Delete files only used by GYP, and files that used GYP. Neither can possibly be actively used. Beyond that, just a couple doc tweaks. Change-Id: I0220d7226e7bb9ed7c54a7d8f2906a718313c521 Reviewed-on: Commit-Queue: Mike Klein <> Reviewed-by: Hal Canary <>
153 lines
4.7 KiB
Executable File
153 lines
4.7 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Module that sanitizes source files with specified modifiers."""
import commands
import os
import sys
_FILE_EXTENSIONS_TO_SANITIZE = ['cpp', 'h', 'c']
_SUBDIRS_TO_IGNORE = ['.git', '.svn', 'third_party']
def SanitizeFilesWithModifiers(directory, file_modifiers, line_modifiers):
"""Sanitizes source files with the specified file and line modifiers.
directory: string - The directory which will be recursively traversed to
find source files to apply modifiers to.
file_modifiers: list - file-modification methods which should be applied to
the complete file content (Eg: EOFOneAndOnlyOneNewlineAdder).
line_modifiers: list - line-modification methods which should be applied to
lines in a file (Eg: TabReplacer).
for item in os.listdir(directory):
full_item_path = os.path.join(directory, item)
if os.path.isfile(full_item_path): # Item is a file.
# Only sanitize files with extensions we care about.
if (len(full_item_path.split('.')) > 1 and
full_item_path.split('.')[-1] in _FILE_EXTENSIONS_TO_SANITIZE):
f = file(full_item_path)
lines = f.readlines()
new_lines = [] # Collect changed lines here.
line_number = 0 # Keeps track of line numbers in the source file.
write_to_file = False # File is written to only if this flag is set.
# Run the line modifiers for each line in this file.
for line in lines:
original_line = line
line_number += 1
for modifier in line_modifiers:
line = modifier(line, full_item_path, line_number)
if original_line != line:
write_to_file = True
# Run the file modifiers.
old_content = ''.join(lines)
new_content = ''.join(new_lines)
for modifier in file_modifiers:
new_content = modifier(new_content, full_item_path)
if new_content != old_content:
write_to_file = True
# Write modifications to the file.
if write_to_file:
f = file(full_item_path, 'w')
print 'Made changes to %s' % full_item_path
elif item not in _SUBDIRS_TO_IGNORE:
# Item is a directory recursively call the method.
SanitizeFilesWithModifiers(full_item_path, file_modifiers, line_modifiers)
############## Line Modification methods ##############
def TrailingWhitespaceRemover(line, file_path, line_number):
"""Strips out trailing whitespaces from the specified line."""
stripped_line = line.rstrip() + '\n'
if line != stripped_line:
print 'Removing trailing whitespace in %s:%s' % (file_path, line_number)
return stripped_line
def CrlfReplacer(line, file_path, line_number):
"""Replaces CRLF with LF."""
if '\r\n' in line:
print 'Replacing CRLF with LF in %s:%s' % (file_path, line_number)
return line.replace('\r\n', '\n')
def TabReplacer(line, file_path, line_number):
"""Replaces Tabs with 4 whitespaces."""
if '\t' in line:
print 'Replacing Tab with whitespace in %s:%s' % (file_path, line_number)
return line.replace('\t', ' ')
############## File Modification methods ##############
def CopywriteChecker(file_content, unused_file_path):
"""Ensures that the copywrite information is correct."""
# TODO(rmistry): Figure out the legal implications of changing old copyright
# headers.
return file_content
def EOFOneAndOnlyOneNewlineAdder(file_content, file_path):
"""Adds one and only one LF at the end of the file."""
if file_content and (file_content[-1] != '\n' or file_content[-2:-1] == '\n'):
file_content = file_content.rstrip()
file_content += '\n'
print 'Added exactly one newline to %s' % file_path
return file_content
def SvnEOLChecker(file_content, file_path):
"""Sets svn:eol-style property to LF."""
output = commands.getoutput(
'svn propget svn:eol-style %s' % file_path)
if output != 'LF':
print 'Setting svn:eol-style property to LF in %s' % file_path
os.system('svn ps svn:eol-style LF %s' % file_path)
return file_content
if '__main__' == __name__: