Ben Wagner a93a14a998 Convert NULL and 0 to nullptr.
This was created by looking at warnings produced by clang's
-Wzero-as-null-pointer-constant. This updates most issues in
Skia code. However, there are places where GL and Vulkan want
pointer values which are explicitly 0, external headers which
use NULL directly, and possibly more uses in un-compiled
sources (for other platforms).

Change-Id: Id22fbac04d5c53497a53d734f0896b4f06fe8345
Reviewed-by: Mike Reed <>
Commit-Queue: Ben Wagner <>
2017-08-28 17:48:57 +00:00

463 lines
15 KiB

* Copyright 2005 The Android Open Source Project
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef SkRegion_DEFINED
#define SkRegion_DEFINED
#include "SkRect.h"
class SkPath;
class SkRgnBuilder;
namespace android {
class Region;
#define SkRegion_gEmptyRunHeadPtr ((SkRegion::RunHead*)-1)
#define SkRegion_gRectRunHeadPtr nullptr
/** \class SkRegion
The SkRegion class encapsulates the geometric region used to specify
clipping areas for drawing.
class SK_API SkRegion {
typedef int32_t RunType;
enum {
kRunTypeSentinel = 0x7FFFFFFF
SkRegion(const SkRegion&);
explicit SkRegion(const SkIRect&);
SkRegion& operator=(const SkRegion&);
* Return true if the two regions are equal. i.e. The enclose exactly
* the same area.
bool operator==(const SkRegion& other) const;
* Return true if the two regions are not equal.
bool operator!=(const SkRegion& other) const {
return !(*this == other);
* Replace this region with the specified region, and return true if the
* resulting region is non-empty.
bool set(const SkRegion& src) {
*this = src;
return !this->isEmpty();
* Swap the contents of this and the specified region. This operation
* is gauarenteed to never fail.
void swap(SkRegion&);
/** Return true if this region is empty */
bool isEmpty() const { return fRunHead == SkRegion_gEmptyRunHeadPtr; }
/** Return true if this region is a single, non-empty rectangle */
bool isRect() const { return fRunHead == SkRegion_gRectRunHeadPtr; }
/** Return true if this region consists of more than 1 rectangular area */
bool isComplex() const { return !this->isEmpty() && !this->isRect(); }
* Return the bounds of this region. If the region is empty, returns an
* empty rectangle.
const SkIRect& getBounds() const { return fBounds; }
* Returns a value that grows approximately linearly with the number of
* intervals comprised in the region. Empty region will return 0, Rect
* will return 1, Complex will return a value > 1.
* Use this to compare two regions, where the larger count likely
* indicates a more complex region.
int computeRegionComplexity() const;
* Returns true if the region is non-empty, and if so, appends the
* boundary(s) of the region to the specified path.
* If the region is empty, returns false, and path is left unmodified.
bool getBoundaryPath(SkPath* path) const;
* Set the region to be empty, and return false, since the resulting
* region is empty
bool setEmpty();
* If rect is non-empty, set this region to that rectangle and return true,
* otherwise set this region to empty and return false.
bool setRect(const SkIRect&);
* If left < right and top < bottom, set this region to that rectangle and
* return true, otherwise set this region to empty and return false.
bool setRect(int32_t left, int32_t top, int32_t right, int32_t bottom);
* Set this region to the union of an array of rects. This is generally
* faster than calling region.op(rect, kUnion_Op) in a loop. If count is
* 0, then this region is set to the empty region.
* @return true if the resulting region is non-empty
bool setRects(const SkIRect rects[], int count);
* Set this region to the specified region, and return true if it is
* non-empty.
bool setRegion(const SkRegion&);
* Set this region to the area described by the path, clipped.
* Return true if the resulting region is non-empty.
* This produces a region that is identical to the pixels that would be
* drawn by the path (with no antialiasing) with the specified clip.
bool setPath(const SkPath&, const SkRegion& clip);
* Returns true if the specified rectangle has a non-empty intersection
* with this region.
bool intersects(const SkIRect&) const;
* Returns true if the specified region has a non-empty intersection
* with this region.
bool intersects(const SkRegion&) const;
* Return true if the specified x,y coordinate is inside the region.
bool contains(int32_t x, int32_t y) const;
* Return true if the specified rectangle is completely inside the region.
* This works for simple (rectangular) and complex regions, and always
* returns the correct result. Note: if either this region or the rectangle
* is empty, contains() returns false.
bool contains(const SkIRect&) const;
* Return true if the specified region is completely inside the region.
* This works for simple (rectangular) and complex regions, and always
* returns the correct result. Note: if either region is empty, contains()
* returns false.
bool contains(const SkRegion&) const;
* Return true if this region is a single rectangle (not complex) and the
* specified rectangle is contained by this region. Returning false is not
* a guarantee that the rectangle is not contained by this region, but
* return true is a guarantee that the rectangle is contained by this region.
bool quickContains(const SkIRect& r) const {
return this->quickContains(r.fLeft, r.fTop, r.fRight, r.fBottom);
* Return true if this region is a single rectangle (not complex) and the
* specified rectangle is contained by this region. Returning false is not
* a guarantee that the rectangle is not contained by this region, but
* return true is a guarantee that the rectangle is contained by this
* region.
bool quickContains(int32_t left, int32_t top, int32_t right,
int32_t bottom) const {
SkASSERT(this->isEmpty() == fBounds.isEmpty()); // valid region
return left < right && top < bottom &&
fRunHead == SkRegion_gRectRunHeadPtr && // this->isRect()
/* fBounds.contains(left, top, right, bottom); */
fBounds.fLeft <= left && fBounds.fTop <= top &&
fBounds.fRight >= right && fBounds.fBottom >= bottom;
* Return true if this region is empty, or if the specified rectangle does
* not intersect the region. Returning false is not a guarantee that they
* intersect, but returning true is a guarantee that they do not.
bool quickReject(const SkIRect& rect) const {
return this->isEmpty() || rect.isEmpty() ||
!SkIRect::Intersects(fBounds, rect);
* Return true if this region, or rgn, is empty, or if their bounds do not
* intersect. Returning false is not a guarantee that they intersect, but
* returning true is a guarantee that they do not.
bool quickReject(const SkRegion& rgn) const {
return this->isEmpty() || rgn.isEmpty() ||
!SkIRect::Intersects(fBounds, rgn.fBounds);
/** Translate the region by the specified (dx, dy) amount. */
void translate(int dx, int dy) { this->translate(dx, dy, this); }
* Translate the region by the specified (dx, dy) amount, writing the
* resulting region into dst. Note: it is legal to pass this region as the
* dst parameter, effectively translating the region in place. If dst is
* null, nothing happens.
void translate(int dx, int dy, SkRegion* dst) const;
* The logical operations that can be performed when combining two regions.
enum Op {
kDifference_Op, //!< subtract the op region from the first region
kIntersect_Op, //!< intersect the two regions
kUnion_Op, //!< union (inclusive-or) the two regions
kXOR_Op, //!< exclusive-or the two regions
/** subtract the first region from the op region */
kReplace_Op, //!< replace the dst region with the op region
kLastOp = kReplace_Op
static const int kOpCnt = kLastOp + 1;
* Set this region to the result of applying the Op to this region and the
* specified rectangle: this = (this op rect).
* Return true if the resulting region is non-empty.
bool op(const SkIRect& rect, Op op) {
if (this->isRect() && kIntersect_Op == op) {
if (!fBounds.intersect(rect)) {
return this->setEmpty();
return true;
return this->op(*this, rect, op);
* Set this region to the result of applying the Op to this region and the
* specified rectangle: this = (this op rect).
* Return true if the resulting region is non-empty.
bool op(int left, int top, int right, int bottom, Op op) {
SkIRect rect;
rect.set(left, top, right, bottom);
return this->op(*this, rect, op);
* Set this region to the result of applying the Op to this region and the
* specified region: this = (this op rgn).
* Return true if the resulting region is non-empty.
bool op(const SkRegion& rgn, Op op) { return this->op(*this, rgn, op); }
* Set this region to the result of applying the Op to the specified
* rectangle and region: this = (rect op rgn).
* Return true if the resulting region is non-empty.
bool op(const SkIRect& rect, const SkRegion& rgn, Op);
* Set this region to the result of applying the Op to the specified
* region and rectangle: this = (rgn op rect).
* Return true if the resulting region is non-empty.
bool op(const SkRegion& rgn, const SkIRect& rect, Op);
* Set this region to the result of applying the Op to the specified
* regions: this = (rgna op rgnb).
* Return true if the resulting region is non-empty.
bool op(const SkRegion& rgna, const SkRegion& rgnb, Op op);
/** Returns a new char* containing the list of rectangles in this region
char* toString();
* Returns the sequence of rectangles, sorted in Y and X, that make up
* this region.
class SK_API Iterator {
Iterator() : fRgn(nullptr), fDone(true) {}
Iterator(const SkRegion&);
// if we have a region, reset to it and return true, else return false
bool rewind();
// reset the iterator, using the new region
void reset(const SkRegion&);
bool done() const { return fDone; }
void next();
const SkIRect& rect() const { return fRect; }
// may return null
const SkRegion* rgn() const { return fRgn; }
const SkRegion* fRgn;
const RunType* fRuns;
SkIRect fRect;
bool fDone;
* Returns the sequence of rectangles, sorted in Y and X, that make up
* this region intersected with the specified clip rectangle.
class SK_API Cliperator {
Cliperator(const SkRegion&, const SkIRect& clip);
bool done() { return fDone; }
void next();
const SkIRect& rect() const { return fRect; }
Iterator fIter;
SkIRect fClip;
SkIRect fRect;
bool fDone;
* Returns the sequence of runs that make up this region for the specified
* Y scanline, clipped to the specified left and right X values.
class Spanerator {
Spanerator(const SkRegion&, int y, int left, int right);
bool next(int* left, int* right);
const SkRegion::RunType* fRuns;
int fLeft, fRight;
bool fDone;
* Write the region to the buffer, and return the number of bytes written.
* If buffer is NULL, it still returns the number of bytes.
size_t writeToMemory(void* buffer) const;
* Initializes the region from the buffer
* @param buffer Memory to read from
* @param length Amount of memory available in the buffer
* @return number of bytes read (must be a multiple of 4) or
* 0 if there was not enough memory available
size_t readFromMemory(const void* buffer, size_t length);
* Returns a reference to a global empty region. Just a convenience for
* callers that need a const empty region.
static const SkRegion& GetEmptyRegion();
SkDEBUGCODE(void dump() const;)
SkDEBUGCODE(void validate() const;)
SkDEBUGCODE(static void UnitTest();)
// expose this to allow for regression test on complex regions
SkDEBUGCODE(bool debugSetRuns(const RunType runs[], int count);)
enum {
kOpCount = kReplace_Op + 1
enum {
// T
// [B N L R S]
// S
kRectRegionRuns = 7
friend class android::Region; // needed for marshalling efficiently
struct RunHead;
// allocate space for count runs
void allocateRuns(int count);
void allocateRuns(int count, int ySpanCount, int intervalCount);
void allocateRuns(const RunHead& src);
SkIRect fBounds;
RunHead* fRunHead;
void freeRuns();
* Return the runs from this region, consing up fake runs if the region
* is empty or a rect. In those 2 cases, we use tmpStorage to hold the
* run data.
const RunType* getRuns(RunType tmpStorage[], int* intervals) const;
// This is called with runs[] that do not yet have their interval-count
// field set on each scanline. That is computed as part of this call
// (inside ComputeRunBounds).
bool setRuns(RunType runs[], int count);
int count_runtype_values(int* itop, int* ibot) const;
bool isValid() const;
static void BuildRectRuns(const SkIRect& bounds,
RunType runs[kRectRegionRuns]);
// If the runs define a simple rect, return true and set bounds to that
// rect. If not, return false and ignore bounds.
static bool RunsAreARect(const SkRegion::RunType runs[], int count,
SkIRect* bounds);
* If the last arg is null, just return if the result is non-empty,
* else store the result in the last arg.
static bool Oper(const SkRegion&, const SkRegion&, SkRegion::Op, SkRegion*);
friend struct RunHead;
friend class Iterator;
friend class Spanerator;
friend class SkRgnBuilder;
friend class SkFlatRegion;