bin/env python
usage = '''
Write buildbot spec to outfile based on the bot name:
$ python outfile Test-Ubuntu-GCC-GCE-CPU-AVX2-x86-Debug
Or run self-tests:
$ python test
import inspect
import json
import os
import sys
import builder_name_schema
import dm_flags
import nanobench_flags
def lineno():
caller = inspect.stack()[1] # Up one level to our caller.
return inspect.getframeinfo(caller[0]).lineno
# Since we don't actually start coverage until we're in the self-test,
# some function def lines aren't reported as covered. Add them to this
# list so that we can ignore them.
cov_skip = []
cov_start = lineno()+1 # We care about coverage starting just past this def.
def gyp_defines(builder_dict):
gyp_defs = {}
# skia_arch_type.
if builder_dict['role'] == builder_name_schema.BUILDER_ROLE_BUILD:
arch = builder_dict['target_arch']
elif builder_dict['role'] == builder_name_schema.BUILDER_ROLE_HOUSEKEEPER:
arch = None
arch = builder_dict['arch']
arch_types = {
'x86': 'x86',
'x86_64': 'x86_64',
'Arm7': 'arm',
'Arm64': 'arm64',
'Mips': 'mips32',
'Mips64': 'mips64',
'MipsDSP2': 'mips32',
if arch in arch_types:
gyp_defs['skia_arch_type'] = arch_types[arch]
# housekeeper: build shared lib.
if builder_dict['role'] == builder_name_schema.BUILDER_ROLE_HOUSEKEEPER:
gyp_defs['skia_shared_lib'] = '1'
# skia_gpu.
if builder_dict.get('cpu_or_gpu') == 'CPU':
gyp_defs['skia_gpu'] = '0'
# skia_warnings_as_errors.
werr = False
if builder_dict['role'] == builder_name_schema.BUILDER_ROLE_BUILD:
if 'Win' in builder_dict.get('os', ''):
if not ('GDI' in builder_dict.get('extra_config', '') or
'Exceptions' in builder_dict.get('extra_config', '')):
werr = True
elif ('Mac' in builder_dict.get('os', '') and
'Android' in builder_dict.get('extra_config', '')):
werr = False
werr = True
gyp_defs['skia_warnings_as_errors'] = str(int(werr)) # True/False -> '1'/'0'
# Win debugger.
if 'Win' in builder_dict.get('os', ''):
gyp_defs['skia_win_debuggers_path'] = 'c:/DbgHelp'
# Qt SDK (Win).
if 'Win' in builder_dict.get('os', ''):
if builder_dict.get('os') == 'Win8':
gyp_defs['qt_sdk'] = 'C:/Qt/Qt5.1.0/5.1.0/msvc2012_64/'
gyp_defs['qt_sdk'] = 'C:/Qt/4.8.5/'
if builder_dict.get('extra_config') == 'ANGLE':
gyp_defs['skia_angle'] = '1'
if builder_dict.get('os', '') in ('Ubuntu', 'Linux'):
gyp_defs['use_x11'] = '1'
gyp_defs['chromeos'] = '0'
# GDI.
if builder_dict.get('extra_config') == 'GDI':
gyp_defs['skia_gdi'] = '1'
# Build with Exceptions on Windows.
if ('Win' in builder_dict.get('os', '') and
builder_dict.get('extra_config') == 'Exceptions'):
gyp_defs['skia_win_exceptions'] = '1'
# iOS.
if (builder_dict.get('os') == 'iOS' or
builder_dict.get('extra_config') == 'iOS'):
gyp_defs['skia_os'] = 'ios'
# Shared library build.
if builder_dict.get('extra_config') == 'Shared':
gyp_defs['skia_shared_lib'] = '1'
# PDF viewer in GM.
if (builder_dict.get('os') == 'Mac10.8' and
builder_dict.get('arch') == 'x86_64' and
builder_dict.get('configuration') == 'Release'):
gyp_defs['skia_run_pdfviewer_in_gm'] = '1'
# Clang.
if builder_dict.get('compiler') == 'Clang':
gyp_defs['skia_clang_build'] = '1'
# Valgrind.
if 'Valgrind' in builder_dict.get('extra_config', ''):
gyp_defs['skia_release_optimization_level'] = '1'
# Link-time code generation just wastes time on compile-only bots.
if (builder_dict.get('role') == builder_name_schema.BUILDER_ROLE_BUILD and
builder_dict.get('compiler') == 'MSVC'):
gyp_defs['skia_win_ltcg'] = '0'
# Mesa.
if (builder_dict.get('extra_config') == 'Mesa' or
builder_dict.get('cpu_or_gpu_value') == 'Mesa'):
gyp_defs['skia_mesa'] = '1'
# VisualBench
if builder_dict.get('extra_config') == 'VisualBench':
gyp_defs['skia_use_sdl'] = '1'
# skia_use_android_framework_defines.
if builder_dict.get('extra_config') == 'Android_FrameworkDefs':
gyp_defs['skia_use_android_framework_defines'] = '1'
# Skia dump stats for perf tests and gpu
if (builder_dict.get('cpu_or_gpu') == 'GPU' and
builder_dict.get('role') == 'Perf'):
gyp_defs['skia_dump_stats'] = '1'
return gyp_defs
cov_skip.extend([lineno(), lineno() + 1])
def get_extra_env_vars(builder_dict):
env = {}
if builder_dict.get('configuration') == 'Coverage':
# We have to use Clang 3.6 because earlier versions do not support the
# compile flags we use and 3.7 and 3.8 hit asserts during compilation.
env['CC'] = '/usr/bin/clang-3.6'
env['CXX'] = '/usr/bin/clang++-3.6'
elif builder_dict.get('compiler') == 'Clang':
env['CC'] = '/usr/bin/clang'
env['CXX'] = '/usr/bin/clang++'
extra_config = builder_dict.get('extra_config', '')
if extra_config.startswith('SK') and extra_config.isupper():
env['CPPFLAGS'] = '-D' + extra_config
return env
cov_skip.extend([lineno(), lineno() + 1])
def build_targets_from_builder_dict(builder_dict, do_test_steps, do_perf_steps):
"""Return a list of targets to build, depending on the builder type."""
if builder_dict['role'] in ('Test', 'Perf') and builder_dict['os'] == 'iOS':
return ['iOSShell']
if builder_dict.get('extra_config') == 'Appurify':
return ['VisualBenchTest_APK']
t = []
if do_test_steps:
if do_perf_steps and builder_dict.get('extra_config') == 'VisualBench':
elif do_perf_steps:
if t:
return t
return ['most']
cov_skip.extend([lineno(), lineno() + 1])
def device_cfg(builder_dict):
# Android.
if 'Android' in builder_dict.get('extra_config', ''):
if 'NoNeon' in builder_dict['extra_config']:
return 'arm_v7'
return {
'Arm64': 'arm64',
'x86': 'x86',
'x86_64': 'x86_64',
'Mips': 'mips',
'Mips64': 'mips64',
'MipsDSP2': 'mips_dsp2',
}.get(builder_dict['target_arch'], 'arm_v7_neon')
elif builder_dict.get('os') == 'Android':
return {
'AndroidOne': 'arm_v7_neon',
'GalaxyS3': 'arm_v7_neon',
'GalaxyS4': 'arm_v7_neon',
'NVIDIA_Shield': 'arm64',
'Nexus10': 'arm_v7_neon',
'Nexus5': 'arm_v7_neon',
'Nexus6': 'arm_v7_neon',
'Nexus7': 'arm_v7_neon',
'Nexus9': 'arm64',
'NexusPlayer': 'x86',
# ChromeOS.
if 'CrOS' in builder_dict.get('extra_config', ''):
if 'Link' in builder_dict['extra_config']:
return 'link'
if 'Daisy' in builder_dict['extra_config']:
return 'daisy'
elif builder_dict.get('os') == 'ChromeOS':
return {
'Link': 'link',
'Daisy': 'daisy',
return None
cov_skip.extend([lineno(), lineno() + 1])
def get_builder_spec(builder_name):
builder_dict = builder_name_schema.DictForBuilderName(builder_name)
env = get_extra_env_vars(builder_dict)
gyp_defs = gyp_defines(builder_dict)
gyp_defs_list = ['%s=%s' % (k, v) for k, v in gyp_defs.iteritems()]
env['GYP_DEFINES'] = ' '.join(gyp_defs_list)
rv = {
'builder_cfg': builder_dict,
'dm_flags': dm_flags.get_args(builder_name),
'env': env,
'nanobench_flags': nanobench_flags.get_args(builder_name),
device = device_cfg(builder_dict)
if device:
rv['device_cfg'] = device
role = builder_dict['role']
if role == builder_name_schema.BUILDER_ROLE_HOUSEKEEPER:
configuration = CONFIG_RELEASE
configuration = builder_dict.get(
'configuration', CONFIG_DEBUG)
arch = (builder_dict.get('arch') or builder_dict.get('target_arch'))
if ('Win' in builder_dict.get('os', '') and arch == 'x86_64'):
configuration += '_x64'
rv['configuration'] = configuration
rv['do_test_steps'] = role == builder_name_schema.BUILDER_ROLE_TEST
rv['do_perf_steps'] = (role == builder_name_schema.BUILDER_ROLE_PERF or
(role == builder_name_schema.BUILDER_ROLE_TEST and
configuration == CONFIG_DEBUG))
if 'Valgrind' in builder_name:
rv['do_perf_steps'] = True
if 'GalaxyS4' in builder_name:
rv['do_perf_steps'] = False
rv['build_targets'] = build_targets_from_builder_dict(
builder_dict, rv['do_test_steps'], rv['do_perf_steps'])
# Do we upload perf results?
upload_perf_results = False
if role == builder_name_schema.BUILDER_ROLE_PERF:
upload_perf_results = True
rv['upload_perf_results'] = upload_perf_results
# Do we upload correctness results?
skip_upload_bots = [
upload_dm_results = True
for s in skip_upload_bots:
if s in builder_name:
upload_dm_results = False
rv['upload_dm_results'] = upload_dm_results
return rv
cov_end = lineno() # Don't care about code coverage past here.
def self_test():
import coverage # This way the bots don't need to be installed.
args = {}
cases = [
cov = coverage.coverage()
for case in cases:
args[case] = get_builder_spec(case)
this_file = os.path.basename(__file__)
_, _, not_run, _ = cov.analysis(this_file)
filtered = [line for line in not_run if
line > cov_start and line < cov_end and line not in cov_skip]
if filtered:
print 'Lines not covered by test cases: ', filtered
golden = this_file.replace('.py', '.json')
with open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), golden), 'w') as f:
json.dump(args, f, indent=2, sort_keys=True)
if __name__ == '__main__':
if len(sys.argv) == 2 and sys.argv[1] == 'test':
if len(sys.argv) != 3:
print usage
with open(sys.argv[1], 'w') as out:
json.dump(get_builder_spec(sys.argv[2]), out)