mtklein 2766c00fc0 remove SkInstCnt
It's been outclassed by Valgrind and leak sanitizer,
and it seems to be causing problems for external folks building Skia.

I'm not sure why our own builds seem unaffected.

Latest thread:!topic/skia-discuss/oj9FsQwwSF0


Review URL:
2015-06-26 11:45:03 -07:00

114 lines
4.0 KiB

* Copyright 2008 The Android Open Source Project
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef SkMallocPixelRef_DEFINED
#define SkMallocPixelRef_DEFINED
#include "SkPixelRef.h"
/** We explicitly use the same allocator for our pixels that SkMask does,
so that we can freely assign memory allocated by one class to the other.
class SK_API SkMallocPixelRef : public SkPixelRef {
* Return a new SkMallocPixelRef with the provided pixel storage, rowBytes,
* and optional colortable. The caller is responsible for managing the
* lifetime of the pixel storage buffer, as this pixelref will not try
* to delete it.
* The pixelref will ref() the colortable (if not NULL).
* Returns NULL on failure.
static SkMallocPixelRef* NewDirect(const SkImageInfo&, void* addr,
size_t rowBytes, SkColorTable*);
* Return a new SkMallocPixelRef, automatically allocating storage for the
* pixels. If rowBytes are 0, an optimal value will be chosen automatically.
* If rowBytes is > 0, then it will be respected, or NULL will be returned
* if rowBytes is invalid for the specified info.
* This pixelref will ref() the specified colortable (if not NULL).
* Returns NULL on failure.
static SkMallocPixelRef* NewAllocate(const SkImageInfo& info,
size_t rowBytes, SkColorTable*);
* Return a new SkMallocPixelRef with the provided pixel storage,
* rowBytes, and optional colortable. On destruction, ReleaseProc
* will be called.
* This pixelref will ref() the specified colortable (if not NULL).
* If ReleaseProc is NULL, the pixels will never be released. This
* can be useful if the pixels were stack allocated. However, such an
* SkMallocPixelRef must not live beyond its pixels (e.g. by copying
* an SkBitmap pointing to it, or drawing to an SkPicture).
* Returns NULL on failure.
typedef void (*ReleaseProc)(void* addr, void* context);
static SkMallocPixelRef* NewWithProc(const SkImageInfo& info,
size_t rowBytes, SkColorTable*,
void* addr, ReleaseProc proc,
void* context);
* Return a new SkMallocPixelRef that will use the provided
* SkData, rowBytes, and optional colortable as pixel storage.
* The SkData will be ref()ed and on destruction of the PielRef,
* the SkData will be unref()ed.
* This pixelref will ref() the specified colortable (if not NULL).
* Returns NULL on failure.
static SkMallocPixelRef* NewWithData(const SkImageInfo& info,
size_t rowBytes,
SkColorTable* ctable,
SkData* data);
void* getAddr() const { return fStorage; }
class PRFactory : public SkPixelRefFactory {
virtual SkPixelRef* create(const SkImageInfo&,
size_t rowBytes,
SkColorTable*) override;
// The ownPixels version of this constructor is deprecated.
SkMallocPixelRef(const SkImageInfo&, void* addr, size_t rb, SkColorTable*,
bool ownPixels);
virtual ~SkMallocPixelRef();
bool onNewLockPixels(LockRec*) override;
void onUnlockPixels() override;
size_t getAllocatedSizeInBytes() const override;
void* fStorage;
SkColorTable* fCTable;
size_t fRB;
ReleaseProc fReleaseProc;
void* fReleaseProcContext;
SkMallocPixelRef(const SkImageInfo&, void* addr, size_t rb, SkColorTable*,
ReleaseProc proc, void* context);
typedef SkPixelRef INHERITED;