Leon Scroggins III 6ccd2cabaa Generate Android build targets for dm and nanobench
Generate targets for dm and nanobench from ninja and add them to the
generated Android.bp file.

Remove nanobenchAndroid and SkAndroidSDKCanvas. These rely on HWUI
internals and are currently unused.

Update gyp file references to removed files, just in case.

Change-Id: Ic6ae18a70bfd0c33804e7996d077f2081dfdfe07
Reviewed-by: Mike Klein <>
Commit-Queue: Leon Scroggins <>
2017-01-27 20:02:23 +00:00

330 lines
8.7 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2016 Google Inc.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Generate Android.bp for Skia from GN configuration.
import json
import os
import pprint
import string
import subprocess
import tempfile
tool_cflags = [
# It's easier to maintain one list instead of separate lists.
tool_shared_libs = [
# The ordering here is important: libsfntly needs to come after libskia.
tool_static_libs = [
# First we start off with a template for Android.bp,
# with holes for source lists and include directories.
bp = string.Template('''// This file is autogenerated by
cc_library {
name: "libskia",
cflags: [
export_include_dirs: [
local_include_dirs: [
srcs: [
arch: {
arm: {
srcs: [
armv7_a_neon: {
srcs: [
arm64: {
srcs: [
mips: {
srcs: [
mips64: {
srcs: [
x86: {
srcs: [
x86_64: {
srcs: [
shared_libs: [
static_libs: [
cc_test {
name: "skia_dm",
cflags: [
local_include_dirs: [
srcs: [
shared_libs: [
static_libs: [
cc_test {
name: "skia_nanobench",
cflags: [
local_include_dirs: [
srcs: [
shared_libs: [
static_libs: [
# We'll run GN to get the main source lists and include directories for Skia.
gn_args = {
'skia_enable_splicer': 'false',
'skia_enable_vulkan_debug_layers': 'false',
'skia_use_system_expat': 'true',
'skia_use_system_jsoncpp': 'true',
'skia_use_system_libpng': 'true',
'skia_use_system_zlib': 'true',
'skia_use_vulkan': 'true',
'target_cpu': '"none"',
'target_os': '"android"',
gn_args = ' '.join(sorted('%s=%s' % (k,v) for (k,v) in gn_args.iteritems()))
tmp = tempfile.mkdtemp()
subprocess.check_call(['gn', 'gen', tmp, '--args=%s' % gn_args, '--ide=json'])
js = json.load(open(os.path.join(tmp, 'project.json')))
def strip_slashes(lst):
return [str(p.lstrip('/')) for p in lst]
srcs = strip_slashes(js['targets']['//:skia']['sources'])
local_includes = strip_slashes(js['targets']['//:skia']['include_dirs'])
export_includes = strip_slashes(js['targets']['//:public']['include_dirs'])
dm_srcs = strip_slashes(js['targets']['//:dm']['sources'])
dm_includes = strip_slashes(js['targets']['//:dm']['include_dirs'])
nanobench_target = js['targets']['//:nanobench']
nanobench_srcs = strip_slashes(nanobench_target['sources'])
nanobench_includes = strip_slashes(nanobench_target['include_dirs'])
def GrabDependentSrcs(name, srcs_to_extend, exclude):
# Grab the sources from other targets that $name depends on (e.g. optional
# Skia components, gms, tests, etc).
for dep in js['targets'][name]['deps']:
if 'third_party' in dep:
continue # We've handled all third-party DEPS as static or shared_libs.
if 'none' in dep:
continue # We'll handle all cpu-specific sources manually later.
if exclude and exclude in dep:
srcs_to_extend.extend(strip_slashes(js['targets'][dep].get('sources', [])))
GrabDependentSrcs('//:skia', srcs, None)
GrabDependentSrcs('//:dm', dm_srcs, 'skia')
GrabDependentSrcs('//:nanobench', nanobench_srcs, 'skia')
# No need to list headers.
srcs = [s for s in srcs if not s.endswith('.h')]
dm_srcs = [s for s in dm_srcs if not s.endswith('.h')]
nanobench_srcs = [s for s in nanobench_srcs if not s.endswith('.h')]
# Most defines go into SkUserConfig.h, where they're seen by Skia and its users.
# Start with the defines :skia uses, minus a couple. We'll add more in a bit.
defines = [str(d) for d in js['targets']['//:skia']['defines']]
defines.remove('SKIA_IMPLEMENTATION=1') # Only libskia should have this define.
# For architecture specific files, it's easier to just read the same source
# that GN does (opts.gni) rather than re-run GN once for each architecture.
# This .gni file we want to read is close enough to Python syntax
# that we can use execfile() if we supply definitions for GN builtins.
# While we're at it, grab defines specific to Android Framework the same way.
def get_path_info(path, kind):
assert kind == "abspath"
# While we want absolute paths in GN, relative paths work best here.
return path
builtins = { 'get_path_info': get_path_info }
defs = {}
here = os.path.dirname(__file__)
execfile(os.path.join(here, 'opts.gni'), builtins, defs)
execfile(os.path.join(here, 'android_framework_defines.gni'), builtins, defs)
# This should finish off the defines.
defines += defs['android_framework_defines']
'GR_GL_CUSTOM_SETUP_HEADER "gl/GrGLConfig_chrome.h"',
# TODO: move these all to android_framework_defines.gni?
# Turn paths from opts.gni into paths relative to external/skia.
def scrub(lst):
# Perform any string substitutions.
for var in defs:
if type(defs[var]) is str:
lst = [ p.replace('$'+var, defs[var]) for p in lst ]
# Relativize paths to top-level skia/ directory.
return [os.path.relpath(p, '..') for p in lst]
# Turn a list of strings into the style bpfmt outputs.
def bpfmt(indent, lst, sort=True):
if sort:
lst = sorted(lst)
return ('\n' + ' '*indent).join('"%s",' % v for v in lst)
# OK! We have everything to fill in Android.bp...
with open('Android.bp', 'w') as f:
print >>f, bp.substitute({
'export_includes': bpfmt(8, export_includes),
'local_includes': bpfmt(8, local_includes),
'srcs': bpfmt(8, srcs),
'arm_srcs': bpfmt(16, scrub(defs['armv7'])),
'arm_neon_srcs': bpfmt(20, scrub(defs['neon'])),
'arm64_srcs': bpfmt(16, scrub(defs['arm64'] +
'none_srcs': bpfmt(16, scrub(defs['none'])),
'x86_srcs': bpfmt(16, scrub(defs['sse2'] +
defs['ssse3'] +
defs['sse41'] +
defs['sse42'] +
defs['avx' ] +
defs['hsw' ])),
'tool_cflags' : bpfmt(8, tool_cflags),
'tool_shared_libs' : bpfmt(8, tool_shared_libs),
'tool_static_libs' : bpfmt(8, tool_static_libs, False),
'dm_includes' : bpfmt(8, dm_includes),
'dm_srcs' : bpfmt(8, dm_srcs),
'nanobench_includes' : bpfmt(8, nanobench_includes),
'nanobench_srcs' : bpfmt(8, nanobench_srcs),
#... and all the #defines we want to put in SkUserConfig.h.
with open('include/config/SkUserConfig.h', 'w') as f:
print >>f, '// This file is autogenerated by'
print >>f, '#ifndef SkUserConfig_DEFINED'
print >>f, '#define SkUserConfig_DEFINED'
for define in sorted(defines):
print >>f, ' #define', define.replace('=', ' ')
print >>f, '#endif//SkUserConfig_DEFINED'